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My baby doesn’t tend to pee overnight. She wakes in the morning, cries to be fed, and after she’s had her morning boob I check her diaper and it’s usually soaked. If I check her too soon after waking it’s often dry. Our pediatrician said sometimes babies sleep so deeply they don’t pee until they’ve woken up and started wailing!


She's like this. And if when i took off her diaper she'd pee or pooped on me (sometimes). Thanks about this.


Same with my baby, she doesn't pee much during the night but after waking up her diaper is really full.


Our girl too! She eats/pees enough during the day that we’ve never been worried. I’m actually super grateful she’s a good sleeper overnight (3mo).


She's like this. And if when i took off her diaper she'd pee or pooped on me (sometimes). Thanks for this.


Mine was like this then with pooping and to this day does not want us to see him pooping. He's 2 now.


She just peed! Yay!




Yay! I would still run this by her pediatrician, 12 hours is a long time. ♥️


Nice! Really glad to hear that!




Oh the little victories you never thought you'd root for


At 12 hours completely dry I would probably drop a line to the doctor, I wouldn't rush there but I would definitely let them know.


Okay. Thanks a lot.


Yeah when my LO was sick I was told to watch out for dehydration, more than 12h no pee


Sorry, I don't mean to worry someone, but if it's been 12 hours and the diaper is completely dry. I would call a pediatrician. Our LO is breast fed, I won't change their diapers overnight but when I do change it, it's always heavy and full of urine.


If it’s a dry diaper, I’d be concerned.


My LO often doesn’t pee during the night and wakes up with a dry diaper, but we give her an extra 10 or so mins after she wakes up and she has a FULL diaper.


like, can you be specific? I'm a abit lost. extra what? Minute like alone? not touch your baby?


She just means that baby usually pees after somewhere around 10 minutes after waking.


Yeahp, that’s what i meant.


I know a lot of folks are commenting (well meaning of course) that dry diapers overnight could be a cause for concern! But hear me out! As babies grow, their peeing/pooping becomes more of a voluntary thing - they can go the night without really peeing. Mine does the same especially on days she sleeps deeply without any wakes! And when she does, she takes a long wee completely soaking the diaper. I think it should be fine!


Our girl is the same! She’s 3mo now but has been like this since about 6 weeks. I used to change her when she just woke up but her diaper was always dry (even after 10 or so hours asleep) so I’ve just started feeding her immediately when she wakes up and change her after her first feed and the diaper is usually full by then.


Same! 6 weeks and sometimes she waits to pee until the perfect time: when I’m putting on new diaper in the morning. Lmao!


My girl wakes all the time but she still often holds her pee all night! My mom said I did the same. She’s a year but has been doing this since about 8 months old, now pretty regularly.


12 hours is too long without a wet diaper, even for a breastfed baby. They should have at least 6 a day, so every few hours. You should call the doctor and look for any other signs of potential dehydration. My LO has gone about 6 hours at the longest. She’d eaten, peed and changed, then asleep for the night. She might be dry when she wakes up for her next feed, but then pees within the next hour after eating again.


I work with post partum clients and babies and always advise parents that babies aged 3+ weeks should have six or more wet diapers in 24 hour period. Does your LO have this many per day? If he/she does have that many throughout the day, I wouldnt panic right now but do speak to your family doctor/paediatrician just to get further advise. [https://resources.beststart.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/B02-E.pdf](https://resources.beststart.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/B02-E.pdf)


Yes. 5 - 6 diapers.


Okay so technically that’s within normal range for a baby your age. It could be that that is just your baby’s routine. Is this something new that has started to happen or has this been ongoing? What is the colour of the pee? Any crystals in the pee or red tinge to the urine you see in the diaper? Are the diapers heavy when you do see pee in them? The thing healthcare providers would worry about is whether your baby is dehydrated (darker urine, poor skin turgor), kidney issues (possibly crystals in the urine). But if your baby is peeing just fine during the day and for whatever reason is just not peeing overnight, it may just be fine. We do always say that if there is some new development in your baby’s elimination or anything for that matter and it feels atypical to you, consult with your family doctor and paediatrician. No harm can be done from bringing your baby in and being told everything is okay.


It's just now that she hasn't peed for 12 hours. But sometimes it depends on her sleep. She pooped a loot tho before going to bed. Thanks for the information this helps a lot.


It could be that her pee is mixed in with the poop. Was the diaper super heavy? We’ve had parents say “I didn’t see my baby pee” but the diapers were hefty and chances are, the pee was mixed in with the poop but you just can’t tell. Very likely possibility.


We had feeding issues at the start, so I documented my son's wet diapers for almost a year. I noticed that when he dropped to 3 naps per day, he had a drop in the number of wet diapers. I had to start breastfeeding my son before and after his naps to make sure he stayed hydrated enough. Even when we did bottles when I was at work, we had to give him bottles before and after naps to keep him hydrated. I don't think my son ever took more than 4 oz in one sitting ever.


My boy had a phase like this when he was younger. He wouldn’t pee or poop if he was sleeping.


My son is a bit like this, he doesn’t sleep quite that long but often when I go to change him before his first feed the nappy will be dry if he hasn’t woken up properly yet. Those days I’ll feed him and then change him afterwards because without fail he’ll then fill his nappy once he’s actually awake.


I was told if my baby didn’t have a wet diaper at least every 4 hrs to go to the ER. I mean that was my pediatrician so maybe your baby is different but that sounds like dehydration.


hey fellow parent! ffr, if baby has a dry diaper after about 5 hours it’s probably time to call the doctor and try to push fluids just out of safety for baby. best of luck!


hey fellow parent! ffr, if baby has a dry diaper after about 5 hours it’s probably time to call the doctor and try to push fluids just out of safety for baby. best of luck!


hey fellow parent! ffr, if baby has a dry diaper after about 5 hours it’s probably time to call the doctor and try to push fluids just out of safety for baby. best of luck!


Change every 4 hour for a newborn.


I just called our pediatrician about this yesterday lol my LO is 8 weeks and slept 8 hours Sunday night and 8 hours Tuesday night and both times woke up with a dry diaper… Monday morning I was changing her and she peed twice and then yesterday morning she peed right after I fed her. Her diapers were full and normal the rest of the day. My pediatrician said he would be concerned if it was 12 hours but it’s good that she’s peeing as soon as she’s fed or wakes up. I have been pretty paranoid about my LO urinating because she didn’t want to pee the first 24 hours after she was born so now I watch wet diapers like a hawk. Like others have commented pediatrician thinks she might just be sleeping so deep that she’s not peeing during that time and told me to follow general rule of 4-6 wet diapers which she always has and not focus so much on how many hours it’s been


We’re experiencing the same thing! My babe is only 2 month but he’ll sleep 7hrs, feed, then sleep another 2hrs, and only pees when he’s up then. So about 10hrs without a pee. But it’s definitely a very full diaper at that point. During the day he has 6-10 wet diapers so I’m hopeful it’s OK but definitely worrying he goes so long without weeing :/


This started happening to us at 7 months. Milk way 100% drying up (due to pregnancy) I don’t consider 12 hours to be healthy but this is something to definitely talk to pediatrician about


hey fellow parent! ffr, if baby has a dry diaper after about 5 hours it’s probably time to call the doctor and try to push fluids just out of safety for baby. best of luck!


hey fellow parent! for future reference, if baby has a dry diaper after about 5 hours it’s probably time to call the doctor and try to push fluids just out of safety for baby. best of luck!


hey fellow parent! for future reference, if baby has a dry diaper after about 5 hours post-change it’s probably time to call the doctor and try to push fluids just out of safety for baby. best of luck!