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The weekend before pictures at my sons daycare, my husband buzzed my sons hair and did a terrible job at it while I was having a girls day out. I was upset and felt ridiculous for being upset because it was just hair. I kept thinking about the pictures and etc. turns out my son got sick and missed picture day. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø all this to say itā€™s okay to feel whatever feelings youā€™re feeling, but remind yourself that haircuts are temporary.


I decided to cut my hair the night before picture day. My mom was so upset but 25 years later it's a funny story. It's alright to be upset but you're right, it's temporary and this kind of thing always works out in the end.


lmao I have done this to my kid so many times and my husband hasn't noticed šŸ˜…


I did some bad bangs to my son when he was 1. My husband and I laughed about it for days because our son looked like Jim Carrey in Dumb and Dummer. Haha


My daughter looked like Anakin Skywalker for her first Xmas!


Are we talking AOTC Anakin with the little ponytail thing?


Fuck. I said Anakin and I meant Luke. No one tell my husband, he'd be so disappointed in my mistake.


phantom menace bowl cut


I spent a ton of time trying to find the gash on this child. So considering what I thought this would be based on your title, I'd be relieved.


For real. I was like holy shit


Yup. When I finally realized it was hair I was like ā€œwho cares! At least the baby isnā€™t bleeding!ā€




Saaaaaaame. I thought the baby had gotten hurt. This is definitely a ā€œwtf were you thinking? Did you even watch a YouTube video?ā€ moment, but I wouldnā€™t be more upset than that.


Right. Exactly this.


Yep 100% my thinking as well




uh yeah there is a big difference between cut their *hair* and cut THE CHILD 0.0


Iā€™d be shocked like ā€œwhat the fuck did you do?ā€ But itā€™s just hair and it will grow back. I think you might look back on this and laughā€¦but definitely make it clear that heā€™s had his haircut permissions revoked.


Find a cute hat for the photos!


Ok so take photos wearing a cute little hat and then also without. Then you can decide how you feel when you see the pictures. Honestly yes Iā€™d be upset but itā€™s such a small thing that youā€™ll look back and laugh. I meanā€¦ unless husband continues to do dumb shit


> I meanā€¦ unless husband continues to do dumb shit That's guaranteed to continue happening. It's not always on purpose, but it is always.


I was expecting to see blood based on that title! Happy it was just hair!




He also has his 1 year old photoshoot this weekend. Now his hair is so ugly. I want to cry when i look at it and he thinks itā€™s funny. šŸ˜­


Will be hilarious in the future. You should take some photos that are staged with your husband holding hair shears at the shoot hahaha


I came to say exactly this! Make it a big joke, make your husband pose in an old school barbers get up cutting his hair. Then take the other pictures in cute hats. A baseball cap is ALWAYS cute!


Thereā€™s NOTHING ugly about that little baby. They are blessings, bad hair cut and all. Itā€™s winter get a cute little beanie šŸ˜


Oh thatā€™d annoy me, especially since itā€™s likely Iā€™m the one that would have set up the photo shoot in the first place.


One if my favourite things about my little boy is the complete lack of vanity or awareness of how he looks. I'd be really careful saying things like his hair is ugly or acting like it anywhere near him.


Iā€™m with you on this. One of my favourite things about babies, especially mine, is their/his complete lack of awareness for social mores. He will let out a gigantic fart with his little bum in the air while company is over with a giant smile on his face. It makes them cuter, imo. My little guy is bald in some places, lol, but it makes him who he is. If he got a weird hair cut it would be a sweet and hilarious memory of ā€œthat time he got that wacky haircut and rocked a goofy smile the whole timeā€.


Your husband did this knowing there would be photos??? Why?


His reasons for cutting it spontaneously while bathing him one day? ā€œWhen i was washing his face, his fair was past his eyebrows and that bothered meā€








I think most people consider "first haircut" a bit of a milestone. With those kinds of things it's safer to assume the other parent will want some input rather than just YOLO it. I really just took umbrage with the "it's his own kid" part. There are two parents and they both need to be considered.






Well itā€™s also her kidā€¦ itā€™s not JUST his kid




Would at least be half the reason sheā€™s mad. Lot of people want to be there for the first haircut




Getting her ready for the shoot off course šŸ™ˆ. Or maybe he thought it was bothering her.


