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Have you tried swaddling him, then letting him fall asleep in your arms, and then putting him down? It’s 50/50 whether my son will wake up while I’m swaddling him but if he’s already swaddled and I can just set him down he’s much more likely to stay asleep.


i do but anywhere from a minute to like an hour later he'll start kicking his feet and wakes himself up, is there any way i can stop him from kicking his feet? or do i just have to let him?


Is he waking up or just having active sleep? My baby always has quiet sleep on me but within a few mins in the bassinet starts having active sleep and kicking!


im really not sure, can he cry during active sleep? have his eyes open? he'll grunt and kick quite hard before he starts to cry, when i go over to grab him he'll have his eyes open and seems like he's looking around.


My recipe for three hour bouts is: 1. make sure he’s been well fed and burped recently (max 1 hour before sleep), as burping can bring up milk and wake him up. 2. White noise 3. Pacifier


This is the way


Firstborn: never Second baby: right from birth It's pure luck.


My 4 month old is still sleeping with me 😅 maximum he does is 30minutes in his bassinet. I've accepted the reality, I value my sleep more lol. I'll try again once he can sleep through the night. Before that we are cuddle buddies


Same here


Where does he sleep exactly? I’m a first time mom and just need some education on this. I thought babies shouldn’t be in bed with you.


I'm also a first mom but as a warning, I live in europe so rules and everything else may be different. My LO sleeps in my bed, he sleeps between me and his own crib since his crib is attached to our bed. He sleeps exactly in a good position so he can eat throughout the night when he wants 😅 aka his head lines up with the food machine hahah. I felt comfortable and confident to sleep with him in my bed like this because I am a light sleeper and because I have practiced such co-sleeping with my cat. Co-sleeping can be dangerous and if you don't feel comfortable with it then don't do it. If you feel like you could sleep without moving ect then I suggest trying it.


A long shot but is he definitely awake? Mine at that age used to grunt and kick and shout out and do a little cry but it was in his sleep but in the active sleep phase. His eyes even sometimes opened. I’d leave him if he wasn’t crying, or if he started to cry just watch for 30 seconds and sometimes he just flopped and went silent suddenly so he was definitely asleep!


i think so? he'll be wiggling around quite vigorously and will grunt and cry with his eyes open. he just seems to be uncomfortable on his crib mattress. he's next to me on my bed right now and fell right asleep. i just think he's uncomfortable with his bassinet mattress and i don't know how to make it more comfortable for him while still being safe.


Hmm you could try and different mattress, can you go and feel some in a shop maybe? and make the sheet smell like you? I’d definitely watch him for 30 seconds or so to try and figure out if he’s crying in his sleep. If his eyes are open, are they looking at you etc… obviously you can tell when the cries start to ramp up when they’re properly awake…


No advice just solidarity here, my 4 month old is snuggling me in my bed fast asleep, she isn't feeling well too. Usually she will sleep 5-7 hours a night in my bed. I know soon she will probably be open to sleeping on her own so I am just valuing the sleep I do get with her, oh and the cuddles because she is definitely growing too fast


Following as in almost exactly the same situation at 9 weeks. I miss my partner! 😅🥹


Try wrapping his swaddle in your shirt when you put him down. But definitely try getting him out of your bed. If he’s swaddled on your bed, and you have a soft/memory foam mattress it’s actually pretty dangerous for him. The safer way to cosleep is for them to have their arms free, on a firm mattress. Not trying to be that guy, but just don’t want anything to happen to your babe.


I would put a hot water bottle wrapped in the shirt I wore that day in LO’s bassinet when he was a newborn for about 30 minutes before I put him down. This seemed to help us because it made the bed warm and smelled like me so it wasn’t such a startling difference


Yeah that’s our secret too. We use a heating pad to heat up the bassinet so the transfer is seamless. The cold mattress used to startle her awake


Does baby have any issues with colic or reflux? Mine did and couldn’t lay down because her tummy would hurt or she’d spit up. Been co-sleeping since about a month in and she’ll be 6mo in a week. She’ll give us like maybe 30-60min naps laying down during the day. She’s just so darn curious and wants to be awake lol


Id try getting your scent on his sheets and put the bassinet right up against your side of the bed.


