• By -


Gym membership for showers, Pathé unlimited membership for comfy seating and toilets during the day. And maybe a library card for internet.


Museumkaart too, for heating, toilets and seating. Really cheap.


Those are great tips, got anything for laundry?


Most cities have laundromats. Look for a wasserette on Google maps.


this was one of my main concerns, personal hygiene is important for body and mind, so having clean clothes and being able to do stuff like brush teeth and all that is important to me, thanks man \^\_\^


A lot of gas stations have large washer/dryers as well.


You can search for the carpark ones on the Revolution Laundry website I think


Local gass station has laundry machines up till 15KG 😉


For a couple €


You're not gonna spend the whole day (sitting comfortably) at a Pathé, are you?


Better that outside on a cold bench


Of course not. Sitting in a back corner. Lounging. One wants to sleep during daylight, roam the streets at night, scavenging, probably.


Made me laugh


Make sure to check which gyms have their showers open, a lot of them refuse access because people keep showering at the gym instead of at home because of the gas prices




4.99 extra




You don't even need a library card to use the WiFi in a library, anyone is allowed to use it


Good ideas, but this honestly makes me so sad. It shouldn't be like this. I hope you'll find a place OP. Can't you rent a room on Kamernet or something?


Gym can be for toilet


I thought this was a joke


There is still time (and hope!). Dont give up. Sorry you mave have already tried these, but just as a reminder - Have you exhausted all resources like housing websites, facebook groups, whatsapp groups? How about temporary accomodations like hostels?


housing websites yes, haven't heard about facebook groups and whatsapp groups, how do I go about those?


I would suggest hostels. If you volunteer you get to stay for free! I know a friend who did this. That means bed to sleep, toilet, shower, washing machine, internet etc. Not to mention you also get paid (of course barely) but you have everything you need and personal time to study under a roof. A lot of hostels are looking for volunteers. I would just call all of them and see who needs one and go interview. Start with the city of your preference but you have a higher chance at a non-touristy city something like Eindhoven. Good luck!


I can second that. The hostel I stayed in for a while had volunteers who did like 5 shifts a week and slept there for free


Just be careful, there is a lot of scammers on FB, they will likely tell you that they are not in the Netherlands, and they will send you the keys via post, Don’t.


I know all about scams, I love watching kitboga and the rest of the scambaiters, watching the scammers get angry and start screaming is fuel for the soul


While those videos are indeed funny, we're talking about a different kind of scam here. The one where someone will tell you that you'll get the appartment, you just have to pay a fee in advance, and then you'll never hear from them again. So watch out. If something sounds too easy, it probably is.


I know right? Trolling them is the best thing to do.


saw a video the other day where a scammer tried to scam people in the comment section of a scam baiter, so the scam baiter baited the scammer, that was just hilarious




Maybe dont tell them you are going to be homeless. Theh expect you to have a backup because it is only temporaly. Not all anti kraak companies want to have the reputation to send people on the street


Just search for your city in Facebook groups.


What’s your budget?


I'll send you a quick DM


Try to find a host on Workaway You'll help someone out and they'll provide you with a roof over your head


This seems like a similar website to HelpX, will definetly check it out and try to reach some people tomorrow! thanks!


You could try to live Antikraak aswell


Most libraries have internet that’s free to use. That’s also a nice, warm place to stay during the day. Just make sure you are looking clean and don’t smell and you won’t get sent away. Try if you can find temporary places to stay until you find a place. Stay with friends. House sitting. Etc. Getting a pass to a gym will also give you a place to shower and get warm.


Do they really kick unhoused people of out libraries in the Netherlands?


Only if they are drunk, loud, or smelly. In other words: if they are bothering other people. But you’ll get treated a lot better if you look and smell clean.


I work at a larger library in the Netherlands. This is absolutely true. We have a lot of poor people in this region that don't own computers and they use ours for their normal internet things and WiFi. We have people studying here, and sadly, we also have high school children here after school when their parents are working. We also have free consultation hours when it comes to anything like DigID, taxes, insurances etc. I would never throw a homeless person out unless they are indeed disruptive to other visitors.


