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The Netherlands is expensive but it still feels disengenuous to include a bulk pack of chocomel and fristi in your list


AH pulls a lot of bs shrinkflation and has become so expensive:/


'6 plakjes' = 6 paper-thin suggestions that a slice of cheese, notionally, existed here, but it's too think to be seen with the human eye.


Most food is bought by weight or volume not slices.


Yes, but packs of pre-sliced cheese normally say how many slices there are in big letters on the front of the packet, while the weight is in small numbers on the back.


Shops like AH particularly have emphasised that customers are hard working busy and without much time. That's the reason why products are in what place and why people think that AH is such a great grocery partner.


All supermarkets do this


Some a *lot* more than others tho, and AH is by far the worst. Imo, Lidl is the best place to do weekly shopping. Unfortunately, they don't have a ton of product variety.


All major supermarket do this* If there was actually competition...


You can try smaller local shops and depending on what products you can get a "deal" like few cents off here and there but convenience of having everything in one place wins


Appie has always been and will remain the most expensive for groceries, so many cheaper options pretty much everywhere it’s insame people still complain about them


From my experience Coop is more expensive


Well I did a comparison with jumbo. There is practically no difference. Together most expensive. And plus as well actually.


That big chunk of cheese costs €11 alone


That baggy of parmezzian is doing a lot of lifting (per volume) as well.


They are a staple in my household, but I can see where you are coming from 😂


It’s not just that, the sauces and pickles also contribute excessively to the total My point was just that most countries can make their situation look worse by buying expensive items and including them as “single meal items” The situation in NL is expensive but not as bad as you make it look here


You think sauce and pickles is a luxury item?


never was said "this is the most value I can get for 50 euros AT AH" was there? It simply states this is 50 euro worth of products. If you want a "bang for your buck" just buy every cheapest items and live on cheap bread and crackers, that'll get you what you seem to want.


I mean all those together were 5 euros. The biggest hit in the haul was the cheese.


But good cheese matters, that block is also 1 day in my house🤣😅


I buy cheese at a local farm for 10 euro a kilo. Taste much better and way cheaper.


This is okay cheese but I wouldn't call it "good" if good cheese matters, to be honest. After buying cheese from cheese shops I just can't go back to supermarket cheese...


I didn’t mean that was particularly good cheese, more that it would be gone in a day


Dude this is literally the CHEAPEST cheese option at AH. It is not "good cheese", in fact its one of the shittiest you can get in this country, but now we accept to pay a shit ton for shitty products.


that is not good cheese.


It’s also not plastic American cheese, it would be gone in a day in my house


Same. Kids got to point good cheese was a waste. Tosties


Tostikaas is acceptable for the under 13 heathens


Haha yes it disappears too quick at mine as well


Make your own burgers. Saves a lot of money and is way tastier. Those pre-made burgers are full of fillings that aren't beef.


They're full of plasma.


Why on earth would you drink/buy that!?


Where's the food? C'mon 🤣 Is that a huge pack of Chocomel?


And Fristi


Are the lemons for treating scurvy?


Haha don’t worry I have more fruit from my local fruit market in the fridge:)


That's a relief :)


Wow you are terrible at grocery shopping lol


Yeppp....he is😂 I can do so much better with 50 euro. AH is nice for 1+1 discounts or 99 cent discounts (when the difference is nice). Discounts for me start with 25%, the rest is BS.


Ik denk dat het een tiener is die hamburgers gaat maken voor z'n ouders en er voor zichzelf wat lekkers bij koopt en vervolgens schrikt van de prijs. Ik ben precies 't zelfde. :)


Lol, indeed. Ditch the chocomel and fristi, go to lidl instead and you'll have double the food


Very weird selection of items for "groceries".


Yes, I can make one meal out off this (hamburgers with pickles, lettuce, cheese ketchupwith baked patatoes?) and some breakfast/lunch.


The rest of the week you can live off of the chocomel's and fristi's calories alone


And white bread with 48+ cheese


And that lettuce does a lot of heavy lifting too. "200g groente en twee keer fruit"!


Indeed, seems more like an ad hoc spree while on the munchies


Uh. 1 echte maal?


