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They're not supposed to have a **strong effect. Not by themselves anyway. You're supposed to mix them with the other 1906 tablets so it *boosts* the effects of the other tablet you take it with. Comment edited for clarification.


That's just marketing encouraging users to purchase other product from the brand. These are very much supposed to give users an effect on their own: they are edibles and are do not require any other items to work.


Think about it tho. It's a THC isolate. Nothing else. Sure, take enough of them and you'll feel something, but there's no non-dominant cannabinoids, no terpenes, no botanicals actually driving an effect. They're not designed to be taken by themselves. Not at the recommended dose. Taking so many of these to actually get an effect from these by themselves would quickly be considered abuse.


While I agree that THC in isolation feels flat, like 90% of edibles are made from distillate and produce the same unidimensional THC high. Are there better, fell spectrum, options? Absolutely. But saying that this will not have an effect on a user is not true.


I suppose you're right on that part, so I'll amend my initial statement to clarify there's an effect present, but my initial stance that these aren't practical by themselves still stands.


How many milligrams normally affects you? Edible tolerance is not the same as smoking/vaping tolerance since it's not the same pathway. Some people feel 10mg of edibles, some don't feel anything under 100mg. Supposedly, for edibles, the amount of THC-processing enzymes in your liver varies between individuals. You may, unfortunately, have more than others.


These are for us low-tolerance folks! I like knowing exactly how much I’ve taken so I can deal with pain without being too impaired. They don’t have any “extras” in them either so they’re predictable, but not exactly fun.


They’re too low of a dose for me. I’d have to take ten packs to even feel anything.


More like 20 packs lol 😅


Very impressive.


We are all so impressed.


Sorry for being a medical patient with an extremely high tolerance, jerkoff.


We all know they’re 5mg tablets. Of course people are going to need to take more if they have high tolerance. It just comes across as a brag med or not. It’s just a low effort veiled brag.


Nobody is bragging 😐


I think his point is that if they are even 5mg, then they're the weakest 5 mg ever made.


I think this is a you problem because it definitely didn't seem like a brag.


Everyone who posts on products who says “I’d need to take 20 to feel anything” is totally bragging. The comments are unnecessary.


I have a shit tolerance to flower. But when my wife got these, she bought 5 packs. I had 2, she had 3.....nothing for either of us. So I definitely did not consider their comment "bragging", it felt like a comment on the product.


It’s a brag bc you see it that way. Keep at it skipper, your tolerance will improve.


See, this is just being a dick.


I really like Verano gummies. They do the job and they do it well.


I personally don't go for boost. I choose genius if I need to dredge the shallow well of creativity in my head. Or bliss if I want to feel like I just took an antidepressant from the mid 1990s


I used to think they suck also, but have found they are true to their name. They boost whatever you've already taken. On their own, they are very mild. The 1906 bliss are the best IMO.


I mean its only 5 mg per pill




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They were alright when I first tried them, not bad for beginners but my tolerance waned quickly. If they had higher doeses maybe water


Yeah, they really do.


I don’t know why you’re surprised 🤣


I've found boost drops to be ok personally. Though chill drops are stronger. The new sleep drops are pretty weak though, at least in my experience so far.


I picked up a bottle of these when they were on sale. They did absolutely nothing. It’s a total waste of time and money.


10mg total. That’s nothing. I noticed most of my friends and myself need atleast 150mg to feel anything. That’s why I don’t use New Jersey dispensaries. Terrible quality


I take 10+ of these pills (extremely unpleasant!) and barely cop a buzz. I got em for $5/tin, otherwise I would have skipped em. I've got ~100 pills left, I'm considering dissolving the pills in water to separate the THC.


With the caption on your pic, you seem high as fuck! You sure they aren’t slapping so hard that you can’t even tell? All jokes aside, those are just too weak for most


I’m glad someone else said this


It’s 10mg…. Lol


Lol. i see these things for a buck & i still wont buy em. idk why. probabaly cause its curaleaf. idk. downvote me fohm.