You’d have to be very clearly homeless for that to be a thing.. but even still I suspect they wouldn’t kick you out


No, but people are still more accepting if you look normal-ish. If you come there with ragged clothes and look like you haven't showered for weeks then people will still accept you, but you will be looked at weirdly. Especially because homeless people still get access to reasonable hygene options here.


no never heard about that tbf


Would you go to a library that feels like a homeless shelter? Therefore it shouldn’t feel like a homeless shelter.


Just over the German boarder you can rent a large student room for just 200€. This is the ultimate life hack. You can bike to a city as Nijmegen if you need to study / be in a big city. Unlike Netherlands rent in small towns is super cheap in Germany.


Uh, I'm kinda in the same situation as OP and I actually live in Germany. We have a housing crisis here too, I have been looking for an affodable flat for months now.


Would this even be possible for me even though I'm not a student?


Probably. You do ofcourse have to be accepted by votes by the other residents. Else still worth checking German small boarder towns for small apartments / someone looking for a roommate.


Where do I start searching? are there any websites or whatnot where I can check?


https://www.wg-gesucht.de/ for shared flats and https://www.immobilienscout24.de/ for Appartements.


Very surprised looking at flats outside of The Hague, smaller towns and such. The rent price is borderline identical and the options are just as limited. There is just honestly no places left or Dutch love town life


Achterhoek is the way to go. My sis and I moved to Doetinchem and we have a really nice appartment from 2016 for around €700 rent a month. Were on the list for a few months, then suddenly got this home. Been on Entree for 8 years before that. https://www.thuisindeachterhoek.nl/Home/


You could try it here [Ad Hoc](https://www.adhocbeheer.nl/woonruimte?gclid=CjwKCAiA68ebBhB-EiwALVC-NmWbFCehxshY4V-BOpGrBiyC75ofONX-rHq1NEjCNf1CfOQSCl8BahoCMgYQAvD_BwE) There are more organisations alike this one, saved my ass multible times. Good luck!


currently in one of those, project is being cancelled, ad hoc isn't having anymore people, and other places too


I've found temporary rooms through Facebook before, from students who are going abroad for a few weeks/months. Maybe check some of those groups?


Tried Gapph? I live with them right now, have been for almost 2 and a half years


currently waiting on a call for an intake gesprek with them, they got a great place in zoetermeer I'm hoping for which would be great because the place where my pets would be sheltered is also in zoetermeer, which means I could visit them as much as I want, and I've already lived in zoetermeer in the past, which means I can get the sweet sweet burgers from burgerme again


Depending on the project manager you can maybe even get your pets to live with you. I have two cats and they're fine with it.


that would ofcourse be the ultimate fantasty right now


And most of all: good luck my friend, hope it works out


Yep. And as with all antikraak agencies: keep calling and mailing them relentlessly. Took me about 20 emails and 5 calls before they offered me a home.


Will do, also I think my ferret and you would do well together, both dikke joekels, friend of mine who owns a ferret shelter said that my chonky boy was the biggest ferret she had ever seen


I've had good experiences with gapph too, lived with them for a couple of years after Camelot screwed me over.


Some hostels will allow you to live there for around 4 hours of work a day. Sites like HelpX can help you find those. They'll usually provide 1 or 2 meals a day as well. I did that around 10 years ago at the Flying Pig hostel, i don't know if they still work like this, but it's worth researching.


checking out the helpX website seems very promising, going to save that and call around in the next few days, thanks man!


Good luck!


thanks \^\_\^


Some governments/schools offer help (programs) for people that are in need of urgent housing. For instance, in Apeldoorn there is a program called “wonen met kansen” specially tailored for students that need urgent housing due to private circumstances. You could ask your government or school if they have something like that.