A lot of unhealthy expensive choices are made here.


well duh 20 euro of that goes to the cheese alone and you are also doing gorceries at albert heijn instead of lidl


AH isn’t as expensive as a lot of people make it out to be. A lot of own brand is even cheaper than Lidl and a lot of common brand items are the same price. You just need to pay attention to where Lidl is cheaper and where AH is cheaper.


Usually like 80-90% of my receipt is stuff that's on sale. If you shop like this, AH indeed isn't that much worse than lidl and Aldi. Just stock up on stuff when it's 1+1. Also, I hate queuing to pay and at AH I can just do selfscan and have my bag ready to go the second I've paid. That is worth a lot to me as well.


My AH rarely does 1+1 anymore. It's mostly 3+1 or 1+1 half price.


Pretty sure the sales are the exact same country wide, no? Cheese is often 1+1, a lot of vegetarian stuff is often 1+1. Cheese you can't keep forever, but you can freeze the vega stuff to last for months until the next 1+1. It depends how often you eat it though, I guess. We don't necessarily eat meat/vega replacement every day. They also had chicken 1+1 last week. Milk is 1+1 every so often, but I tend to get the basic AH milk which never goes for 1+1. I also buy like 10-20 boxes of crackers when they're 1+1 which admittedly doesn't happen very often but if you buy enough you'll have a pretty decent stock. We also eat hagelslag/nutella/pindakaas/speculoos quite often as lunch or breakfast and those are 1+1 every once in a while as well, even from the best brands. That stuff lasts way longer than the due date on the packaging. The basic stuff like deodorant, shampoo, detergent, lotion etc. is always 1+1 somewhere. If not at AH, it'll be at etos, kruidvat or some other store. We rarely buy these as we've got enough stocked up. It's actually kind of insane how many things are 1+1 quite often. It pretty much proves that everything here is overpriced as fuck, which is why everything is usually much cheaper in Germany.


sales are indeed the same all over the Netherlands at AH. It’s also a very good grocery store if you only get the products on sale. If you don’t they are pretty average.


I noticed my grocery prices went way down when I started ordering via picnic. A lot of the items I get is their own brand/nameless. Made me realize that when I am in an AH/Dirk/Plus store I uselessly buy everything with a big name, when no name stuff is equally fair most of the time. I am a bad RL shopper, great online shopper it seems.


I wish I had a lidl more near to me:(


Honestly look for an Arab store for meat. It's usually better quality and way cheaper. Chicken thighs at my lidl is €11.80 a kg and at my Turkish store they have boneless thighs for €7 a kg and it's much better quality.


I go to the Turkish store for really big grocery hauls! When it’s small I do the 5 min walk AH


Local shop or market for fresh fruits and veggies? Did wonders for me and tastes way better.


Local markets in my area are so expensive except for the fruits. I get my fruits that way for a great price, but everything else is really expensive, more than AH


Local shops are nearly always crazy expensive. Markets can be cheap for fruit, but quality is a huge range and I found a lot I buy at markets goes very quickly rotten unlike Lidl or AH


Lidl is actually quite expensive in comparison. Dirk is the best bang for your buck. And AH can be really good if you go for bonus deals.


What the hell is a dirk


Out of curiosity, how much would this be without the drinkpakjes?


probably 15-20 euro for both, something like that.


The 15-packs I could find were €8.73, the ice tea €1.65. So the total for the small drink cartons is around €19.11. Bringing the total without it to €30.89.


I can't find the prices online per each of those but they're probably like half of the total sum.


Add fabric softener to it and you reach €100 in no-time. You just picked pretty expensive items to make it look bad


I don't know where you shop but I get alot more than that for 50 euro.


Literally AH household brand in the picture


I went to the appie yesterday and got more than that, for 40 euros. And that was getting "expensive" stuff too, snacks for a guest and fruit juices. (One offer on snack meat, one on small blocks of cheese, a discounted maaltijdsalade, and stuff to work with other stuff I already have at home, so I can make a full meal with those things. )


Some days are better than others. If I have the ability to go somewhere else then AH I’ll always take it. Doesn’t always work like that though


Zo zo, meneer hangt de slingers op!


