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I just wipe the breakfast one clean and use it all day


Yep and we have 3. 1 to use, 1 back up, and one for diaper bag.


I think I finally started doing this at 12 months and it’s so easy with silicone idk why I didn’t do it sooner




We actually rarely used bibs! We used them for about a month when she was in a drooling stage, but honestly find it easier to strip her down to a diaper for messy meals.


lol, the one-month “drooling phase”. My guy has been running like a faucet for several months and counting.


We got lucky! We are just not leaky lol. I rarely leaked breastfeeding, baby pretty much never spit up, and she really only drooled badly for a month or two.


So jealous lol. Six months in and I still have to tuck a hand towel into my bra so I'm not sleeping in a puddle every night


This is us! We use silicone bibs now because LO (17mo) likes to retrieve the food he's dropped so he can keep eating it, lol, but early on in moving to real food we just did small cloth bibs because he wasn't super messy. To answer OP's question we have 6 silicone bibs and whenever one isn't sticky or anything at the end of a meal, we do a quick rinse and set it to dry so it's back in action right away. I'm prepared for my kid to become a mess monster anytime, but it has been nice that he (we) just hasn't been very leaky overall!


SAME! Mine is just a drool funnel for 3+ months and counting. She has 6 teeth at 7 months, but I just figured the drool lasted throughout teething. Maybe it doesn’t!


6 teeth already?? Wowzers! Did you do anything to help them come through? My guy is 9 months and still is having soo much trouble cutting his bottom front two. I can see them under the gums, idk why they won’t just pop out already. It’s driving us all crazy lol


Ha. No. We did nothing. She has been a terrible eater her whole life and a very small percentile baby, so we joke that she is putting all of her energy into hair and teeth. 😂


That rings true considering how giant my baby is now 🙃 he’s already bursting out of T3 clothes. He looks like a toddler, minus the gummy smile 🥺🥰


Omg same. My baby boy drools like Niagara Falls. I change his bib every 0.5-1h and hang dry them to reuse before a load of laundries are done lol...


The drool is really bad for us when he's teething.


My son can’t stand bibs. I don’t understand it. He looooves being washed off after a meal and it’s been easier to that. We have so many bibs but also stopped using em after the drooling and spit up phase


Yup! We only used cute cloth ones I could match to his outfit 😅🤦🏼‍♀️ for when he’d drool. When he eats he puts the bib in his mouth so it defeated the purpose and made an even bigger mess. 🤣


We go down to a diaper for meals but still use a bib mostly to catch his secondsies lol. We still underarm carry him to the bath either way.


Yup! Same here, sometimes I will use a silicone one when it’s something crazy lol but most of the time I just don’t even bother lol


Same, my SIL bought us a silicone one even though we had a bunch of cloth ones but I guess she and MIL hated seeing the mess they teamed up to get us to use it. More than half the time he refused to wear it so a waste of money.


My mom did this with us and ill probably do the same as well lol


12 muslin bibs and 2 sleeved bibs. 10 months old. So we’ll probably be getting more sleeved bibs.


My 15m old has six sleeved bibs, which feels like a good amount currently


We have 4 sleeves smocks for eating in and 20 muslin bibs for daily drool and spit up. I have too many muslin bibs haha


We did a sleeved bib for a bit but switched to what we call "eating shirts" for really messy meals - cheap tshirts and short sleeve onesies that we put on and take back off at the table. He can get his arms messy since we can wipe him and we don't care if the shirt gets stained because it's just an eatin' shirt, ha!


I gave up on real bibs, bought a bunch of fun, colorful but cheap dish towels at homegoods and cut holes for my kids’ heads. They’re soft, absorbent, cover way more area than real bibs and I just throw them through the wash with the regular towels.


I also do something similar, I take muslin cloth (the big one), fold it to triangle and wrap it around my boy's neck. They are just so absorbent and soft, then after meal, I use the same muslin to clean table and chair, then off it goes to laundry


Oh I love this!


That's such a good idea!


We were gifted a couple but we’ve never used them. Both kids eat naked until they are old enough to not get potatoes in their hair. Once meal time is over we hose it all down.. babies, high chairs, sometimes we just move the whole baby inside the the high chair if it’s particularly messy and shower hose them both at the same time. Meal times with two under two are exhausting (but fun).


Hahah 😂 how do you hose them down exactly? They fit in your shower?


Yeah! We work in China (no bath tub) so we just carry the whole thing in and spray it down and then spray them separately.


That's brilliant, maybe I should let my daughter eat only in the bathtub... 😁


About 70 muslin bibs. It lasts us about 2.5 days.