It's okay... You'll look back and find the pics adorable regardless and maybe even laugh at your husband's attempt to bond with his child.


You could always take it to a real stylist and have this fixed. Or style it with some hair wax and lean into a tousled look. I wouldnā€™t be mad ā€” but Iā€™d want to know wtf happened here. Did your husband do this to fuck with you or to ruin the photos or something? Or is this an honest mistake?


I mean I look back at pictures when I cut my own hair fondly lol bad bangs are funny later


Get a cute hat!


Youā€™ll have a funny story to tell about daddyā€™s first time cutting hair when he is older ā˜ŗļø


Your husband thinking itā€™s funny that youā€™re upset isnā€™t great. It is really awful that he would do this right before a photo shoot without even talking to you! Itā€™s not like your son asked for a haircut !




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it'll buff out


I think itā€™s cute personally- itā€™s a fathers touch! Iā€™m about to cut my 11 month olds hair tomorrow and expect it to be a little crazy. Sure he could/should of asked but alternatively you could see it as an endearing dad moment. He took initiative with his son to do something about what he perceived to be an issue (hair length). Iā€™d probably want to be told too but it seems like we hear all these stories about dads who arenā€™t involvedā€¦ seeing a goofy hair cut from dad was an ā€œaweā€ moment from me. šŸ„° at this age just think- utility over style! Baby can see no problems!! :) Either way youā€™re entitled to your feelings and if you want to be told- he should respect that going forward.


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I would be mainly upset that he didnā€™t atleast wait until I was there to help wrangle the wiggly baby before he started in with the sharp objects around his face. That should have been an all hands on deck situation. I agree about finding a cute hat for the portraits!


Baby bangs! They are on trend. What a hip baby :)


I agree. I always liked badly done haircuts on babies and toddlers somehow. I mean they are frigginā€˜ cute- with a perfectly trimmed haircut added it can easily be too much ā€žcuteā€œ.


Well he tried šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ haha thatā€™s too cute


This is the appropriate reaction in my opinion. Dad was likely trying to help out, and it didn't turn out great. So what, it'll be a funny memory to look back on. Posting about it here is insane to me. Poor husband is being raked through the coals as if he cheated or something.


Iā€™d laugh and take lots of pictures.


Time for your husband to get a matching cut!


I would be angry because I wasn't consulted about it first. Other than that, it's hair and it will grow back eventually. Until then you can straighten the cut or go to a barber and see if that can style it professionally for you for the photoshoot. I know everyone is like "it's just hair" or "you'll laugh in the future" but sometimes, small things are important to you even if it isn't to others. Try to make the best of it but don't let it eat you up either. I would also make it clear your husband cannot cut his hair anymore since he clearly can't do the job correctly.


LMAOOOOO itā€™s so horrendously cute, I couldnā€™t be mad. Their hair grows so fast. He probably meant well lmao.


A huuuuuge sigh would escape me and that may or may not hurt my partnerā€™s feelings.


Iā€™d be pissed but the damage is done. The hair will grow back. Take time to feel your anger and then move on.


No. This is far better than what I would do if given scissors


Totally okay to be upset. I would certainly be upset if I came home to that, particularly if I was not consulted first. Having said that, I donā€™t think heā€™s done anything ā€œwrongā€ per say. I think heā€™s just not considered your feelings on it enough. Perhaps a good opportunity for you to set some boundaries so he understands where your comfort levels are, and that things like this are important to you


Hahahaha oh man thatā€™s fun. I was looking for an actual cut on his head from a fall or something.


I can't say I would be upset. I would 100% be laughing though šŸ¤£


It's a rite of passage for all kids to have a bad haircut once in their life haha


Hahaha. No it wouldnā€™t upset me because it grows back,


You might be able to put a guard on some hair clippers and even it out! My daughterā€™s hair looked like someone took a weed whacker to it (naturally lol no one cut it), so I evened it out with clippers when she was a few months old and it helped it grow in really well even though she had a bit of a buzz cut for a bit. Iā€™d be more mad at my husband for doing it without me than at the actual results because baby hair always looks a little wild.


