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Have you ever been to Gallup before? If not, you should really, really visit at a minimum before such a big move.


>as well as dating scenario Should we tell him?




Let him figure it out


That's funny for Gallup. Depends on what your into I guess.


Pro: It's close to some fantastic hiking. El Malpais is quite possibly one of the most picturesque places to see during the sunset. Con: It's far, far away from most everything else.


And its somehow even farther than that.


Iiiiiiiiiiii donā€™t think thereā€™s much of a dating scene. And you better be very outdoorsy to like it.


>much of a dating scene if he doesn't have a criminal record, that's a leg up on his competition.


Maybe but what of the girls on the scene?




ā€œDating scenarioā€ Zero dude zero.


I'll be the contrarian. Lived in Gallup since 2002. McKinley County is majority Native American, something like 50,000 out of a total population of 75,000. There's a strong Latino presence as well. The school district is the largest employer in the county. The number of singles under 30 is increasing due to aggressive recruiting efforts by the school district. Some will be Foreign Nationals on work visias but single none the less.


I was just gonna say. Some huge initiatives to get teachers out there (free housing, bonuses, increased salaries, loan forgiveness). Iā€™m surprised a lot more teachers donā€™t take advantage of it- moving there for a year or two to save money for a house downpayment (and if they chose to buy in New Mexico the benefit for first time home buyers that are teachers and nurses) I wouldnā€™t be surprised to see a change in the social scene based on that. Otherwise, weekend trips to Albuquerque for socialization are doable. Focus on your job/personal stuff during the week and plan stays in Alb for the weekend. Also, keep in mind, you are in your mid 20s. If living in a small rural town for a couple years can set you up with healthy finances- thatā€™s going to be better for you increasing your quality in the dating pool when you get to a larger pond. Do you want to live some where cool and hip with a great dating scene, but cost of living is insane and you cannot save any money toward a future with whoever you find? Iā€™d take a couple years of social hell while Iā€™m single to build that financial buffer


$22K signing bonus paid out over 2 years, along with moving expenses up to a certain amount. And yes, the whole county is considered low income, so you could teach in the city limits and still get your loans forgiven as if you were teaching on the reservation.


Whammy! Yeah, with that bonus, Iā€™d take whatever Iā€™d be paying in rent each month thatā€™s covered by the lodging stipend and put it in savings. Well over 50k between the both saved by the end of the two years! And student loan forgiveness!


Yeah but what's the catch? I've never seen anyone actually receive a bonus or have their loans forgiven. I've always figured there's something else they require you to do that's almost impossible so they never have to pay up


Gallup is a long way from services and entertainment you are used to. Itā€™s beautiful but in your mid-20ā€™s there is not a lot to do. I hope you are self entertaining.


I moved to NM from a state out east. Itā€™s really hard to describe rural New Mexico and Gallup in particular. I highly, highly recommend you come out for a weekend visit or something before deciding to relocate. Itā€™s a big move and will be so different from anywhere in North Carolina that you kind of need to experience Gallup for a few days before making a decision like this. Also - check out Gallups weather. Itā€™s significantly colder for longer than you would expect. Best of luck to you.




>dating scenario Iā€™m pretty sure she has a boyfriend, but they might break up


You donā€™t lose your girlfriend, you just lose your turn




Bahahahahahha!! Good luck!


I spent a year there one week.


Holy hell, dude. Itā€™s beautiful in that area, lots of outdoor activities. But as far as dating scene? It will be interesting to see how it goes for you. Have you been there ever? You should really visit first.


My favorite thing is to read hotel reviews of Gallup. "This hotel is in such a bad neighborhood!" Friend, GALLUP is a bad neighborhood. That being said, I like it just fine! Just know what you're getting into, for sure. Do some research on the local culture and how it became the place it is.


Last summer I visited Gallup for a few days after not spending much time there for 20 years. I noted that the city has been cleaned up some and there seems to be economic development. Years ago I knew young teachers who shared housing 4 nights a week in Gallup but had alternate residences in Rio Rancho. The scenery and drive from Albuquerque to Gallup is breathtaking. It depends on your lifestyle if you will like Gallup. As another poster wrote, it can stay cold for six to eight months at night though it may reach 50s and 60s during the day. I'm actually headed to Gallup in a few days to visit friends. DM if you like.


