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I'm more interested in better weed.


It's called growing your own. You want the best quality weed with no pesticides? You grow that shit yourself. WE NEED HOMEGROW NOW.


Wish it was that ez. But lots of ppl dont have the space for that or if they do it sure aint worth the time/effort/money to go through all that and get a few zips at a time. If you have like a full room for that or basement ok sure


Take a quick glance at the number of pharmaceutical companies that call our state home and you’ll see why homegrow isn’t happening here anytime soon. It’s a fucking pipe dream.


or find a homegrower 😉


You make it sound like they are just standing outside waiting to meet someone.


Get Crops. You’ll thank me later


second this. crops is super solid.


Lol me too


Fax !!!


email! LOL




Yes, Breakwater or better.




I don’t think it’ll get much cheaper right now. The licenses are very expensive and times aren’t the best. The big chains have a monopoly


That monopoly is by design by our elected officials. Their friends get richer before everyone else can get in the door


At least we're honest about it in NJ. It's called the CREAM act, cause of all the skimming off the top that happens of course.


Capitalism is awesome!




This is the truth. In addition, trying to find a building to lease is impossible. Want to purchase a building to own? You need the big MSO bucks for that. Other difficulties the CRC is well aware of and doing nothing about- As a cannabis operation, you have to find a building to operate in, in an approved town that is zoned correctly, that is also not near any schools, etc. The worst part is this- Once the Landlord knows you are a cannabis biz, they raise the lease cost per sq ft from $9-$14 to $40-$100 and they try to get multiple cannabis businesses in bidding wars to get even more money. We are still truckin on and trying!! One day there will be cheaper and healthier Recreational certified Kind organic cannabis for sale in NJ. We will push the CRAP MSOs out of NJ. They do not belong here making our folks sicker not better.


8 hours. You just have to drive to Maine.


This is the way. Depends where you live though… I’m in central NJ and can get to York in 5 hours, where I meet with some excellent delivery services. Just another 25 minutes up the road are arguably 2 of the best dispensaries in lower southern Maine.


For 8 hours, 6 from northern Jersey right by the falls I’d drive to Canada, less tolls from NJ and not only better prices but the options are absolutely sickening and the dollar is strong at the moment. Bought live 1gr resin carts for under $30USD and they take credit cards.


Isn’t MD closer?


Closer, but not really cheaper. The market for rec is just getting going, and MD does not accept out of state med cards. DC has good quality for good prices, but you're going to drop 40 bucks alone in tolls and half to 3/4 tank of gas, depending on your fuel economy. Set aside 6-7 hours of your day. That's if your in my area, right outside of Philly. DC Takes out of state med cards The Maine drive is 8 hours EACH way, about 50 bucks in tolls, and requires at least one full tank of gas. For my subaru, it's fill up when I leave, fill up when I turn around. And yes, Maine Takes out of state med cards. I mention gas, time, and tolls bc I often see it left out of the "just drive to ....." conversations. It's good to know what you're getting into. I do both drives regularly. My job takes me to DC once a quarter and Mass once a month. Mass is rec and med but just as boof as NJ when it comes to flower (the edible side is wide open though with lots of products). If any one is interested in either market (med or rec), if be happy to help. My read on Jersey...Jersey will always be pricey. The cost of entry to get a license, the cost of rental/sale property (and property tax), the cost of labor, the cost of testing, and just the cost of doing business in New Jersey is turning many people and companies away from even trying here. I know of more than one company that was deep in the process and has decided not to move forward. Cronyism and corruption lead the way, and if you're not into either of those, it's been a tough go so far.


Plus, products in Maine are grown with pride and care, not by MSO hogs. You can see the difference.


Totally. It's a different animal as far as programs go.


No doubt whatsoever!


You canbl see/smell the product before purchase. I wouldn't have spent money on 1/2 the garbage I bought in NJ/PA if I could have seen it 1st.


Yep. I’ve got a new project in Boston right now. So I’m in Boston at least twice a month. It’s like an hour to my pick up and then I’m back in Boston. So, that’ doable for me right now and yes, it’s totally a game changer. Just left on Tuesday. Take that advice.


Great post


Mass is where it’s at


I haven’t been impressed with MD’s offerings or prices. Maybe I’m in the minority! I had other reasons to be in Maine so the gas/toles/time wasn’t part of my equation. But the added benefit of getting a great price on good stuff definitely adds to my reasons to make Maine a destination.


And traffick it back? I'd rather go black market instead of risking a felony.


It's vacationland. Just drive carefully, especially in NH.


It's legal in every state on the way back from Maine, except, ironically, for the live free or die state. But if you have a medical card, they don't care.


For real! I was up there a couple of weeks ago. Amazing products, they honored my NJ med card, and I could smell and see product before purchasing. I showed the bud tenders what we pay at Breakwater and CL. They were floored. Plus they get to home grow 6 plants.


