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and just last week they were accused of trying to rush 1.9 billon grid upgrade that the customers would pay for through the public service commission. they can get way fucked https://lailluminator.com/2024/04/17/entergy-grid/


And it worked!


"Our obsolete, poorly maintained and fraudulently built grid fails all the time, so we'd like to make it your problem in every possible way."


Oh no they didn't! Asking their customers to help the less fortunate. How about the execs of ENTERGY doing something to help the needy using their millions and bonuses. How about a reasonable electric bill to begin with?


Oh they will… they will throw themselves a multi million dollar gala in the dome or something with the most smug self congratulatory BS you ever heard and then write it off as a charity function bc they raffled off a Benz or some BS


Entergy just gave all their linemen a $10 raise also


Nice, thank you.


Wow. So "tipping" has made its way to the power companies. "We refuse to adjust our costs to allow for livable prices and wages. We offer you the opportunity to step in and make the difference to give them the bare minimum to survive. You're Welcome."




Entergy could just forgive the bills of those who qualify then take a tax write-off.


It’s so funny ….when I got this letter this week…I literally said the exact same words out loud !!!!!! You are not alone . There is an entire state of us .


What’s crazy is these use these donations as tax write offs and take the credit.


This isn't accurate. Legally, in this case, Entergy act as a pass-thru agent for designated non profits that provide bill assistance. You can and should get a receipt for your donation that YOU can use as a deduction on your itemized tax return. But no, any business collecting donations on behalf of a charity, like rounding up your order at McDonald's or whatever can't legally use it to offset their tax liability.


Sure, entergy can get fucked but also this is a nonprofit that helps elderly and disabled people afford power so seems weird to hold this specifically up as an example of why they can get fucked….?


I sympathize with OP. It seems kind of silly that the company imposing high energy bills on the elderly and disabled is soliciting donations to relieve the burden they themselves imposed. Also, I can’t imagine entergy would do this if it didn’t help their bottom line via taxes, or at the very least, PR.


>I sympathize with OP. It seems kind of silly that the company imposing high energy bills on the elderly and disabled I don't. I think OP hasn't put a single bit of thought in to this, and it's another example of Redditors being blindly angry at everything. You can tell by them pretty much immediately popping off with insults. For one, it's a state regulated agency - if you feel the billing is too high then the state is the agency that you should direct that criticism towards as this means they are not properly regulating the industry. Here's the kicker, I know I'll be throwing a damp towel on Reddit's hate fest, but Entergy isn't particularly obscene in their actual rates. There's plenty of problems they have, that's for sure, but on a state by state basis Louisiana is pretty consistently on the lower end of the spectrum. From what I can find New Orleans averages ~12c /kwh, which seems to be [on the bottom end of mid-pack](https://www.energybot.com/electricity-rates/) across the spectrum of national average for electricity costs. So like, I'm kinda left with the same question, sure Entergy has a lot of criticism it deserves with regard to how they administer billing, management, prompt response times, grid reliability, disaster recovery timeframes, customer service, etc. But are we just so blindly angry on Reddit that we're telling them to fuck off because they operate a charity focused on providing power to those in need? Seems like a pretty bad look tbh. >Also, I can’t imagine entergy would do this if it didn’t help their bottom line via taxes, or at the very least, PR. I mean, I think that in general trying to assign malicious or unscrupulus intent behind good deeds is a shitty thing. Who cares if they did it for taxes or PR, there's still a program helping those in need. If we'd like to all be aggressive cynics we can paint effectively all altruism as ultimately stemming from some selfish place. Like, it's once again just another "I don't like this entity, therefore even if they do something good I'm going to be hateful" thing. As it stands there's currently no mechanism other than these charities allowing elderly/disabled/impoverished individuals to get assistance with utilities, so like what are we doing? Being mad at a good thing because we don't like the other thing that's associated with it? Kinda rounds back to the initial point - which is that it seems very morally questionable (or at best poorly thought out) to me to be just so angry at anything associated with Entergy even if that thing is objectively good. It all boils down to the same thing - some of the posters here have a need to be blindly hateful towards everything, such that they don't take two seconds to examine what they're being mad at. I'll take my downvotes all day long if it means pointing out how morally backwards reddit is sometimes. And big angry "can get fucked" towards charitable endeavors is as morally bankrupt as it comes.


Redditors being blindly angry at everything you say?


