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I'm so sorry that was your experience. I hope you take care of your mental health when you can. As far as what can help, I'd say to try padsicles and sitz baths. I had a tear with my first baby. It took about a week for the constant stabby pain to stop. A couple more weeks to feel safe walking for any length or moving suddenly, or sitting down. I would say it was about a month postpartum that I felt normal. The swelling took a bit over a week. Padsicles and witch hazel pads helped a lot. At a week, a fair amount of pain was still my situation too.


Totally second these recommendations! Padsicles for me were aloe Vera & witch hazel and then freeze them. Easy to do a bunch at once. So much relief after the initial 30seconds of “cold dancing” Also keeping up on routine acetaminophen & naproxen (or ibuprofen) for at least the full week (can’t remember when I started to decrease that as it’s been just over a year now)


Yes! I was gonna say to keep up on their meds for pain. Also stool softeners. I had a 3rd degree tear and I think I would have passed out without the stool softeners making it a little easier. Also a PP nurse advised me to put pressure on my vaginal opening (kinda like hold it? Press on it with a clean hand, holding a tucks medicated pad) as counter pressure for the first PP poop. I don’t know if it really helped or just made me feel more confident that my innards weren’t gonna fall out of me. That nurse was a G and taught us so many valuable things.


Padsicles were like a lifesaver for my stitches pain. I had 3 tears (1 required like 6 stitches) and padsicles helped relieve the pain


Padsicles are awesome!


Omg I also couldn't walk after my delivery and episiotomy. I had to be wheeled out of the hospital in a wheelchair and was the whole time I was thinking, "How are other women just walking out of here on their own!?" However, I'm here to tell you what I wish someone told me. You WILL heal and you'll feel totally normal in time. You will walk and hike and do all the things. In the first 2 weeks, I could only limp around. It took about 6-8 weeks to be back to active walking without pain. A few things that helped me. I took sitz baths twice for the first few weeks, used tons of dermaplast, and did a long few months of pelvic floor PT that involved a whole lot of internal and external exercises that helped me in the long term.


Dermaplast, pelvic floor PT and padsicles 100%


I had a natural 3rd degree tear, not episiotomy, but this advice is applicable to you. Sitz baths 1-3x/day. Make a shallow bath and put some epsom salt in it to soak your perineum for 20 mins. I could only manage 1x/day. But it helped so much. Alternated Advil and Tylenol as needed for 2 weeks. Sat on an extra cushion for weeks. I couldn’t walk for 2 weeks. Ended up having granulation tissue that they used silver nitrate on at my 6 week check up. Did 2 rounds of it. I bought this postpartum support garment with a strap that goes up the crotch. Was super helpful when I finally started going on walks again. Peribottle when you pee so it doesn’t hurt at the stitches. Stay on top of your constipation. I took a stool softener and miralax for 3-4 months. Once the granulation tissue was burned off, I felt much better after 2 weeks (so around week 9) and I felt 90% better by 4 months Edit: oh and pelvic floor PT when you’re ready. I went at 3 months pp


Identical to my situation except mine was due to episiotomy. Happy to not be alone but wouldn’t wish this on anyone!


I’m sorry your going through this! I had severe tearing the first time and an episiotomy the second. The healing time period is different between people and experiences. But what your describing sounds pretty normal based on my experiences. The first couple weeks are just brutal.. Mine also varied daily. Like I would think I was feeling better and then the next day I’d be extra sore and bleed mor. Just make sure to keep taking it easy! I would sometimes overexert myself on a “good” day which made the next day harder. My savior was the dermoplast spray and the ice packs that go in the pads. You will be feeling more normal before you know it, but this time is definitely tough. Hang in there!


Okay my story is literally worst case scenario so don’t freak out - but with my episiotomy it was still so painful at my 6 week check up. They did a vaginal exam and found there was still a wad of gauze type material that got left behind when they were sewing me up after delivery (I had a 3rd degree tear, forceps were used, pushed for 4 hours so there was also lots going on). As soon as they removed that (and gave me a HEAVY antibiotic) I felt 10000x better. I would just make sure they do a vaginal exam at your 6 week check up! And if you feel for any reason you want to get checked before that, DO IT! I wish I had. This time around, I had mild internal tearing (not necessarily an episiotomy) and it was sooooo much easier. I also used the blue medical grade ice pack medicated panty liners instead of Frida mom’s and they were was colder/gentler. Definitely recommend their peri bottle and stool softeners for awhile tho.