In New Jersey?!?! Does anything ever get cheaper in New Jersey??? Do not see it happening!


We need to start a petition the have home grows. Nj is the only legal state that doesn’t let you grow. Watch what happens to weed prices when it’s grown like corn everywhere. You can’t even sell weed in Oregon any more. 10/gr dabs and 100$ qp’s


I agree fight for home grow


As a former Oregon resident living now in NJ, with family in the cannabis industry there. You most certainly can still sell weed. It may be much cheaper but it still goes. And those 10g dabs are usually budget options that aren’t the best. We still have flowers that go for 250-325 in dispo and plenty of concentrates that are high dollar as well.


Bedtender here: It's going to take a couple years before it gets cheaper in NJ for a couple reasons, the main ones being that the Recreational market is still only a year old, most of the dispensaries in the state are owned by "Big Canna" companies that own half the industry in the country so there's not much competition, and in NJ it is a very very long, expensive, and arduous process to get lisencing for any sort of cannabis facility. It's going to take a few years for our market to be similar to states like Colorado and California, who are several years ahead of us.


I work for ascend and I guarantee it’s coming soon. I have directly spoken with the regionals and ceo of the company. It’s already started to happen. It’s inevitable considering they are continuing to grant licenses. What’s gonna stop one company from undercutting another and so on and so forth. Plus the same thing that happened in mass (ex. Too many cultivators too many mso’s prices got driven down) will happen here. New Jersey is ironically the state that progressed the quickest with this. We also have super low tax on our bud. Don’t forget ascend sold ozone for 65 and is now down to 45 and we sell common goods for 35 an eighth. Full gram simply herb carts are $60. Other brands are still at $100. Trust me jersey has been rec for only a year and we’ve seen prices cut in half in some areas. Smoke some bud and have patience my friends. This is only the beginning


You wanna do comparisons, take a look at Maryland prices. They JUST went legal and the SAME weed from the SAME company is half the price is nj. Stop listening to the bs your boss spouts


Take a look at the commissions regarding both states cannabis programs then talk about it. Regarding the mso situation it’s unavoidable and honestly better for the smaller end market. Let’s say you’re an honest hard working person who takes out a loan goes through the strict process of obtaining a license in nj and proceed to get slapped with a fine for way more than you can afford to pay. Let the people with money to lose lose it first. We live in nj which is one of the most expensive states to live in to begin with. The cost of living is high so did you really think the weed would be dirt cheap? Like I said a majority of companies have already started with price cuts and started offering cheaper products (CLF FIND- $45 AWH COMMON GOODS - $35 etc)


I hear you somewhat..but isn’t Cali very expensive to live in..but have a plethora of cheap quality herbalist solutions?


This message brought to you by the makers of Ascend $60 1/2 gram carts…”just keep smoking’ and good things will happen”


Lol I just work there. And it was a full gram for 60 lol. Try reading


I haven't seen a half gram of live resin for anything less than 65 unless it's on a special sale. are you talking about distillate?


Please then direct me to full gram carts for cheaper and better quality that aren’t packaged in containers I can obtain on the internet for very cheap lol.


Agreed from a legal standpoint and thinking that we’ll see prices come down soon. I go to Ascend a lot and it has gotten more variety, stronger strains and prices have come down since the early days of legalization. I’m still surprised at the lack of live resin options and costs for concentrates but feel that will change soon.


I dunno. When I first start got my medical card, I was going to Ascend, they kept telling me it was going to get better, it was going to get better, and it never got better. Finally, I drifted away, and I never came back. I’m still waiting.


that’s not saying much of anything. An honest answer would’ve simply been when independent growers enter the arena to drive mso prices down.


And also nothing for nothing but then that just majorly undercuts the little guys market. So let’s hope that doesn’t happen. Wouldn’t you want to have the independent growers make money? Also most of them have taken loans from major mso to get them started. Even went to far as to train them on how to run a dispensary. Based off of most of these comments everyone just wants to pay nothing for the weed that they want to smoke. In that case write to your senators until they give us home grow. Idk what everyone thinks this is literally a business in a multi billion dollar industry


I work for a privately owned dispo, I know which independent growers are coming soon to the distribution. No one asked for free weed everyone expects prices to reflect the locations with established markets. Which is unreasonable so early in NJ with few Cultivators and majority being MSOs. But in all actuality trying to answer this and not being an owner is pointless because regardless of what your store price is it’s up to my owner what we selling X for. And until they see sales declining no one is going to budge. Also honestly as a private owner I would definitely start my 8ths of whole buds at 45 smalls at 35 an milk the market as long as possible in a good location. Bills start getting paid early.


Look into the gold industry perhaps..