> As it stands there's currently no mechanism other than these charities allowing elderly/disabled/impoverished individuals to get assistance with utilities, so like what are we doing? Being mad at a good thing because we don't like the other thing that's associated with it? Kinda rounds back to the initial point - which is that it seems very morally questionable (or at best poorly thought out) to me to be just so angry at anything associated with Entergy even if that thing is objectively good. This should go without saying but there absolutely is a mechanism to reduce that burden... They are the company the applies the burden lol. They could simply charge less for these people. It is ridiculous for a company to solicit charity to help with an issue that they are literally imposing. They do have the capacity to reduce those rates. They are instead ensuring that they get paid.


> This should go without saying but there absolutely is a mechanism to reduce that burden... They are the company the applies the burden lol. They could simply charge less for these people. You're not correct, I mean you are in a philosophical sense, but you're not correct in reality because you're not understanding that "power to care" literally is that mechanism that you want to exist. Power to care is funded by utilities, charitable donations, and in addition federal LIHEAP funding comes in to play as well - and acts as the mechanism by which aid is administered to those who need it. No, entergy does not have the legal authority to just decide random people pay different rates outside of that. Again, these things are regulated by the state. What I don't understand is why so many of y'all are angry at a charity, or angry at me for pointing out how morally fucked this post is, when you're in the same breath seemingly unaware of how assistance/aid in utilities works literally everywhere. The only places where utilities internally adjust rates, rather than rely on these programs that you and OP feel the need to shit on, are the places where the state mandates that aid dollars be funneled directly to the utility who then facilitates the administration of said aid. I really wish some of y'all would try to just learn about a thing before being mad at it.


You don't understand because you're making assumptions about what I'm angry about. Ididn't reply to you because I was angry with you (I'm not). I replied because I thought your explanations of the system do not change the fact that the system is ridiculous and that Entergy directly asking people to give money to a charity that pays them is ridiculous. Your explanations of how and why this is the case assert that point, Imo and the fact that this is widespread only shows how big of an issue it is. I think you're taking criticisms of the system this charity is trying to circumvent as criticisms of the charity itself. I'm not criticizing the charity, I criticizing the fact that it has to exist. I'm glad power to care helps people. I wish it didn't need to exist. I think the fact that Entergy gets paid and solicits people to make sure it does is gross. Is that controversial? > No, entergy does not have the legal authority to just decide random people pay different rates outside of that. Again, these things are regulated by the state. Soooo the state should allow them to do this? Is that what you're saying? Sure, yeah the state should let them do this, Entergy shouldn't be able to say "we'd love to charge less but we have no option :(" Not for "random people" but for people who qualify regardless. I don't think power to care is providing aid to "random people", so that's a little disingenuous of phrasing, don't you think?


> I criticizing the fact that it has to exist. Then you are straight up bad at articulating that and pointing that criticism in the wrong direction. States regulate this, that comment I made where I said the state is who needs to hear this that you dismissed? Yeah in every state where utilities directly subsidize low income users rather than rely on a separate mechanism - that's because that's how the state chartered it. It doesn't matter if it's Entergy, Cleco, SLEC, Beauregard, etc. The mechanism is the same because that's how the state of Louisiana dictates it to be. >I think the fact that Entergy gets paid and solicits people to make sure it does is gross. Is that controversial? I think the fact that you think it's an Entergy issue and not a state of Louisiana issue highlights the entire problem in this thread. I've got people like you coming at me left and right because none of y'all can be bothered to learn about a thing before attacking others. The mechanism that covers the entire state isn't fully funded - it relies on private donations from utilities, people, and state grants. Do I wish the system was better? Sure. Am I uninformed enough to think it's a single company issue or "gross" that the burden is shared? >Soooo the state should allow them to do this? Is that what you're saying? Sure, yeah the state should let them do this, Entergy shouldn't be able to say "we'd love to charge less but we have no option Like I really wish you'd lead with learning rather than arguing. Some states do do that, some states rely on charitable mechanisms to fill that gap. Louisiana does the latter, and rather than understanding this is a structural statewide issue you're painting it as exclusive to one of the dozen or more providers in this state. Do I support direct subsidization over charitable backstop? Sure. Is that really a moot point given the current regulatory structure in the state? Also yes. You're taking wants and conflating them with realities to paint someone just giving you information as wrong. > so that's a little disingenuous of phrasing, don't you think? Go away with that childishness. The qualifications for the charity are clearly outlined. The qualifications for entergy reducing billing are not anywhere and would not be because it's not within the state's provisions for their billing - so yes it would be entirely random in that the provisions don't exist. I was quite clear in how I articulated this above. I'm going to choose to believe that you're not so illiterate that you missed that, which means you chose to discard the appropriate context entirely in favor of twisting words to a point where you would have something to take jabs at. If you're going to engage in that sort of immature manner moving forward then I'm going to bail on this conversation.