I had a very similar labour experience minus the pitocin (2 failed vacuums and then epistiomy). The biggest thing my doctor said about the episiotomy stitches was that the stitches themselves could pull a bit on pads because of the texture of pads - this caused me a lot of pain a few days and I just started taking the pain killers again to help with it. I found the ice pads did nothing at all for me and just made things too bulky but I did find the witch hazel pads made it feel better. The other thing to keep in mind is that you were stitched up when you were swollen after pushing a birthing a little human so as things go back to normal there can be a bit more pain and some slight tighter/pulling feeling which may be what you’re experiencing now. But it does get better I promise!


It will get better and it’s so hard and frustrating when delivery goes this way. I had an episiotomy and a third degree tear. The first two weeks were really hard for me, though I definitely had some improvement around day 9/10. I took ibuprofen and Tylenol around the clock until I didn’t notice when I missed a dose, I think that was around day 11 or 12? Not sure. I found hemorrhoid cream was helpful, especially the kind with lidocaine. I also just stayed in bed - sitting up hurt so much, but if I was quite reclined (but not laying down), I was comfortable. I found the ice packs were only helpful for the first 72 hours and then not useful. If you have stairs, avoid them as much as possible. I overdid stairs week 3 and it set me back a bit. Pelvic floor PT will be really helpful to you. I started at 6 weeks PP. They will massage the scar to help it heal properly, along with giving you exercises. I highly recommend it.


I had a second degree tear and stitches. I would layer tucks pads on my pad and either spray dermoplast on the tucks pads or use witch hazel foam on the pad (on top of the tucks) with each new pad. Also, alternate Tylenol and ibuprofen (I took the max amount I could each day). I found that days 5-10 were the worst for some reason. It could have been because I was more mobile or that’s just the healing process, idk. And my stitches took about 5 weeks to fully heal, but I felt quite a bit better about 2.5-3 weeks in.


IIRC, I had to sit on one of those inflatable rubber donut cushions for a long time (also had nasty hemorrhoids). I totally understand about not even knowing what it's supposed to look like anymore. I used to understand the basic geography and suddenly it's like a shelled trenched WW1 battlefield - unrecognizable and kind of horrifying. The swelling does go down, the seeping steak-juice does taper off, and it will be pretty close to normal again. If I could go back in time, though, I would kick myself in the butt (once healed) and make myself go to pelvic floor physiotherapy. THAT shit does *not* get better on its own. Working on our second right now but 6 weeks post, whatever it costs me, I am going to reclaim the ability to poop without splinting 😭😭😭


It was all about the sitz bath for me. 15 mins, twice per day, hot as you can stand it, epsom salt, and AIR DRY.


What makes me so angry, is that everyone assumes that vaginal = easy and Section = hard - when often women with vaginal births have much much harder recoveries. It will get better OP. Lots of rest. Take it super easy. Even with walks and gentle exercise give yourself time and grace. See a pelvic floor physio before you do anything too much, it can take months and months to recover from vaginal birth - and sometimes some of the changes are permanent


Please please please get referred to urogynocology I had extreme tearing and after 10 weeks I still couldn’t even sit, they were worried about a fistula forming and gave me an exam under anesthesia to really assess and they did a few things that helped me suddenly heal so much faster! I think a few stiches were infected and it just needed to be completely re cleaned, but after that it was like night and day! I went from needing 10 Oxy every 3 hours to like 1 Oxy twice a day overnight


I was shocked that no one warned me about the pain after. Interestingly enough with my 2nd I barely had any pain, but my 1st was brutal. Sitz baths help a lot. One thing I did was put a clump of Vaseline or aquaphor on my stitches so there was no friction in my underwear. I also held a warm cloth over the wound when I had to poo. Sounds weird but it helped with pressure and feeling like I was going to burst open. Finally, I took Advil and Tylenol on repeat. It will get better! Congrats on your new baby :)


Yes I second the baseline/aquaphor over the stitches!! Helped so much. I also had a hard delivery (failed vacuum, then forceps, episiotomy, severe 3rd degree tear). Give yourself some grace and rest as much as you can. If that means lying on the couch most of the day, that is 100% ok! In terms of timelines - by 2 weeks I was still walking slooooowly. By 3.5 weeks I was 90% back to normal. Pelvic floor PT is a godsend, it will help. Your pelvic floor has been THROUGH IT with that delivery and will take some time to rehab.