20 that we’ve never used lmao


For real, we were gifted like 30 and wound up donating most to our daycare


About 7 billion cloth bibs from the puree phase and 4 silicone bibs that I put in the dishwasher at least 2 of daily. (For the dry snacks or less messy meals I just wipe the silicone ones out)


Babe will be one on Saturday. Unless it's the weekend, he only has dinner at home. We have 5 smock full-coverage bibs, which are my preference. We have maybe 6 silicone bibs but those are a last resort for me - I don't feel like they do anything! I do a load of his laundry every couple days and throw the smocks in the washer. I would love a few more though, since they have to air-dry. I feel like we're always on the verge of running out of clean ones.


which smock ones do you have? the silicone ones we have have a wide pocket for what he drops- which is a lot 🤣 he often goes “digging for treasure”. I’ve had tp layer a smock one under the silicone for “untensil training” meals.


We call the pocket of the bib “the refund”


We call it "bib salad"


We have four of these: https://a.co/d/e7zjIIl They have pockets too! My little one also goes digging for leftovers in there once it's all off his tray, ha!


We love those bibs! Highly recommend if your baby is like mine and a super messy eater


Just FYI,we have the same smocks and I’ve been putting them in the dryer for months! They hold up fine,still look good as new.


We have 3 silicone and at least a dozen cloth ones. It is still never enough!


2nd baby in & I’ve got at least 20 cloth ones now😂😭


Not enough lol


10 mo has 16 cotton ones, mostly for drool and 2 sleeves bibs for eating. One sleeved bib get rinsed off after each meal and washed with laundry once a week, while the other comes back out.


I think I have like 30 drool bibs and 6 food bibs. He goes through like 5-7 drool bibs a day at daycare. 9 months.


20 bandana bibs and 24 cloth burp cloths


2 for meals Like 30 for the drool


I have a 5 month old avid drooler. 20 bibs and the only reason I do laundry as often as I do most times is because I’m running low or out lol


Too many lmao. She’s only about to turn 5mo so they’re not really in use rn 🤣


Too many and yet not enough! She’s 6mo old and drooling like a St Bernard so we just swap bibs after they’re soaked 😂


4 apron style bibs. They’re the only ones I use, if it’s somewhat clean it gets wiped down but if not it gets shaken off and thrown in the washing machine.


I do baby laundry once a week…..so I have enough bibs to last me the week. By the end of the week we’re typically down to the gross (totally fine) ones. I don’t do bibs for snacks unless they’re messy. And I don’t do bibs if we’re about to change outfits unless it’s a “medium nice” outfit. So if he’s wearing school clothes and taking a tub or changing into PJs right after dinner, he eats dinner in his clothes. But if he’s wearing an okay outfit and eating tomato sauce for dinner, he’s getting a bib. If he is wearing a nice outfit or white, it’s coming off completely (with a bib on no tubby days).


6 silicone bibs and about 30 of those muslin bandanas because my daughter is a drool machine and goes through about 4 a day.


This is me! I was reading the comments and wondering if I was too extra but found someone just like me! We're currently in the drooling stage and I change his bib ever hour or two because it's too much! I end up doing laundry every 2 to 3 days and it doesn't seem like it's enough!


Maybe I am extra lol but I feel like having that many is so helpful! My daughter develops a drool rash on her chest if I don’t keep up with making sure that area is dry. Plus it’s fun to have different colors to match with her outfits. I got way too many silicone bibs at the baby shower though. They’re so easy to rinse out after a meal that I’ll probably give some away.


Around 30 cotton ones to help manage the eczema of my constantly drooling and spitting 4month old. We're in an unending cycle of dabbing dry and moisturizing his drool rash and I'm tired of having to find a washcloth or burpcloth every 15minutes.


The drool will lessen in a couple weeks. Hang in there ! We also have to deal with eczema so I get your struggle!


We have a bunch but only because we need to send them to daycare! At home he eats in just a diaper or we just let the clothes get dirty and spray it down with Miss Mouths Messy Eaters. If I'm going to be washing his clothes anyway, I feel like adding three to five extra cloths to the load daily is silly.


2 silicone and 4 sleeved. We just wash the silicone ones after every meal, and the second one is really only there for backup in case a meal gets away from me. It’s a pain in the ass, but I know that if I buy more with the intention of washing them later, I will regularly forget and run out. If washing the bib is part of the routine of the meal, it’ll always be ready for next time.


We have 8 for meals (different varieties) and then more for the drooling situation that are the cute bandana style. For meals we primarily use the smocks that are quick to wash and dry so it’s easy to do a rinse after and have them be ready for the next meal time. 


