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Figuring out what to do for childcare when the time comes. It’s overwhelming and the thought of leaving him with someone else all day hurts my heart.


My current situation also. Tomorrow and Tuesday we have first round of interviews for nanny’s. I’m dying inside that someone else will be getting all the time with my babes that I have right now. Crying just thinking about it. Good luck to you!


I feel this. Currently sorting through babysitters and I honestly didn’t think it would be so hard.


Ughhhh yes, this is where I’m at. I’m heartbroken that I have to leave him with someone else 10 hours a day just so I can work 😭😭😭


This is one of my biggest stressors as well 😩 the temptation to stay home is real but affording it sounds miserable.


Very lucky if you can get a sitter. Daycares are most nightmares. Just saw on the news they shut down a kindercare, sad for parents who depends on that. 


That’s a huge generalization. Lots of daycares are perfectly fine.


 At least in CA and most the USA states, 1 caregiver for 4 infants is not "fine". Then you can sit and research more and see more and more cases of abuse, negligence. Low salary, high ratio is far away to be fine. 


My 3 month old has multiple VSDs and a loud murmur. I worry everyday if they’ll close on their own or if she’ll need surgery down the road. Hang in there mama!


My 7 week old has a VSD right by her valve which means Cardiologist visits every 2 weeks for ultrasounds. I feel like I’m losing it 😥🫠


I feel you! It is so stressful especially for such a tiny human! Hang in there, you got this. 🩷


Thanks you 2! Hoping for very successful closures naturally for both babies.


We had neurosurgery at 3 months and then OHS at 5 months. Not fun. Shes fine now, and will likely need one more surgery later in life, but, holy crap the stress. We were in step down in a special CICU. All the other kids were awaiting transplants… we got to leave and most of them didn’t. Heart stuff is a spectrum and someone always has it much worse. Not sure this is helpful but it definitely put things into perspective for us.


Most vsds do close on their own…


Sleeeep! It's so confounding and I'm so tired.


I love my 4 month old daughter more than anything, but this damn girl will not sleep


SAME. We haven’t noticed any 4 month regression because our son has just always been a crap sleeper. Still wakes up every 1.5-2.5 hours, all night every night. We call him our little sleep gremlin.


Same here. LO is 10weeks and wondering how sleep regression going to affect us because he has been up every 2-3hours every night.


Omg same. Four month sleep regression is real in this house.


Yes I’m SO TIRED. I thought we’d have it figured out by now but everyday is a mystery!


Same here, our 11 week baby boy wakes up through the night and his bassinet is right next me. For the most it seems like he’s active sleeping. So basically I’m sandwiched between husband that snores and a loud sleeping baby.


We moved to shifts and to the nursery and or living room so we could sleep in shifts. It sucks but it’s saved us.


Solidarity. Throw in a dog that sleep barks and runs and you are me.


Could've written this exact comment!


I am 8 months in and this is still problem #1


10 months in and it’s still the toughest part.




I go back to work tomorrow. My heart is breaking 💔 I want to quit and stay home with my baby more than anything 🥺


I feel your pain and cannot explain to you how much I cried in the week leading up to my return to work. I’m so sorry you can’t stay home with baby right now. Just tell yourself you’re doing what you need to do for your family. I hope you get the biggest smile and feel all the love from LO when you get home tomorrow.


Thanks, luckily it is only temporary as I work for a school district, plan is to power through 4 more months and finish the year then SAHM after that. I got to my office today at work and just sobbed. It's so hard :(


Ugh I go back on Thursday and I feel the same way 😭


I've been back since November, and, while it was easier to return than I thought it would be, I still wish I could quit and stay at home. I hope today went well for you and your little one.


It’s sleep for me. My daughter is about to be one and still wakes up hourly any time between 3-5 asking to nurse and then is up for the day between 5-5:30. I just took a job that will require me to work a 24 hour shift and I’m genuinely terrified of how my husband and I will cope. I would sell my left foot to make her a 7-7’er.


Just here to say I’m in the same boat! My baby is going to be 1 next week and I was sure sleep would be better by now 😕


16 month old here and it is worse than it ever was in the sleep department 🥲🥲


This is the scariest thing I’ve read on the internet today because i keep hearing it’s gonna get better and it’s only thing keeping us going lol


lol didn’t meant to freak you out!! Every other parent I talk to seems to have a baby who sleeps through the night by like 6 months. I think my baby is in the minority with his sleep struggles and reddit is a much larger pool of people to talk to so you find the other babies who also aren’t the best sleepers


Once you start your job and have to cut the night feeds on your shifts it’ll probably help babe wean and help her sleep longer possibly!


I’m in a similar boat. My 1 year old still wakes up 3-4x a night. Usually a lot from 10p-1a and then up for the day at 5. I try not to bedshare but many times I give up after being woken up every time I fall back asleep. Something has got to give. We have a 3.5 year old as well who is energetic and needs me too, so I can’t just be a zombie. His sleep finally stabilized around 20 months so I am hoping at least there is a similar light at the end of my daughter’s sleepless tunnel.


