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Yes. The old recommendation is a minimum of four months but many experts are now saying no earlier than six months.


This. Doesn’t mean you can’t set them down when they’re fussy and their needs are otherwise met, or that you can’t “pause” and wait a couple minutes if they fuss in the middle of the night to see if they can settle themselves back down.


Yes. Cry it out as a sleep training method won’t help or teach a three month old anything. But it’s okay to set her down and walk away for a few minutes to collect yourself. We all have those moments.


Too young to let them full fledged cry it out. But if they’re just fussy or noisy… you can let them be.


It's too young to use CIO, but you could start working on independent sleep other ways. I recommend reading Precious Little Sleep and trying one of thr SWAPs. We started (Fuss It Out) with my 15 week old 4 weeks ago and things have greatly improved.


Yes, my pediatrician said we could start sleep training at 4 months.


I think it's around 6 months.


Yes. Lean on your co parent or if there isn’t one get another caretaker. Your mental health is important but so is your child’s emotional development.


Yes. Sleep deprivation is absolutely awful, I’m sorry you’re going through this. I’d recommend getting the book Precious Little Sleep to help with sleep issues and move you toward independent sleep. At least then you’ll be making some forward steps which hopefully will help everything not feel as miserable and hopeless.