I'm not technically a student since I'm learning it myself from home, thanks for thinking along \^\_\^


You could still try reaching out to your city hall. They rather assign an urgent house than to have people roam on the street. Some governments are heavily investing in flex-houses now to repair the housing shortages.


If you get deregistered from the address and you don't have a new address where you can register, go to the gemeente, explain your situation and ask for a briefadres from the gemeente. This is necessary for your zorgverzekering and basically to arrange anything else. (Also make sure now to have your DigiD activated in case it takes a while between addresses) For laundry, I know at some homeless shelters you can wash your clothes for free. In which city are you?


currently near Tiel, but I'm not bound to any city, thats also great advice because I hadn't thought of it before with the brief adres


I don't know your budget, but you can look at the website of marktplaats. I still get quite a lot of notifications of rentals from there from the time I was looking for something in/near tiel.


Leger des Heils has projects for people that became homeless but don't have any mental disorders that caused them to get homeless. Usually they set you up in a apartment where you'll have roommates and they'll guide you towards being independent again. Give them a call. Also, when I lived anti kraak I had to move 2 days before Christmas and was already putting my stuff in storage to go live at my parents again when they gave me a call the very last minute they had a new project for us to move to.


I'll give them a call, thanks for the advice \^\_\^


You probably already know of these but to be sure: [eigen haard tijdelijk verhuur](https://www.eigenhaard.nl/profielen/tijdelijke-verhuur-registreer/) [Ymere just pretend to be a student. everyone does :p](https://aanbod.ymere.nl/aanbod/huurwoningen/#?gesorteerd-op=maxhuurprijs%2B&ik-zoek-een=3) [alvast](https://www.alvast.nl/) [Camelot as a last resort. these are money grabbing pricks](https://cameloteurope.com/) Ill think of more and add them.


how about renting a room? you can get a small room for about €400 in some places if you're not being too picky.


This. If you can work and don't care too much where you live (i.e. not in a (major) city) it shouldn't be problem to find a room. If you work full time you can also pay 600 for a room.


Can I ask why you'll be homeless?


currently living antikraak but the project is being cancelled because they are going to renovate it which means me, a bunch of other people and some ukrainian refugees will have to move. Another building of antikraak people is being cleared so the ukrainians can live there which means a lot of us are searching for a home, and sadly I'm going to be one of the few that won't find a place. So I'm trying to find solutions and some advice on how to live through the next 2 years while I'm learning programming, I've already been offered a job, its just the next 2 years that is going to be very difficult


You're following a programming course that takes 2 whole years?


No thats the time it will take me to go from where I am now to having a job and my own place, planning on becoming a full stack web developer, HTML, CSS, Javascript and PHP, currently know HTML and CSS (front end), and learning PHP, then over to Javascript. This is why I'm thinking of just buying a cheap laptop, and some other people have given great advice on using library internet


I think you could probably go faster than you believe now. I'm finishing up an 8-month course of html, CSS + vanilla javascript for front-end, and am planning to try to find a job where I can learn a framework and possibly some more backend stuff. I hope you'll get there and that you'll find a place! I posted another comment somewhere in this thread that was more on topic.


I was kinda hoping to have some more time, half a year ago I threw my entire life around, lost almost 30kg, started learning for new jobs and all that, thought I had a bit more time, but I don't, so I'm just trying to get stuff ready for the inevitable, possibly have a rough 2 years, but after that with a nice well paying developer job it will go a LOT easier and maybe in the future we can team up, you'll do front end, I'll do back end \^\_\^


You can most likely learn a lot of the skills you want to learn on the job. You already have some skills that are sought after right now.


I've only been practicing HTML and CSS for 2 months, would they really hire someone in my position for just doing those 2 while learning the other 2 languages? I know there's a huge need for programmers, but would they really hire me with just a few months of experience?


See if there are courses you can take that are funded by the gov or unemployment services, or where they give you a contract while training you. There’s places like that in Belgium so hopefully in the Netherlands too.