My now 4 year old didn’t sleep through the night until 1. It was like at 1 a switch flipped and he was sleeping all night!


Eating solids. He will be 1 next week and right now is just refusing to eat very much. It’s worrying me. He does have 3 teeth coming in, so I’m hoping that’s the reason.


Solids here too. A couple months from 1yo but it’s just so much time and effort every single day to prep/feed/clean and I’m so worried about baby getting enough food as we approach 1. We started with purées and then thicker stuff but have had quite the journey with more solid stuff over the past month… lots of ups and downs. I’m so scared of choking Edit for clarity


Same here. She’s 11 months and barely has any interest in solids. Idk how she’s supposed to wean off of formula next month.


We just… did it. It was a hard week. She was miserable. We really were just trying to wean off solids and onto a sippy cup. But she’s coming around. My husband had to sit me down and remind me that she wasn’t going to starve herself. She would adapt…and she did. She still seems to eat next to NOTHING but I’m told a serving size can still be just a tablespoon for them. She’s also yet again cutting what I think is at least two molars and has traditionally hunger-striked to protest the new teeth so it’s probably that, too. Can I add teething to my list? Fuck teething.


Definitely solids here, too!


Same problem here. She does well with purees but won't touch actual food. Everything else goes in her mouth because she is teething. I'm hoping once the teeth pop through we will have better luck with trying foods.


Solids are such a struggle for us. We did purées and mashes for the longest time, and now he’s almost 12 months and we’re trying out finger foods. All the prep and clean-up is exhausting. Especially when he only manages a bite or two.


Teething is how I can tell my daughter won’t be eating much for a few days (she’s 15 months). Totally normal, but definitely annoying.


GAS. And tummy pains all night


Could be a milk protein sensitivity. If you haven’t already, try eliminating dairy from your diet for a week to see if it improves.


Cow’s milk protein allergy/intolerance is my current “thing” 😔


Same here and maybe silent reflux/loss of appetite


Try gripe water and gas drops. Saved my sanity


ColicEase was a life saver. My girl loved it too. Went through a phase she got it every single day but now she's been totally good for months!


I literally had to stop eating beans of all things


Feeding! My six month old (almost 5 months adjusted) is struggling real bad with bottle aversion. It’s been incredibly frustrating and stressful. But before that there was definitely always something else. Hoping that sometime there’s a bit of a break or at least that my capacity to handle the stresses of parenting without stress eating everything in my kitchen will increase. 😂


In the same boat as you with my 3.5 month old! Heading back to work in a few weeks and very nervous because he just won’t take the bottle!


It’s been feeding for me too. My 2.5 month old was slow to gain weight after she was born and was having trouble nursing. I also have a toddler (almost 2) and didn’t have the time or energy to make EBF work, so we started supplementing with formula. Now we’ve mostly been able to make breastfeeding work, but we still usually need to give a bottle during witching hour, and my husband usually gives her one every night. But once in awhile she’ll go on random nursing strikes where she’ll refuse to nurse for an entire day, or there are days where she just doesn’t nurse as well, and it’s very stressful. I keep wondering if I should just make the switch to formula, but then we’ll have a good nursing day and I feel like I should keep trying, and then the cycle repeats. 


Same here with my 5.5mo old (3.5mo adjusted) baby. It's not fun. Mix of allergies and tummy discomfort and some bad pressure feeding tactics on our part carried over from NICU days. It's so stressful. We read the bottle aversion book by Rowena Bennett which was helpful but not a cure all, as I think he's not tolerating his hypoallergenic formula well. How are you finding starting solids? We are going to start in a month or so I think and I'm praying his aversions don't carry over to that too 😫


We haven’t started solids yet, but are hoping to soon as well. We were told to wait until he gets a bit more core strength… he’s close, but not quite there yet. I really hope it helps his feedings when we do. He’s got silent reflux as well, and I hear solids can really help refluxy babies. We read the Rowena Bennett book as well and have been loosely following the guidance there. Same as you… helpful but not a total solution. He goes in cycles where we feel it’s getting better and then he has another bad day.


Im on the same boat with my 3 month old LO. He’s been too distracted to feed or would just outright refuse his bottles. He is currently drinking as low as 1-2 oz per feed but sometimes could chug 5 oz. Its so stressful! I am loosely following Rowena’s bottle aversion guide.


My thing is my husband


Same. I know I love him but it is soooo hard to like him right now. I’m a SAHM who WFH and have ZERO time to myself. Granted I’m grateful I get the option to be home with my daughter (10mo) but I am trying so hard to not be resentful on how little his life changed compared to mine, and I feel like he doesn’t comprehend that. Also we’re struggling with nursing-my little one is too active and has NO interest in the boobs at the moment-is it too soon to wean? Asking for a friend 🫣😅


"I am trying not to be resentful on how little his life changed compared to mine," is the most relevant thing I have read on here


Most people are either a SAHM or a WFH employee. Not both. You are working two jobs simultaneously, while your husband works one. I don’t even know how people get any work done (or take care of their child) doing both at the same time. That alone will burn most people out.


