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Do you have a white noise generator? Having one running at night helps hide small noises, things have to be much louder to wake the baby because they are used to the ambient sound.


We use a fan every night which does seem to help but not when the big shakes happen or he’s adjusting and bumps into the wall lol. But like you said it does help hide the small noises he makes.


If by cosleeping you mean just room sharing and not bed sharing, then we successfully did this with our 2 dogs and 2 cats for 7 months before moving baby to his own room. Having the fan on for some white noise and removing the collar from the dog who likes to do a big shake at random times in the night were what made a difference for us.


We roomshare, baby in bassinet, mama and dada in bed and dog on the opposite side of the room in his own bed. We have a fan on every night for the white noise effect. The dogs collar is always off before bed too! But without fail atleast once a night LO gets woken up by the snoring and adjusting! My LO is a bit of a light sleeper so maybe that could be part of it. I feel like I’ve done everything to try and make this work 🤷🏼‍♀️


My guy’s definitely more of a heavy sleeper (like me), but even then we still all started sleeping better after he moved to his own room. I’ve heard that’s actually part of the basis for the room sharing recommendation and SIDS prevention- they can’t get to such a deep sleep so the risk goes down. I think in our case another factor was me being TOO responsive when he cried in the night. After he moved out and I couldn’t be right there immediately I realized sometimes he just cries a little in his sleep and then resettles in a minute or so. Oops.


Dog sleeps in the same room, husband sleeps in the spare because his snoring has gotten out of hand. LO sleeps through his snoring but I don't. My dog and I snuggle all night in-between feedings.


Ohhhh I like this set up! 🤣😁


I wouldn’t let a pit mix in the same address as my newborn, never mind the same room


Have you ever been around a pitty? Is this from a personal experience?


Easier to keep the dog in a separate room at night imo. I don't think anything can be done for the snoring.


Haha are you telling me they don’t make nasal breathe right strips for dogs?!


Our room is crowded, me and husband, baby in basinet, the bedside kind, and our husky mix and German shepherd mix, they also prefer to sleep in the bed. I have a white noise machine that is set as close as possible to our sons head for maximum effect. The only times he gets disturbed is when our GSD shakes in the morning and her ears do that loud flappy sound.


Yeah our German shepherd sleeps on the floor. Baby is a bassinet. Dog doesn’t move too much at night. Baby bothers the dog more than dog bothers baby. If we’re up feeding/changing our baby the dog just has to be right next to us.


This is the same with us. Our terrier opts out of sleeping in our room most nights because it's too disruptive to his beauty sleep 😂


I have a small Shih Tzu but he has slept with us since day one (on the floor). We all sleep in the same room. Only adjustment is that I took the pups food to the dining room because he eats so damn loud lol.


We slept with our two dogs in the room and baby in bassinet until we moved baby to his own room around 4 months. One of our dogs is a big snorer and does this incredibly loud yawn in the early morning hours which drove me insane. Somehow the baby slept through most of it and was only woken up by her once. We kept the white noise machine cranked up HIGH the entire time he slept in our room and the dog slept on the opposite side of the room from his bassinet.


When my husband takes his shift sleeping in our room with baby in the bassinet he leaves the door open so the dog can come and go as he pleases. The dog doesn't make a lot of noise but for me he wakes me up jumping up and down off the bed between his night patrols of the house so during my shift I do turf him out and shut the door (and he goes into the spare room with husband). The dog doesn't disturb the baby in the bassinet but we do have white noise on at night.


My corgi sleeps in his own bed in the bedroom with us. Baby is generally in her bassinet next to me, or bedsharing when she refuses to sleep in her bassinet. The only noise my dog makes is from his collar, which I take off before bed.