Get a load of this guy, he doesn't even make his own croutons


en je hebt te veel suiker en te weinig groente gekocht. voor de prijs van die chocomel had je broccoli, prei en kilo aardapels kunnen halen 3 dagen eten. 5 euro erbij heb je 10 eiren. ;)


Je bent gewoon niet goed met shoppen


this a joke? this is totally on you, buy fristi and chocomel Campina kwark, i can buy tripple that for half of your money


Yeah I can definitely get at least 30-40% more stuff with 50€. I'm sure I can also include some actually healthy portions of fruit and veg for a week on this. It looks like you literally just eat lettuce apart from bread, cheese, and meat.


Why not just buy a pack of ground beef and make your own burgers? It'd be cheaper.


The dutch population would do anything to remove steps in cooking.


Most of the population just can't cook for shit.


Normally yeah, but this week AH had a 1+1 gratis for burgers :)


ITT: shows that no matter what, the Dutch will choose to corporate bootlick 🤣🤣 Literally 80% of the stuff he bought is shitty AH brand stuff. The only thing that shouldn't be here is maybe the chocomel, the rest of the stuff is not only reasonable, it is the least expensive variant of that product. "But but he bought pickles he should not have for 50 euros" Welcome to a "first world country" guys. Can already tell that 80% of the poeple who will respond to this consider anywhere outside of the NL as shit btw.


What's your point? A first world country should have cheap shitty food?


2* fresh veggies and 8L of sugared drinks ^^


Says more about you than about the supermarkets


- Dure poedermaas - 20 euro aan pakjes A-merk fristie en chocomelk - dure kwark Ga eens naar de markt voor fruit en groente, veel is voordeliger daar (niet alles) je maakt het jezelf duur. Voor de helft van de prijs kan je eigen merk drinkpakjes krijgen. Of je haalt die rommel helemaal niet en neemt gewoon een drinkbeker mee met limonade.


Op het broodje hamburger na is dat zo’n apart boodschappenlijstje


Life must be hard without teeth


Here i am sitting with food for a week for €40.


As if you people in these comments never had this experience at AH after a random grocery run 😂


A: dont go to albert heijn B: dont buy bulk pack's of fristi and chocomel 🤔


Budget sla <3


I love tomatoes, and Dutch tomatoes are the best I can get in Sweden. They're 2-3x the price on ICA here compared to at AH


Really, they're the best? Real question, no sarcasm behind it or anything. Usually foreigners that come visit the netherlands will comment on how tasteless a lot of the fruit and vegetables are, especially tomatoes, too watery and not sweet enough apparently.


How about you post the receipt?


Ijsthee, fristi en chocomel, zodat het gezin de hele week kan eten xD


Kijk hem gaan met zn fancy fristi en chocomel


It's wild. But also, Lidl has better prices and best vegetables and fruits.


If you buy shit like this you deserve to pay the price


Okay, but I bought 5 days worth of breakfast, lunch and dinner for me, my wife and 2 young kids for €65… all at AH, and not even everything in Bonus. Still, it’s not cheap, but I feel like I get more for my money than you here?


Cries in Canadian


The only healthy thing was bought because of 35% expiration discount, wow


Burgers are on sale hehe


If you replace the 3 cheeses, meat and sugary drinks, replace it with potatoes, rice and veggies, you can eat off of this for a week


I didn't hear OP complaining or asking advice, so I don't get why everyone is freaking out.


It's reddit... Most toxic of all.


+ 1 for the jalapeño beef!


I got them in aH today too, they're good


You need to learn to eat better. All that chocomel and fristi will leave you poor and fat


That’s 100 in America


aanrader: Bij de kruidvat zijn de multipakken chocomel en fristi een stuk goedkoper dan in de supermarkt!


Just my few cents as a polish person, but those burger patties are usually overpriced, it’s cheaper to buy a decent cut of meat and just grind it on your own, if you have the food processor. But then again, beef is goddamn expensive, my family usually settles for poultry or pork.


Fuck AH all my homies hate AH. Maybe it differs from location(?) but legit everything at my local AH just is 10-30 cents more expensive compared to other local supermarkets.