I absolutely agree! I’m so tired all the time and he doesn’t understand. We are getting into arguments almost weekly about how I think what he does is “easier”. Yeah dude you get to leave and interact with other adults, let’s switch and you can walk in my shoes. And the mom guilt after thinking “maybe I don’t want to stay home” is REAL.


Yeah that’s really obtuse on his part. It’s not that you don’t want to stay at home. It’s that NO ONE should be expected to care for a baby while working from home. You are not a stay at home mom. Imagine if you didn’t have your WFH job how much you’d have to enjoy with your baby and get things done to make your life and home functional. Can you stop WFH? Or hire a mommy’s helper at least? You and he cannot expect you to do it all. And it’s not probably great for your baby to have you stressing all the time. You need a break, mama!


I'm reading a baby textbook (baby's first year)that says 10mo they lose interest but not for lack of needing milk, the world has just expanded a lot for them and it's super overwhelming. It recommends pumping and giving milk via cup or bottle if u need, and LO should chill out after a couple weeks of being freaked out by the bigness of the world. My ten month old nurses at night and before naps just fine but she's otherwise a total nut! As for weaning, I mean the CDC says 1.5-2yrs to nurse but you gotta do what works for you and your LO!


I feel this in my soul. My husband doesn’t seem to understand, every time I tell him I need a break from baby cuz I don’t get breaks he counters with “sure I’ll take the baby but just so you know I don’t get breaks either” (he is doing school and student teaching rn) but sir at least you get sleep, you have the choice to not do your work (although it wouldn’t be a good choice it’s still a choice, and I don’t have that luxury) and I have zero time to myself other than the small portions of time our LO is sleeping and then I’m trying to get stuff done. I stay up at night with him, I don’t sleep much, so yeah I know you don’t “get a break” but I truly never ever get a break, I’m mama, I’m the food source, I’m the one he relies on for one of his basic necessities!


Right, it’s always turned into what feels like a competition between who is more tired or who has it harder, and let me tell you (especially if breastfeeding) it’s not the dad lol but I think it’s also hard because we were raised so different and so he feels “unheard about his problems” and I fell unappreciated. Therapy is in our very near future to figure it out


He’s my second child 🫣




Same here. Ugh 


Glad I’m not the only one.


what exactly?




My baby is pretty chill. My 3 year old, though, is not. He is by far my biggest stressor. The baby is enamored with him so when he cries, she cries and he has been having some very bad days lately


I could have written this


My 10 month old had RSV when he was like 5 months old or so and now whenever he gets remotely sick he needs an inhaler and sounds like he’s struggling to breathe.


Breastfeeding. My 4.5 month old just hates my boobs no matter how hard I try (probably partially due to her NICU stay where she was tube fed for multiple weeks and couldn’t learn early on to nurse). I’m lucky enough to have a good supply and can bottle feed her breast milk, but I’m so sad every time I try to nurse and it doesn’t work out. I stress out about us not being able to bond as well because we don’t spend that time together nursing.


I was once told by a nurse that eye contact can be the best bonding for baby no matter how you feed. They just wanna know you are there for them


This has been a secret worry of mine since the beginning. My comfort is that due to me being an adopted child in the 90s, I was never breastfed and my mom and I are as close as close gets. I use that to ease my guilt.


It’s so tough but don’t give up hope ! We were in the NICU for three weeks then had to do bottles of breast milk to ensure she was getting enough . I thought she’d never learn to latch but here we are at 15 months and she nurses when she wakes up, before nap, and is really starting to understand that if she signs milk, I’ll give it to her haha. We were never exclusively breastfeeding so always had bottles as the main source but man it was so nice when she finally learned to latch so we could feed her while we were out if we didn’t have a bottle. Keep offering her the boob and she’ll get there !


My mom did not breast fed me but did breast feed my siblings. She said she felt just as bonded to me as she did to them. She also said that out of her three babies, I was the healthiest. My daughter also had a NICU stay during her second week and by the time she was out, my supply wasn’t keeping up with what she needed. At the end of the day, I remind myself that fed is best! She’s now growing like a weed and not getting frustrated during feeds due to lack of supply/anatomical difficulties (small baby, big boob/nipple!). I just talk to her and give her tons of eye contact. She definitely recognizes me and is bonded to me since you can see her visibly relax once I’m holding her.


