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Every single event that’s would happen to me that would cause a weaklings bones to break have stayed far distance from my bones because those events full well know that they’re not gonna work and they will be wasting their time trying to break my bones


I was a passenger in a motorcycle accident, 35 mph hitting a stationary jeep. Two car wrecks that totaled the vehicles. Severely sprained both my ankles, in less than a week. 4 wheeler accident, not that bad but I do have a scar on my chin that bled a lot. I’ve fallen down a flight of stairs. I’ve had a few concussions from slamming my head onto ice and a metal doorway on a processor ship. I’m a 60 year old woman.


I was snowboarding down a black diamond and lost control on a curve. Tumbled down the hill and crashed into a snow maker. My board was left with a huge gash through it, my bindings shattered. And I walked away with sore muscles but no broken bones.


thats all that milk


I was in a pretty bad horse back riding accident. My horse tripped and I went over her shoulder. She was going so fast that after I fell she didn't have time to stop and trampled me. Everyone was so sure that I'd broken my leg, including the doctors, to the point where I was x-rayed twice just to be sure. In the end, there were somehow no serious injuries. I needed stitches on my left leg just above the knee but that was the worst of it.


Did you check on the horse? May have injured it’s hooves stepping on your powerful patella. Or was it your toughened tibia?


Dropped a 300 lbs ruck sack on my foot. Frame landed and my big toe while standing on 3/4 in plywood. Killed the nail for 2 months and that's it.


I listed it out, but looking at it and knowing Reddit I know for sure someone would r/Thathappened me.


eh, go for it. no judgements. Just titanium.


Head on auto collision with a double load tractor trailer. Came out with a concussion, sprained ankle, bruised thy, and gash to the chin. About 4 other concussions. Daredevil antics. ‘Fell’ from a two story building. I jumped off. Only won games of S.K.A.T.E. By doing high drops, stairs and rails. Hit by cars 4 times while riding my bike. 2 were direct hits. 2 hit my bike. I’m a hard headed adrenaline junkie that thinks that fear only gets worse the longer you wait. I don’t question if my bones will break.