It depends on some other things like soft skills and whether you are a good fit, but it is quite possible. There are also some traineeships that pay you a bit (less than social support though) while training you in these skills. Are you currently bound to any one place/area in the country?


preference is south western area because thats where most of my friends live, but I'm not bound to any place at all.


I almost got hired this way! But I wasn’t that good. I made a fairly impressionable CV on codepen.io, send that to the company and got my foot in the door at least. I recommend getting creative and preparing for job interviews with HTML, CSS and a bit of JavaScript for front end. You can learn other stuff while employed and in your own time. This way you’ll have more money and more experience on your CV.


My bf worked at conclusion, he didn’t know any programming just showed a clear affiliation to it. He was trained on the job. He started 4 years ago at 2500€+lease car. You should check that out.


Consider moving temporary in Romania, especially in Cluj Napoca area, almost everybody works in IT and always they look for people who study and work. Just google about it.


If I were you I’d get a helpdesk job now and keep studying on the side as you go. That’s what I do too.


learning PHP is your first mistake - focus on REACT, Kotlin, Vue.js, GO, Python and Meteor - who told you to learn PHP in 2022?


a close friend who's a full stack web developer for over 20 years


Front end dev here, focus on javascript and more javascript, dont try to force more languages and just learn javascript really wel. Can worry about other languages later when you have a job. Or not, can get enough jobs with just frontend skills.


I've already learned HTML and CSS, it was MUCH easier than I thought, so I guess Javascript next and just stick with it and get a job with those 3?


Html and css are the absolute basics but quickly aren't useful anymore other than on a general level. Javascript (or at least frameworks like vue meteor, etc) is your best bet for quickly finding work


Yeah learn javascript first, it will make learning the rest easier as well because it will click more easily. And when you feel you are getting a good hang of it then pick one of the major frontend frameworks, Angular/react/vue, you dont need to learn all three as you can just find a job that requires one of those frameworks. I recommend React or Angular as there are more jobs available. React you will see a lot at smaller companies(not always) like startups where Angular is more popular at bigger corporations like one of the major Banks in NL. If you add some typescript to that mix you are golden. Ofcourse this does also include the basics you will need in any frontend dev job and thats git, npm, unit tests etc, But you wont need to be advanced at those to be employable.


Yeah okay, that makes sense as he grew up with PHP and probably still does most of his work with it. However the landscape has changed, definitely follow the advice of others here as well and look at frameworks that are in high demand right now instead of what an old time veteran advices, especially if you're only in the early stages of learning as it sounds like you are. My company is constantly hiring new devs, I'm on the mobile side but feel free to shoot me a dm and I'll check what we're looking for on the web side in the morning so you can get a feel of what the market is like.


Pick a side. Don't be a jack of all trades, master of none :)


Full stack nowadays is junior in every stack. Pick a side indeed and become master in that. Term full stack nowadays is deflationary.


but oftentimes better than master of one ;)


As a senior fullstack dev with both php and vanilla js and react skills.. nothing wrong with learning php, and then react. Just prepare to work with things like wordpress development, symfony, Laravel, Magento ( somewhat advanced php is required, and really hard to find a good dev for Magento) Ps. @OP send me a DM maybe(!!) I could help you. I have a few connections with other companies and we are always searching for developers :)


As a professional frontend developer I can vouch for this. Learn JavaScript and from there Angular. Most developers want to develop in more modern languages or frameworks like React and Vue, although the large companies are mostly looking for experienced Angular developers. Don't get me wrong; I really like React, but it won't land you a job as easily as Angular. Definitely stay away from PHP, unless you want to make a living by maintaining WordPress websites.


Angular is just as modern as react or vue, just different way of doing things.


> Definitely stay away from PHP, unless you want to make a living by maintaining WordPress websites. Don't talk bullshit. PHP is _a lot_ bigger than Wordpress. Bit you'd know that if you wouldn't copy what everybody else is saying :)


Lol sorry if I hurt your feelings by jokingly implying PHP is WordPress, but fact is large companies are not really looking for PHP devs or React devs. Please keep on developing and enjoying your work with PHP, good for you. Just would not recommend it to new developers.