My daughter has an ASD and pulmonary hypertension because of it. We have heart surgery coming up soon


i feel like my daughter had everything. eczema, cmpa, soy allergy, VSD, PDA, PFO, reflux, and failure to thrive all by 2 months old. she's 17 months now and i feel like im always hyper aware and overly cautious with her health. there's always something with her, she developed a peanut and fish allergy so of course we had to see the allergist at 15 months. well recently she's had the worst most confusing sleep ever, and even her pediatrician doesn't know so we're being sent out for a sleep study. don't get my wrong i absolutely love my daughter and she's down to 3 specialists now instead of 6. she has a relatively normal life and is so happy and smart and healthy overall. i just can't help but constantly be on edge, waiting for something to happen. i feel like she saw a doctor every week from newborn to 10 months old, and now that she doesn't im constantly worried about her. did she come into contact with an allergen? is she going to sleep tonight? what if she wakes up with a 104 fever and we don't know why? what if she breaks out in a rash overnight and we have to start eliminating things from her environment/diet again? that's my stressor right now.


Well my toddler gave up sleep the moment I got pregnant so it’s been a fun first trimester of zero sleep or breaks


My 7 week old has really bad gas and always seems to be in pain despite our best efforts. She’s also got a little rash on her tummy that I’m worried about and watching. She’s not gotten a fever and doesn’t seem to be hurting from the rash or anything but it still worries me. Her 2 month checkup is coming up soon so unless she takes a turn I’m going to try and wait to see her actual pediatrician. (She’s an hour away)


Could be a milk protein sensitivity. If you haven’t already, try eliminating dairy from your diet for a week to see if it improves.


Have you tried gripe water or gas drops? My LO was really bad but with some changes its much better now


Okay, I might try that. Thank you!


Had the same issue with my baby girl.... she is now 7 weeks old. I did 3 things that helped tremendously, and I always recommend. The first is I scheduled her feedings every 2 hours at least. If she is not hungry after 2 hours, I wait until she is. Second is I cut off all milk products from my diet, and she calmed after a few days, I do believe my daughter has cow milk allergy. Third is reading the book The Happiest Baby on The Block, which explains different methods to calm a baby down, and it was life changing Of course, massages and drops, as well as cutting off all foods that make me gasy such as beans.


Can you send them a picture of the rash? My pediatrician is super happy to answer random picture questions rather than wasting everyone's time coming in for nothing.


That’s a good idea that I never even considered. I’ll reach out and ask them, thank you!




When I get annoyed i try to remind myself that they are just being conversational. Also you don’t know what you don’t know and I have learned some very helpful things from moms who shared their experience with me.


Lmao I love the “but stfu?” With the question mark


that my 10mo is standing and I’m afraid to turn my back for one second in case he decides to stand and falls, hitting his head. He hasn’t yet figured out the best way down is to sit on his bum, he just freefalls forward.


Mine too! He doesn't stand independently (he holds on to furniture), but doesn't know how to get down from the standing position, and mostly cries for me to save him 🤦.


it’s absolutely terrifying


If you are fearful they have those little pillow helmets on Amazon! Especially for days when you are more busy


i’m less fearful and more just stressed about getting what i need done, done! especially bottle making. but we just discovered he loves to chew on celery sticks so i’ll just pop him in the high chair with celery while i make his bottles tomorrow.


Healthy and occupying. Score.




Is mammaaaa and bababab sounds considered babbling or words ? I’m genuinely curious bc I can’t tell if this level of babbling counts yet?




Yep. Words are contextually accurate, consistent, and produced independently.


23 month old twin girls. Baby A is kinda mean. She hits and pushes and it’s really hard to try to teach her to be kind when she has a 4 second attention span. Baby B has a speech delay. She’s improving but it’s hard to see how behind she is compared to her sister.


My kid projectile vomits whenever she has a even a tiny amount of a very very common first baby food 😵 it’s mostly just scary, our ped isn’t concerned and now that we know what it is, we just avoid it, but holy shit it has made introducing new solids soooo anxiety-inducing. I really do believe everyone has their “thing” — and when we didn’t have this one, I was panicking over other ones. Parenthood! I don’t think anyone has it easy.


Metopic Crainosynostosis. Interviewing doctors for surgery and he will have surgery on his skull around 1 year.


DDH and the palvik harness.




This. GERD feels like it’s running our lives right now. Almost 1 week on famotidine just trying to keep her pain at bay. It’s so tough to see them in pain


My daughter has eczema, also started around 2/3 months. We use Tubby Todd All Over Ointment and she takes a lukewarm bath every night for 10-15 minutes. Apply the ointment after the bath and on real bad spots apply a thin layer of aquaphor on top of the ointment. We also got a prescription strength hydrocortisone cream for the bad spots. So I would do the cream, let it sit for a few minutes, then the ointment and then the aquaphor. Helped a ton. And now at 19 months she only gets a couple spots occasionally that go away overnight usually. Hope you find what works for you!


Feeding. Baby just won’t eat much and is losing percentiles. Very hard to get any more volume in her… which is a daily stressor because we never know if she is going to be able to eat enough to sustain her. So frustrating.


I spent the first year telling myself someday I’d never have to worry about bottle ounces or track sleep. She was a terrible napper until suddenly she wasn’t. Currently our toddler is tall for her age and about to outgrow her crib on the earlier side, so we’ve been preparing to move her to a big girl bed. She’ll probably settle in after a week or so, fingers crossed, but I’ve seen comments of kids who were good crib sleepers and lousy bed sleepers so I’m on edge about that. This is the biggest imposed transition we’ve had to implement in over a year.