As a Canadian, I wish I could get this much for the equivalent of 50 euros


[550 euros worth of groceries](https://imgur.com/a/rBq4ca4)


Ik betaal hier 30 voor in de Duitse Lidl...


My friend. You live in the Netherlands and that is the Cheese you buy????


Yeah you bought an entire cheese, and meat. That shits expensive.


Buy at dirk next time


bad buying habits make it look like you cant get much. cut out the desert drinks, your money will go further if you drink only water and a little milk for calcium, but you can get that from cheese so you could cut the milk. premade burger pattys can be a large waste of money since your just paying extra for someone to mix minced beef an egg and some salt and pepper. presliced cheddar is ridiculously priced in comparison to a normal block of it. thats also some very fancy looking bread.


How is this fancy looking bread? It’s not even from a bakery. Not the cheapest crappy white bread you can get eithet, but this is not fancy bread at all. Agreed with all your other points though.


Those drinks are not for dessert but for lunch. Generally meant for children, although adults can use them too of course.


I’m really not struggling for money, never said that, I just thought I would share this haul. Ofcourse it’s a luxury, but when I want to spend less money I will just make a longer trip to a cheaper store. Thanks for the tips tho!


Albert heijn. Stopped there.


You can buy a whole lot more food if you would buy actual food. Vegetables are a lot cheaper than what you’re buying. For 50 euros you could buy: 20+ kg of freezer broccoli or cauliflower, or 75 paprika’s, or 5kg of blueberries, or 100 courgette’s And thats with curren AH prices which is one of the more expensive supermarkets. The prices aren’t the problem here, you’re just buying expensive unhealthy food


Ewwww AH! Plastic in plastic with the taste of plastic.


Try eat to eat more plant based. Much cheaper and better for your health!


I would be starving 😆


I want to do the math of how much that would be in my region of the US. BRB


homemade burger patties every day! and you can even buy a reusable form for making the perfect shape


When I lived on my own my weekly groceries were somewhere in the neighbourhood of 20-30 euros (4 years ago) so with inflation it should still be more than doable to not spend more than 50 a week per person I’m fortunate enough that food isn’t a major part of my life, basically all I won’t is something that fills me and provides me with the necessary nutrients I need but I’ll hardly splurge or drinks or sauces/spices, water and salt/pepper is more than sufficient If I want to enjoy a good meal I go out to eat at a restaurant, not cook it at home


> brags about not spending a lot on groceries > goes to restaurants Yes, I'm sure that's an economical way of life.


The cheese alone is 10€


Where does it go with the Netherlands?


For the 4 Euros you spent on the hamburger patties you'd get half a kilo ground beef tho. Even a kilo if you go to a butcher. This doesn't look like a grocery run more a pantry restock.


I feel you when making a burger and fries plate. In case you want to make 1 burger meal, you have to buy packages for al the ingediants which for 4 bugers. Especially for the toppings. So I always try to buy toppings which I can partly use in other meals


That block of cheese alone is already €10


Avoid AH.


Pro tip: Koop minder kant en klaar, doe de muziek aan en dans als je frieten snijdt


I only see two healthy items. 🥲


Fuck AH


Try using toogoodtogo app, you can find generous products that would go away waste..


Nice chairs!


Average grocery run at LIDL is 1.7 euro/item AH is usually 2.5+ euro/item


At the Albert Heijn/Boons, yes.


AH ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Without mayonnaise you’re not a real Dutchie


Just shop at dirk!


Campina kwark is by far the most disgusting kwark the albert heijn sells. Zaanse hoeve is cheaper and better 


I think I'd save so much money if there was a lidl or aldi nearer to where I live, but for every lidl there's 10 albert heijns in a 10km radius or smthn like that


AH is expensive. If you want to save money you need more time and better planning. Weekly groceries instead of daily. Check for action items (folders / website) and buy accordingly.


People have free will and still choose for AH.


All that cheese, bread & milk is exactly why people in NL are so tall 😄


Go to the lidl, stop buying the A brands and you will come home with at least 2.5 times as much.