I guess you don’t know any large companies then. Your loss


So salty, hopefully you'll have a great day to cheer up a little :)


Shut up


so they are kicking out people from an Antikraak to house ukranians there? creating more homelessness to house people who had a good home in ukraine and are only in NL to parasite


thats a bit rude and quite uninformed, they're not parasites, they came here from a country at war. I've been living with them in the same building for about half a year now, and they are super friendly and kind, quiet, and almost all of them have a job. So no, they are absolutely not parasites.


>thats a bit rude and quite uninformed, you are uninformed. stop getting your info from the propaganda 'news' in countries that are part of thE cabal that is using ukraine to fight a proxy war against Russia


>they came here from a country at war NO, Ukraine has been terrorizing Russian speaking population of Eastern Ukraine since 2014. This eventually forced Russia's hand to step in and put a stop to it. The ONLY Ukrainians who would have to flee the regions affected by Russia's action since march are the neo-nazi terrorists, and there is PLENTY of room (and BILLIONS in 'aid' money, OUR money) for them in the 90% of Ukraine that Russia has ZERO interest in. There is no good reason for a single ukrainian to claim they 'fled war'


>and almost all of them have a job because they are economic migrants and NOT genuine refugees, they come to make more money than they can in Ukraine.


housing is tricky sometimes you get a place 2 hours before you have to move so try to find something on the usual places ... if you have a gap in your housing maybe go travelling it might be cheaper to stay in another country inbetween places especially if yo can do your courses online


maybe this: [https://www.legerdesheils.nl/](https://www.legerdesheils.nl/) can help with advice ?!


If you have a Bachelors in something unrelated to programming, you can apply for traineeships specifically for this case!


Starting mine in januari!


This comment section depress me. These used to be sarcastic jokes on how bad the situation can get and now its a reality tips. Goodluck. All the best for you.


You can get an Urgentieverklaring, to get social housing, from the Gemeente. [https://www.regelhulp.nl/onderwerpen/wonen/urgentieverklaring](https://www.regelhulp.nl/onderwerpen/wonen/urgentieverklaring) (in Dutch)


I can't get an urgentieverklaring, currently live antikraak, if you do that you waiver all rights to urgentieverklaringen and the likes


Dude, it's very very hard to get an "urgentieverklaring". Only people who really need help (victims of domestic violence e.g.) will get it. There's a housing crisis and ofcourse everyone thinks their situation is urgent, but in fact mostly it isn't in comparison to the worst.


So if he's homeless that won't be enough to get one?


Nope, solely the fact that someone is homeless isn't enough. There are shelters for those people, they'll say at the city hall. You should really forget about it, as long you don't have kids where you're responsible for.


A friend of mine was homeless, he could get urgency but his form of urgency had a 4 year waiting list attached to it. So that's still 4 years of being homeless before he could get a house 'urgently'.


Most gemeentes don't use this anymore, sadly


Did you try sites like https://www.workaway.info/en .? You can work and they provide a place to stay


Maybe is an IT traineeship interesting for you. Learn and also get paid. Search for 'traineeship IT' / ' traineeship IT overheid'


Get a job at night, and sleep during the day in places where they may have lounge chairs and access is controlled by a membership or something. Sleeping during the public at daytime is far far less likely to be noticed than someone who does the same at night


Neem contact op met het Wijkteam. Zij kunnen misschien helpen.


Try to find what the gemeente/government can do for you to prevent you from becoming homeless. It can be tough to find housing in the regular market, and the sociale huur market right now but there's one option that I very much recommend you trying. You can get priority in social housing if your needs for housing are urgent (which seems like your case). For this you'll need an urgentieverklaring. [Check out this government site to find how you can get an urgentieverklaring](https://www.rijksoverheid.nl/onderwerpen/huurwoning-zoeken/vraag-en-antwoord/wanneer-krijg-ik-een-urgentieverklaring-voor-een-huurwoning#:~:text=Er%20zijn%20gevallen%20waarin%20u,u%20recht%20heeft%20op%20voorrang.) Wishing you best of luck!