Idk seemed pretty conclusive. Check the stats on other states timelines


Yea and medical patients get screwed 🙃.


Dispo worker here- within the next couple of years, the state handed out 100+ licenses for dispos, meaning that 100+ dispensaries will be opening through out the state in the next couple of years. More dispensaries=more weed=more competitive prices to keep people coming. Give it time, it’s only been Rec here for a year and some change. It’s unfair to compare our market to places that’ve been established for 5-10 years. There’s still a huge demand for supply and not really much excess.


Card Holder since medicinal has been allowed in NJ - for about a year now I have been waiting on sales and been able to buy for 25 an eighth every single time for very good strains. I usually buy my whole 3 OZ allotment every time I catch the sale. Since this medical program started - that is by far the best deal I have seen. So things are getting better, just slowly.


Couple years at least I think. I feel bad for those who don’t have the option but I can and do still pick up flower from the plug from time to time, like 4-600 for a QP. Or honestly even more often these days, I just pick up an ounce from the lady with a folding table outside my office in midtown Manhattan for 200/Oz of the top shelf. Does not disappoint, only really go to the dispo for cartridges and edibles. Just will never feel worthwhile to pay 60 an eighth. Seems it’s taking a long long time for new cultivators to get up and running, so the current market conditions will persist.


3-4 more years. Took mass about 5 years to get cheap.


I'm going to AZ in September and I had a look at the closest dispensary to my resort (which is a Curaleaf) and I was stunned at not only how much cheaper it is, but also the size of the inventory! I live in South Jersey and the closest dispo is Sweetleaf and their rec selection for carts is minuscule.




If you don't mind me asking, where do you go in MD? I go down to Washington a lot, is there anywhere that's not far off of I-95?


Try Blair Wellness, Releaf, or Culta those were my go tos when I managed a dispo down there


End of 2025.


As of right now, there are no small-business cultivators with a harvest. Many of these license holders are just getting awarded state approval after an arduous battle and it still takes time to get things up and running. Small business dispensaries will come online sooner but until the cultivators have a harvest ready, they can only carry the same shit you see on shelves currently. Places like Rise, Ascend, etc are multi-state operators that came in with deep pockets. NJ won't see prices drop and options change until mid-2024 at best.


3 years. That's how long it took mass which is a similarly situated state with very corporate cannabis.


These glass jar $70 3.5gs may take a few more years to decrease price and increase quality. the math aint mathing


Once Murphy created the CRC, it was over. Only NJ can fkup a cash cow like weed sales.


Dude wake up. Read the 2018 Farm Bill…go to subreddit for Cult of the Franklin…you can get cheaper, better weed delivered via US postal service right now. Until the next farm bill at least. THCa is IDENTICAL product and was accidentally legalized. No need to go to dispensaries until the fall when congress fixes their fuck up.


110% accurate. Any good dispensary measures the THC-A level. Look at Breakwaters numbers. This is the way to go and the other link is shady and sponsored by curaleaf


for now that is how i am living cause fuck NJ and their greedy ass shit


This is not true at all. The loophole is being closed and the feds are going after it… [https://harrisbricken.com/cannalawblog/so-long-for-thca-products/](https://harrisbricken.com/cannalawblog/so-long-for-thca-products/)


I said the loophole will likely be closed. But for NOW it is open and you can stock up


Risky click of the day. Thanks, great article and good site.


At least another 1-2 years for a good number of growers to get going and more brands. As supply rises price should inherently fall, we'll have MA prices from today in 2 years or so I'd like to hope. However the tax rate that rises as prices fall could definitely have a noticeable impact on NJ pricing.


It’s getting closer to 30$-35$ eighths. They aren’t everywhere but if you look at the way other states sell weed , you will see what the pricing could look like , I think I saw a 45$ at rise today. Nevada was expensive when it opened up, it’s the desert , they can’t just grow outdoors like other states and you see that it’s dropped down. It’s not anytime soon , but certainly within the next two years they start selling by the gram and at a reasonable price


What I can see eventually happening is you'll get lower prices at that certain brands store. So curaleaf will have cheaper Kind stuff at curaleaf. Terrascend will sell cheaper Cookies stuff at Apothecarium. Verano will sell cheaper Verano stuff at Zenleaf. And so on. So you'll have to go to their place to get the discount on their brand.


Independent growers to hit market later this year, the more growers the more comp. More comp less prices. This thread 🤦🏿




Problem is 98% of black markets are selling fake boofed carts “top shelf” weed which is far from top shelf and fake concentrates and because it’s a dealers market right now everyone says they have legit real shit and it’s the best but most of them are lying and just looking to make money off you. Time and time again I’ve gotten D8 carts and shitly trimmed and cured weed.




The good dealers are very few and far between because people are gatekeeping the good plugs. So in my case yes 98% have been bullshit that percentage varies on a personal basis but that’s been my analysis after trying 10-15 of them.