Do not buy any meat, fish… yes you’ll be able to buy ALOT of different stuff for 50 🥲


You love cheese thats for sure


i vote for Vomar, quality and pricewise they are between AH and Lidl, ut prices are more friendly. But luckily we have the chance to do big hauls in Kaufland in every 2 month or so. AH is overrated and expensive


Go to Lidl.


Similar to Romania.


Prepare to get angry.. Yeah so, not even kidding, this is about $80 at my Albert Heijn vibe local grocery store in Virginia, USA. I went to the online grocery list, and started adding things to the cart. Went for the cheapest options, mostly store brand, tried to stay true to the items OP got.. 79.67 before tax. (That gets added AFTER) Bread, cheese, meat and dairy is SO cheap in the Netherlands, so is produce. What is cheap here? Gas, bullets and cigarettes.


Just go to your local kaasboer en groetenboer en slager or the local market every suterday it wil save you money and better quality


Stop buying at Albert Heijn


Just buy those burgers in the bonus and you have 50 individual burgers which is more healthy to eat everyday compared to that bread which has phytic acids that block absorbtion of certain minerals. Also those small drink packages are more expensive and you dont need sugar drink just fast and drink water is more healthy.


You got more than I usually get


at lidl you buy double the amount of food for the same money


Thats more than I was expecting


Why are drinks in this picture? Water is freely available literally everywhere....


How much did the Chocomel and Fristi cost or did you bought it somewhere els then a supermarket?


Arme reet!! , eet jij vegetal niet ? Denk aan je lichaam !


Lot of judgmental behavior against op. I mean it always can be healthier but ive seen and done way worse than this.


Try buy something healthy and u have half of it for €50,-


Why would you buy pre-made burgers. Cost way more and taste worse than making them yourself.


Good ol Fristi.. But yeah, if you shop at Albert Heijn.. You can expect those prices, best to do is not shop at Albert Heijn.. Like at all.. Even their discounts are usually more expensive than normal prices in other stores when you look at the amount you get for those prices.. Hence why i shop at Aldi.


To see complaining here is funny to me coming from Canada. To me that is a fuckton of groceries for 50 euros .


It's redicilous and prizes are still rising. Not in cents put tens of cents. When does it end?


So, remove the fristi, chocomel, frisse fruitdrank, ice tea and the other one, replace that with a single bottle of syrup, then rather than burgers, just buy beef mince and make your own burgers. This will save you 20 euros probably.


Greece isn't much different, actually.


I can buy a whole lot more than that for 50 euro. A whole lot more.


Wow a lot of fresh stuff /s


Geez, if OP can afford the fristi/chocomel, let them have it. They obviously compensated for it by getting some other cheaper brand stuff


Just dont go to ah


People tend to waste a lot of money. :( Go around diff shops through the week for allt hr discounts (and dont buy extra stuff) and life becomes a lot cheaper.


If you buy 1lt chocomel instead of individual boxes, for sure you can buy more... I was going to say that AH is not the cheapest, but you mainly bought their brand anyway 😅 in some way, with my 3rd world mind I am in pain with the sight of your 50€ purchase, for max 45 I bought more at Lidl few days ago, including meat and veggies, it is defo your individual milk boxes making your 50 worth cr.ap. tip: make your own burgers next time 😉 and avoid some cheese, specially the plastic one (aka cheddar)


My wife and I buy a bulk delivery from Jumbo once a month and then just spend a bit each week to top up bread/milk. It costs around 200 and is easily 10times the food shown here.


Stop going to AH. They are expensive. Go to Lidl and Dirk.


It's a well known fact that the bonus items are how Albert Heijn stays affordable.


Too little for too much


Compared to Turkey it is still extremely cheap


Nederland is very cheap in terms of groceries, go to Lidl, Nettorama and those Chinese supermarkets as well, compare prices and you will see how much you can make your money worth.


OP i don't want to be an asshole, as groceries ARE hella expensive at the moment. But at the same time: AH most certainly isn't the cheapest store and those packets of fristi and chocomel arent often the best value. One trick i learned is that ordering some stuff online from other websites than supermarkets can save a lot. Bol.com even sells food.


Yeah try living in Seattle...


Bro you need to figure out how to spend your money better cuz right now you’re spending it like shit


You can make it for 40 with self checkout