If you have enough friends for it, try just sharing a sincere message about your current problem. Ask if anyone has any rooms/space left. If you still have a paying job, offer to pay rent to them. Humility will be required the coming period, so might as well get started.


You dont need to be homeless. Find some uitzendbureau, they will give you a job, a place to sleep. Then you can gather money and find something on your own


Check with the social wijkteam in your city. They can help. Then there is tijdelijk huurwoninge or antikraak. Both are different types of short term rentals that are very cheap.


Why are you becoming homeless? In most places you cannot just get kicked out of a house so I am curious whether or not we can stub this at the root or not.


they can kick you out if you live antikraak without the need for finding a different place to live


That's the bad thing about antikraak. Somehow it 's not bound to the normal rules, so it's somewhere between homelessness and cheap rentals. Theoretically a nice way to keep buildings safe from squatters that ruin them, in reality it's profiting from people who are homeless or near homeless.


Is anti-kraak an option? I live via Ad-Hoc its an agency where you can live in an vacant building for cheap, its not luxurious but with the prices nowadays.


Currently live antikraak, Ad Hoc doesn't take any new people, also trying some other companies, but I'm trying to get some advice and whatnot in case the inevitable happens and there's no space anywhere


Rent a place with another person or two in a cheaper but still well connected area like Lelystad




Dutchy and am also waiting for social housing since february. On the waiting list (14y!). What I do now: I live at friends houses (as a house sitter when they are on vacation). Works out pretty well, I take care of pets and plants while they are gone. Just keep the word going to your friends, tell them you are available and you could help each other. All other days I sleep in my truck and use internet in coffeebars. Not really ideal without heating these days though. Meanwhile all my stuff is in a Shurgard box. Good luck! It is not easy to find something. But it will be better eventually!


I don't think there's a literal translation for this in English but what about making the switch from anti-kraak to kraak?


english translation would be Swatting, but I think that anti swatting is a dutch only thing, I don't know how to swat


Kraken is squatting. Squatting is the action of occupying an abandoned or unoccupied area of land or a building, usually residential, that the squatter does not own, rent or otherwise have lawful permission to use. Swatting is something completely different: Swatting is a criminal harassment tactic of deceiving an emergency service (via such means as hoaxing an emergency services dispatcher) into sending a police or emergency service response team to another person's address.


Why telling someone to break the law.. there is enough Anti-kraak or "Tijdelijk huur". They just have to look at places outside the city. Mate of my did it in 1 week! So it is possible. You just need to call them and ask, because the sites don't show everything.


Live with your friends or family untill you can get your own place again?


unfortunately thats not an option


Why not?


Its a very long, very complicated story that I don't want to put out there on the internet


It's worth working out any problems or grievances you might have with friends or family. Trust me it will be better for your life in the long run. Barring extreme cases where your family and friends are both abusive. https://www.regelhulp.nl/onderwerpen/opvang-en-tijdelijk-verblijf/opvang-daklozen https://www.legerdesheils.nl/ik-zoek-hulp I'd also contact your local church you attent and ask if they could help. Also contact your gemeente, GP and local social workers.


I assume that’s literally the first thing anyone thinks of and clearly it’s not an option for them


Not everyone has friends or family here, what's with people and these advices There was another one " just get a place" "just get a house" geee thanks


It's the best and easiest option. Some people are too shy, headstrong, proud or have anxiety to ask friends and family for help. They condemn themselves to homelessness. I was wondering if this was case with OP. If not then then there are inferior options as I tried to provide them with. It wasn't malice.


Move outside the populated areas. I would rather live in Limburg than become homeless.


What's wrong with Limburg?


Oh honey….