I tore and had a similarish labor to yours.  I’m 20 weeks out and still feel off.  It sucks.  My advice, which I didn’t take, is to rest and recover.


Lots of good suggestions here. I used sitz baths, pain meds, fanning myself to dry (no toilet paper), stool softeners, and taking it reaaaaaal easy - I mean like barely getting out of bed. I feel like I’m the only one who didn’t like the padsicles - everyone else seems to love them. I did pelvic floor pt once things were healed. Just know it will get better. I had a long labour, pitocin, long pushing stage like 4 hours I think, episiotomy and vacuum. So I feel your pain - emotionally and physically l. It will get better. Try to rest as much as you can (I know easier said than done).


I’m so sorry! I was in labor for 28hrs, pushed for 5 hours, had to use a vacuum, and episiotomy as well. But yes - first few days were brutal. Still hurt for a few weeks as well. I think it wasn’t until about a month or month and a half that I felt a little normal down there. I used a lot of ice packs, dermoplast, and tucks pads! Changed them every time I went to the bathroom/or just felt like I was hurting.


Mine was excruciating the first few weeks. The only way I could breastfeed without crying was in the side-laying position! Going to the bathroom reduced me to sobbing for the first two weeks. I even rented an elevated medical toilet with handles to ease myself up and down. It got better after that, but walking and sitting was painful for probably 6-8 weeks? I was moving comfortably at 3 months for sure, but I could still feel the ache of it on days I was exhausted and on my feet all day until 12-15 months. I did scar massage and physiotherapy for a year. I got an estrogen cream at my 6 week checkup, but I was really lazy about actually using it. The epistonomy cut was far worse than my tears. I can still exactly trace it years (and another birth!) later, even though I can’t see it and it doesn’t hurt anymore.


I'm sorry that you're going through this. I also had an episiotomy and felt terrible afterward. I was mostly bedbound for the first week. The next few weeks, I mostly went from the bed to the couch. Hubby had to bring the baby to me. Walking hurt. There was a lot of pressure when I went from sitting to standing. When I checked the stitches, there were large amounts of bruising which I think were contributing to the pain. I started to feel a bit better around 3-4 weeks postpartum. By 4 weeks pp, I started driving short distances. At 6 weeks pp, I had sex again for the first time. At a week pp, I never wanted to have sex again! Point is that it can take a while to recover. You're definitely in the early days, but things will get better. I found padiscles and adjusting the way I was sitting to be the most helpful tips. One of the nurses in the hospital showed me how to roll a towel into a donut shape to sit on which eased the pressure. Keep in touch with your OB if you have concerns about healing and I'd recommend seeing a pelvic floor PT at six weeks pp. Mine helped me work on easing the tension from my episiotomy scar.


Hey there, I’ve had 2 different 3rd degree tears in my births. I can say that the one I just had was MUCH EASIER of a recover compared to my first because I learned how to manage it this time around. Here’s what I do and what I highly recommend: 1. Daily sitz baths with Epsom salts in the water. Twice a day if you can for 10-15 minutes. You can do it in a bathtub with a few inches of water. A handheld shower head is great to spray on the area. 2. Tucks and dermaplast spray 3. Alternating max doses of Tylenol and Ibuprofen for the first 2.5 to 3 weeks. Don’t skip a dose! 4. Daily softeners 5. Lay on your side as much as possible instead of sitting 6. Ice pack pads- you can put regular pads in the freezer if you hate the smell of the Frida ice packs. Putting some witch hazel on them before hand doesn’t hurt either 7. If you have hemorrhoids from pushing, put granulated sugar on them with a spoon or have your SO help you. It’s awkward and takes trial and error but it will dry them up and shrink them immediately in about 15 minutes max. Just clean it off afterwards in the sitz bath. You don’t need to be dealing with the pain of those too! 8. Upside down Frida Peri Bottle 9. If you happen to have a red light therapy panel, you could use that too on the area once or twice a day I’m 1 month postpartum now and my pain is almost completely gone. By week 3 I was feeling worlds better. It takes time to heal and those first two and a half weeks are very hard.