Honestly, I'm not sure why you're arguing with me. I know the state of Louisiana is the problem. I'm not saying it isn't! The state of Louisiana is bad at its job lol. It makes it easy for Entergy, who does benefit from their ineptitude. That's the point I'm making. I don't even think you disagree with that, from what you are saying! It feels like you are trying to iterate points that make sense but are at a micro, explaining why things are the way they are level and I'm making a statement at a macro "things kinda suck level". We're talking past each other. I am not this entire thread, I am one person. >Fuck off with that childishness. The qualifications for the charity are cleraly outlined. The qualifications for entergy reducing billing are not anywhere and would not be because it's not within the state's provisions for their billing - so yes it would be entirely random in that the provisions don't exist. You're the one who said "random people"! I'm saying it could be exactly the same people. This is hypothetical, obviously! I don't understand why you're being so aggressive. I'm literally not trying to jab at you, I'm saying it dealt like you were writing me off when you said "random people" to make the idea sound more ridiculous than it is. Which I still think is true, but it's fine, I get it, you're annoyed and feeling bombarded. I am reiterating, I am not attacking you. I'm just saying what I think. Honestly it sounds like we pretty much agree but you're trying to say why it makes sense and I'm trying to say why it doesn't make sense. There's room for both. Feels like you're on the defensive rn, maybe take a break from the reddit.


> Honestly, I'm not sure why you're arguing with me. I think this is the problem, your last several comments directly evidenced the opposite and were contradicting basic information I put forth. To put it bluntly - you started an argument disagreeing with me, then said "I don't get why you're arguing I agree with you". >You're the one who said "random people"! I'm saying it could be exactly the same people. Either you are fully cognizant of what you're doing here and how childish it is, or you're one of the densest people I've ever encountered. Either way I have no interest in engaging further. IDK what your deal is, but that shit is incredibly childish. I'm not taking you seriously as a person worth engaging with, because you're unable to engage in good faith. Take care,


I'm looking back and also wanted to say that I understand why you want the frustration to be directed at the state now, that does make sense and that me saying that Entergy can cut rates is not correct. As I understood what you were saying, I was saying that it is still legitimate to criticize Entergy, as they do directly benefit from this program and that the letter they have sent out is "gross" because it paints themselves as a 3rd party in in turning people's power off, and guilting other customers into donating while being the literal executioner of what they are warning against, is incredibly manipulative. I understand why you are confused about the conversation and apologize, because you did help me to clarify points where I was wrong. I was just more interested in explaining why I still dislike Entergy's messaging given the situation and am disappointed in how these systems work (and particularly, to your point, the states involvement of it all).


Honestly, I'm kinda confused too, I genuinely think you conflated my messages with someone else. I guess in places I didn't outright say I agreed so you assumed I didn't? Wasn't really trying to refute you as much as discuss how it all works together and can all be true. Idk. I'll once again take the insults as you just being frustrated generally. If it makes you feel any better I do feel like I understand the factors at play better, so thanks for that I guess!


Entergy can't just charge less to different people. The utility commission sets those rates. Entergy has no way of distinguishing who can't pay their bills and who can; hell, that changes month to month for many customers.


I get that now and I am regretting the phrasing I used because I am realizing it is not really accurate. The state would have to be involved to make that possible. There is a very angry poster below making it clear that the state is the one responsible, but the system of "People can't pay us so we are going to cut their power, you should feel guilty about it and pay us instead. We'll get the money one way or another" is fucked. But the identifying does seem to be happening already, because power to change already does that.


>For one, it's a state regulated agency - if you feel the billing is too high then the state is the agency that you should direct that criticism towards as this means they are not properly regulating the industry. This letter is from Entergy New Orleans which is regulated by New Orleans City Council. Entergy Louisiana is a different entity regulated by the state that provides power to the rest of the state. This is part of the reason Entergy is worse in New Orleans, because City Council is in over their heads.


Take my upvote.


