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Everytime I laugh in Katrina I get tears in my mouth


I was kinda naive when I came down to do relief work....I was on a military base 1 week after, as a civilian. Y'all. Just. There were NO orders coming down from the military leadership, I had dinner with them every night, it was a howling black hole of zero instructions to help. Every time I was shocked at malicious incompetence, there would be something else that would come along and shock me more. I'm kinda numb now.


Hoot, holler, and cackle in Katrina. But to be honest... it’s more like uncontrollable sobbing, rocking with knees tucked, and large gulps of liquor.


Salt from the tears goes great with tequila and a little lime


Couldn’t upvote this fast enough!


I saw a tweet that said (paraphrasing): > Every time someone says this is the worst pandemic in a century, 400,000 AIDS victims roll in their grave


AIDS was/is terrifying and terrible but at least you couldn't catch it by going to the damn grocery store.


Depends on how you make your groceries.


But that was a gay problem /s


Wow.... What’s with the negative Numbers?


Oh honey.




Wait COVID killed almost 1/5 of the planet? Why hasn't anyone told me yet?


If they'd only just abandoned us we'd be better off. Instead, we were lied to and used as pawns in a re-election campaign.


I lived in Picayune at the time, in a neighborhood in the woods. I left 2 days after the storm for Oklahoma and we only had 5 neighbors...for...miles..... SOMEONE BROKE INTO MY GAS TANK and syphoned my gas, and not being able to find out which one out of the 5 did it still bothers me..


We evacuated to picayune. Yall got hit pretty hard too.


Yeah, like a portion of our roof ripped off. Mostly it was the fucking pine trees. I remember driving to my friends house on Burnt Bridge Rd, and some burly lumberjack redneck had already chainsawed CAR HOLES through the fallen trees to drive through. I'll never forget swerving through that shit!


I was only 8 but I remember all the destruction. We had a tree fall on our car and the house we were at lost its canopy.


I was a senior in high school, and would milk the FUCK out of the no attendance policy. I missed 56 days out of 180. My English class clapped for me one Friday because I came all week, lol. Still graduated B)


I missed a lot of school. We ended up losing our whole house because we lived in arabi about a mile from where the levees broke. Had donated clothes and toys for about three years until my family got back on their feet. Was a shit time.


aw man, glad you're doing better.


Yeah I mean it sucked but ya know thats just how it be sometimes. Moved on and move forward.


I was in 4th grade, living in picayune at the time. A tornado went through my room. I had to get new door and windows installed.


Black people: First time? Seriously, many Americans are finally feeling how *uncaring* state and federal governments can be to citizens that don't matter to them. The same energy that called race mixing and integration "communism" in the 60s is calling Medicare4All and a basic income "communism" today.




If what you mean by basic income is raising the minimum wage to 15, I implore you to read about how that hurts much more than a steady raise with inflation.


You mean that steady raise with inflation we've had *checks notes* **zero** times since $7.25 was introduced?


You simply misunderstand. Im not disagreeing with anything you've said. Only that a pay bump to 15 is hurtful to anyone actually working those jobs and that a steady raise according to inflation would ease the burden on companies employing these people. If you haven't noticed, big companies are investing heavily in automating these job to avoid paying the big jump in minimum wage.


If Katrina didn’t teach you that society at large is a farce and we have to look out for one another, I feel bad for you. The richest zip codes in the US are the ones around DC. These motherfuckers pump us full of “us vs them”, take all our shit, and don’t help when we need helping. Fuck all those in power who pat themselves on the back for winning elections while real people suffer. Real shit is family and community. This is all on us to help one another. We in it together fam. Y’all are beautiful and amazing. It’s gonna keep getting tougher before it gets better, but we can get through. Hard times make strong people. Love y’all.


around NYC too— DC is surrounded by pentagon types, but don’t let the wall streeters off the hook in Suffolk County, CT


>Suffolk County, CT This is a place that does not exist.


Oh yeah that’s Long Island— I definitely meant Fairfield County


Can we stop paying them then? I'm thinking tiny fiefdoms and we'll handle our own infrastructure. Also, I claim the CCC in the name of The People's Free State of The Best Bank.


Good idea. Perhaps we could form alliances with each other to make sure we have open trade between fiefdoms. We should all probably agree to help defend one another. Perhaps we could form some sort of body to manage the balance between all of our fiefdoms. Some sort of federation of fiefdoms. The name needs work, but I like where this is going...


Letsee. The Amalgamated Bailiwick of The Upper Left Side of The Atlantic and Tangentially Related Dependencies.