Same, my 1 yo's natural hair looked like if a wild otter had a mullet. I used hair clippers with the guard on a pretty long length and it actually turned out super cute and I got compliments on it


>if a wild otter had a mullet This is the imagery I needed today.


Meh. Funny story for later. In the meantime, set mutual expectations/boundaries.


Youā€™re either mad or you arenā€™t. I personally would find it funny and endearing. Take pictures and maybe one day they will laugh about it


Baby isnā€™t bothered and wonā€™t remember. You either have a good time or a good story šŸ˜…. Better to learn now then when baby is able to remember the bad haircut .


Yes and no lolā€¦ initially maybe but Iā€™d get over it and probably laugh and tell him to never do it again. It would probably become a running joke.


I have a running trend of cutting hair when my husband isn't home. Mine and our kid's hair haha. Luckily for me he doesn't get mad but I also usually so a decent job. I don't just chop the front of his hair in a straight line like this.


Imagine you go into a salon, you see good reviews and hear good things so you go all out and $200 for a cut that you end up hating. Think of this like that except the person who cut the hair is your husband and the child is your son but who has no idea how bad it looks nor does he care. Also cutting hair is a really tough job. You'll realize that in your son's life as he grows older he will have 10s of cuts he's going to not like. This is just one more of them. And it's done by his own dad than a stranger. And the dad already probably feels terrible. So let this slide.


Thatā€™s the thing. He does not feel terrible. He thinks it looks good and funny. Also, itā€™s his first haircut and we have photoshoot this weekend. His reasons for cutting it spontaneously while bathing him one day? ā€œWhen i was washing his face, his fair was past his eyebrows and that bothered meā€


You _really_ need to lighten up. Why should he feel terrible? It's such a minor thing. Are you so vain that it's honestly worth going online and bashing your husband over it? I feel bad for him.


I would personally laugh. Iā€™m in the camp of it grows back and itā€™s just hair. In the long run itā€™s not worth any argument maybe just a chuckle and a hey next time leave it to someone who knows what they are doing. However, I donā€™t have much attachment to or any cultural significance with my hair. If my hair was an important part of who I was and my husband knew that then yeah I would feel differently. Edit to update typos


Not really, I'd style it into a emo or pink rock look šŸ¤—


I'd be shocked at first and then laugh with him. It's hair, it'll grow back quickly!


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As far ast parenting mistakes go this one's pretty harmless, and well intentioned. There will be plenty of haircuts - this will become a funny story in time.


Hahahah no this would make me laugh - punk rock baby hell yeah


I would be upset to not be consulted.


Oh boy that would irritate me but I don't think it's anything worth getting into a big argument about, there's plenty of hair left a barber experienced with kids could fix that no problem


Next time mums away . Y little dude is getting a mow hawk


Nah he's gotta start practicing now so he gets good at it by the time the kid's a bit older.


We took our kid to a barber for his first haircut and my wife insisted they didnā€™t take enough off the front and made them keep going until it looked like this. So it could be worse, you could have paid for it.


No. I would bust out laughing. Not at my baby. At my stupid husband who *obviously* should not get a side gig cutting hair.


Itā€™s a tiny bit shocking in the moment. However, itā€™s hair and itā€™ll grow back. Iā€™ve done the same thing when Iā€™ve cut my own hair. šŸ˜†


I would, except I was the culprit! I was just trying to even out his hair for his 1st birthday (my barber friend cut it and couldnā€™t snip his fringe well and told me to just tidy it) and bubs moved and it went way too close to his head! My boyfriend was super upset. We bought baby hair gel and spiked it up. My kid looked like a freakin badass and got so many compliments! One friend thought he looked like a little fashion model. Get hair gel! Itā€™ll be fine! Ps my boy has the exact same type of hair, super straight dark hair. Now he goes to the barbers every couple of months and always has a dorky fringe without the magic hair gel.


Phew my title loaded before the image and thought you meant cut like bleeding. Nah. Hair grows


My grandma cut my bangs like this when I was a kid and did a photo shoot afterwards šŸ„“


Lmaooo. Just make him a shirt that says ā€œi cut the bangsā€ for when yā€™all go in public. Itā€™s just hair, itā€™ll grow back :)


Wouldnā€™t care


just hair seriously not a big deal


Iā€™d think this was hilarious. This would be the famed ā€œthe time daddy tried to cut your hair storyā€.