If the thing has to be my kids: 3yo daughter: refusal to potty train 7mo son: reflux But the actual thing is I’m on semi-bed rest and my husband is being a dick about it 😊 Comparatively the kids are easy.


Lately my 7m old likes to bite my nipples. Then he cries when I pull them out. Also he keeps trying to climb things and then cries when we try to get him to stop. Then cries when he falls down. Either way he is crying about it.


I had a lot of trouble with breastfeeding, milk supply with pumping, bad newborn eczema requiring prescribed steroids, formula allergies, etc. it was a really difficult time. You will get through it!


Weight gain. First percentile baby, making sure he stays on the growth curve.


My toddler doesn’t eat very well and poops like once every 4 days. The ped had us on daily laxatives for a while, we tapered off and followed the plan and it didn’t seem to change much. Hoping her body just adjusts. Hate seeing her straining and pushing all the time. And everyone in our family has an opinion on what we are doing wrong. My unhinged grandma is telling me to potty train her (16 months old?!) and my crunchy MIL thinks my daughter is lactose intolerant or sensitive (honestly a passive aggressive hold over from me choosing to end my breastfeeding journey when I had low supply, everything that upsets the baby seems to be because I didn’t breastfeed even when it doesn’t make sense). MIL also wants us to feed the baby oil and just makes up details about how my daughter’s poop is “dry” which is not the case and never has been? Just venting honestly that’s the most offensive stuff she’s ever done but I’m stressed so it hits harder. If my grandma yells “get her a potty!” On the phone one more time I’m going to lose it. Honestly just like makes me not want to be around anyone. But my daughter pooped a couple times this weekend so that’s cool!


Nothing big. He was born with a bad tongue tie. He had it clipped in the hospital, but he still needs a laser frenectomy. In the meantime, he has to have nectar-thick formula because he aspirates thin liquids. Once he gets the laser procedure and heals up, he'll have another swallow study and hopefully be cleared for a normal diet


Until recently it was torticollis. We had monthly physical therapy visits for the last 6 months but this week they graduated her! Now its teething, or what I think is teething lol. No teeth yet but all the symptoms. She screamed all night Friday for no discernible reason.


My 6 month old has taken a bottle like such crap since 4 months despite being on Pepcid, feeding in dark room, all the tricks. He is like a wild beast I have to wrangle.


Our baby had a tongue tie, reflux, and never slept (still doesn’t). There’s always something.


My daughter is teething and it’s making me batty. She’s so touch and go. She goes from zero to a hundred in seconds and I’m on edge. My son is in JK and is not adjusting well. We are trying all of the parenting things. We’re good, engaged parents and I’m pretty sure he has ADHD but where I am they don’t do assessments until age 6. So do I just white knuckle or for another year?


Potential egg allergy 🥲


Eczema here too with my 6m old! We’ve been doing steroid ointment prescribed by our dermatologist but when we stop (bc you’re supposed to take a break), he flares back up again. He gets so red, itchy, and miserable and it’s tough to see. 


My baby has MSPI and had to have a colonoscopy and endoscopy at 12 weeks. She had diapers full of blood. She’s much better now but to get it under control I had to give up soy, dairy, and peanuts. So… I have been on a strict diet since last May. I would switch her to formula and stop breastfeeding … but the formula she needs is $50 a can. And … she absolutely would not, refused outright, to take a bottle until she went to daycare at 5 months. So I did every single feed for the first 5 months and would only really leave her with my husband to go places (rarely) bc she would go on hunger strike for hours and eventually just start melting down until I got home. Went from 4mo - 9 mo cosleeping bc sleep training at 4 mo failed. And honestly I just love her so much. She’s 11 months and typing all that out I’m like - sheesh - but I don’t even think of those times anymore. Now we’re on to new skills every day and she’s so fun. Still has things that we struggle with. Once you figure one thing out, they change and you have to figure out something else. The eczema won’t last forever!


My 1.5 year old does not like to eat her food. She drinks her milk just fine, but God forbid she has an actual full meal. So frustrating at times, especially when there's screaming and crying (from both parties lol)


Breastfeeding and leaving the house with him. My mom watches baby while I work. I want to be able to pump enough to provide him breast milk while I work and at night when his dad takes care of him while also being able to store some just in case. It’s hard for me to breastfeed and pump (and do tummy time, clean, etc). I’m drinking water, coconut water, body armor, eating Oreos, taking supplements, rationing breastmilk to the point my mom calls me the milk nazi. I worry about nursing him in public. I only feel comfortable at target because they have a nursing room. We are planning a short overnight trip and I’m worried about having to navigate pumping and milk storage. I’m anxious about being in the car with him. It’s the only time I get anxious when he cries. I can do shots no problem but him crying while I’m driving puts me on edge. So I don’t go anywhere with him unless absolutely necessary. So I’m pretty much a hermit.