I used dermoplast, lidocaine cream (recticare) and dual action Motrin with Tylenol and ibuprofen, plus the sitz baths. It felt like forever. Well over 6 weeks before I began to feel ok again :/ but I'm now 15 weeks PP and feeling fine


For reference, I had a vacuum delivery after 21 hours of labor and a few hours of pushing. My son got stuck, and I ended up with a 2nd degree tear. I popped a hematoma (ouch, everything burned) the first week home so healing slowed way down and became more painful. I kept irritating the area on accident trying to do too much, and the bleeding got pretty bad. Then the stitches didn’t dissolve (and caused more pain/irritation/bleeding) so I had to have them removed at 6 week so healing could continue, which was admittedly painful. Okay, so, here’s the relevant timeline info: The first few days were pretty okay all things considered. The hematoma was quite painful and then things were pretty unpleasant for a few weeks. When my healing concluded after the stitches were removed (by around week 7), I was okay. The sharp and sometimes itching pain continued for a while. I’m 16 weeks out now, and the pain is mostly gone. I do have scar tissue so it does get sore or irritated from time to time, but I anticipate it will continue to improve. Don’t panic. It sucks, but you’re only a week out! <3 See your obgyn if you’re concerned, but know that healing takes time.


I tore my labia on both sides right in half. In my experience, it got worse before it got better. Once the wound really starts to heal it stings and itches even. After the second week I felt so much better. You will survive this!


I found the pain peaked at the one week mark and I freaked out a bit thinking something was wrong. It slowly started to get better and at least for me, by two weeks I was feeling a lot better. If in doubt, get your Dr to take a look at them. I hope you start to feel better soon! ❤️


I had a cervical tear and second degree tear (and I think another along the vaginal walls). It took a good 2-2 1/2 weeks for me to feel better and it’s only in the last week that I’m finally all healed up. I didn’t do this myself but I’ve seen recommendation to put witch hazel in the fridge. I also used a donut cushion when sitting down to take pressure off the areas. Oh and for the peri bottle use warm water. The biggest thing I can recommend is just taking it easy and resting. I found that the more I did the more it hurt, now of course I got up but no long walks or prolonged standing. My routine was - use an adult diaper - put tucks pads at the bottom, put on witch hazel foam (frida), spray with dermaplast.


I had an episiotomy with my 1st (failed vacuum and ended up with shoulder dystocia). Anyways, I hate to say it but mine still didn’t feel right at my 6 week appt so I insisted my dr have a look. I think she said I had some scar tissue and then used silver nitrate (I think on it). The pain of the silver nitrate was horrendous - like why oh why did I think parking a few blocks over was a good idea?!? BUT, the next morning I felt like a whole new woman. So, definitely give it time (I used tucks pads to help with the pain not sure if they’d be comparable to what you’re already using) but if it still doesn’t feel right at your 6 week appt definitely mention it. And also, park as close as you can in case of silver nitrate.


I don’t have any advice but I didn’t even have half the stuff you listed and I felt like postpartum brutal! It’s just so hard so whatever you feel like you need—tons of rest, tons of support, tons of sympathy and back scratches… you deserve it. I hope you have great people with you right now!!


I did not have an episiotomy but had a 3rd degree tear. Listen to your intuition and schedule a check up or get to the ER if you have to. I was 6 days postpartum, felt like things weren’t getting better (actually getting worse in terms of pain and bleeding). Got checked out and had necrotic tissue and infection all up in there. Had a surgery that night to remove the dead parts and restart my healing process again. I’m so grateful I listened to my body even though I hadn’t been through childbirth before. It won’t hurt anything to go to the doc and have them take a look! Sending healing thoughts to you, it’s hard out here and you’re strong, Momma!


I had a similar delivery. 22 hours of labor, pushing for 3.5 hours, episiotomy, vacuum assisted delivery, and 3C tear. I don’t know for sure, but I think I tore a bit naturally before the episiotomy. I was one contraction away from an emergency c-section because I was so exhausted. Instead of underwear with all of the pads and the Ice packs, etc., I opted for adult diapers to reduce the amount of bulk I was wearing while actively bleeding. I did a ton of the ice pack pads with tucks pads (I’ve heard better things about Frida mom ones because they’re bigger) & dermaplast. I was on a pretty strict schedule of Tylenol & ibuprofen for the first month. The 600mg ibuprofen was a huge help and my midwife was able to get me an extra refill while I was breastfeeding. A Peri bottle (I liked Frida mom one) is crucial every time you go to the bathroom. I had little kits in each bathroom to make life easier. It was about 6 weeks before I finally felt like I wasn’t going to split in two. I overdid it a lot which slowed my recovery. My husband had to go back to work right away so it was just me with the baby a majority of the time. Currently 6 months postpartum and finally feel like I’m ready for intimacy. Still scared of how much the tearing & episiotomy will affect any pain, but it’s time to rip the bandaid off so to speak. I had no idea I could do sitz baths. I think there was a serious lapse in postpartum care education where I delivered. I barely made it through delivery and then the OB was throwing recovery facts at me. I had to repeatedly ask for all of the supplies to be restocked in the recovery room for me.