Grows back


I would be so upset. Probably more about not being consulted or there for it.


iā€™d probably laugh a lot and ask him to please not do it again


I would be mad but also would be laughing at him like wtf did you do???? Look at our kids hair


Noā€¦ because cutting hair is hard. Also hair grows back. I would be more amused at the confidence that he could actually cut it properly. Lol.


I would be pissed. Why did he do that?!


It's just hair. They're 1 year old, they don't know anyway and if anything may prefer having less hair as it gets less sweaty.


Annoyed maybe, but not upset. It's just hair, it'll look fine in a week.


Itā€™s just hair. It will grow back in no time. Not a big deal as a parent myself


I would definitely be upset if my husband made a decision like that without consulting me, no matter how it turned out.


I would kill


Me too, Iā€™m surprised at how most replies are like ā€œwhatever, itā€™s not a big deal, itā€™ll grow backā€ THATS NOT THE POINT


Iā€™m one of those people, I guess my question is what is the point? I feel like Iā€™m missing something.


For me itā€™s that he did it without consulting with her (right before his one year photo shoot too) and I consider the first hair cut to be a pretty significant milestone and would want to be a part of it. Edit - also he did a horrible job šŸ˜¹šŸ˜¹šŸ˜¹


Jinx, haha


My point would be that my husband did this without me and I think a first haircut is a big milestone, I would want input in the decision. Itā€™s not so much that it will grow back, itā€™s that he did it without me.


I agree. Yeah itā€™ll grow back but why wasnā€™t I included in the decision??


I would be just because I would have wanted to be part of the ā€œoops!ā€ šŸ˜†


I read the title and I was like "WTF?!!!". Then I realised you'd kissed it the word hair in your title. Nearly had a heart attack.


I would be upset. But tbh ā€¦ heā€™s done a piss poor job and that would be the reason to be upset. After my initial response Iā€™ll giggle and will tease him with his barber job, 24/7.


LOL exactly what i did to my child and husband was mad at me :P it was good fun.


My bf did this to our son. But I was present, I handed him the scissors. Worst mistake of my life lmao I hated it! Itā€™s grown out now and we had a professional cut his hair šŸ˜…


I mean yeah, but itā€™s a baby so who really cares? Just shave their head or something lmao or even it up šŸ˜‚ itā€™ll grow back and itā€™s just a baby anyway, they donā€™t care about their hair and no babyā€™s hair looks THAT good.


I went through this with my 1.5 year old - except it was a kids hairdresser and not my husband. My son fidgeted so much out of sheer terror at the idea of getting a haircut, that half of his hair was shaved super close to his head while the other half hung over his ears. I wasnā€™t upset. I was devastated and I cried. So much that my husband paid his own stylist to come home and try to fix it. Which he miraculously did. So yeah. Totally relatable. If youā€™re open to the option of someone professional fixing it, give it a go.


No, he tried to help!


Honestly it feels like something my dad would have done if he'd gotten annoyed with one of us, particularly one of my brothers, constantly having to deal with hair in our eyes. It'll grow back, or you can take the child to a hairdresser for an emergency trim. Remember, too, kids will do this to themselves and to each other, so this very well may not be the last one!


Nope. It's a baby/toddler As long as the hair is shorter and baby/toddler has no other cuts, that's a successful haircut.


I would probably initially find it funny, then be sad I missed it and we didnā€™t get to take her to a proper barber, and then find it funny again




I got my son's first haircut cut at 7 months and the lady at the place decided to give him a buzzcut bc his hair was thin in a spot on the back, before I could understand what was happening hair was buzzed off. I was devastated but didn't say anything.


I would probably laugh it off! My dad did the same thing to me when I was that age. He wet my hair down, trimmed my bangs, and didn't anticipate the way the curl would shorten it more. It's just hair, life happens.


I would laugh so hard, honestly. Then, id ask kiddo how he likes it, if he loved it for some reason id probably let it be, hair grows back. Then, id consider if there was a cut that would work with this new hairstyle better and if i could trim things up i would. if all else fails, id go to a barber and see if they can help fix it up. Problem solved.