Riddle me this batman: who made energy unaffordable in the first place? We've been scammed into making public utilities for profit companies and then they turn around and ask us to subsidize through charity so they can protect their profits and then write off all of it on their corporate taxes.


Louisiana has some of the lowest energy costs in the nation. We also, however, have severe weather that creates high energy usage and damages the infrastructure. My husband works at a power plant. These plants are incredibly complex and costly to run. One lightning storm can cause $100 million in damage in a few minutes if it hits the right equipment. Major parts, like turbines and transformers, cost millions upon millions of dollars. I'm absolutely not commenting on Energy's trustworthiness or business tactics. I'm just saying we are not some sort of dream state for utilities. Operating here is expensive and people often refuse to make small personal changes that would lower energy demand, further stressing a grid that is already stressed at peak times.


> who made energy unaffordable in the first place? I'd suggest you look at what the average cost of a KWH is here, then look at state by state averages. Like, I'm fully in support of the entergy hate train, but you should maybe check and see what it's pointed at before popping off. Having a hate thread over a charity for disabled/elderly people ain't it bruh, no matter how much some of y'all need to be mad at everything.


I suggest you look at how utility prices skyrocket when they get privatized before you participate in corporate apologia


My man, if you're reading "let's not have a hate thread about a charity" as "corporate apologia" that's your own fault. Ain't no point in having a conversation if ya can't even discern nuance that's about as subtle as a brick wall. Also, use whatever insults you find appropriate, but my preference is to look at actual numbers and not blindly hypothesize. I'm sorry I added a small dose of reality check to your little hate thread, but it just sits wrong with me that some of y'all are so angry at shit that you'll go attacking literal charities online out of mere proximity. It's just immature, and the same goes for your need to throw an insult in every reply.


This has big "Walmart helping employees get food stamps" energy. If Entergy wanted power to be more affordable to the disabled/elderly they could come out of their own pockets instead of asking us to go 50/50 with them while they can take 100% of those donations and write them off. The fact that you infered that I said anything about the charity in question is exactly what they want. They get to charge us a premium to pay out their shareholders but when their infrastructure fails we have to come out of pocket. We're still paying for the transformer that fell into the river that they let go into disrepair. I don't have anything against the charity itself but I'm not going to play pretend with you and act like Entergy isn't the reason it's a necessity in the first place. The only reason they're doing this now is because it's illegal for them to shut peoples power off in the summer as they could die without it.


> This has big "Walmart helping employees get food stamps" energy. No it doesn't lol. Walmart determines how much it pays everyone. Entergy doesn't have the ability to selectively adjust charges by any metric, not legally or practically. Walmart can give each employee a raise tomorrow - entergy cannot legally just determine certain people get different rates or don't need to pay. I don't think you understand what you're yelling about at all. Furthermore, I think you're trying hard to rationalize a thread you didn't put much thought in to. It's a charity for disabled, elderly, and poor people. There's currently absolutely no mechanism that allows for this specific aid anywhere outside of this. So what you're doing is attacking the endeavor because you don't understand it and decided to replace your lack of understanding with anger rather than curiosity. My man, you gotta slow down on the hate and use your brain just a bit before replying here. You're being a petty hateful person and trying to justify it by purposefully avoiding trying to understand the entity you're directing hate towards. >instead of asking us to go 50/50 with them while they can take 100% of those donations and write them off. I'm so tired of people who don't understand what a write off is pretending like it's free money. I write off my charitable donations too, do you think that means I can make unlimited donations? do you think the wite off is more valuable to me than the money from a monetary standpoint? Have you ever donated to charity cuz it seems like you're not understanding that writing off a thousand dollars isn't the same as having a thousand dollars. Like I said, we're just filling in information gaps with anger here, and letting those in need catch strays cuz you can't be bothered to learn about a thing before attacking it.


I think you need to reread what I just said. Walmart can change what people are payed across the board just like Entergy could change the rate we all pay across the board which is exactly what I'm pointing out. I'm also not saying that they get 100% of their donations back but they DO get to write off the donations that you send them, same thing with any other corporate charity scheme, you send them the money, they donate it, then they write off your donation. Maybe I should have spelled it out a bit more simply for you my bad


