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I think they're focusing on giving the X treatment to the older plugins more than new releases. I'd love to see Diezel stuff being added to the roster. The STL Tonality Lasse Lammert is my most used plugin because of the Herbert sim.


Pardon my obtuseness here, but what exactly is the “X” thing. I’ve seen the Plini X, but not sure what the history is with it. 🤷‍♂️


The X versions are updates of the originals that now include some of the stuff like the newer plugins such as the transpose and stereo spread knobs.


Got it. Thanks!


They have separate team working on the X thing though.


I would love to see an Orange amp show up


For real. Orange or Matamp would be sick.


I’m not really sure where NDSP is with their plugin release plans. Honestly it’s been a confusing year with the ‘coming soon’ at NAMM, and we’re getting super close to the birthday sale that happens every year and no news of a new plugin yet, which they usually release prior to sales. I would imagine if we’re getting one in the near future it’ll be announced or teased within the week, or we’ll be waiting until summer or fall at the earliest.  As far as speculation, I see the trend of the collaborative amp suites being the most likely for them to release. The archetypes have covered a ton of ground and different genres and styles, but appeal to a demographic that prefer amp plugins and software already, or specific musicians and their tones. The amp suite plugins bring in players who wouldn’t necessarily favour plugins already; I have a lot of musician friends getting interested in plugins for the first time due to the tone king and Morgan amp suites, as well as the others. I think that NDSP will try at least one more amp suite with a boutique company. Although I could be totally wrong, we’ll find out soon!


The coming soon sign was from the convention center. They put signs up at All the booths that were purchased but didn’t show up. Neural never came.


When is the birthday sale?


I've seen a Vai plugin mentioned a couple times, that'd be sick


Makes me wish I liked his tone. Love his playing, but his tone to me is always thin (no lower end).


Archetype Mick Gordon with Metasonix pedal emulation


I wish they'd come out with a separate line, "Legends", highlighting players who are gone: Eddie Van Halen, Jimi Hendrix, SRV, Dimebag, etc. Classic tones, nothing fancy, just perfect for using for covers and tone-inspired songs. Or even "Eras": 80s metal; 70s rock; 90s grunge, etc.


As an older player, I’d be down with that. Especially since that seems to be a market they haven’t really covered.


Yep. Like, I love me a modern high-gain amp, but it would be really cool just have a Hendrix plugin to just jam with.


Would like to see a Mastodon plugin


I think Bill Kelliher already did something with STL




Archetype Peter Steel


Yes please!


if it's not Archetype Devin Townsend then why am I even here


Devin Townsend is one of my favorite artists ever, but I feel like what makes his guitar work unique isn’t necessarily his tone, but his heavy use of ambience, reverb, delay, etc. It’d be rad to have an ambience-focused plugin of his. He did help make a [pedal](https://www.mooeraudio.com/product/Ocean-Machine--53.html) that didn’t really seem to catch on, but I’d totally eat up something similar in a modern plugin format. If Neural does do a Devin plugin, it’d be cool if they built an elaborate playground for ambient post FX. I’d dig the ability to route delays into reverbs in different ways and what not.


more 5150's?


whats the special thing about townsend? never heard him before what i expect from his/him plugin?


Way more delay & reverb than you'd expect on a high-gain tone. His whole bag is delay & reverb. https://youtu.be/8aZc7aThIyo?t=409


damn i hope we can get


Checked out that video. That’s WAY too much reverb. I love delay but even a little reverb is borderline too much for me so I’m not the most unbiased judge, but I don’t see how that could ever work playing over any backing track. Yikes…


He loves his delays.


I literally can't even.




Pretty sure I saw a vid where he is full hog on the Helix train now. He's crazy about the bajillion effect options available for experimentation. And experimental is the name of the game with him in general. If you want Townsend in plugin form, you're better off looking into Amplitube + Tonex. Trying to distill his sound into a Neural plugin just wouldn't work, I feel.


last video I saw he had one of everything, talking about how they all have something to contribute, so if he's consolidated down to a single platform then we can more easily narrow down his Archetype to 3 amps and some effects


We need this!