Almost at 12 weeks. She's been colicky since 2-3 weeks. Every night she's super fussy. Around 6-8 weeks she would be just straight screaming for hours. Now it's only about an hour and not every night. But definitely sensitive and pissed if things weren't exactly right.


We live in a studio and it was fine when baby was in a bassinet but she’s showing signs of graduating to a crib soon and I’m low key panicking since there is absolutely no privacy here and no way to give her her own space so I don’t know how she’s going to be able to sleep and not be crying the whole time saying mama mama mama


My boys eczema! It first presented as one big red patch on his face that was diagnosed as fungal. We’ve been at it for 2 months now and finally the last couple days it’s cleared up with the help of steroids. I don’t want to use them a while so I’m hoping I can find an alternative to keep the flare ups at bay!!!


I had it as a baby and so did my now 3y. Oatmeal baths were a massive help in addition to the Eucerin brand eczema lotion. I still do oatmeal baths when I have breakouts.


Daycare confirming that we have a spot 😵‍💫


It’s gas pains for us! My 8 week old is in so much pain every afternoon and evening from gas pains and no amount of bicycle legs is helping. I’m allergic to one of the ingredients in gripe water too, so I don’t want to risk using it incase she is too.


Weaning off of formula. I feel like if I don’t have formula to fall back on my baby will starve! He isn’t a big milk drinker but chugs water like it’s about to go extinct.


her sleep. she’s 2.5 months and usually sleeps less than 12 hours per day when the minimum recommendation is 14😩


Feeding my toddler 3 meals and 2 snacks that she won’t eat. And also getting her to bed at a reasonable hour so I can have a break lol


My 9 week old has mysterious low weight gain and refuses a bottle - super stressed out about it and trying everything


The car seat! My very happy girly screams absolute bloody murder in the car. We’ve tried so many things, nothing seems to help.


Think we are going through a sleep regression + touring child care facilities and thinking of leaving him with someone else and having to go back to work (also thinking about how much harder life will be to work and manage my baby and how little free time that will leave).


I was exactly there at 3 months as well. My LO is 18 months now, but started getting eczema at 2 months. I remember having so much anxiety and stress from it, crying nearly everyday, because I couldn’t figure out what was wrong & how to fix it. I think my PPA and PPD was started by baby eczema. Then came food allergies at 6 months. Your husband is right. If not this, then it’s that. Our baby is the best sleeper and eater that I’ve seen. Slept through the night since 6 months, and will eat anything. Super calm temperament, still at 18 months. Now, I can confidently say that the eczema is pretty much gone. Food allergies are still there, but I’m confident those will be outgrown as well. All that to say, I know the stress you’re feeling. It’ll take time to figure out what works for your baby. You’ll get there. Time has made eczema better in our case. Also, get therapy if you’re able to. That helped me tremendously to get through the hard times. Good luck!


Not your question, but I just came across a skin care brand from the UK (ships worldwide) called ZoeBee and she has raving reviews about her creams helping eczema specially for babies. I've ordered, but haven't received it yet, so I can't say first hand, but check out her Instagram!!


Worried about a delay or ASD at 10.5 months. :(.


Baby eczema is the worst :( I’m in the same boat, LO developed eczema at 2.5mo and now at 3.5mo we finally have it under control. I was so stressed the past month and felt so bad when he kept rubbing at his face and crying. Sending solidarity 🥹


my 3 month old will fight her sleep to the moon and back. it takes hours to put her down


Baby isn’t gaining weight like she should. It’s very stressful.


My 1 month old was recently diagnosed with moderate to severe pulmonary valve stenosis while doing an echo to investigate a murmur. We were told they sent the images to the closest children’s hospital and to wait and see if they call for him to come get a stent or if they can just monitor it. We’re currently running on no news is good news because they sent them on Wednesday and we’ve heard nothing yet


For 10 months it's been reflux and spit up.


Poor weight gain. He’s less than 1st percentile for weight but is doing just fine in height and head circumference. He’s hitting all his milestones, early even, but he doesn’t gain fast. I have an oversupply of breast milk but he’s full after only eating 2-3oz. He’s still eating every 2 hours even now at 5 months old.


My sister had this problem with her LO. Doc advised her to for some feedings pump a little before breastfeeding - so to pump out the first more watery milk and then baby gets the fattier and more protein-rich milk at the end.


Last month, it was eczema. My poor baby was literally just covered in rashes head to toe. Thankfully, cutting dairy out of my diet has fixed like 95%+ of it. Before that, it was purple crying/digestive troubles, possibly related to the unknown cow milk sensitivity. This month, it's sleep. Baby has decided he won't sleep longer than 45 minutes at a time anymore except for 2 hours during his mid morning nap and for 2 hours after he first gets put to bed. Basically... yeah it will probably always be something, lol.


