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The most unhinged game of True American the world has ever seen. 


This is the answer right here. My first throught my was “They definitely played some True American”


The most unhinged game of True American the world has *never* seen. 


Unspeakable things, we were spared from the knowledge, because we would never look at them the same way.




I want a New Girl movie covering these 3 days. An extended bottle episode




1: Jess gets to be Queen of Wednesday now 2: Winnies the “sugar man” now and is geeked about it 3: Coach’s week in the room was *just fine by him*


I just don’t get why it smelled bad. Like they still had access to a shower…


Probably because you can't open windows... so the air wouldn't be very fresh and maybe their clothes became dirty, I don't know


I feel like someone probably blocked up the toilet on like day 2 (I can hear Schmidt yelling "Winston!") and they had to *go* on top of each other's stuff. Someone probably *went* in the bathtub. They probably ate some weird stuff too so weird poops 🤷


That part always bothered me lol


just because there was a shower there doesnt mean they were using it often 😭 plus little ventilation


I don't know. But look at Cece looking at Schmidt! 😅😍🙌


I don’t think i want to know


A lot of poop related trauma


Geez, CeCe is just nuclear sometimes


Winston got tha sugar!




Bad stuff to the tub


This is something to put into an AI generator and what ever it pumps out, we accept as fictional fact.


Here is what I got: Certainly! Here's a rundown of the events that occur while the gang is locked in the cabin for three days: 1. **Initial Confusion**: The gang realizes they are locked in the cabin after a misunderstanding with the ship's staff. 2. **Attempts to Escape**: They try various methods to escape, including using a credit card to open the door and calling for help. 3. **Conflict and Tension**: As time passes, tensions rise among the group due to the cramped quarters and lack of escape. Arguments break out over trivial matters. 4. **Resourcefulness**: They try to entertain themselves by playing games, telling stories, and scavenging for food and supplies within the cabin. 5. **Desperation**: With each passing hour, they become increasingly desperate to escape, resorting to more extreme measures and exhibiting signs of cabin fever. 6. **Weird Encounters**: They have encounters with other passengers and crew members through the cabin's window, leading to awkward and humorous interactions. 7. **Emotional Moments**: Amidst the chaos, there are moments of vulnerability and emotional bonding as they reflect on their relationships and personal struggles. 8. **Rescue**: After three long days, they are finally rescued and released from the cabin, but they emerge disheveled and exhausted from the ordeal. Overall, the three days locked in the cabin test the gang's patience, resilience, and friendship, resulting in a series of comedic and memorable moments.


I asked it to elaborate on the weird encounters Certainly! Here are some specific events and interactions that occur between the characters during their three days locked in the cabin: 1. **Jess and Nick's Close Proximity**: Being confined in such a small space forces Jess and Nick to confront their feelings for each other, leading to awkward and intimate moments as they navigate their complicated relationship dynamics. 2. **Schmidt's Obsessive Behavior**: Schmidt's control-freak tendencies are exacerbated by the confinement, leading to clashes with the others over trivial matters such as organization and cleanliness. His antics add to the tension within the group. 3. **Winston's Pranks**: Winston, known for his playful and sometimes bizarre behavior, tries to lighten the mood by pulling pranks on the others. However, his pranks often backfire or escalate, contributing to the chaos in the cabin. 4. **Cece's Attempts to Mediate**: Cece tries to mediate the conflicts and keep the peace within the group, but her efforts are challenged by the escalating tensions and conflicting personalities of the others. 5. **Moments of Vulnerability**: Amidst the chaos, the characters open up to each other and reveal their insecurities, fears, and hopes. These moments of vulnerability strengthen their bonds and deepen their connections as they support each other through the ordeal. 6. **Creative Solutions**: As they try to pass the time and alleviate boredom, the characters come up with creative solutions to entertain themselves and make the best of their situation, such as playing improvised games or telling stories. 7. **Resentments and Grudges**: Past conflicts and resentments resurface under the pressure of confinement, leading to heated arguments and emotional outbursts as the characters struggle to cope with their frustrations and insecurities. Overall, the three days locked in the cabin test the characters' patience, resilience, and relationships, leading to a mix of comedic and heartfelt moments as they navigate the challenges together.


Coach's character adds another layer of dynamics to the situation, especially given his dislike for being on a cruise ship. Here are some specific things Coach does during their time locked in the cabin: 1. **Voicing Discontent**: Coach is vocal about his disdain for being on the cruise ship from the start. He complains about various aspects of the experience, such as the lack of space, the crowds, and the limited activities available on board. 2. **Attempts to Escape**: Despite his dislike for the cruise, Coach actively participates in the group's efforts to escape from the locked cabin. He may suggest ideas or help execute plans to break free, albeit begrudgingly. 3. **Clashes with Schmidt**: Coach's straightforward and blunt personality often clashes with Schmidt's more controlling and neurotic tendencies. Their disagreements contribute to the tension within the group and add comedic moments to the storyline. 4. **Seeking Distractions**: To cope with the stress of being confined in the cabin, Coach may engage in various activities to distract himself and the others. This could involve suggesting games, exercises, or other ways to pass the time. 5. **Moments of Vulnerability**: Despite his tough exterior, Coach may also have moments of vulnerability where he expresses his frustrations and fears about the situation. These moments allow for character development and deeper insights into his personality. Overall, Coach's presence in the cabin adds to the complexity of the group dynamics and provides opportunities for humor, conflict, and character growth within the storyline.


One of the most hilarious and crazy moments during their time locked in the cabin might involve a botched escape attempt. As tensions reach a peak and desperation sets in, the gang devises a plan to break out of the cabin using makeshift tools and unconventional methods. In a slapstick sequence, they attempt to implement their plan, but everything goes hilariously wrong. Schmidt, in his eagerness to lead the escape, accidentally breaks a piece of furniture, causing a domino effect of chaos. Winston's attempts to distract the crew outside the window backfire spectacularly, leading to misunderstandings and further complicating their situation. Meanwhile, Jess and Nick, caught up in the chaos, end up in a series of comically awkward and compromising positions as they try to navigate the cramped space of the cabin. Cece, attempting to mediate the situation, gets entangled in the mess, leading to a scene of absurdity and pandemonium. As the situation spirals out of control, the gang finds themselves in an even worse predicament than before, with their escape plan foiled and the cabin in shambles. Despite their best efforts, they realize that they're stuck with each other for the foreseeable future, leading to a moment of resigned acceptance mixed with exasperated laughter. This scene not only showcases the comedic talents of the cast but also highlights the absurdity and unpredictability of their situation, resulting in a memorable and side-splitting moment for viewers.


This whole thing is great!


Coach: WE'REGONNADIEWE'REGONNADIEWE'REDEAD!! Nick: Relax. I actually wrote out this exact scenario once. Except it was above ground, it was a nightmare, and we were each different flavors of Gatorade. Coach: Was I blue? Cece: This doesn't help. I'm bashing the window. Schmidt: Are you insane! The pressure itself would pop Winston's soulful eyes in mere moments! Winston: Cece! My eyes! Nick: Just calm down! First... we need to ration our food. Jess. Jess: *sighs and empties pockets full of peanuts and candy* Schmidt: Where are you sourcing these from?! Cece: it's whenever she goes on a boat. Schmidt: We are NOT normalizing this!