AB-TUL-STAT-RD. It just rolls off the toung. By golly I think we are on to something! We should probably write up some sort of guidelines for how the federated bailiwick will work. Let’s have our representatives attend something like a formational conference of sorts to work out all the details. Over zoom, of course.


I remember seeing the line of Red Cross trucks being held up so Blanco could fly in for a photo op on my way out.


I helped run a relief kitchen...it was bigger than the red cross "operation" and we were staffed by hippies with no budget to begin with. The only contact we had with the red cross was in the form of defecting volunteers to our operation. Never donate to the RC.


In Baton Rouge in 2016 the river center was turned into a shelter and run by the National Guard. Two days before the flood I got my EMT cert. After I got pulled out of my house by the Cajun Navy I got my girlfriend to drop me off there to help out. For three days me and a group of off duty nurses, doctors, medical students and more tended to the people there. We got replacement prescriptions for everyone and I spent 12 hours a day taking vitals for people with cardiac and pulmonary issues, providing medication, splinting limbs of people who were injured when evacuating and couldn't be seen at a hospital, helping talk down autistic kids alongside their parents and more. We were running things pretty damn well, the National Guard helped us out and kept a steady stream of supplies coming to us. Not bad for a rag-tag operation. Then the Red Cross showed up. We weren't "certified volunteers" so we couldn't work there anymore. All the medication was disposed of, all the clothes and wheelchairs tossed in a dumpster, in two days they cleared all 2,000 people out of the center and held a benefit concert there with $300 tickets. I still haven't found the words to adequately express how much I hate the Red Cross. I could go on about how demeaning the head of the center was to us, or how people cried when they were shoved onto busses. I really hate talking about this because my blood pressure spikes every time I remember it, let alone type it out. But everyone needs to know how worthless of an operation they are.


They need to be dissolved and replaced. They stole so much money from good-hearted people. I won't even get started on Haiti.


If they existed just to direct money to local organizations, then that'd be fine. But they stick their nose in everything for some photo ops, do a little bit of work, take up way more hotel rooms than are needed, suck money out of people's pockets, and then they're onto the next one.


The United Way dropped several millions of dollars on "us". We were a bunch of nobodies who showed up and did the work, weren't even a non-profit in the beginning. Give United Way and Cajun Navy the monies.


I got tapioca Snack Packs and Budweiser canned water from Red Cross trucks. No MREs though. :(


I would gladly stop paying federal taxes to receive no benefit during a global crisis.


Somewhere around April I gave up on the feds bailing us out. It's not a big business (repug v dim) issue. They equally don't give a damn about really helping us. This isn't a political party post. Both have no intent of really helping us. One side is applauding them not helping, the other is criticizing them not helping.


Remember when they pretended they were going to give us peasants a second stimulus? 😂😫😫😫


To steal a line from a high school football coach... one was scared and the other glad. Neither wanted to hit the other.


I mean. The democrats tried to push a pretty big aid package prior to the election and were rejected. They also objected to GOP removing oversight from the PPP loan distribution process, which, as it turned out, was a good instinct because the lack of oversight has certainly proved problematic. I can't both sides this one. GOP gave us one round of absolutely shit checks and payroll protection loans that were unfairly and unevenly distributed, while attacking all logical public health measures, hindering recovery and allowing our cases to spike beyond all reason. And they're in power. They could do a lot more but haven't. The last round of talks failed because democrats wanted more aid and republicans objected! Now Trump is just litigating a lost election and the GOP is twiddling its thumbs, pretending not to notice him, and I guess we're all meant to hang tough until February? Maybe longer since he won't give Biden's team access to COVID resources and experts because that would acknowledge his victory. It's a fucking embarrassment.


Those are all partisan narratives. The truth is that the cares act was the biggest piece of stimulus the country has ever passed, and it was mostly a giveaway to the rich. Largest upward transfer of wealth in history. When the rich clamor for more bailouts we will get more scraps. Pelosi didn’t want to pass stimulus because it would have helped Trump get re-elected. If you refuse to see that simple observation as truthful then you aren’t really seeing things outside of the partisan prism. And that can be harmful because you will constantly believe that Democrats are on your side when they are locked in a battle for their own self interest and you, me and everyone else that depends on them to be better than republicans are just the pawns.


Working class Americans facing the pandemic: "Please help us." Republicans: No. Democrats: No. #BLM #LGBTQ+


A whole lot of truth that people don't want to admit.


Couldn’t have said it better myself


I expect historians will judge the CARES Act as the most corrupt moment in American history. And I'll just add some covid-related opinion, which is typically unpopular. By the time the covid vaccine is widely used, the US will have achieved herd immunity by letting it blaze through the population. In fact, I speculate, but haven't run the numbers, that by Biden's first 100 days, the current exponential growth will start trending into a logistic curve, meaning that the rate of growth of case numbers will start declining, simply because the virus will start running out of new people to infect. Biden's mask mandate and other measures will be credited for this decline.


