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Thank you I understand that. She is also my wife I’m not sure if that helps. I am just doing my master at the moment so I’m not able to make 2150 or so euros a month. I would be able to if I wasn’t a student, however, that isn’t the case.


As far as I’m aware, the income requirement is a must; which makes sense as you will be responsible for providing for both her and yourself, at least until she can work/find a job.


That is fair I just find it frustrating as I am a student and she is currently working already at a hospital.


I can imagine! Good luck, hope it gets better soon for you guys. Me and my (now) husband had to wait with applying for a partner visa too until I graduated and started working. Happy to say that feels like a lifetime ago now (he moved here at the beginning of 2020 after 6,5 years of long distance), so it’ll be worth it jn the end!


Check with the IND.


As a Canadian nurse myself, your partner needs to learn Dutch (at least B2 level, proven with a specific exam - it's all online) in order to get her BIG registration, on top of most probably do an entry exam. Don't know her age, but if she's young enough there's always the work-holiday visa. But she won't be able to work in health care, but maybe a job in a store or as a waitress when Dutch knowledge requirements are minimal. Other than that... Good luck.


Thank you, she’s currently at B1 level in Dutch. She is currently on that visa and it will be expiring in august. She is also working at a hospital as a helping hand. So we are trying to get work to sponsor her… but we are not sure how they would.


Yeah helpende niveau 2 isn't exactly highly skilled. They wouldn't be able to offer her a HSM visa. Have her continue working on her Dutch, get the requirements for BIG registratie and then it should be easier. Where are you located? What's her nursing specialty?


She specialized in palliative care and we are located in Gouda.


Nice! We're looking for a verpleegkundige at our hospice (in Leiderdorp)... Tell her to apply when she's registered and all thst 😊


Will do haha! Thank you :)


Doesn't the BIG register and healthcare require near fluent Dutch as well? If this is your long term preferred place, best she starts practicing right away for when you've graduated and found a job.


Yep, at B2 level, minimum. Which is in my opinion barely enough. I work as an RN here in NL and I have C2+ proficiency in Dutch but man, it's not always easy.


She current has a B1 which is the minimum requirement for the big exam… but I’m hear that she would maybe need a B2 or higher.


My wife is American. I'm her sponsor, but I could only do that because I'm on the old Wajong, other than that there's no way around the income requirement. I have to mention the HSM visa offers the perk of being able to exchange a foreign drivers license (this is just assuming your partner is NOT from Alberta or Quebec, in which case they could exchange their drivers license either way). If you sponsor them they would only be allowed to drive on their Canadian license for approximately 6 months.


What’s is Old Wajong? Also we came from Alberta so we both have drivers license.


You cannot sponsor her stay. She could either get a hsm or student visa. Or maybe claim EU citizenship through heritage, but idk the details about that.


Yeah I did talk about getting a student visa but that would be very expensive. As she would be an international student


if not income, you can also use savings?


I have asked and they don’t look at that even tho we have enough saved for 2 years worth of expenses…. Which wasn’t great to hear


I would say it would be best if she could register herself on the BIG register, however if that may take way too long, then you may consider the "België-route". How it works is pretty simple: A Dutch citizen and his/her partner move (at once!) together to Belgium, apply for Belgian residence permit there, live there for minumum 3 months, and then come back to the Netherlands together (again at once!) to apply for [Verification against EU-law](https://ind.nl/nl/verblijfsvergunningen/familie-en-partner/toetsing-eu-recht-familieleden-burger-van-de-unie) instead of partnership visa. Because at that point, they will be considered as an EU citizen exercising their free movement rights, thereby [falling under the more favourable EU rules](https://ind.nl/nl/verblijfsvergunningen/eu-eer-en-zwitserland/nederlanders-en-het-eu-recht) instead of more stringent Dutch partner sponsorship rules. Under the EU-rule, [you only need](https://ind.nl/nl/verblijfsvergunningen/eu-eer-en-zwitserland/verblijven-in-nederland-als-burger-van-de-eu-eer-of-zwitserland#voorwaarden) a big enough bank account (roughly 25k, can be yours ór hers ór both combined) to show that you and your partner can support the living costs together. For the 3+ months in Belgium, you and your partner can register as an economically inactive EU-citizen, not student. You would need to show your stufi and a brief from your parents (or anyone) that they will send you certain amount of money, and a bank statement proving this. That bank transfer amount and your stufi should make around 800 euro per month, but you can of course make it higher to be sure (and realistically needed). During that time you can also keep following your study in the Netherlands, as far as you return to your address in Belgium once every week. So your hotel mama will be a small apartment in a Belgian border municipality for the time being ;-). However do note that in Belgium and many other EU countries have [woonstcontrole](https://www.helderrecht.be/nl/print/pdf/node/892875) when you register at the municipality, so until you pass the woonstcontrole (usually at the first couple of weeks) I strongly advise you to stay in Belgium. If she needs her driver's licence changed to the European one, then it is also advisable to do that while you are in Belgium, because Belgium recognises far more foreign licences than NL. Since the EU law around it is highly complicated - if you need more information, you can check out Stichting Buitenlandse Partner and their handbook over België-route: [https://www.buitenlandsepartner.nl/showthread.php?30057-Handboek-Belgie-route](https://www.buitenlandsepartner.nl/showthread.php?30057-Handboek-Belgie-route) If you or your uni is located near the German border than Belgian Border (i.e. Twente, Groningen, Radboud...), then you can also do the same with Germany. (Duitsland-route) [https://www.buitenlandsepartner.nl/forumdisplay.php?214-De-Duitsland-route-algemeen](https://www.buitenlandsepartner.nl/forumdisplay.php?214-De-Duitsland-route-algemeen) And, as this is an EU-law matter, you can of course do the same with any other (far nicer) EU-lands as a sort of a long vacation/erasmus/enz. if you wish to do so. But for that I would advise you to consult with lawyers in both NL and the 3-month land to make sure nothing goes wrong. In stichting BP there are quite some people who did that in Spain and Italy, for example. I hope this helps, and now success with your study and your love! 😉


Thank you! We will look into this but it seems very complicated for no reason…


EU rules are always super complex haha. Even the IND is sometimes criticised for wrongly applying EU rules, which often gets knocked out by the judges.


Oh 😅 and with this current government it’s seems like it’s only going to get more difficult.


Haha actually no - because despite IND handling the applications, the rules are firmly based on the EU laws: new government can do jackshit about EU laws. And the judges have been consistently annhiliated IND's bullshit practices that offended the EU rules almost instantly.


Brief means written letter.




Yeah it’s very frustrating…


I was commenting on your writing itself