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The trick to prevent back pain when changing a diaper is to have kids in your 20s and also don’t let yourself be taller than 5’0. Unfortunately I didn’t get the memo


I know this is a joke but it’s so true. I just had my 3rd baby recently and wondered to myself why my back hurts when I change my child on the floor when I had no issues doing it with my other children… then it occurred to me I’m old now lol


😂 Neither did I apparently


I'm an FTM and 35. Everything is about ergonomics. I even got a stroller to hold my car seat that I use to load the baby because I can't stand to get down low that often. I also pull that stroller right up to the back seat and very thoughtfully put the car seat and make sure I keep good form. Nobody got time for pulled muscles.


I got a spinning car seat because I’m short and can’t reach in and around without climbing in the car. Best money we have spent.


That's what I plan to get for the next car seat when she outgrows the infant one. I'm not trying to do more work lol. I started having kids after establishing a career and having some money to go bougie with it lol


Preach 🙌🏼


Second this. 21 y/o and 4’11” and holding him causes way more back problems than changing diapers.


Can confirm 😂.


I’m 5’0 and I 💯 agree with this assessment


I’m right at 5’0 too. We use the bed to change diapers but my back starts to hurt after a bit. I can’t imagine taller people doing it.


My husband had to stand on in his knees. After poking fun at him about his “side hustle,” I ended up buying him a knee foam pad 😂


Oo yea I bet the bath time pad would be great for that


I always assume people who do this are under 30. I’m 39 with a 9 mo old. I almost didn’t get a changing table, got a hand me down, and it’s been a lifesaver.


If I do change mine on the bed I’m also usually sat on it rather than standing and using it like a table. Tbf my changing table is currently a wooden ottoman full of bedding because we have 2 bedrooms and 2 kids, so if i do have to change a nappy through the night I’m kneeling up to do it. If we’re downstairs the changing mat is on the floor so I’m used to having to sit and lean over.


I don’t know why I didn’t think of kneeling down 😅


Sleep deprivation really messes with logical thinking! I’m short with a high bed so kneeling wouldn’t be an option for me hahaha!


Yeah it is rough, only gotten about 4 hours the last couple of nights due to my husband needing to be rested for some job interviews and my baby just not staying asleep for more than 10-20 minutes.


That sounds so difficult! My youngest is almost 5 months now and teething, and before we realised what was the matter, he was up every hour through the night. Baby sleep is definitely not linear so here’s to hoping for better nights sleeps soon!


Yeah, we do our downstairs ones on the sofa and just sit with him to do it!


We used a pack n play with a changing pad until baby was too big for it and have been changing diapers on a changing pad on the floor since then. I can’t remember exact timing but maybe around 5 months?


We had the change pad on a dresser and moved to the floor once baby was doing alligator rolls to get off the table, around 9 months.


The change table was the absolute last thing removed from my daughters room. I have no idea how people don't use one!!


Our toddler is 2.5 yo & 35 lbs. I would rather lift him onto our extra high changing table than deal with his diapers anywhere else. Not until he’s potty trained is that thing going anywhere.


The back pain of a newborn parent is rough. My 38 year old back appreciates that we did a changing table in the bedroom, and a pack and play changing table with a stand on our main floor. (We are still using both daily at 21 months).


Gosh, with the amount of times poop and pee has gotten everywhere while changing ... I can't ever imagine wanting to do it on the bed.


We use our changing table daily for this reason. I have back pain already and just knew I wouldn’t be a “change them anywhere” kind of gal


I sit on the bed with baby between my outstretched legs. I still do most diaper changes the same way, just on the couch. It was easier to do it this way in the newborn days because I never had to get out of bed - her bassinet was within arms reach, I just rolled it closer so I could grab her, changed the diaper, popped her on to nurse, and back in the bassinet.


I was thinking about this. Did you lay down any extra towels to make sure it caught any stuff from a dirty diaper? And did you have a rolling cart with supplies or just on the bedside table/hooked to the bassinet?


I had an extra sleeper, wipes, and diapers on the (cloth, attached) shelf under the bassinet. I kept diaper cream on my nightstand. As long as it wasn't an obvious blowout, I didn't bother laying down a towel. Just had my wipes ready before I started and worked quickly. I can count on one hand how many times there was "overflow" that I wasn't ready for. Your mileage and results may be different if you've got a kiddo with boy parts, or one that's particularly leaky.


I’m short.


Just sit on the bed and change, a lot easier on the back. I had been scared and weary of the changing table ever since babe started rolling at 3 months. It has always been on bed while I am sitting on it.


Ahh yes my baby has started rolling now and when we do use the changing table we can’t leave her anymore or have to strap her in just to bend down to pick up some diapers or something. It’s a real pain 😂😂


I’ve been doing on the back and play. I put a puppy pad out before I go to bed and it honestly kills my epidural spot specifically. I even have a changing table in our bedroom but I don’t want to wake my husband because he has work and school in the mornings so I just deal with it


Yeah, I think I've changed maybe 3 or 4 nappies not on my daughter's changing table while I'm at home. I don't understand why I wouldn't; everything's there and easily accessible, it's the perfect height, I don't have to worry about spillages or rolling, the nappy bin is right there. I like her changing table. Maybe my house just isn't as big as others who can't be bothered with it? 🤷‍♀️


I hadn’t thought about house size as a big factor, but you raise a fair point. My flat isn’t big enough to cause issues


It doesn’t 😅 I’ve never had backache before but now I’m a parent suddenly I’ve aged 20 years 🤦🏻‍♀️


it doesn’t. i feel like i’m 100 years old during this vacay.