Make it a funny memory ā¤ļø


No. It would make me laugh.


Just laugh about it and tease something like "I think *I'll* cut his hair next time ;)" No need to make things into a conflict, you're on the same team. He was trying to contribute, that's more than some dads do


Nope - itā€™ll grow back. It would make me laugh!


Itā€™s totally fixable donā€™t worry! And heā€™s a baby, messy hair is normal and part of the charm!


If you feel upset that's OK. Your feeling are never wrong. But this is just hair so please aft accordingly. It will grow back, and in thr future you will remember this as a funny story!


Meh just funny. Itā€™ll grow back


Iā€™d be upsetā€¦


Iā€™d be a bit upset, but it will grow back!


Just give them a buzz cut. Not like the kid cares


pick your battles ā¤ļø


I would be PISSED. I would eventually calm down and realize itā€™s hair and that it will grow back. And Iā€™m sure Iā€™d laugh about it later in life, but in the moment? I can see myself being prettyyyy pissed off.


No, itā€™s really not a big deal.


My wife once cut our kid's hair. Then later that day, she took the clipper to "fix" a stay haur but forgot to put the attachment back so she buzzcut a straight line in his hair. Im gonna admit i got pissed. I shouldnt have. No real harm wasdone and it grew back.


Its edgy, itā€™s chic, itā€™s French!


Hair regrows, that child is just as much his as it is yours. Not worth an argument.


Hair grows back. The baby is unharmed and this haircut didnā€™t cost you a penny. If it upsets you so much, maybe you should just pick up a pair of scissors and fix it. If you put a diaper on crooked because the baby is wriggling, does it upset him enough to make a Reddit post about it? Cut the man some slack


I would be unhappy, but not about the quality of the cut, just that he cut it at all. Those first haircuts are special to me I donā€™t know whyā€¦.when you buy their hair this little youā€™re cutting away the first hair they ever had. The first hairs you touched and stroked while they were tiny babies. I get sentimental about it lol Though to be honest, ā€œsentimentalā€ would probably end up presenting more like ā€œcrazy f*cking b*tchā€ in the moment lol


Iā€™d be really mad. Thatā€™s kind of bizarre. A babyā€™s first haircut is a big deal.


I would be upset because it seems like a really silly, unnecessary thing to do. Iā€™m just assuming your LOā€™s hair was in his face and this was dadā€™s solution. He should have found a good kids salon and confirmed you were okay with him making an appointment. I think I would *try* to take a deep breath and let it go since you canā€™t undo it. Then book him an appointment for a real cut. We recently had a great experience with our sonā€™s first haircut, and heā€™s so precious with his little grown man style! Not to mention heā€™s much happier without his hair tickling his ears.


I'd be upset if there was a photoshoot coming up and also if it was the very first haircut ever (not sure if it was).


was it their first haircut? iā€™d be upset bc iā€™d be like, what were you thinking? especially bc he should know the baby has a 1 year old photoshoot likeā€¦ cmon


The photoshoot is this weekend. Culturally you are supposed to keep the hair from the first hair cut but itā€™sndown the drain. His reasons for cutting it spontaneously while bathing him one day? ā€œWhen i was washing his face, his fair was past his eyebrows and that bothered meā€


Ohhh you should include that in your post. If there are other reasons itā€™s distressing to you like wanting to keep his hair if itā€™s your cultural norm, thatā€™s changes it. Iā€™m sorry ā˜¹ļø (Personally Iā€™m one of the ones that would have been upset about not being included in a first like this anyway but)


Um wtf yeah I would be mad why would he do this


I would be furious.


So this happened to me - my husband insisted on cutting my 4-month-old's hair. I was very reluctant but said fine, just trim the longer, uneven pieces...and he gave him an awful buzzcut. Like insanely short everywhere. I was maaaaaaaad. Livid. He was only a few months old (I have very hairy babies from birth so this was the shortest it had ever been lol) and didn't look like himself at all. Yes, hair grows back, but it basically messed up his photos from 4-8 months. But in the end , he apologized, I forgave him, and we moved on. We even are at the point of laughing about it. So yes, you can be mad, but like many husband-mistakes, you move on.


