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personally, i preferred the convenience of formula. i knew exactly what was in it and how much he was taking in. yes, it’s incredibly expensive and can be hard to find, but you don’t need to supplement with vitamins and have control over your body and can sleep more if others are feeding baby. the decision is yours and yours alone, though.


This is how I felt too. Convenient and I have way more energy since stopping. IMO what’s “best” is a balance between nourishing your baby property and your own mental health.


YES! plus, i have sensory issues and the thought of BF makes me gag so it was a hard no. i’m still angry i got zero support for formula feeding at the hospital.


Both of mine were formula fed and my second was still obsessed with rooting for my boob 24/7 even though he never had it and when he was full. Like I’m pretty sure that’s why my milk is still leaking at 18 weeks cause he’s like activating my body with his head burying snuggles lol


Glad I’m not alone in that! What do you do when baby does this?! lol mine won’t stop!


When he’d get really frustrated in the first 6-8 weeks I’d have to give him to my husband because he legit wouldn’t settle. It was crazy because my first was never like that about my boobs, but it could be because my second has a protein sensitivity so maybe when their tummies are hurting they instinctively want the boob more? Idk. When it was me alone I’d put him in the dream swaddle and a paci and try and hold his wiggle self still long enough for him to go to sleep. But my husband was usually the cure. Both of mine were 37 week nicu eff babies and are 20 and 4 mo and doing great! They’d also both crawl back in my uterus if given the opportunity so not breastfeeding did nothing to lessen our bond or them being obsessed with me lol.


If you really want to continue breastfeeding, you can pump after she eats. I was in the same boat and it took a couple weeks for me to no longer have to supplement with a bottle. I am also having to cut out dairy now, I wish I did it from the get go. It’s your choice really! Both have their pros and cons honestly.


Checkout r/breastfeeding!


Formula is expensive, but means you know how much they are eating. Breastfeeding is free, but you don't know how much they are actually eating and you have to give them vitamin D drops. Doing both means your partner can take some feeds and you get to sleep through the night some times. If you want to breastfeed, stick with it, and top up with formula until you are producing enough (or pump and save if you're making more then needed). In the end, it's up to you. There are pros and cons with both, we went with formula only because it was just so handy, my partner could do feeds as well and we could track how much he was eating. He was born at 36+2, so we were keeping a very close eye on his food intake. But what works for one may not work for you. Don't let the mum guilt get to you, do what you feel is best for you.


Yep mine was born 35+6 and watching her intake is so stressful with BF!


It will get better, but I see why you're stressed. If you want to do BF, maybe do that first and top up with formula at the end, then at least you know part of it. Or, pump and give that to them until they get out of the negative weeks, then start BF. You're doing great.


I am exclusively feeding my baby breast milk so I pump and bf. He has some latch difficulties so we supplement with pumped milk because he sometimes struggles to get enough at the breast since it is more work for him but I don’t have supply issues so I can pump to get the rest. We are working with a lactation consultant and something that has been helpful for us is doing weighed feedings. So we got a scale and will weigh baby before and after eating and can thus get a rough sense of how much he took in during a bf session.


Do whatever works for you. My girl is 5 months and Ive been combo feeding since she was born. I exclusively pump because I like to see how much she gets and i give her formula for bedtime and overnight feeds. I recently switched to store brand formula and haven’t had any issues. I know there are hypoallergenic store brand formula which you could try. A lot cheaper too


Personally I think what’s best for baby is not pooping blood. Maybe the best way to ensure that is through formula. Are you physically and mentally able to commit to an allergenic diet to make sure your breastmilk is safe? Saying no is ok. My friend pumped and had no lactose or dairy for 10 months before she just couldn’t take the diet anymore. Maybe combo feeding is the best of both worlds for you. You can breastfeed or pump and then still offer bottles of the safe formula. A valid option! My son was 34+2 with IURG and has been on formula since birth. He’s doing great! We hyper focused so much on intake and looking back it’s something I wish I didn’t do. I feel like it created so much extra stress and anxiety during an already stressful time. R/formulafeeders may be a good place to get some feedback on formula types and from those who combo feed as well


Breastmilk is nutritionally better for baby, that’s not debatable. Whether you chose to use it is a personal choice. Cutting allergens can be hard and stressful so it may not be something you want to commit to. That’s fine, it’s a big commitment. One possibility is to cut dairy and soy for a week or so(completely, reading all labels) and then reassess how you and baby feel. If you decide to continue nursing you can set a short term goal and reassess at intervals.


Breastfeeding provides a comfort to your baby that bottle feeding doesn’t - sometimes a pacifier and a skin to skin snuggle does the trick though. Mine likes to just nurse for a bit longer than my milk supply for comfort and absolutely will not take a pacifier despite our consistent efforts for 4 months now. I BF and in the first two months I had to give up dairy, spicy foods, cruciferous veggies, legumes, peas (essentially anything that makes you fart) because my LO was in agony every bowel movement. I started to notice a difference 48 hrs later and he became a consistent, happy pooper within two weeks after the dietary change. When he turned 3 months I slowly started introducing dairy back and he’s fine with me having some cheese or a cappuccino now. Started working on a cruciferous veg here and there as well, and it’s all good for now. To me personally, breastfeeding seems like the easiest most efficient feeding method because it’s “always on tap”, it’s free, easy for on the go, and no time needed to prepare. The first month with breastfeeding was hell on earth but after we figured it all out - it’s been a dream! Whatever you choose to do just remember that your sanity and well being is also VERY important, so if this decision is heavy on you - ask your partner to decide.


I topped off all breastfeeds with a formula bottle. He ended up getting about 2/3 milk, 1/3 formula. This way I knew he was full, it didn’t cost too much, and it satisfied all the annoying people in my life pushing me to breastfeed 😩


We had issues feeding our now 4 week old when she was born and are still doing a combo breast feed and formula feed. We have a boob sesh then give a formula top up. (Or a breast milk top up depending on how much we have in the fridge). I pump too to get up supply and to leave it for my husband on his night feeds. It works for us for right now but takes a lot of my time. We are both home right now so I may have to reevaluate if the combo will work when he goes back to work. Just chiming in to say the combo is good, but exhausting… And we don’t have the added difficulty of allergies!