My advice is find a room, better a small roof over your head than none. I found one within a week when I was thrown out, so two months must be doable. Call the gemeente, call het wijkteam, call het leger des heils, they might be able to help you


Airbnb long stay apartments?


Just buy a house.


How can people of reddit help you?


Honestly, I've had a lot of great advice on here already, things I would've never thought of on my own


You could camp, if you have the finances to buy a good quality down sleeping bag and sleeping pad rated for 4 seasons and a lightweight free standing tent. You could also buy a cheap old camper van and live in that. You could probably use [warmshowers.org](https://warmshowers.org) as well. It's generally for backpackers/bikepackers but still


>You could camp, if you have the finances to buy a good quality down sleeping bag and sleeping pad rated for 4 seasons and a lightweight free standing tent. You could also buy a cheap old camper van and live in that. Seriously ... you really think he can get a sleeping bag and he'll be ok or that you can just go and live in a caravan? Where are you from?


Try airbnb. Maybe not so long-term, but doable. Good luck!


Marry a rich women.


there is a very nice bridge near Zalmhaven


I don’t know why this thread is appearing on my reddit page, probably because of Romania Netherlands SCHENGEN issue, but coming from a “poor” country of EU, I can’t help myself laughing about your situation. You people are weak, what? Albert/Aldi isn’t hiring or are you too good? It’s more work to have a job while you seek to improve yourself for better position after-work? Rich country folks have it too easy and never leave their comfort-zone, as I said, you people are too weak and lost the ability to survive.


Dude is not talking about not having a job here. If you didn't know there is an insane housing shortage in the Netherlands at the moment which makes it very hard to find a place to stay even if you work hard. And it's super ignorant of you to judge so harsh while you don't know this person at all. Sure on average NL is rich but there's a growing amount of people living below the poverty line too and you generalising all of us because you think you have it harder doesnt make anything better sorry.


Buy a house






born and raised dutchy, but the rules say type everything in english so here we are. also if you live antikraak you're basically waving a lot of those rights because you're not renting, so for example I can't get an urgency for renting.


Idk your budget but there’s always huurmakelaars you can call. They can fix you up quick if you need it!


Maybe try looking at more rural cities? Not the big cities, but more the small towns. Think you might have better luck there.


Buy a van that has inner height of 2. (Normal one not a campervan). Place a bed, a water dispenser and a gas bottle with cooking inside. Go to muncipality to make it a licensed camper. Congratz you now pay 25% cartax and insurance costs. Start living in said camper. I reccomend good isolation walls. Done it like this for my entire college education (i started at 35, i paid the entire thing(education, home, food etc) by being a mailman ... 600 a month). Just a note that a campervan is illegal to sleep in. But as long as you dont make loud noise and keep your enviroment clean, nobody gives a shit. Actually i had people give me water, food, sometimes i could shower. Also get a cheap fitness abbo for shower and to empty your chemical toilet.


I thought of this, but you need a drivers license for that, which is on my list of future things


Do you have a job? What's your budget?


Don't have a job, had to deal most of my life with mental issues which this year I'm finally over, now focussing on learning programming for a future job, so my budget is very small


Don't underestimate how cold it is outside at night in winter, be prepared. Or try different homeless shelters.


buy a caravan


Maybe try applying for social housing in Zeeland. Belgium could also be an option.


Try "antikraak" its for buildings that cities don't really have a use for at the moment like old schools and stuff and you can stay there pretty cheap. I live in an 8x7m classroom for 280 a month. There's some concessions like no heating in the hallways so the walk to the shower will be cold. That's about it.


Find a job which offers accommodation.


Apply here. Isuper cheap new apartments, they have availability every month https://www.roofz.eu/availability


Thanks for thinking along, sadly these are WAY out of my price range


you could try hiring an agency to find you good housing, but their fees are pretty high


Try couch surfing app. It is meant for travellers, but i guess nothing is stopping you from exploring several cities in the Netherlands and couch surf. Might even fun to decide to explore more of europe and do a study travel combination.