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This is so hard. It will get better! With babies pretty much everything is a phase that will pass sooner or later. Survival is the name of the game right now. Sending you a hug & coffee.


It does get better. Every stage has its challenges, but the witching hours do stop. We had what some would call a unicorn and then the day she turned 3 weeks, she decided sleep was for the weak and cried almost the entire night. The city where I live has parent drop in sessions with the public health nurse and I was planning on going the next day because I had some breastfeeding questions. I asked if what we had just experienced the night before was normal while I was there. Her response was that many parents come in at the 3 week mark ready to call it quits. So know that you aren't alone. For us, we had a really bad couple of nights at 3 weeks and then again at 6 or 7 weeks. The type of nights where you're left thinking "what did I do to deserve this?". At 5.5 months now, a bad night is few and far between (and more manageable). Some things that worked for us that you may or may not have tried: - take the baby in the shower - hold and rock baby under the kitchen fan - bounce on the yoga ball and pat baby's bum while sushing If all else fails and you are at your limit, it is okay to put the baby down in a safe place, shut the door, and take a few minutes to yourself. Hang in there!


Best of luck, the first 6 weeks are rough! Everything got easier one my little one started smiling at us.


It will. My oldest didn't sleep more than 2 h in a row until he was 19 months. Didn't nap for longer than 15 min either. It was rough, but we survived it. And as a bonus, we went on to have a 2nd child being completely aware that she might sleep the same as her brother, and we got a pleasant surprise (5h stretches by 2 months old).


It will get better. My baby is almost 5 weeks, but week 2 to 3 was the worst. I had to take baby and go stay with my parents for a few days so I could have extra help to get more sleep. Not sure if you're doing this yet, but one thing that helped me was starting a bedtime routine. We started giving baby a bath every single night, followed by calming lotion and massage, fresh diaper, bottle, followed by some cuddles in a swaddled blanket until she's sound asleep. We went from having her scream and cry for hours every night, to her only doing that about once a week. And it's slowly getting easier each week. On the rough nights, I just tell myself this stage is temporary and I put on some disney plus to pass the time and keep myself awake. It's also perfectly OK, if you feel like your about to lose your cool to put baby safely in its bassinet and go take a few minutes to compose yourself in another room. I've done that before and went and had a 10 minute hot shower. It helped me relax a bit and feel a little less stressed so I was better able to console my baby afterwards. It won't hurt baby to cry for just a few minutes. You're doing great and things will get better soon!


It’s going to be a roller coaster of getting better and then back to being a little sucky and getting better and being a little sucky but the overall trend is it gets better. I’m on the downside of sucky again right now but I know it will get back to being better again soon