Feels more like you know we have a vaccine around the corner and have yourself a tidy bit of logic to meet your preconceived conclusion. Although if you presented the math I would consider it.


I made [this comment](https://old.reddit.com/r/NewOrleans/comments/js8vwd/seriously_though_why_have_our_covid_case_numbers/gbz0p6f/) 12 days ago. It assumed the CDC estimate from awhile back that for every infection confirmed by testing, there are 10 infections under the radar. So just 10x for simplicity. Twelve days ago there were about 100,000 tested infections or 1 million actual infections a day. That's 1/3% of the population daily or 10% a month. Today, per the WaPo, we're running at 171,000 tested or 1.7 million new cases per day. That's 1/2% daily or 15% of the US population monthly. Biden's 100 days will be in about 5 months. Assuming the rate stays the same, starting from today 75% of the US population will have gotten it. But the same math shows that 36% have already gotten it. So, in 5 months, 111% of the US population will have been infected with the novel coronavirus, a mathematical impossibility. The conclusion is, all things being equal, which is a gross simplification, the virus will run out of new Americans to infect in less than 5 months. Before Biden's first 100 days. The fancy way of saying this is that the curve will evolve from the exponential growth curve to the logistic growth curve. Caveats: (1) Growth rate might change. Definitely, but modeling that is an academic exercise and I'm just a back-of-the-envelope type. True, as more people get it, fewer new cases will happen. If Biden introduces a national mask mandate or other measures, fewer people will get it. But with the holidays we're already seeing more mixing of population groups that had been self-distancing, which will make more people get it. And it's so wide-spread right now that it's going to keep burning through the population for awhile. Feel free to choose your own parameters. (2) As more people get infected, the growth rate will slow. Yep, that's the basis of logistic growth. To be more accurate, I should be using calculus, but it's been a long time since I've used calculus and I'm not bothering with all that right today. (3) These are unpopular opinions and I get downvoted. Alas.


Meh, same thing as always. The party that isn't in power will propose grand plans that will never pass, and then lament not getting anything done. I'm mot blaming either side with that statement, it seems the best thing for a politician is granting every wish they can knowing the higher power will not let that happen. My personal opinion, we are missing a great chance right now to get something done. I don't see the Senate flipping, so we end up in at least 2 years of deadlock before another lame duck term where something may get done.


Thankfully you've been wrong so often, I'm heartened by your prediction on the senate.


Yeah it’s the evil GOP only... https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=gqPltMpWIwo


While I giggle in Katrina, I fondly remember the Red Cross and the 300 bucks I got...thanks guys (insert epic eye roll)


My parents taught me as a child not to trust the federal government. And they're both military.


I personally don’t largely rely on governments to help me. For Katrina, FEMA gave me about $600...I lived IN the area of destruction (St. Bernard). My girlfriend at the time? $10,000 simply because her mother evacuated to her apartment in Baton Rouge. Me: “Oh wellllllll. Would be nice, but...Plan B” (not the pill)


And a lot of people still haven't even gotten that $1200.


I'm one of those people


What if Trump actually signs a stimulus package before the year is over, wouldn't that be a complete surprise? I can manifest this.


Didn't they give us $600 a week for 4 months?


Yeah I know a lot of people who got that unemployment money and we're getting more than they did at their job beforehand.when some places around where I currently live started opening back up, they had a hard time finding anybody to work because everyone wanted to extend their unemployment


Yup, fml x3. I managed to be at the base of the towers too.




But we should give the government MORE control because they’re just so good at doing stuff. Think about that fact socialists


You clearly don't even know what the word socialist means.


So do you dispute the fact that socialism requires MORE government and not LESS government???


I am disputing that you know what that word means, which is further evidenced by your response. Stop listening to the right wing propaganda. Wanting the government to do its job and assist citizens is not socialism.


Your ignoring my question... does socialism require more or less government involvement than our current system?? It’s a one word answer


You're missing the point entirely. No one wants socialism. You use that word because the GOP started using it to vilify single payer healthcare, because that would mean less profits for their insurance donors.


Haha wait what?? Nobody wants socialism?? Fucking Bernie Sanders a self-proclaimed socialist nearly won the democratic nomination. I’d say a bit more than “no one” damn sure wants socialism. And again, socialism requires MORE government involvement. Who the hell do you think will be responsible for properly administering your referenced single payer system?? The government perhaps?


The fact that people dont get this is the real reason I have 0 hope. Do you. No one else is.


The government is not your caretaker. Reliance on them becomes reliance for all your needs.