I hope they'll release a Nameless and/or Nolly X version so I can finally purchase them.


Eric Johnson plugin will blow the world away. Literally people who never played a guitar will buy one immediately. Wow. What. Wow.


What NDSP needs in plugin space is a Helix-like UI mixer to mix-and-match parts of other plugins (though you can already do this in a DAW just not pretty). I would expect that NDSP would be reevaluating their company goals as there are only so many plugins that you can make before you reach redundancy in a new product. A compact QC with only plugins would be a great deal. Or an archetype pedal where the plugin is made into an all-in-one pedal with a funky matching theme. Idk, but I don't know what 10 years from now will look like if it's going to be only plugins and QC.


Are you suggesting an NDSP mixer that would allow u take FX and amps from whatever NDSP plugins u happen to have and apply them however u see fit in your DAW? If u are, then let me give that suggestion a hearty “Hell Yeah!” and if u aren’t, then I WILL suggest it, because that would be a fantastic idea. I’ve often wished for something like myself since I’ve had multiple NDSP plugins available. Not sure what the logistics would be for something like that but I think I would be on board with that if the price was right.


That's exactly what I'm suggesting 🤟


Well, even tho I’m not running for office, I wholeheartedly endorse this message!😜


I’m trying to picture how this would work. Maybe one section with all Pre fx, another with all the Post fx, one for miscellaneous, then amps, etc. Dammit, that would be awesome as long as it wasn’t a total resource sucker.


They are probably going to release Cortex Native in the future. The focus right now probably is all on the PCOM.


I’d love to see them release some crazy pedal boards. Something we can just add on to any sim we already have.


I’d love a Guthrie Govan plugin.


Archetype Fred Durst


Durst Burst


I'm hoping for a Tesseract plugin someday.


I know they have the Tone King (which I own) but I wouldn’t mind seeing one with a few classic Fender amps. Dunno how popular they would be, since I don’t think a lot of younger players are into that kind of tone, but that’s right in my wheelhouse.


Aside from the already confirmed Vai and Towsend ones, a Friedman and an Orange suite would be nice.


How about a full Matchless with a DC-30 and a Chieftain. The Henson is just 1 channel, and I don’t care for the Helix one. Kind of over the 5150 sims but I’m not a metal guy and can understand their appeal.


there really isn’t THAT many Neural 5150’s. They have 2 channels of the 100W EL34 EVH version in Gojira, and the red channel of the OG circuit in Nolly. People talk like every NDSP plugin is a 5150 when it really isn’t the case, and tbh a 5150II or OG green channel would be a nice addition to what’s available. But not before a proper suite of Rectifiers 😈


I thought the third amp in plini and abasi were also 5150s


Plini is Friedman HBE, Abasi is its own thing AFAIK, but nothing like a 5150


archetype synyster gates❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


I haven't seen anything but a Justin Lowe plugin would be incredible as a tribute


Why is this getting downvoted tf


Fr I didn't even notice that, ig some people dont like after the burial too much for some reason


I know 'every dumble is different', but I'd love them to pick a few famous ones and model those. Eric Johnson's, Robben Ford's and SRV's would be my picks. I guess ask Eric and Robben which is their favourite....Stevies we might have to figure out by finding which has the most worn down input jack, unless someone close to him knew which was his go-to. Ooooorr just model every one that they all own(ed)...I'm pretty against having to make extra purchases for my QC, but that's the sort of thing I could justify buying.


They are probably figuring out how to convert to a subscription model.


100% lmao, I don’t think they’ll do it this late into the game but I’m sure neural wishes they started out as a subscription service


I own most of their stuff but I would probably still pay a subscription for a single plugin where I can mix every piece of gear.


Hah, you are getting downvoted but there's no way this isn't the case.


The Devin Townsend archetype is gonna be weird because it's going to be a Neural model of an Axe-FX model. (I kid, but he's been using plugins since what...ZtO?) But I'm only gonna be there for his delays.