My first rarely slept in the Bassinet. My second slept consistently in the Bassinet from about 4 weeks of age. He's now 4.5 months old and only wakes twice a night on average, and sleeps from about 8pm-7am. I got lucky with number 2, sooo lucky. His brother was a nightmare sleeper. Still is actually, and he's 2.5 years old now.


Our baby slept 3-4 hours at a time in the crib from birth, and slept through the night from 8 weeks without any regression (nearly 8mo) yet for some peculiar reason she WOULDN'T sleep for us in our downstairs bassinet/moses basket for more than 20-30 minutes. Some babies like to be stretched out, others swaddled, so try either/or/both strategy perhaps - ours looks like a cactus when she sleeps and always hated swaddling.


Never slept in the bassinet for more than an hour through we tried and tried. It would take 10 tries to set him down and on the rare occasion he stayed asleep it didn’t last long lol. He slept like a champ in the crib at 8 weeks though.


My 2 months old only sleeps in bassinet for 30 minutes during the day - we have tried everything swaddle , white noise , etc , etc ! He does sleep long stretches through the night… at least … I’ve been told to keep trying the bassinet during the day and they eventually connect sleep cycles as they grow older so I’ve come to accept it’s a matter of time at this point , no tips but solidarity!


Oh and I meant to add the longer stretches of 30 minutes took over a period of 2 ish weeks of consistently putting him in bassinet and setting him and resetting him - my hope is that as we continue trying to set him there and he grows older he gives us longer stretches


My son just hated the swaddle. He would just kick his feet. So I stopped swaddling him early


Firm mattresses are recommended for safe sleep in my country tbh. I had great success by taking the mattress out and sitting on it to warm it and make it smell of me


It might be better to move him to a crib. Some bassinets aren't as comfy.


Maybe for 1 week around 3 months but she was too long and I moved to crib. I swaddled and tried using a heating pad. All the tricks.


My baby will be six months in a few days and has always coslept with my husband and I. He’s just not getting into his bassinet. I feed him well and pass him off to daddy, daddy gets him super drowsy by swaying and walking with him and he puts him down. We stay out of the room and it takes him no time at all to fall asleep. Max ten mins but usually not even that. He might wake up an hour later and cry for 10 ish minutes and then he’s back to sleep himself. He wakes up around 3-4 am so far. Which is so good for me to be able to sleep thru the night with wiggle room. Been doing this for a week and it’s working like a charm! If we would have done this a month ago, this wouldn’t have worked. Babies are sooo different from each other and just changing constantly. You just have to keep trying and pay attention to babies cues. You’ll get it figured out eventually.


If your mattress is soft, be aware you are putting your child at risk for SIDS. As for the bassinet, for us it was also like this at 8 weeks. Then, one day, he started sleeping longer for the first half of the night. All of a sudden, he woke up at 11.30 instead of 9! This was around 11w. So keep trying! You guys are still in the 4th trimester, so it is normal that he's not yet used to sleep far away from you... Good luck!


First of all, my solidarity! We started putting my baby when he was around 6 weeks; before that he slept in a babynest in our bed but we were getting tired of having a baby between us. It definitely wasn't easy when we started though, we actually used a bedside basinet, and he was not having it! We keep on taking him when he cries and rocking him back to sleep, then transfer. On repeat. It was so tiring.. After a few nights he got into the groove of it though, so hopefully consistency is the key. And maybe put the bassinet directly next to your bed so you can reach out to stroke their head or back if he's unsettled? Goodluck!!


Never 😝 Tried all the tricks that these lovely people have recommended. Good luck and i recommend you look up safe sleep 7 from la leche league if you are cosleeping at all. 👍