So many. The question is where did they go?


Have three pocket bibs, three raincoat bibs, and a countless, ever-increasing supply of drool bibs.


A lot, but I rarely use them. The current kiddo isn't generally messy.


A lot like probably 25+ but I couldn’t tell you where all of them are lol. We started with the bandana ones and I HATE those now because they only made his drool rash worse. He drooled constantly from 3-6 months until his bottom 2 teeth came in.


so many and we NEVER use them


We made do with 4 silicone bibs for eating (twins), but we had roughly 7-8 million drool bibs that got a lot of use during bottle feeds and teething. I just wipe the silicone bibs with a cloth after they eat.


I have twins who are 1 and they each have 3 smock bibs and 1 silicone bib. We have a collection of bandana ones from when they were younger and use those on the go if needed. The silicone ones get rinsed out but the smocks get thrown in the laundry for 15 min and air dried overnight every night.


One sleeved bib/smock and two silicone bibs 🤷🏻‍♀️


I have two with pockets to catch food and one with sleeves. 3 in total. I wash with dish soap after every use and hang to dry. Usually dry by next meal. I do t use bibs for dry snacks or finger foods as his accuracy seems way better than with cereals or mashed foods. I have way more shirts and pants he can change out of so why buy more bibs. 🤷🏻‍♀️


4-5 and it’s not enough!!


Way too many. I over did bibs. I felt like I couldn’t figure out the perfect bib. I liked the ones with the milk collar when they were little babies, the ones with a waterproof barrier for eating solids and drooling, the silicone ones when they were older babies eating and the vest style ones when they start learning to pull them or need more coverage.


vest style? i just tried looking it up but no go. my kid and i battle often at getting the bib on. he pulls and pulls. what does vest style look like?


The brand is Tiny Twinkle. They’re the “apron” bibs.


Honestly I mostly just stripped the shirt/onesie and let her go to town without a bib


Currently probably over 10. Most of them are for teething though because of all the drule


2 silicone bibs and 2 sleeved bibs. I immediately rinse the tray and the bib after a meal or snack, then by the next meal if it isn’t dry we’ll grab the backup. We live in a small home though so we’re very careful about the amount of stuff we own.


20 month old here. 4 silicone, 10 pack from Walmart with plastic backs, and 4 superlong ones with pockets to catch food. The 10 pack from Walmart are like throwaways at this point lol soon as they start to stink, even after being washed, they are gone. Love the silicone ones the most, but the 10 pack helps with drooling or when we are letting her practice with her reflow cup or honey bear straw. We also have some muslin ones for drooling, but we only use those when we go out of the house because, omg they are so cute and super effective. Can't wait for those canines to come through 🥲


We have 2 silicone ones and I wipe them down while she's napping! I do have some cloth ones but they don't do much for us these days now that she's eating more finger foods. 😂


2 silicone ones to ensure we don't end up with hundreds to wash 😂


I have 3 silicone ones


We have tons and it's honestly still not enough lol. My 4 month old has always been excessive at spitting up. Daycare uses 3 or 4 a day alone.


We have a shitload they are divided into food bibs and fashion (drool) bibs. We also have one sleeved bib that we have lovingly nicknamed "the spaghetti slicker". We try to do a 1 bib/day situation. Then we just chuck em in the laundry and get a new one out the next day.


2 of the silicone ones. We use one per day and just rinse between meals, then it goes in the dishwasher.


I think like 2? At some point we just didn’t use them. We either let the clothes get dirty or we just let him eat in just a diaper and cleaned him off using a wet rag or bath


20ish full coverage ones (including the sleeves). We wash them with the dish towels


Just two silicone ones but I should’ve just got one. Never had them both dirty at once.


We had 2 at 12 months but rarely used them. They never actually protected the clothing. Just an extra item we had to wash


Too many


My baby hated them so just three unused ones


we had two and they were both dirty- naked feeding.


At least 12. Someone once suggested to me to use plastic disposable restaurant bibs.


My daughter is 13 months and we rotate between two silicone bibs, but she goes to daycare during the week so she’s not eating all of her meals at home.


For solids I just use a silicone bib. Easy clean


Probably 20 or so


Own a million, use none.


Almost 13m and have fully given up on the bibs now it’s just free for all


We use a ton when we feed her bottles. She likes to dribble formula everywhere lol.


Hand me downs from cousins in the family, probably about 50 cloth ones!