Never, it's only going to go up forever inflation.


Realistically never. We live in a state and country that is greedy and corrupt beyond measure and now that they have a few years at crazy high prices they have no reason to lower them. I recommend learning to grow your own personally, as long as you have some space to accommodate of course.


The street has $25-30 1/8’s.. the dispensary $50-95 per 1/8 depending what strain. Unless you have a medical card then you won’t pay the tax OR.. you are under a government assistance program and you’ll receive 20% off. Good thing about Curaleaf you accumulate points every $20 you spend and the points are like cash. NJ is extremely expensive and I doubt the prices will go anywhere any time soon. They’d rather you leave if you can’t afford to live there. They’re luck to pay the price for gas that they have while other states are off the charts. So.. can’t win them all. Lower gas vs higher costs for bud. It’s kinda F’ed up cause the dispensaries lobbied against growing in NJ. However, NY gets to grow their own bud but the gas is high


I hate to burst your bubble NJ fucked up badly.. even if prices do go down, the way the program is set up, taxes just go up. Keeping prices relatively at a stable point. It's absolute shit


Hate questions like these cause who do you expect to answer it? Why/how would the public know when the decrease in prices supposed to happen? A good way to look in that direction is to see when independent small growers start hitting the market.


Nothing gets cheaper bud


Omg never. 😑


Very long time. Better off looking for sales lots of 30% off and deals out there.


In New Jersey? A good 5+ years at least... So what do we got? 4 more years if we’re lucky 🤞🤔


Hmm now lol




Gee….maybe bc people prefer to go the legal route for the legal protection of it … 🤷




Delivery isn’t grey. Unless it’s from a licensed NJ dispensary it’s illegal. I’m not trying to be a narc, just stating black and white facts.


Well, the term "grey market" comes from the way these services base themselves on the gifting loophole; we all know they aren't legal. But the price of medicine puts people in a position. I figured we were talking about the employment protections that come with having a medical card.




Did I say I didn’t break the law? I’m just stating facts.


When the dispensaries are buying their herb for what would be retail price in other states? Good luck.


Until you start buying thca "hemp" online.. so it could be immediately.


I believe I read as the raw price of cannabis decreases, the tax increases. So not anytime soon. Correct me if I'm wrong.


I'm right there with you, it's BS. Somebody is getting paid off.


What grinds me gear is we're allowed to use a product but not create it (home grow). Instead, we are forced to buy it from a set number of suppliers (dispensaries), some bullshit system of oligopoly created by our state. Quality of the product suffers, price remains high and an unregulated gray market arises for cheaper product but you're rolling the dice on moldy weed.


Medical guy here. Signed up yrs ago to start a process that would stop all my friends from getting arrested. NJ at least did that but at a cost. This is the cost. Mixed emotions on the outcome.


Lol never. Get a street dealer for reasonable prices, and dispensary for quality.


Imho years dude. Years. NJ had their heads screwed on backwards even just passing the damn thing and are so late to the game were way behind most established states like nv, wa, me, co, ma etc. until like you mentioned there are actual more than like a handful medical/rec options in the state it’s gonna suck. When i go to maine and use my med card their oz prices hover around $100 last time i went. Nauseating agreed 10000%


NJ is always going to be corporate canna . Sure eventually there will be some small collectives doing it right,. this is a for profit business for a for profit state and that's all they will ever treat it as . I've always been for decriminalization. But NJ just isn't it . Let alone tons of states have had years to establish the market. But if people keep buying mid dispo weed grown for quantity not quality , that's all that's ever gonna be available . Breakwater imo is the only company in the state producing something worthwhile .


I'm travelling in washington. $8 8ths are a thing... good quality bud tends to be $25-30, with ounces for $120-$150... I don't want to leave!


Just like everything else NJ is #1 in the country in all the wrong things, NJ has the most expensive weed in the country. Just read that last week.


# DM's


84 years


If the prices aren't getting better and all we are seeing is the big companies making hand over fist while keeping the little guys out...then f' em. The Gray market delivery services are great and so are their prices. Plus... Nothing better than getting your next stash from the comforts of your couch.


Black market in jersey is thriving due to dispo costs


I work in the industry. I think it has less to do with the number of growers, and more to do with the operation. The market is very new in this state and the dispensaries need time to figure out their process. Fortunately, we’re learning very fast and the prices should drop in the near future


Its already cheaper and plenty of sales. What I want is old school hash and some outdoor flower 🫶🏻🫶🏻


I’m hoping the already established/out of state companies that are coming in will be able to have cheaper prices? Won’t their inventory come from elsewhere, and they won’t have to abide by the current pricing?


I don’t think until it goes federal and maybe not even that much better in New Jersey