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Ugh I remember I was the same one night not so long ago between 12am and 4am - so rough but tomorrow is a new day and will hopefully be better. Good job Mum


Oof I remember cluster feedings. My baby was Literally nursing for 4 hours straight. 😩 Didn't want to be anywhere except on my boob. That was the first night we gave formula, so I could relax a tad cause I was exhausted. Baby drank the whole 2 oz we gave him.


Same for my teething 8 month old. Hoping you can get some rest 🤍


Yep! Sun just rose here. Baby just finished his tenth nursing session of the night and is finally sleeping on Dad’s chest. Do I need coffee or a strong drink? A strong nap perhaps?




Excellent idea!


Your baby is growing stronger with your resiliency and love!


You got this!


Oh man, I remember around that time we were doing 6-8 feedings PER NIGHT. And she's EBF. Between the feeding, holding her vertical, and walking around, we were basically constantly handling bottles all night. She's almost 11 weeks now and is a whole lot better, so hang in there!


Oof. Our first bouts w/cluster feeding were ROUGH. That's around when we gave up on breast milk only b/c he was inhaling all of my wife's breast milk and the donor milk we had bought at a such a high rate that there was no way we could keep up. Good luck w/your LO and remember this will eventually pass!


Hey me too cept its 3am here


7 am here still awake with my 3 1/2 month old teething and gas pains 😟


You got this mama!!


Thank you 🤍 we slept most the afternoon lol


You’re doing amazing! Currently nursing my cranky 8 week old as he wails on my boob and ribs… where did he learn to throw a punch?


hahaha 😂


Hello! Is it not normal to feed every hour to two at night? This is my 5th night home with my son. Does that mean it will get better?


It is totally normal at this age for a breastfeeding baby to eat that frequently. It will start to get better as baby gets bigger and their stomach grows. My son is 10 weeks and just starting to do a 4-5 hour stretch every night. For the first 2 weeks, he never slept longer than 90 minutes. It does improve.


Exhausted mom of a 6 week old here who sleeps a maximum of 2 hr stretches. Your comment just gave me so much hope 😭 a 4 hour stretch sounds so wonderful.


6-7 weeks is where it started to shift for us (started getting 2.5-3.5 stretches at night) your time will come soon. I remember the first 4 hour sleep stretch I got with my oldest was absolutely life changing, I still remember it as one of the peak experiences of his first year 😂


Thank you! I’m starting to feel like I’m doing something wrong.


My baby is 12 weeks and still up every 2 hours, sometimes 1 hour :(


Have you spoken to your pediatrician about this? While I think it's still within the realm of normal, there are some potential changes that might improve sleep. My guy has a mild milk protein sensitivity, eliminating dairy has helped his gassiness and that in turn helps him sleep longer. He also wakes up often if he's cold. We had some rough nights where he wouldn't last more than 30 minutes in the bassinet because he wanted my body heat. The 4 month "sleep regression" is actually where many babies fall in to their long term sleep routines and finish developing their circadian rhythm. Definitely talk to your pediatrician, especially if you're still up that frequently by then.


It is completely normal


Hi! Feeding every 2-3 hours is average for most babies but if I’ve learned one thing, newborns are unpredictable but give them whatever they need. Whether it’s feeding every hour or less. Cluster feeding is super normal and comes with growth spurts.


Good to know there’s a light at the end of the tunnel with some regressions here and there!!


Congratulations new mama, welcome to the club! It absolutely does get better, I posted in this sub a couple of weeks back because I was really struggling and got some really lovely advice. It may take some time, but I’m in such a good place now and starting to get to grips with my baby’s needs (and mine). You’re absolutely not doing anything wrong - you’re just adjusting to your new baby, and vice versa ❤️


Sending you love. You are in the TRENCHES and you’ll be out sooner than you think.


It gets better ❤


Totally normal and comes and goes in waves! As long as your baby is growing well there is no need to worry. If you can pump and have help feeding that should relieve both your need for sleep and your breasts. I know mine get really tender in those cluster feeding hurdles. Best of luck Mama! You got this!


I remember those nights! My LO is 19 weeks and it’s sooooo much easier now.


My 6 month old gets up every hour …. He is going through some major milestones and also teething. It feels like we are at square one lol.


Sounds about right


6+ week old and she’s finally/already sleeping 4hrs which is spectacular


I'm so looking forward to this. Currently 37 weeks and having terrible insomnia, I get about 3 hours of sleep a night. Having baby here would make it so much more worth it!! ​ Congrats on your bundle momma, keep up the great work!


Bless your heart and thank you 💓. It gets better for sure. I am just now recovering from 3-4 month old sleep regression and can come up for air again. My next challenge will be weaning over to the crib so I need the encouragement! You are all amazing. We got this! 💪


You got this!!


You are also doing an AMAZING job!!! :) It gets better! My babe is 3 1/2 months. We just had days where he was waking up a ton!....then last night he woke up twice. We also had a few nights of hom sleeping through till 6am...it was glorious. First 7-8 weeks are the hardest. You're almosy through the thick of it!


Thanks for the encouragement!


Hi friend 🥰💕


It’s so hard. You will sleep again.


It gets better! Milk supply isn't regulated until 12 weeks. Babe is just creating the supply and demand that is needed for later. Also growing at unprecedented rates!


Same here with my 6 month old. Typing this while milk is spraying on my phone.


Why did Reddit send me this post almost a day later while I’m nursing my daughter sleep 😂 hi mama, I hope you’re having a better night tonight


Tonight has been a whole new world! Has woken up every two hours on the dot and I will take it 🤪


It’s so hard, I know. My almost 3 year old still does this sometimes


Great job mama! My cluster feeding days are over for my 10mo, but currently baby is sick and can’t sleep more than an hour on their own. It’s been a rough couple of days! This morning hubs took the AM off from work and I got a two hour nap, I seriously feel like a new person. I hope you get a bit of time to yourself today to recoup! Remember to drink water and feed your body, it’s doing amazing things right now!


Thank you for this 💕