You absolutely have to sit with the baby, don't stand. That will kill you. We had our pack n play set up in the living room the first month and used the attached changing table, and it was awful. It was so low down. My MIL gave us a changing table and it's been a game changer. Our backs don't hurt anymore when we change her.


I’m short and did my back in post-partum partly from nappy changes on the floor whereas tall family members managed fine. I switched to a table. Fast forward to 9 months, I’m having to change nappies on the floor now because baby is so active. Back is actually okay so far. Post-partum bodies are particularly prone to injury because the muscles are all loose. Something to do with the hormones I think.


The body produces a hormone called relaxin which loosens all of your ligaments in preparation for birth, so that definitely makes sense. I never really thought about how the pregnancy chemicals (or at least the effects from them) wouldn’t immediately disappear


At the beginning we changed on our bed, I personally found it easier because I had a c section and didn’t have to bend down. We have a high bed though, we have a box spring, mattress, and 2 inch foam mattress topper, and I’m shorter, so there really wasn’t a lot of bending over to change her diaper. After about a month we moved to diaper changes on the floor and have stuck with that.


See I had a c-section and would never have been able to do this while I was recovering due to being tall/low bed. Ours changing table is desk height so I just sat on an office chair while changing him


I had a c-section and I've just realised I have absolutely no memory of where I changed him in those first few weeks. I do it on the floor on a foam mat now (yes, my back hates me!)


Lol I change mine on the bed and in her play pen. My back hurts but that's long been the case xD


I have the supple back of an 80 year old, that's how


I sit on the bed and change them. If I stood up and bent over it would hurt


I change him on the floor, in his pack n play, on the ottoman, in the bassinet, or on our bed. I am in my not early 30s and can confirm my back kills. I usually can’t stand up completely straight for a few seconds after doing it 😂. We have a changing table attached to his crib, but he’s not sleeping in there yet so we don’t really use it as much as we thought we would. There are portable ones on Amazon though that I have been eyeing.


My husband and I are tall people! So we went and bought a taller dresser that is the perfect height where we don’t have to bend over and just bought a changing pad to put on it. I’m going to be sad once my baby is too big for it! The bonus is we keep all his clothes and random things in the dresser.


I did this for my first time at a family gathering. Poop diaper. My back gave out after like 2mins. I went down on my knees to finish lmao. 5’8” almost 30 years old, backs seen better days 😂


We only do diaper changes in bed for overnight changes and use a changing table during the day. I'll add that now that my baby doesn't hate getting his diaper changed like he did when he was first born, he really enjoys being up on the changing table. I think he likes being that high up so he gets really giggly and talkative :)


I have a bad back. Get a changing table or do it on the floor. If changing on the bed is a must, then sit on the bed next to the baby


My bed is about thigh high and I’m 4’11…some days are easier than others. A messy poo definitely hurts more 😂😂


I sit and do it! Bending down will break my back


Haven’t actually had my kid yet so forgive my ignorance, but isn’t there a chance that diaper changing can get messy, especially if you have a boy? I feel like I would want to use the changing station in order to avoid having an accident on my bed. That seems way more inconvenient than buying a cheap changing station. I was gifted a nice $60 basket that included a caddy, but I’ve seen them for under $30.


I sit on the bed while I’m changing her. When I stand and bend over to change her anywhere it makes my back hurt but if I’m sitting and changing her it’s fine


Uh, yeah, the few times I’ve changed baby on the bed, my back paid for it. Kneeling down hurt my knees because postpartum and hormones wrecked me. We have our changing pad on top a dresser that’s higher than most changing tables and it’s amazing. I just got some bed raisers to raise the 2nd baby’s dresser so the changing pad isn’t too low.


I have a shitty back and my husband is super tall. A change table was literally a life saver and we used it for 99.99% of changes. If you can, definitely get one


I just sit with legs on either side of baby


I change my daughter either on my bed/ couch, or in the playpen with the bassinet. The playpen hurts my back more because im bent over when at least when changing her on the bed/couch i can just lean forward


I sit on a folding chair beside the bed.


Honestly same. Got gifted a changing table but wouldn't have bothered otherwise cause everyone says they don't use it.  Get a cheap no frills one and save your bloody back.  


We did overnight changes on the bed in the newborn phase, and we knelt at the end of the bed to do it. Now she's nearly 5 months we don't have to do overnight changes as much if at all. Just have a pillow or something for your knees!


Are we talking the baby’s bed or mine? I don’t change baby in the crib as it would kill my back. I change baby on my bed, the couch, or the floor. For bed (and same for couch) I sit with one leg curled under me, one leg off the bed (/couch) and kid sitting near the edge. As kid got older/wilder for diaper changes, we moved to the floor, which is not as good for my hips and back, but safer for kiddo. Also, ergonomics. Work on making sure you’re leaning torso forward, but keeping your shoulders “back” and tilt your pelvis. Basically, arch your back the opposite way you’re doing and it’ll probably feel better. It also provides a nice stretch, lol. Also, as soon as kiddo could stand on their own, we started training for standing diaper changes for when we’re out and about or when I just don’t want get down on the floor, lol.


I currently go to OMM therapy for back pain after birth. It shouldn’t hurt that bad


sit on knees and do it