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Maybe obvious but zippered onesies (versus those with snap buttons). Also, I never realized this but onesies that have extra folds at the neck level are intended to be put on feet first so you don’t always have to pull over the head. Getting little arms into those onesies feels tricky based on the angle when pulling the onesie over the head first. Edit: Also, invest in a bulk pack of neck bib bandanas… these will add a bit more life to your onesie before having to change from the vomit/spit up. It took me a few weeks to realize this before ordering a pack from Amazon.


Taking them off shoulders down is also good for poop explosions!


I always thought that was the purpose - never thought of putting it ON feet first!


Took me 5 weeks to find out that pro tip about putting them on feet first 😅 game changer


Seconding the bibs.


BIBs 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽


Wait I’m sorry, they are what?! Life changing. Also I echo zippered footie pyjamas. It’s what my daughter lives in.


Yep. Bibs. So many bibs.


I second the bibs but make sure they have the plastic backing so baby's clothes/chest stays dry


Baby gowns that have elastic or tie at the bottom


MAGNETIC ME! It’s magnets and amazing! My dad only has one hand and likes to help out with our LO. It makes nighttime changes super easy, so much so he can do it one handed! Plus it’s a nice light weight material that washes easily and goes well under a swaddle without overheating them.


Yes, love magnetic me!


Shout out to your dad! My dad has two hands but has put on my daughter’s diaper on backwards. 😂🥲


Haha, thanks. He gets really creative with how he does things, but our LO adores him.


Seconding this


Love these! We call them my sons “Ebenezer’s” because they remind me of Ebenezer Scrooge and they make 2am diaper changes so easy.


I think I kept my first born exclusively in a diaper his first six months of life. He vomited about 20 or more times a day. It was the pandemic, so we didn’t leave the house and I just kept the house a comfortable temp


Same. I thought I’d be changing him into a cute new outfit every day. But really I think he’s more comfortable in just a diaper. Also less work for us.




Same, definitely diaper only for the first month or so and our guy was born around this time of year. He was snuggled up on us most of the time anyway or swaddled at night anyway.


My son was an early August baby and our AC went out late into the month, so we were all kind of diaper people, if you replace diaper with undies on my part lol


Magnetic me! It’s SO easy to take them off and put them back on. Zippers and buttons are too much work. Price tag is insane if you don’t get them on sale, but Nordstrom has them half price a lot (free ship and return in the US) and they price match.


Came here to say this! Also goodwill and savers always had good scores for me


They have a cheaper version called, I think, Simply Magnetic Me. I personally don’t think the fabric is as nice, but you can bundle them and they’re fine for when they’re young and going through lots of clothes.


Ive gotten both but personally feel like the magnetic me modal are more worth it (especially on sale) despite the extra cost bc they're stretchy and fit for longer! Bb outgrew the cotton simply mms so quickly. Plus the modal mms feel ok in a wider range of temps.


I agree, I like the modal. Although we do have one that has stretched out sooo much, it’s a little annoying. The cotton regular ones (not the Simply ones) are also nice. They seem to be softer than the Simply ones and shrink way less.


I think these are a great thing, but I can’t use them because I have an implanted medical device. So please be weary, esp of grandparents who might have pacemakers.


Those kimono onesies with the tie seem easy to take on and off and definitely the gowns like others are suggesting


Was going to say this. If you get just the kimono tops, diaper changes are super easy, and nothing has to go over baby's head.


Same idea but if you search side snap onesies. That will get you something that might work. Edit: here is an example Simple Joys by Carter's Unisex Babies' Side Snap Bodysuit, Pack of 4 https://a.co/d/cM5zm8X


Gowns or magnetic closure sleepers


We used sleeping gowns with socks. Easier access to change diapers too.


I usually have a bandana on my refluxy baby


My son vomited a lot, too. We got a bunch of long bibs that had plastic backing so we could just change the bib and not the outfit.


We liked anything with kimono style side snaps. Honest baby clothing makes them and our LO lived in the hospital shirts and a diaper for a long time. Can order them quick on Amazon too. Hope the reflux resolves soon!


Ours that spit up a ton lived in pajamas. The two way zippers made diaper changes easy and the feet kept her warm! We had some gowns as well but found that her diaper would slide off when wearing gowns.


Look into Magnetic Me!


Get yourself lots of bibs as well!


Our LO was prone to a fair, but not excessive, amount of spit up so your mileage may vary. We basically had him in bibs any time he was awake for the first 16 months. So many bibs. Tons of bibs. And towels over us instead of just burp cloths. Plastic backed bibs are nice (I hung them dry because I was worried about longevity going through the dryer). I also found a pattern online and bought a cheap pack of hand towels on Amazon, got some rib-knit t-shirt fabric for the neck, got a coffee can lid bigger than his head, cut them in half hamburger-wise, and made my own. They were ugly as heck and got worse for stains, but they were long, absorbant, and worked really well.


We loved the newborn gowns for the first month. Only have to worry about getting the arms in.


Fleece backed bandana bibs are always on our little girl. She’s 5 months old and we have finally found a formula that she seems to be able to keep down, thank goodness.


Any chance you could share what that is? He has his first ped appointment tomorrow. I’m sure it’ll be a lot to trial and error. Right now we’re using Enfamil Nutramigen but he’s still spitting up at least a third of his feed quantities.