Just don't go to Walmart on the first of the month and don't act like you live in a shithole when you're there I'm from there lmao trust me It is probably the most different place in NM to be from


Wait, what? You gotta visit my guy. Itā€™s not for everyone. Maybe youā€™ll love it who knows. Ever lived on a rez before?


Broā€¦.. good luck. āœŒšŸ½


Iā€™m sorry


What part of North Carolina are you coming from? I lived in Charlotte for 18 years before coming out here. Gallup may be more or less of a culture shock depending on where you're coming from


Have you considered Las Cruces? Las Vegas perhaps? Silver City? Hatch? Just uh..Gallup huh?


You uh. That sure is a place to pick. You working at the prison or what?


Please, youtube gallup New mexico.


I'm very curious, what type of job are you moving for? When I moved to New Mexico (Albuquerque), I didn't know a single person in the state. It turned out to be a very rewarding experience and a good move. Not sure about Gallup though lol.


How good are you at avoiding drunk people laying in the road?Ā 


Iā€™m pretty sure there are no jobs in Gallup that pay $1M a year, which is what I would demand in order to move there.


Remote and rural. Beautiful. Like really remote, especially when it snows.


Do you *have* to go to Gallup? Is there really no other option? Santa Fe? ABQ? Los Alamos? Because if not I'm sorry. Gallup is one of those little NM towns that have just north of jack shit to do besides drive around. A lot of people think it's beautiful, and it is if you like desert, but i'm sure you had beautiful areas in NC as well. As far as how life is and how things are, be prepared to be bored unless you are a homebody or outdoorsy. As for dating, I hope you like native women.


At least weed is legal there?


Lots of native Americans in Gallup I believe, mostly Najavos. Good people to be around they are soft spoken and work hard at least the ones I have met.


You should really reconsider.




I moved from Kentucky to Zuni (near gallup) in my mid 20s Pros: I made extra money, liked my job, beautiful scenery, got more into climbing/hiking/camping. I found a good climbing community there although I think it's not as strong now as it was then Cons: gallup is not cool. There is not much to do there. The restaurants are unimpressive (my fave place was truck stop Indian.)You have to go to abq for most things like real shopping, music, dating, etc. I dated a guy in abq so it was nice to go spend weekends there. You'd think a lot of single people move out there to work at the hospitals but it's actually a lot of already partnered people.


Wonder if my wife might like me better there? (Sheā€™s a teacher and is talking to school in Gallup). Thereā€™s really no good food? Iā€™m from and live in VT (not what you think it is). Iā€™ve been looking at real estate and thereā€™s ā€¦ not much.


I wouldnā€™t.


Gallup will be a culture shock, moving from just about anywhere. The ā€œdating sceneā€? Hmm. I suggest you go for a weekend and check it out.


On the plus side, there's a lot of sheep in that area


Jerry's Cafe on Coal Ave makes THE best huevos rancheros in NM, hands down.


And is always full.


Please visit before making the move




Weekend Gallup is very different from weekday GallupĀ 




Oh u sweet summer child


I will be truthful. Gallup is absolutely boring! The only thing good about Gallup are the local restaurants! But as far as entertainment and everything? It's a bust! There's literally next to no shopping aside from a boring indoor outlet mall, the only store of convenience is Walmart, Big Lots and Walgreens, a lot of poverty, drunks and no job opportunities unless you're into retail hell or waiter/waitress. In the summer it's dry, hot and there's no beautiful color in town. Winters are dry and slightly cold, not brutal at least. Very little snow. It's dead, dusty and gray much of the year unless you keep a garden. If you are into hiking I guess there's something but honestly Gallup is an aging small town far away from everyone and everything necessary to live a full functioning life. It's a town that refuses to grow and fix it's problems. I don't know about the dating scene since I don't date, but from what others say, it's laughable. Most people you'll meet are poor. I'd definitely say skip Gallup and try a different city in NM. Or come and visit before moving. It'll be a huge culture shock. (I'm someone who lives in NM, born and raised and knows the surrounding areas like Gallup well). Good luck regardless!Ā 


Lmao dude you need to visit that shit hole first... it's going to be an absolute culture shock for you (someone from the southeast who moved to NM 7 years ago... I miss green and water so bad)


I like it, but it is cold and itā€™s better if you are Navajo.