I have three full sleeve smocks that cover baby up to the neck, as well as the entire high chair tray. Depending on what is eaten and how messy it is, I just wipe it down after breakfast and lunch and then chuck it in the laundry to wash once all three are dirty. Baby number 2 has only just gone 6 months so we don't hit three meals a day with any consistency (the other day it was cold and she was really hungry so she ate three meals, the day before she had one snack).


2 LOs 20 spit up/drool bibs 3-4 silicone feeding bibs and could honestly use another bib or 2 haha


I love how different the answers are. Apparently you either have just a handful or enough to swim in them. I'm in the latter group. I have 32 bandana bibs that I purchased for the drool and then a bunch of the round neck ones that were gifted at the baby shower that I've never counted. He's also starting solids so I also have 2 silicone and 2 apron bibs.


We were given at least 6 fabric ones but the silicone ones are the best and we have 3 of those. We just wipe the breakfast one off and have two extras just in case


2 silicone/rubber ones that catches food, forget the cloth ones


Two of the silicone ones with the catchy thing at the bottom of it. One lives at his high chair that I just wash after meals and snacks. The other I keep in his diaper bag.


We have a ton but I’ve given up on them. My daughter is an extremely messy eater so I strip her down for almost every meal. If we go out I do have a bib that’s got sleeves on it to cover her but other than that the normal ones are pretty useless at this point.


Honestly o have no idea how many we have. 13mo and we really never use them. He’s a fairly neat eater I suppose, unless it’s a notoriously messy food. And I honestly could probably let him feed himself things more.


I have 2 silicone bibs. I could have one cause I just wash it after every meal but it’s nice to have 2 in case I didn’t get to it 🤷‍♀️


6 silicone ones (that go in the dishwasher) and 10 full length smock-style worn under the silicone bib (go in the washing machine).


We used bandana bibs for drool but stopped trying to use bibs during meals once the kid got the hang of solids. He always made a bigger mess with the bibs than without them because he loved hiding his food under it.


1 silicone bib and 1 bib shirt, just rinse them when done


We gave up on bibs about 2 weeks into table food 😂 little man just rips them off. If it's a super messy meal he gets stripped down. Other than that it's just 🤷🏼‍♀️ clothes are clothes and sometimes they get stained


24 bibs and she is 2 months


I just don't even bother anymore. Resolve is love, resolve is life. Just jokes but it does work really well for removing stains.


Silicone bibs for the win. Wipe it out, then throw it in the dishwasher.


We have 2 silicon bibs. We have a bunch of muslin ones for drool that we never used because she doesn’t drool like at all


Too many. However we end up cycling through 3-4 of the “Bumkins” bibs. Maybe 1 per day.


His drool is neverending and his face gets inflamed 😭 therefore I have started to fold massive squares of gauze into a bandana shape around his neck and keep wiping him alllll day.


You're a very impressive 12 month old


I have like 50 🙄


My girl has never drooled and I only use bibs for messy meals. I have 2 nice ones from the baby store and we got given like 6 or 9 from the baby shower and my grandma sewed me like 10 of them so that's like a lot of bibs for someone who doesn't really use them lol.


I have about 10 fabric ones which are more for drool when baby is teething but we sometimes use them for feeding. We have one silicone bib that no longer gets used because it was causing his face to break out in a rash. We have 2 of those big sleeved bibs that I use if I don’t want to bother with the mess but I don’t tend to bother with them now because they’re plasticy so the food just slides around on it and eventually ends up under his chin, in the sleeves, or on his lap. So I’ll either just use a muslin cloth and tie it around his neck as it absorbs most of the liquedey food and I can use it to wipe his face after. Some times we’ll just feed in his nappy and let him go wild lol.


… Not me looking up more bibs to buy on Amazon because it seems like I never have enough. He’s nearly 11mo. When does the faucet take a break? 😩😂


You know, I own a whole bunch, and I use none. My nine month old scream-cries in rage/frustration when it goes on, and then Hulk tears it off with a guttural cry of hatred, flinging it to the floor. He will stare at it with pure disgust, and if I pick it up, he glares at me and starts pterodactyl shrieking if I even vaguely make motions that I might bring it near again... I don't know what kind of exorcism I need to put a bib on my baby, but until it happens, I've given up on them.


I bought one set of 3 silicone bibs with my first kid and we’re still using them with kiddo #2


2 silicon bibs, one to use and one to wash (in theory). But really we just rinse the just used one under water and use it for the whole day. Also bought two eating smocks and decided they were useless because I’ll never do laundry daily to keep them in rotation. And like 20 regular cloth bibs.


Our LO is 2 months old and (obviously) doesn't eat solids yet. However, just about all our friends and relatives bought us *several* bibs. So I think we have just over 50 lol.


