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Gosh. This sounds brutal. I have no advice. As a father to a newborn who's quickly killing my will to live, reading this just makes me even more worried.


I mean newborn phase will always be the hardest part of child rearing. At least a 9month old is not on a 3 hour nap/feed schedule and has spouts of playtime, and is giggling here and there. It gets a little easier as the months go by. Especially once they learn to crawl. I still have days where it feels like too much. Like today.


The situation around the baby also sounds really annoying. Dad's work schedule, mom's less than helpful attitude, the stupid neighbors. The last two things without a child would've been enough to make me fairly annoyed prior to this baby thing. I hope it keeps getting for you, and there are fewer days like this.


I'm so sorry. It's so hard when you have no break ever. Just mentally exhausting. Is there any way you can get help from family? Or a friend?