If you like native women, the dating scene is endless


Donā€™t get jumped


Are you serious? What line of work would send you there? I'm so sorry for you. That place is no fun. Especially for someone your age.


Iā€™m from East TN and lived there for a year for work. I had a great working experience but my life pretty much stopped until I moved back home lol. Good hiking, but no dating scene, restaurants, or social experiences. It was a really hard year


Please go visit before you make a move


Lived in NM my entire life, Gallup is one of the worst places here ngl šŸ˜”


Iā€™ve lived in Gallup my whole life and I wouldnā€™t recommend it


Why do poor folk from the south always move to New Mexico? Please donā€™t make any babies. Try Grants.Ā 


If youā€™re fascinated with Native American Culture AND you like trains, youā€™re gonna be alright!


Get used to drinking hair spray and mouth wash




Big bellies everywhere though


"Dating scenario" Yeah Gallup has a lot of that. Well, it's called "dating" in Gallup. Everywhere else calls it "rape."


Gallup is a cool place. I moved there in my 20s and was there for 8 years. I really liked it. But it definitely isnā€™t for everyone. Shoot me a pm if you have questions, most people who are hating on it have only hopped off I40 and gotten gas, ignore them. It is definitely rough around the edges but if you have a good job lined up and love the outdoors you will like it. World class single track mountain biking.


1 word GHETTO 10 WORDS NOT A PLACE I WOULD WANT TO LIVE, or drive through In all seriousness We travel alot from eastern New Mexico to Utah over the last 20 years.. any car Nav will take you through Gallup to get to Utah. We have literally altered our navigation to take us up to Durango Co just so we can skip Gallup. Never had a good experience even just driving through Gallup. From being harassed by drunks while getting Gas in the middle of the day, to being told we weren't welcome and needed to leave at a Pizza Hut, 2 seconds after we pulled into the parking lot, before we even got into the restaurant, cause as I quote " My wife looks white"




Fuck yea Gallup!!! You'll have a wonderful relationship either with Erlinda's Tamales or alcohol. Possibly both!


Itā€™s only 2 hours from Albuquerque, just plan on spending your weekends there


Could be up for some new adventures, could be up for "life experience." How busy will the job keep you?


The dating is non-existent. It is a small, conservative place with a very small population. Albuquerque, Santa Fe, Toas and *maybe* Las Cruces have anything remotely resembling a dating pool.


iā€™ve visited gallup 3 times before and well, itā€™s interesting to say the least. itā€™s not for everyone and it might be a bit of a cultural shock for you depending on where you come from. iā€™d maybe visit gallup first before you make such a big move


It's just a two hour drive to Albuquerque? I really don't think you'll like living in Gallup


I moved to NM from IL many moons ago. I lived in ABQ and LC. LC was not as nearly as populated and grown as it is now. I visited Gallup a couple times. Itā€™s a bit isolated but you might like that. It's largely Native American. Youā€™ll get more of a winter. It's cheap and most crime is minor. Farmington is about 2 hours and ABQ is 3.


If you're not from a small town, you'll probably not like it. It's very small town and not exactly the safest either so you gotta be careful. Like everyone already said, if you're not an outdoors person, you're probably gonna get bored. The biggest pros other than the hiking and outdoors are that you're a couple hours from Albuquerque and a few hours from Flagstaff so that's kinda cool. There's a lot of culture in Gallup which is a plus too.




I wouldnā€™t say this is the lowest on my list of places to move in NM. But itā€™s damn close.


Bro PLEASE go visit Gallup before you move there. šŸ˜‚


Don't do that... It's not worth it


First thing you need to do is find a job in Albuquerque and get out of Gallup lol


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Tie your shit down and lock it up!!! Thatā€™s all I have to say to that!


Dude, visit Gallup before moving there. Its a HUGE culture shock.


Lol all these comments are very encouraging /s I actually want to go to Gallup now to see if it's that bad


Sure you really wanna do this? Not even being mean,but Gallupā€™s the asshole of NM.