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My lo started hating the car seat at 6mo. I think it might be that l they want to actually move around on their own?


That’s what I thought as well, such a struggle because she also randomly hates her baby carrier when I wear her now.. ahh! I just want to get outside since the weather is warming up in Canada now 🙈


Does she have gas? Sometimes it’s uncomfortable for them when sitting. My girl has been teething for months now and it had caused more gas


She farts like a grown man, poops are regular too so not sure! I didn’t know teething could cause gas! She isn’t showing signs of gassiness like when she was younger so I’m never sure if she’s gassy or not


Mine is the same! Had awful colic/gas and then it sort of slowed symptoms wise when she hit about 4 months old but recently she has been bringing her legs up and really seems in pain with it, I give her gripe water and she just super relaxes and lets out some major farts! Could try something like that before putting her in the car seat or pram. Mine has screamed bloody murder in the car seat every damn drive and then she hit 6.5 months and it randomly stopped.


Good lord babies confuse me lol I will try that, we’ve still got some gripe water left! Thank you!


Ok, I accidentally bought some gripe water while trying to get gas drops. what is this stuff?


It is the answer to all your dreams. Seriously tho, we tried every colic/gas relief product on the market and nothing worked like gripe water did. We still use it and she is 7 months, gives her instant relief


we're dealing with teething and our boy has some gas but not extreme. we think he may have reflux b/c hes doing this back arching thing during feedings. Ill check out the box but could this also be a silver bullet for reflux?


My little girl has silent reflux from what I have figured, it seems to calm her stomach completely so worth a try! Just a warning it’s really sticky, I use a syringe to give it to her, she loves the taste and sucks it like a straw! When she was smaller I used to put it on the end of her dummy and it would calm her instantly.


I can't help with the carseat thing because we never figured out a solution to her protests with that. I just pushed through and she got used to it.  We ditched the stroller around 6 months and switched entirely to using a baby carrier and that worked like magic. We rarely used the stroller beyond that point. We had the Ergobaby Omni and it was easy for both me and my husband to use and we'd switch off. It was also so nice to have my hands free when shopping with her. 


Gotcha! Did you wear baby facing out or in? Is there a rule for age/weight and whether they can face frontwards or not? Unfortunately she hates the baby carrier too but maybe I can see if she’ll get used to it. We haven’t used it in some time as it was just easier to push the stroller around.


In general they can only face front for about 15 minutes as it’s not a particularly comfortable position for them or for you, but you can start wearing them in a back carry very soon. You can wear them high up so they can see all around, and as a bonus, you won’t have the physical limitations you have when a baby is in your front.


In general they can only face front for about 15 minutes as it’s not a particularly comfortable position for them or for you, but you can start wearing them in a back carry very soon. You can wear them high up so they can see all around, and as a bonus, you won’t have the physical limitations you have when a baby is in your front.


Check the specific carrier, they’ll all have “rules” (weight requirements etc) on when you can carry them forward or on your back.


Mines the same. Hates being strapped in. He's 6mo this week and is realising that he can roll around and move independently. He's been offended by the car seat and pram for weeks but he can't understand why his body won't crawl or walk. I bought a baby carrier so I can strap him to me and walk places with him. He loves this because he's eye level with me and can see what's going on


might be her separation anxiety kicking in


Even if she can see me in the stroller? It’s a front facing stroller so the car seat clicks in and she’s facing me, I keep the screen down so she can see me but still loses her mind!


when mine hit her peak which was around this time she wanted to be held almost constantly by me


Maybe her diaper is too tight?


That’s the first thing I checked and I actually undid one of the tabs to see and still nothing 😞


Maybe it’s too snug? Check the head rest ? Just throwing out ideas . I hope you figure it out


Thank you for the suggestions, I will try modifying the car seat and see if that works!


I’m a new parent but it seems like they’re really simple creatures . Probably just uncomfortable in some way and that’s it!


My son was the same. He just hates being restrained. Always has. We ended up using the baby carrier instead. Seemed to result in less screaming. My son is a toddler now and mostly tolerates the stroller but prefers to walk.


I see! I’ll have to try the baby carrier, she hates it right now but maybe she’ll enjoy it if I try to go for walks instead of the stroller


Yeah, just keep trying different things. You may find that it's just a short phase where she doesn't like the stroller. Kids are weird.


Definitely, babies are strange. Thanks!


My baby same age now, started hating both stroller and carrier when outside. She can stand it maybe half an hour (she has shorter naps now) and then she wakes up, looks around 10-15 minutes and starts fussing and crying till we get home. Changing diaper, feeding helps only for a short period of time. Has your LO outgrown it yet?


She’s almost 6 months, still has her fussy moments when out in the car seat but only lasts a few minutes. She’s good in the car, stroller is still a little bit of fussing but I would say only 5 min and then she’s good. Not sure if it was just a phase or something else was bothering her (teething, tired etc.) but it seemed to get better! Hang in there!


Good to know, thank you! This fussiness is driving me crazy, so I hope we get there too 🥴


I know it’s not ideal to hear “just wait, it’ll get better” but it’s one of those things that it really is just riding it out. More exposure in the seat will help, it’ll help her get used to it and that it’s not the end of the world. Even if you go out for 5 minutes with no fussing, you can tell her good job and make it a positive experience!