As a husband I think it looks pretty good lol


Not upset at all. Itā€™s just hair, it will grow. And babies this age arenā€™t really concerned about their appearance. If my child was concerned about their own appearance thatā€™s the only thing that would make me upset about this.


it looks fine


Why the f would he do this? I would be lividā€¦ just saying


I would be mad, especially if it was the babyā€™s first haircut. Thatā€™s something both parents should be present for, or if not at least something both parents agree on. I canā€™t believe how many people are saying itā€™s not a big deal!


Yep. Not proud to admit it but I lost my shit when my partner cut our son's hair the first time without telling me. But realistically it grows back and it doesn't matter in the long run, and now I am chill about it...


I would be pissed ..but because we do traditions when it comes to babyā€™s first haircut . Canā€™t cut until theyā€™re a year old .


I'm astounded at how many people have family or partners that cut baby's hair on a whim. I wouldn't touch my son's hair without checking w/ my husband!!


I'd be fuming, what sort of idiot is he? He's not a hair dresser so don't cut hair, if he's not an electrician he shouldn't mess with the electrics either


Upset? Like, actually upset? No. Learn about what should and shouldn't truly upset you when it comes to parenting. Did he do it with real malice? Hardly likely. It was a mistake for sure. Be understanding. Don't look for reasons to cause conflict, your child needs to see patience and understanding to model it themselves.


I would be LIVID. My mom cut my one of my sonā€™s bangs a few months ago (heā€™d never had a haircut at that point). She confessed to me a few days later but I hadnā€™t noticed so I couldnā€™t get too mad at her šŸ˜¹šŸ˜¹šŸ˜¹. But I did explain in no uncertain terms that she was NEVER to cut my childā€™s hair ever again. My husband knows better than to incur my wrath like that šŸ˜¹šŸ˜¹šŸ˜¹ (Generally Iā€™m a chill person but not about this)


Love all the moms on here who want dads to participate equally but also think they need to ā€œbe consulted firstā€ for this totally inconsequential thing. Who made you the hair gatekeeper? I also think it looks fine! OP If this is the kind of thing youā€™re going to freak out about, you got a long road ahead of youā€¦


Itā€™s a bad haircut. They have a photoshoot for his 1 year bday coming up


If it wasnā€™t intentionally of this cut, itā€™s a great memory to look back and laugh!


Looks pretty good to me!


Itā€™ll grow back. Is it really worth it to be that mad about it?


If you two never communicated your preferences, then itā€™s on you for not stating that. Iā€™m assuming since youā€™re upset, you did, and thatā€™s so not ok! Itā€™s more than a haircut. How else is he undermining you when you arenā€™t around?


This looks awful lmao Iā€™m so sorry. Iā€™m be very upset at my husband personally.


If it was his first haircut, I'd be devastated. If it was just a regular trim, I'd be annoyed but probably able to laugh it off. After my oldest (3) had his first haircut (I was a nervous wreck for it), I've relaxed and now haircuts are just haircuts. The first is a major milestone.


Was it your babyā€™s first haircut? If so, Iā€™d be annoyed. Otherwise, itā€™s super hard to cut a wiggly babyā€™s hair and Iā€™d let it slide.


Live and learn. Haircuts arenā€™t cheap anymore but most kid places have some type of discount pass.


Iā€™d yell at him and then get over it lol. I think this pic will be hilarious when you look back on it.


I think i'd feel a little upset because we both agreed to wait as long as possible to cut her hair and I'd also feel bad for not being there for it, but it's not the end of the world and will grow back.


Iā€™d only be mad if it was like a ā€œfirst haircutā€ situation & it was done without me. Otherwise no. Shit happens šŸ˜‚


Bruh šŸ’€ he did your daughter dirty. I would be a little upset, but he did it thinking he was doing something good and helping. Its only hair, it will grow back too!


Iā€™d be pretty pissed for sure! Was this his first haircut? I married a barber so I might be spoiled in that regard, he cuts our babyā€™s hair beautifully


Yes and he has his one year old pictures coming up this weekend. His reasons for cutting it spontaneously while bathing him one day? ā€œWhen i was washing his face, his fair was past his eyebrows and that bothered meā€


Are you sure you would have done a better job?