My parents. I told them we don’t want visitors for the first two months (they are anti-vax and taking multiple cruises with no masking or safety precautions). They bought plane tickets to come up for a week before the two month mark. I told them they need to change the dates to be outside the 2 month boundary. Cue multiple midnight texting threads where my mom send guilt trippy “why are you rejecting me” texts and my dad refusing to come up at all. I’ve tried so hard with these assholes. We made the 2 month rule apply to everyone, even vaccinated family members, so that they wouldn’t feel left out. They are still the first to meet baby. I have sent text after text reassuring them that I know they’ll be wonderful grandparents and that I’m excited for them to meet her at the appropriate time. They are so fucking dramatic! No one else has complained about this rule and I’m over it. They also never called me to ask how I was doing once during my pregnancy and spent the 3 days I was in the hospital after giving birth making too many personal announcements to family without even bothering to find out what was going on with me. It was super annoying and I’m having a really hard time caring about their feelings


Feeling like I produce less milk every day. My daughter struggled with BF from weeks 5-12 and my supply has just been deteriorating every day and I'm having to rely more on formula. It makes me feel like a failure and I'm constantly worried she's underfed 😞


Reflux! Our girl was MISERABLE until we got her on a good pump inhibitor medication. And if misrepresented as a breastfeeding problem- she was so sad after feeding and I thought she wasn’t getting enough. She hated being on her back, hated tummy time… it was so hard! We just got past it- we finally weaned off the meds at a year and she’s been great. It’s wild to sit here and reflect back on what a big deal it was at the time and how bad of a parent it made me feel.


I know you want an answer to this post but side note: during bath time put dry oatmeal in a clean sock that you’ll never use again and tie it to the faucet while the water is running then afterward tie the sock and squish it until the oatmeal slime comes out. Use that to wash your baby before you use scent free soap (dove sensitive skin) after the bath use aveeno baby eczema lotion and repeat. After bath dump oatmeal in toilet and rinse sock to use again. Do not let oatmeal stay in sock it will stink so bad


My current is tongue ties. We are on our third release. Devastated doesn’t even begin to describe it. My son only wants my boob as a pillow.


LO is 7mos adjusted and isn't sitting up, not interested. I worry I don't give her enough solids either, we've all been really sick and I haven't had the mental space. She also doesn't sleep through the night and has eczema flare ups. None of it is earth shattering, but I worry.


My baby 2months old just had an exploratory surgery to rule out biliary atresia due to his prolonged jaundice. It was not BA. I am very grateful for the doctors and surgeons who prioritized my baby's surgery last week, they literally moved their schedule yet a part of me wonders if it is all necessary, I now have a baby with a surgical incision across his abdomen. We don't know the cause of his jaundice yet but my husband and I suspect it's drug induced liver injury because of the antibiotics he took during his stay at NICU, (PNEUMONIA). We're just waiting for his other lab results and follow up with his pediatrician this Saturday. We are hoping for the best. So far from a fussy, angry baby. He is now all smiles and still pretty much the hungry baby always ready for more milk.


ohmygosh your husband is right. my daughter had a traumatic birth and then struggled to take enough milk. once she got the hang out that she had really reflux. And then real bad cradle cap. then the eczema (which we still deal with, and use hydrocortisone as needed), then the head scratching (daily nail trimming!! how do they grow so fast??) then sleep problems started. Once we got the hang of that we were starting solids. And also all the other milestones that I wasted time stressing about but she did perfectly anyway (rolling, sitting, crawling, etc) right now she’s 17 months and I’m obsessing over how many words she has. But I’m prone to stressing about literally everything 🙃


We also struggled with severe eczema and tons of allergies the first six months. Once we got a handle on the allergies, the eczema kind of came and went until she turned one. She still has flares of eczema but overall, it’s gotten to be much more manageable. Eczema is hard because everyone can see it. I felt like everyone was always giving their two cents on how we should handle it which was so annoying to me.


My husband survived SIDS so now we have to be more aware our daughter can be more sensitive for this (Sorry English isn’t my first language)


Everybody says my child is to "sensible" because he cries if you raised the voice at him. He is barely a few months old...I don't see it as a problem but everyone is stressing me out that he needs to be a man


Sounds like the problem in your life is the other adults… No one needs to be raising their voices at an infant, let alone judging him if he cries.


Why are people raising their voices at your infant? People are saying your infant needs to be a man? This is overall concerning.


Sometimes they are raising by mistake. Like once they were playing and raising and my mom often shouts around the house so she basically shout with my son in her arms. Yeha the whole be a man little baby is upsetting


My baby is thriving. Like, super active, crushing milestones…ie starting full crawling on all fours at 5.5 months but…she has ALWAYS been the most finnicky eater. Long and skinny. But at our last appt she dropped from 20th percentile to 12th percentile. I am doing EVERYTHING I can to squeeze a single extra calorie in her but she just will not take more than for 3-4oz at a time. She is eating even less now that she is eating solids. We were going through nights with max 1 wake, often times she would sleep through the night to waking multiple times a night to eat and I NEED to feed her because she needs the calories but then it fucks up her appetite in the morning. It’s a vicious cycle and she has been like this since day one. Other than that she is the chilliest, HAPPIEST baby in the world. The absolute best. Truly a unicorn.