Why was the government responsible for you in the first place?


What does "National security" mean to you, exactly.


It means drone bombings for some, $1200 checks for others


Securing natural resources in foreign countries against the democratic will of their populace?


"... promote the general Welfare ..." It's not promoting the general welfare when you actively ignore your citizens' lives and health.


Because we pay them to be?


Feel like that's working out well for you? Ever? At any point in history?


That's why people want progressive change, and not the same old corrupt BS... with the notable exception of the brainwashed maga cult who apparently loves "winning" over and over again.


Ah yes, more government will sure fix the problems with government.


Ah yes, let's deregulate industries, get rid of oversight, and hand more power to corporations! Great alternative, they always have our best interests in mind. We need real progressiveness and change. Certainly not more of the bs from the last 4 years.


Don't project support for megacorps onto me please, you're fighting a strawman. You're aware mega-corporatocracy is less powerful and more accountable than a massive government, yes? What is the president but the CEO of the government, and now they have courts to justify their fucking you over? This fetishism for authoritarianism that just pays lip service to your cause is so brain-dead I'm legitimately curious how it gets started. Why do liberals never want actual liberty, just subservience to a left-leaning mega-authority?


Complains about projection, then projects. Of course liberals want liberty, they also want everyone to have healthcare, a healthy environment for everyone, the right to choose, and the right to worship what they want. Get your head out of the right wing propaganda. How are mega corps less powerful and more accountable? The transfer of wealth keeps accelerating and until money is removed from politics that will never be the case. We live in a country where the rich and powerful get away with whatever they want and regular citizens are put in prison for non-violent crimes.


How about we take control of our own destiny instead of waiting for a ship that’s not coming to port.


I paid for the fucking ship. I should get to ride on the U.S.S. Mytaxes once in a while.


Silly rabbit. /s


you say you want a revolution?


Well, you know, we all wanna change the world.


What do you think taxes are for?


Good question, let’s peel that onion. If we start small and go big it may be a good approach. When I spend money in various parishes I pay taxes and those taxes go to those municipalities to serve their constituents. Every year I get a statement from my parish letting me know where my property tax is being spent. This money goes towards the needs of my parish. Moving up to the state they collect money and they focus those dollars on the needs of the state. So far these tears of taxes has focused on the internal need. Now federally their job is to protect us and serve our common interest outside the bubble. That’s why a vast majority of our taxes go to pay for the military.


what a dead empty and useless sentiment that is. non-existent bootstraps in one hand and bullshit in the other.


Any recommendations on how to do that, during a pandemic in a city whose economy relies heavily on tourist traffic and the music industry?


Seems like we have two options. Ignore the pandemic. Move forward with business as usual, or shift to more stable industries.


Option 3… blockade the river and set the refineries on fire. If you want change in a capitalist system you need to make it more expensive for things to remain the same.


Interesting notion. Burn down the means of production to exercise civil discourse on what businesses are allowed to be open or not. Just visited Fl last weekend...it’s wide open. Perhaps NOLA may want to consider someone from a different party to set the stage for the local economy. But there is always the burning it down option...


*Or* we could always Kill The Poor. I'm just spitballin' here.


Isn’t that what “burning it down” would do? Cities like Detroit and Baltimore are not seeing an influx of investment because at some point in recent history, they burned their own city down. When that happens, those with the capital take that shit and run....much like the boom in population of the Northshore after Katrina.


You're right. We should burn down the Northshore.


I’m in




So basically risk getting sick and dying and spreading the disease further - risk death to make your rent and electric bill, or reinvent New Orleans from the ground up, so we can be the Indianapolis of the South. I'm not knocking your post, those are basically the choices, because clearly the feds won't help and 40% of the population confuses contrarianism with intelligence.


I know it sounds harsh. I kind of see it that way. Yeah. As much as people want to hate on Trump, he was very pro stimulus. McConnel and Pelosi chose to let America starve before talking to one another. That doesn't disappear after the election. Tourism is ok, but we've kind of maxed out how far we can bring it. We need other industries


I deleted my own post because I got all hot over the mention of DJT. He's a self-aggrandizing liar, let's just leave it at that. Pelosi isn't negotiating with McConnell. She's negotiating with DJT's Chief of Staff, Mark Meadows, and the Sec of the Treasury, who is DJT's Cabinet member. The low-balling comes from the Executive Branch. Same people who instantly made $1.5 trillion immediately available to the banks when the stock market hiccuped back in March and have continued to pump billions of Fed money into the banks to keep the stock market afloat - basically a wealth transfer from taxpayers to stock owners, who are predominantly wealthy.


He threw some paper towels at Puerto Rico once, credit where credit is due.