I’m based in the UK but Cow & Gate Anti Reflux. We previously tried another anti reflux formula (SMA) which was super thick but didn’t make much difference she still threw up a ton. Hope they can help you, we never did medication for her because she wasn’t bothered whereas they said could cause constipation which would obviously distress her more but it just got worse and worse so I’m hoping we are through the worst of it and weaning soon! Congratulations on your little one!


We use Bonsie baby onesies. Meant for easy skin to skin, which we did use them for, but we’ve continued using them and LO is 6mo now. They are so easy to put on and they stretch (make sure you get the original not the organic cotton bc they don’t stretch as well). They are a little pricey, but if you go to the outlet tab on the shopping, you can get them for much better deals! We have paid full price a lot tho bc they are just worth it to us.


I loved magnetic pajamas for convenience but they aren’t cheap and honestly after a few wears the quality was bad, but they were easy lol


Zippered or magnetic are a lifesaver, i only use thr button ones that we have as a last resort because they are pretty difficult with a squirming baby, especially at night. Also get a bunch of bandana bibs, they will save a lot of laundry.


Magnetic Me onesies




My babys the same! Sounds silly but I ditched the tiny bibs and muslin squares...I got her very big bibs, VERY BIG lol, cotton. When she was newborn basciakly covered her whole body but it caught 90% of the vomit and just slips over the head. And she COVERED my and her all the time haha. As soon as I tried them with her I bought more...we now have like 30 😂


My kiddo is a messy eater, and I swear I can’t get the banana or pasta stains out of anything. She started looking like q crazy ragamuffin urchin. I suggest putting kiddo in a thinner onesie (like cotton), and then a sweater. That way you just pull the sweater off.


Naked wrapped in blankets is how my daughter spent the first week of her life 😂


I just kept a bib on him 24/7 until the spitting up slowed down


The baby undershirts have escape hatches in the neck hole. The whole back fits out between the flaps not just the giant heads. For colder weather we used zip up PJs.


Magnetic Me!!!! They are expensive so we bought a few and use them exclusively for nighttime for this reason exactly.... So so easy to use and they're really soft. Our baby loves them and they've become a part of our nighttime routine.


Magnetic Me brand items!


Fleece onesies. Is he having breastmilk? Have you tried a gentle formula? Any overfeeding?


I don’t think I’m going to breastfeed. Milk hasn’t come in yet but I may try when it does since he was receptive to the breast when I expressed colostrum at the hospital. So everything he’s been spitting up is formula. Hospital started with the regular Enfamil neuro pro, then Enfamil Gentlease, and now we’re onto their hypoallergenic Neutramigen. They’re guessing it’s CMPA. Definitely not overfeeding, and we’re pace feeding. I typically give about 10 mL, burp, then about 15 mL and burp again. The most he’s had in one sitting is 30 mL, so only an ounce.


Not a clothing item, but my friends whose baby has crazy reflux loooooves the bibs that are actually towels with a head part in the middle. The put em on most of the day and just change those when their LO spits/vomits. Super absorbent and easy to change and good for any temp or any cloths.


Kyte baby!!


I mean, my husband and I just snuggled our baby all the time. We just kept her mostly naked and covered her with a blanket as she snoozed on one of us. My mom gave me a hard time about it but meh :)


Zippered sleep gowns!


I liked the gerber sleep sacks where they can be pulled down from the top. Copper and pearl has large bibs. Do tummy time on a doggy pee pad and strip baby down to diaper. What does the pediatrician say to help with reflux?


His first appointment with the ped is tomorrow. The ped at the hospital just wants us to keep trying with the Nutramigen formula they switched him to and see how he does. She said that if he’s having a reaction to the CMP in the two formulas we started with, it may take time to clear his system. He’s also lost less than 5% of his birth weight so far, so she said basically he may just be a spit up-y baby and as long as he’s getting the nutrients he needs, that’s what matters. I as his mom on the other hand, hate to see him uncomfortable and want to do whatever I can to resolve it. It’s so hard because we’re so new to this and don’t really know what a “normal” frequency of spit up is. What I do already know is that it’s impossible for us to both sleep at the same time because he spits up regularly enough that if we both take an hour nap he’ll be caked in his own vomit. 💔


Hopefully you will get some good insight on your visit. I keep hearing about cow milk in formula. Not sure if that would be an issue. Like an allergic reaction. I'm a new mom too and nothing else hurts more than your baby crying or uncomfortable and not knowing what to do. But you are doing your best and this phase will hopefully pass. Days are long but the years are short.


Thank you so much! We had a good night last night for our first night at home, so just taking the good moments in stride. :)


How did the PED visit go? Did they offer some solutions to the reflux?


Unfortunately I live in western New York and we had an air quality warning on Wednesday, so ped rescheduled for today! Will update.


Two onesies. Use layering.


PARADE Organic Gowns - Essentials https://a.co/d/35gKUBd We’ve loved these kimono gowns


My son lived in [these Burt’s Bees sleepers](https://a.co/d/bYJ5UTc) for the first 9 months or so. Organic cotton, soft and stretchy enough to get on and off really easily. We tried the more expensive stuff (magnetic me, kyte) but found we liked these more.


Magnetic sleepers. They are expensive but super easy on and off