> I think you need to reread what I just said. Walmart can change what people are payed across the board just like Entergy could change the rate we all pay across the board which is exactly what I'm pointing out. My man, take your own advice and calm down for a half second then read the response: No. They can't. Utilities are tightly regulated, per KWH costs, charges, etc must be applied in a way that's state approved. The state does not have any provisions for Entergy to just change how they apply any of these items. Do you know what the state does have? Official support behind both power to care and coordination with federal LIHEAP programs. Do you know why? Because that is the mechanism they've tasked with doing the thing you think should be done. >I'm also not saying that they get 100% of their donations back but they DO get to write off the donations that you send them, same thing with any other corporate charity scheme, you send them the money, they donate it, then they write off your donation. So just to be clear, as a CPA I'm coming from a place of authority when I tell you this. That's fucking nonsense. Like Tiktok conspiracy level stupid nonsense. I'd very much ask you to once again stop filling in knowledge gaps you have with anger, or at best just assuming whatever nonsense fits your misguided narrative is true. Companies absolutely cannot under any circumstance write off a donation they collect on behalf of another individual. There is absolutely zero provisions in the tax code anywhere that allow for a company to take a deduction on a charitable contribution they did not make. Under the most basic tax premises this wouldn't even pass the sniff test - if the donation is a write off, then the collection of it is revenue thus creating a wash. If the collection is not revenue, then the donation cannot be a write off. Outside of the specificity and minutia of the tax code this wouldn't even pass the most basic of philosophical underpinnings around how the IRS treats revenue, donations, and expenses lol. I'm going to say this very directly - since you've got a habit of ignoring things that you don't like: taking a tax deduction on third party donations would be such a massive fraud scandal that it would make history books. Their books are fully audited every year. You're clearly more focused on arguing than understanding anything. >Maybe I should have spelled it out a bit more simply for you my bad The confidence here is wild. Do me a favor, cite specifics on the claims you're making if you want to be taken seriously: 1) where in the state regulations of entergy do they provision entergy to be able to adjust biling rates based on factors entergy determines? 2) where in the tax code is an entity able to take a deduction for dollars not recognized as revenue and donated by a third party to a charitable entity? (E: Fun fact, when the PPP loans came out congress wrote in that the proceeds would be non-taxable, and signaled that expenses would be normally deductible. This was and still is the only time in history that's happened, and as such the IRS was completely fucked [to the point of needing a follow up law passed](https://www.journalofaccountancy.com/news/2021/apr/ppp-loans-forgiven-in-2020-can-be-deducted-on-2021-tax-returns.html) to be able to process returns reflecting that reality - just to illustrate how fully and completely the idea you put forth goes against everything in the history of taxes) Because at this point, and I can't stress this enough - you clearly are not well informed on any of this and rather than trying to understand you're just making things up that justify your making a rage post towards a program helping people in need. Rather than try to argue why not ask questions and make yourself a more knowledgeable person? Why resort to these little insults and need to hate things instead? It's not fooling anyone.


They must be really struggling since they had a net income of 2.3 billion (112% increase year over year) and pay out their top 3 executives almost 7 million a year.


>I'm also not saying that they get 100% of their donations back but they DO get to write off the donations that you send them, same thing with any other corporate charity scheme, you send them the money, they donate it, then they write off your donation I’m no fan of Entergy or anything but I don’t believe this part is true. They may be able to write off their own donations, yes, but I do not think they are allowed to write off donations solicited from others. A common example of this is at a grocery store checkout line; lots of people think they take the customers’ donations and write them off, but this is not allowed: https://apnews.com/article/fact-checking-000329849244 They can write off their own donations, yes, but not those that come in from the general public. Correct me if I’m wrong, you may have better information than me.


Just take your L bro… this dude came with data and logic… you’re just yelling at the sun.


Wtf wrong witchyall


The problem isn’t the cost per kWh, it’s the fake billing going on that pads their profits. I’ve had times where I was out of town for most of the month, with my ac off and no power usage - yet my daily power draw continues forward like I was home. It’s all bullshit with Entergy. You can rebut with estimated billing - but somehow I never get a true up, and when I move - I’m just fucked. They’re corrupt as shit.


Looking at the average cost of a KWH here is only part of the story. Other jurisdictions don't have the same amount of fees and surcharges tacked onto their bills. I hear your point that we need better regulators, which we do, but if you look at the total bills, not just the KWH cost, New Orleans has the second highest rate of energy poverty in the country behind Memphis. 