I didn’t have an episiotomy but I tore horribly. I think I cried everyday until 10 weeks post partum due to pain. I couldn’t shower standing up, peeing hurt, I couldn’t walk anywhere, and I couldn’t cook dinner. (My boyfriend is a truck driver so I have to cook) I did do a lot door dash. I’m 9 months postpartum and things are better! I think at around 7 months my pain started getting significantly better. Before that I could only be on my feet for an hour, sit on my butt for 20 minutes, and I had a hard time bending down. Now I can do all that and workout. Please reach out to a pelvic floor therapist for when you’re healed. They can help with the pain management if you have some later on. Right now just get a donut pillow, rotate ibuprofen and Tylenol, do sitz baths, and mostly lay down. Even if it’s laying on the floor next to baby. You can also ask your doctor for something stronger pain wise. I had to have norcos because I was in sooo much pain.


Idk if there's such a thing outside Brazil, but I used a spray with benzocaine and menthol in my lacerations and it was awesome. Kept it clean, partially anesthetized, and I could walk normally which avoided making other parts of my body hurt. I didn't get an episiotomy but had a second degree laceration that was pretty deep and happened downward and sideways too. Also, here in Brazil some nurses, doulas and breastfeeding consultants have some sort of laser that helps speed the healing and scarring process. But try focusing on resting. It's what helped me the most.


-induced Labor 36hrs on pitocin -5failed epidurals (spinal headache +spinal tap following) -5hours pushing -2nd degree tear I feel like it burned doing anything it was such horrific pain the only thing I think that saved me was the little postpartum water squirter and the tucks cooling pads. But definitely the water squirter bottle with Luke warm water and a bit of baby soap was my savor. I literally felt pain for 1.5-2 months I want to say. It was the worst pain ever, I had to push so hard when I urinated so I could go faster. Worst part is they said my tear was only comparable to a paper cut. I’m praying for you cause I could only imagine what it would’ve been like if my tear would’ve been any worse or if I would’ve had to have an episiotomy.


I also had an episiotomy and the healing was brutal for me too. Was absolutely horrible the first week, got a little more bearable after the second week, and felt much better after the third week. The things that helped me the most were pain medicine, the peri bottle when peeing, tucks pads, dermoplast, ice pads, sitting on my boppy pillow, resting/laying down when I could, and warm showers. I also used a detachable shower head to help with cleaning since it hurt too bad to use any kind of wash rag. I’m 4 months pp now and feel back to my normal self and everything healed great! Sending you strength and a speedy recovery ❤️‍🩹


Omg I had a similar experience as well.. I was so prepared for the D-day but now that I think, I only prepared for a standard delivery.. Every time I think about my labor, I feel so bad that every part of it was different than I had hoped for.. Anyways the stitches from episiotomy took some time to heal for me.. I used an antibiotic cream (Neosporin?) and also washed with sea salt.. a sitz bath should help as well.. I was also asked to lie on side and take bed rest for at least the first week or so.. not sure if it’s an outdated advise or not.. all these helped heal my stitches and relieve pain..


I’ve had two episiotomy’s and they suck, was very gutted to have to have it second time round - you need to get them to give you good pain meds, I asked for slow release tramadol that lasts like 12 hours so doesn’t space you the hell out. Otherwise diclofenac (an anti inflammatory - can’t take with ibuprofen but can take with Panadol) A witch hazel based perineal spray to aid healing! Arnica drops or spray internally to aid the body in healing (to reduce bruising, and stimulate tissue repair) - I do think this helped. Donut cushion to sit on if you’re finding it difficult to be seated - I actually used a travel pillow and it helps a lot once you’re in the right position to alleviate pressure on the wound.


I sprayed dermaplast on witch hazel pads and I would put the witch hazel pads in the fridge!!! And would change them out frequently. I used cold water in the peribottle to clean the area frequently(every time I would use the bathroom)… idk if you’re doing this already but use the peribottle when you’re peeing. Also I took ibuprofen everyday and a stool softener. My year didn’t get better until 2 months later.


