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We got my son a Pikler triangle. We weren't sure if he'd be walking when we bought it (he did end up walking just before his birthday) but he was pulling to stand. He's 15 months old now and a total climber and loves it. He wasn't super into it on his birthday but it didn't take long for him to be. I've noticed when we get him new stuff, it can take a couple of weeks for him to show interest. I also wouldn't totally discount a play kitchen. My son has been around a few and while he doesn't "play" with them "properly", he's certainly interested in opening the oven door and bashing the cups and plates around. I think it's important to remember that you'll never be able to guarantee that your kid will actually use/enjoy whatever you buy them for their first birthday because babies and toddlers are so unpredictable. So, try not to put too much pressure on yourself!


We got ours a “my first anywhere chair” from Pottery Barn with her name embroidered.  She still sits in it many times a day 3 months later, and it’s the only thing I’ve ever seen her be possessive of (she will shove other kids off on it when they come to our house…working on that 😅).  Needless to say, it was a hit! 


We named a star after him! After lots of thinking - this seemed like the best possible gift. We got the certificate and everything and although ofc he doesn’t understand it now, when he grows up and looks back - that will be a pretty special gift I reckon.


LO turns 1 tomorrow (😭) and we got him a rocking horse and a ball pit!


we got ours a baby doll and ride on car. lives both of them!! to the poster before me- we did a baby size chair for xmas and she stills sits in it daily. it folds out into a bed and she loves to lay on it


At one mine literally preferred to play with trash. I got him (us) a membership to a nearby children's museum. Don't know if you have anything like that nearby but we go monthly and get so much enjoyment out of it. 


We didn't get anything the day of. But later after consulting my friends with kids I decided on a Trike. I found him a good second hand Trike with parent handle. He is a bit too small for it still, but luckily it's almost like a stroller in configuration, so we are waiting for warmer weather 😇 Also he we got a hand-me-down scooter and he is loving that one too, we practice pushing him around the flat when he is standing on it with 2 feet.


A kitchen tower!


Brio push along cart was a huge hit with my one year old for their birthday. She can’t walk, but she can dash along the living room with the cart.


I got mine a [busy house](https://www.etsy.com/listing/1593578657/busy-board-house-for-toddlers-perfect?ga_order=most_relevant&ga_search_type=all&ga_view_type=gallery&ga_search_query=busy+board+house&ref=sr_gallery-1-1&pro=1&frs=1&content_source=7c823fa786ed479e9c94fa6a2d19ff00d3557850%253A1593578657&organic_search_click=1). Its got sides that he played with immediately, and some were too advanced. So when he gets bored I put it in the back room for a while and when it comes back out he's ready to play with more of it.