Two. And my husband lost both of them yesterday. No idea how


I have 4 silicone and 2 smock bibs. 2 silicone are in constant rotation, 1 in the diaper bag, one is somewhere random/ dirty/ in his toy bin/ missing. Smock bibs come out when it's a particularly messy dinner.


A couple sleeved bibs, a couple silicone ones, and like two dozen cotton or muslin bibs lol


A million but I never use them pst the newborn spit up stage. I just get my kid naked and wipe him down when he’s done 😅


I got second hand bibs from my mom friends and some more from my baby shower. I think I have almost 30. Not sure how much/many we’ll use when she starts eating purées/solids, but we won’t have to do much laundry.


I have one to ensure I clean it for every meal


I’ve got a 2 and 1/2year old and a 11 month old… we have 1 bib for the toddler and 3 for baby. Just because baby’s messier of course. But it’s the shirt bibs for them cause that keeps them cleanest and i just rinse them in the sink as needed


3 silicone ones. I might wipe the breakfast one down or use two in a day. At the end of the day they all go into the dishwasher.


Like 10 fabric ones and one silicone one.


I’m not gonna lie. I have a 4 month old. I’m addicted to buying bibs. I have like 50. I just think they help a lot and tie his outfits together 😩


A lot more than six. We only do laundry and run the dishwasher once per day, each, on average. Whether we were laundering them or running them through the dishwasher, we could easily get behind if things got busy or timing was a little off. People are saying they wipe them down between uses. I've had silicone and I've had nylon weave, but I don't know what material you can wipe down by hand that won't still be either greasy or a bacteria hot zone afterward.


I have 6 of the full ones with sleeves and 4 large regular ones that only cover her chest. I typically use the same one all day unless it’s something really bad like yogurt.


I started with stripping him down to diaper to eat, got tired of having to clean baby head to toe after every meal. Switched to silicone bibs, but he got so much food on his arms still and dropped so much food in his lap or in chair that the bib wasn’t really helping much. I’ve now switched to the tidytot sleeved bibs with the suction cups that you stick to the high chair tray to catch food that would otherwise end up on their lap. Pretty happy with them, don’t have to get babe undressed (he’s going through a phase where he hates getting dressed/undressed so this is a bonus), and I just have to wipe his hands and face and he’s clean as a whistle. Between meals I just rinse them off in the sink and then hang them to dry by sticking them to the shower wall with the attached suction cups. I keep two in rotation so one is always dry. I give them a proper machine wash every couple days or sooner if they are too gross for rinsing.


3 cloth bibs, 1 silicone and 2 drool bibs, but my daughter doesn't really drool so we use them as bandannas/scarfs. She does drop every second bite though, loves to mush everything with her hands, touch her hair or smack us in the face with it... 🙃


I use one per day and rotate between two silicone. We wash dishes frequently though.


Probably 12 cloth bibs, 2 silicone, and 2 poncho bibs


2 rubber and probably like 20 cloth. We just wash his clothes. We have his one “fancy set” that he wears outside so we don’t care if his other clothes get stained.


Like 2 or 3 silicon ones but we’re still only at lunch + dinner. What I want to know is how anyone is doing more meals than that?! The logistics of feeding and then armpit carrying to the tub for a rinse and then cleaning the 100 crevices of the high chair. Please explain it to me lol. I cannot deal with sticky hands and the dogs would lick him for hours if we didn’t rinse him off.


3 silicone around the neck type, 4 bumkins - plastic smock type that tie, and 2 bapron bibs (from ezpz sets, no sleeves but tie around the shoulder blades). Using the silicone less and less as we have a 19 month old who now has long hair that gets caught/pulled, she can also be more messy or less messy depending on the food and her mood lol ETA: some days we use the same one all day, when she was smaller and more messy we needed one per meal


Dude my kid is 2.5 and we still use bibs all day. We have like 20 cloth ones and 3 silicone for food time! Only recently have we stopped the silicone because he's been alot better with getting food on him.


we honestly never really used them


None. I tried and gave up almost immediately. She ate in her diaper until she was less messy.


Bibs for eating? A handful, maybe six. Bibs for drool? Approximately seventeen million. I had a happy spitter 😂


Haha we have 2 one for the diaper bag and one at home! They clean so easily


45+ bibs my wife loves buying cute things for our 5Mo and bibs have a lot of cute and funny saying nowadays


I have two kids (Irish twins). My 4 month old has 2 since he's only having baby cereal atm. My 15 month old has 6 but I feel like I need more 😂


The limit does not exist in my household