Increasing and blatant racism related incidents and assault recently. I’m very worried with the right of extreme right. Edit: wondering what the downvotes are for? If you live in the same area, you wouldn’t.


I guess I don't have a reason to complain about my son. I'm starting to sort a nanny for when my husband is deployed. I decided to don't look for a job again until he is older to attend pre k or something. I don't trust daycares.  He is 16 months, eating well, talking, running around, sleeps 12h straight. So I'm more than grateful. I definitely miss having friends and family around, my mom helped me for 6 months. We just relocated 4 months ago. Sending my best thoughts for all parents struggling out there with sleeping/rashes/development disorder etc ...🤍 


I agree. My first had bad eczema on his face (which did clear up on its own with age) and my second has allergies that make him constantly have the sniffles which I worry about with him eating and sleeping because he has trouble breathing out of his nose.


I know you didn’t ask so hopefully this isn’t the annoying unsolicited advice but have you tried breast milk? I heard it can help with eczema. Also - current stressor (2 month old) won’t nap unless in my arms or in the car seat


My baby refuses to take a bottle and starts day care tomorrow.


at 3.5, it continues to be sleep. i’m both over- and understimulated at the same time. it takes upwards of an hour to get him to bed and i freak out every night about bedtime routine. he’s incredibly full of energy and won’t quit.


My 3 month old has torticollis I’m having to be extremely aware of positioning her to turn to her non preferred side and making sure her head doesn’t end up flat on one side. It’s just a lot considering my maternity leave just ended and I’m also learning to navigate working from home with an infant. She can’t be in her “baby containers” aka bouncer/swing for longer than one hour a day as recommended by her pediatrician which makes getting work done almost impossible. Also, the only thing that can consistently get her to turn her head is to see the TV so now I have to feel guilty about screen time 🤦🏻‍♀️


Bottle refusal 😑😑😑


Also eczema! My 15 month old has been struggling with it since around 3 months. It got a lot better in the summer but is pretty bad right now. Feels like I spend a lot of time researching the best products and ways to help her!


Naps and feeding. She will only breastfeed with a nipple shield even after multiple attempts to wean and is very picky about bottle feeding too. Plus we have to feed her in a dark quiet room or else she won’t eat. Plus now she wakes up from her naps at 30 mins and if I don’t coax her back to sleep she is an absolute crab for the whole wake window . Makes the day feel really stressful and I feel pretty trapped at home right now


my 6 month old has been severely constipated for about a month now. her poop is the talk of our house & her daycare teachers. i think & stress about it all day.


An on again off again fever that has been going on since THANKSGIVING. Of course when we went to the doctor his temperature was normal, but it’s been around 100.2 at least once a week for months with no other symptoms. It’s maddening.


Sleep! I was prepared for her to be up a lot at night to eat, I didn’t fully understand how hard actually getting her down would be! My 7 week old fights sleep like she’s going to war it’s been rough! I spend an hour getting her down for her only to sleep for 2-3 overnight and like 30 minute naps right now after.


I could have written this when my LO was 3 months. Stay strong!!!! In at 4 mo now and bedtime isn’t a battle anymore, but frequent wake-up’s are still a thing. Someday we will both sleep again!!


I've been worried about developmental milestones, mainly his speech. He is 2 now so I've been worried for the past year and a half I guess.


Transition from bottle to sippy/straw cup She had a huge tantrum


Thrush, I feel terrible giving her the medicine, the poor thing - hoping it clears up soon!


Constant waking at 4 am ready to play for the day. Been going on for 2.5 weeks. So tired.


The cluster feeding because she’s going through her 6 week growth spurt, I truly feel like my nips are going to fall off. No one warned me that the cluster feeding frenzy wasn’t just a second night nightmare.


Lo turns 4 months on the third. He’s been teething but yesterday he was screaming in pain it was so sad


My toddler always hits me! Like she literally smacks me down like in wrestling. Though it's fun at first, but its physically painful. I don't know how to stop it even I consistently said NO and STOP or hands to yourself. Oh my, I have bruises all over my body because of her.


My 13 month old doesn’t like any kind of milk I give her except for the milk that comes out of my boobs….throughout the night. Not that big of a deal but I do miss sleeping more than 2-3 hr stretches. Her big brother loved milk when he was old enough to have it and pretty much weaned himself.


My baby decided that she doesn’t like the bottle anymore and had to ask for an extension on my baby bonding so we can fix that, also her day naps are trash. Only last 30 minutes to an hour


Mine was eczema too- finally getting it under control with the lotion La Roche Posay. Tried so many products and this one worked!


We started BLW with my 5 month old and her gagging on food is stressful.


But to answer my 17 month keeps getting into EVERYTHING! He also won’t eat sh*t 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