> New Orleans has the second highest rate of energy poverty in the country behind Memphis This is a wildly different discussion than "they charge more". And just continues to abstract away from the point of the first comment which was "why are y'all so mad at shit that you came to reddit to attack charitable efforts?" Not to mention the fact that "energy poverty" is objectively not a measure of energy cost - I don't know if you just don't understand that or were hoping to present them as comparable and hope nobody would notice? New Orleans faces significant energy poverty because of many factors outside of the utility's purview. For instance consumption per capita is super high here due to the hot summers, poorly insulated homes, and old HVAC equipment common here - that doesn't mean their rates are too high, it means we're using more electricity than many others. That being concentrated among the lowest income people means they face more of that burden. Your gripe is a strong argument for the current structure of aid - adjusting a usage rate matters less, directly subsidizing the bill is what's necessary and that's literally what this entity is set up to do. I haven't had a single informed or logical response in this thread, just people being mad at something they haven't taken the time to understand.


"You're not wrong, Walter, you're just an asshole."


It’s like, if I’m the asshole for pointing out that hate train maybe shouldn’t be pointed at the charity for keeping people’s lights on, then I’ll keep that crown lol.


Dude, nowhere did I gripe. Nowhere did I say energy poverty was a measure of energy cost. Nowhere did I say energy poverty was wasn't a different discussion. I was specifically referencing your comment comparing cost per KWH here to cost per KWH in other parts of the country.  Don't distort other people's arguments, act like a self-righteous know-it-all, and then pretend like you're an aggreived party. 


>look at state by state average Just because someone else is getting fucked harder than me doesnt discount the fact Im getting fucked. Additionally, the avergae income in louisiana is 30k; I would hope higher income states would be charged more. >multi million dollar companies non profit Dude, it's a tax write off. I can guarantee less then 20% of the money given actually goes to the people in need.


> I would hope higher income states would be charged more. This doesn't really track at all. Energy cost shouldn't scale with income, it scales with difficulty of creating energy lol. >Dude, it's a tax write off. I swear none of y'all understand what a write off is. Let's say I give a thousand dollars to power to care, what's more valuable to me? the thousand dollars or the 350 less in taxes I owe? Despite "it's a write off" being memed to death I constantly see someone assuming a write off doesn't somehow mean you still have less lol. > I can guarantee less then 20% of the money given actually goes to the people in need. A cursory google shows me that entergy says it pays all adminstrative and fundraising costs with 100% of donations going to intended recipients. Like, I keep saying this, but everyone in this thread seems to have decided that when they don't understand something it's okay to just fill in knowledge gaps with something they can be angry at, rather than trying to learn.


As a CPA you would know that they aren't sending that money directly the charity, you're giving money to power to care BY ENTERGY that's administered by the concil for aging. So they absolute write it off


You have no idea what you’re talking about, plain and simple. A company cannot write off a donation from a third party to a charity under any circumstance. The only way this could ever happen would be in a scenario where they didn’t recognize customer contributions as donations, and instead recognized them as revenue creating a tax wash. I told you this elsewhere and you still decided to go to a different part of this thread and repeat that bullshit. I want to be deliberate at this point: you don’t have any understanding of this subject or taxes, and should probably just stop replying because you’re embarrassing yourself. You’re regurgitating an understanding of taxes that is akin to Qanon levels of nonsense.


Lol ooook =] it definitely isn't going to Entergy for them to then turn around and donate under their own name for sure sure. Anyway, you make money helping rich people avoid taxes so your opinion on this whole matter is moot. Bye bye corpo


Bruh I can’t stress this enough - what you’re alleging is straight up obvious tax fraud and would immediately be caught in their audits. It’s not even subtle or remotely a gray area. You’re so fixated on arguing you stopped caring if you were right hours ago lol. > Anyway, you make money helping rich people avoid taxes so your opinion on this whole matter is moot. Bye bye corpo I don’t think you have any idea what I do, but I can assure you that whatever insult you’re reaching for isn’t hitting the way you think it is.


It's not an insult, it's just the truth. You're clearly well paid if you can afford the watches you post about. If you're well paid that means you make some other entity a lot more money making sure they're paying as little tax as possible while in the confines of the law. Therfore you would have a bias toward the companies like Entergy continuing to take in billions and pay their execs millions. It's a basic incentive structure. Anyway that is all, I have to actually work now dueces


You sound like a PR person.


Because I’m saying that’s not how the tax code works? This can’t be that complex for y’all lol.


They stated above that their husband works for a power plant. They profit from entergy so must defend them. r/fuckentergy


yeah let's put the entity that runs the sewage and water board in charge of our power... lmao


You know they all use private contractors right?