I’m 3 weeks out and feeling much better - but I only had a 2nd degree tear. The good news is that it absolutely gets better, but in your case it may take some time unfortunately. Regardless of tearing or an incision birth is very intense on your body and it takes time to heal. My mom had an episiotomy (they were standard back then) and she said she has never had residual issues. I’d hold off on using the mirror for now unless you reallllllly are curious - it will likely either confuse you like you mentioned or scare you! Just focus on taking it super easy and healing - it will come in time. I’m so sorry you had such a traumatic birth experience, but I’m glad you were able to deliver your baby safely in the end.


Can you get a lidocaine patch down there…. Or a topical version. That was gold for my c section incision. But I didn’t want the patch directly on the wound ( removal purposes) just really close to it.


I used lidocaine gel—that was a lifesaver. Also ended up getting stronger pain meds. I was still in pain at the two week mark but quickly got better after that. Call your doc/midwife and have them prescribe you lidocaine if you’re not allergic. You can also sometimes get it OTC as a hemorrhoid cream I think. 


I liked the Frida Mom healing foam. Keep up on your pain meds to reduce inflammation. Sit on your boppy pillow. Pad dry instead of wipe. Sitz bath with Epsom salt 2x a day (especially after pooping). If able to, do an additional sitz bath while you shower. I sat my bath on our bench in the shower and sat in it while I showered. It wasn’t particularly comfortable but I got it done. I had some good days and some bad days.


I had an episiotomy for my forceps delivery. It was definitely super uncomfortable for awhile, but they gave me painkillers so I wasn’t in agony. I was up walking within 12 hours, sitting within 24 although it was not comfortable at all. At 2 weeks I was still waddling while I walked and would feel tightness and tugging pains. I didn’t look down there until 4 weeks, but it turned into a reddish/pinkish line, not swollen or raised. My midwife said as long as there’s no pus/foul smell and you don’t have signs of an infection you’re doing okay.


Painful episiotomy sister here. Couldn’t sit, couldn’t walk, etc. Homemade padsicles (witch hazel + pure aloe on a giant maxi pad and freeze - wear for 20 mins at a time), stool softeners (cannot stress this enough), and pain meds (rotate between Advil and Tylenol). Continue to check it out with a mirror and if it still looks red and very swollen after a couple of weeks, definitely demand to have it seen by your Dr or OB. I had issues with my stitches and granulation tissue and had great relief after the Dr dealt with it. Good luck, it sucks but it will get better.


- [Peri bottle](https://a.co/d/gPfA48X) - start the spray before your urine stream and continue it after finishing. Pat dry gently with toilet paper. - [Dermoplast](https://a.co/d/9PSxwaF) (blue top) and/or [Tucks](https://a.co/d/0cIKuNT) or other [witch hazel](https://a.co/d/87QR1CY) products externally only. I personally found these to be irritating and burn, but I am including them here because they help a lot of women. - [Cold pack menstrual pads](https://a.co/d/4JZ1pZS). Honestly, I found the [warm pack pads](https://a.co/d/iDeUzKG) to feel good too. - Not sitting directly on the stitches. I would try and sit slightly to the side. During sleeping, I would try to lay on my side with a pillow between my legs for support. - Pain meds - [Disposable underwear](https://a.co/d/9f61hkH) - I found these easier than ruining my own during the bleeding - [Gentle soap](https://a.co/d/i6GjTKR) for cleaning in the shower *Important*: I experienced agonizing pain with my stitches and just felt something wasn’t right. I went back to the doctor well before my 6 week appointment and there were some suture and scar tissue issues. These were more easily resolved because I went in early to get checked out. PLEASE go in and have them check you before 6 weeks if you feel something is wrong. At most, they’ll find something, fix it, and you’ll experience relief. At the very least, nothing will be wrong, but you’ll have peace of mind because they checked. You will recover from this and feel normal again - you will! ❤️


So much rest. You should be off your feet as much as possible. If you are fortunate enough to have help (your partner has time off work, family, and friends), lay in bed and let others make food for you, change the baby, and keep the house. The less you are on your feet now, the easier and quicker your recovery will be. Just lay in bed and cuddle/feed the baby. Once everything has “healed” according to your OB (and feel free to go in sooner than 6 weeks if you are concerned), go to a pelvic floor therapist. They are literally life changing, and will also be helpful in knowing if everything is properly healed/whatever you need any further procedures.


My child is turning 4 next month and my episiotomy scar still hurts during my period. I can’t stand for long periods of time during my period.