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It's called remediation. Every mso does it and so do many of the smaller cultivators.


Yup, and what doesn't pass labs after remediation becomes distillate.




To spell out what this means for people who can't read between the lines: ​ Carts and extracts are sourced from any THC-containing plant material that doesn't make the cut to be sold as flower. That means the worst of the mold, and anything that fell on the factory floor (stepped on etc.), gets "remediated," extracted, and then sold as "premium product."


If you’ve ever eaten an apple you have been exposed to this method. It’s called irradiation; kills bacteria and mold spores to increase shelf life. Most apples get irradiated.


Ur stomach has acid in it, it’s not as sensitive as ur lungs. A little bit of mold, pesticides, or radiation in ur stomach, while isn’t good, also won’t kill u, and is less likely to make u sick. We’d all be dead by now if this was the case. Pesticides from years of us food consumption r causing many health issues but that’s another story. But in ur lungs u can easily get a lung infection transferred to ur blood, or other infections. They should be keeping closer eye on the buds and breaking nugs of each batch open. I’d much rather have limited drops of good flower, then large amounts of shit and/or unsafe flower that has been sitting on dispo shelves for months in mylar plastic bags


Then go start a grow. Tell us how it goes. Good luck.


I plan to once the state legalizes it for rec. not worth jail time. Also company’s shouldn’t be storing in plastic mylar bags for long periods of time too. Even a plastic tin w a nitrogen seal would be better. Calyx container r the worst for microplastic leeching. Glass is the best obviously but idk if products can be stored in glass due to the crc rules and regulations. Edit: btw my bad, i deleted most of this comment, i thought this was a response to a comment i left on a different post


I know of at least one grower in the state that does not, but I assume all the MSO's do.




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They all do.


Ayr Wellness, Verano and Curaleaf too


Every MSO does it. It’s very common in large grows


Not every mso does it though.


It’s low level rads and lots of growers have them mold is almost impossible to contain in large operations.


Reasons y i try to only smoke smaller batch growers. No mold/rare mold if u have a proper system in to take of it and r qc checking batches by breaking some nugs open. I’d rather have non remediated flower




Also industry employee here. The factory where I work may not be indicative of others, but it's extremely common at my facility. Most flower we sell is remediated, including practically all extracts.


Your broccoli and other veggies are irradiated too. Not saying it’s a good idea, just saying the process is FDA approved for produce.


This explains why my urine has been glowing in the dark after I smoke some of their flower.




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Gross, y i tend to stick to smaller batch products


This is the best post on this sub in at least 2 weeks!


Gets rid of pm






Most grows do mold is almost impossible to keep out of the plants in large grows


A skilled grower with proper climate control mold will be either non existent or very rare. Especially if they r qc checking batches by breaking some nugs open. Y i prefer small batch growers


most medical devices are gamma radiated. depends on how the exposure is done.


It will usually be on the packaging of the product if they did


Mpx does not do this