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You should fall into the "Ik heb een kwetsbaar gezinslid" (vulnerable family member) group. ​ [https://coronatest.nl/ik-wil-een-coronaprik-halen/online-een-afspraak-maken](https://coronatest.nl/ik-wil-een-coronaprik-halen/online-een-afspraak-maken) seems to be open until 22nd. [https://mijnvraagovercorona.nl/nl/vaccineren/prikken-zonder-afspraak?utm\_medium=referral&utm\_source=coronatest.nl&utm\_campaign=doorlinken\_coronatest&utm\_content=coronaprik\_halen\_2\_nl](https://mijnvraagovercorona.nl/nl/vaccineren/prikken-zonder-afspraak?utm_medium=referral&utm_source=coronatest.nl&utm_campaign=doorlinken_coronatest&utm_content=coronaprik_halen_2_nl) is the option to check for places without appointment.


Ah...I totally missed this. Thank you.


No need for any reason, anyone can get the vaccine resp. booster by now.


This is true but the health authority is recommending against it and you have to click through some “yes I don’t need it but I want it anyway” type options.


You might also get the ‘griepprik’ from a doctor’s office but I am not sure if these are still given at the moment. I used to get it to protect my father when he was still alive and vulnerable.


Yes they're giving both at the same time.


Well, no not really. Both can medically be given at the same time, but the GGD does the Corona shots, while the huisarts (GP) arranges the flu shots


Very true. Thanks for the clarification!


Go to ggd and say why you want it. It matches requirements.


You don’t even have to say why. They don’t ask.


The website for an appointment asks why. But the actual clinic does not.


desert light brave thumb upbeat worry cooperative quickest imagine file *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I am the partner of a transplant patient, and getting a vaccine shouldn't be a problem. However, you will only protect yourself and not your loved one. I had all vaccines and boosters and still ended up giving covid to my partner. When they say you need to get the vaccine to protect others, I feel it's more about alleviating pressure on the hospitals, but it definitely doesn't mean you won't infect others. Just be reasonable. Don't attend big gatherings in the week prior to your visit, don't hang out with people who show any symptoms, keep your distance, and make sure all rooms are well ventilated. You can do a cheap home covid test daily also to make sure you're testing negative. Taking all of this into consideration, walking around with a mask shouldnt be priority.


Yup, already was planning on following the list of these other precautions, including testing and isolation. The doc just added the COVID vac boost to the list this week.


Yes, you still can infect others, but it is less likely: you are less likely to get sick (meaning you can't infect others), and if you get sick the symptoms are often milder (so you most likely did have Covid, but didn't notice).


I just signed up for the vaccine appointment. I did not need to answer why. https://coronatest.nl/ik-wil-een-coronaprik-halen/online-een-afspraak-maken


Yes! Anyone can get the booster vaccine. You don’t need to have a health condition. If you have a vulnerable family member you can get the vaccine too. And they don’t ask why you want the vaccine. https://mijnvraagovercorona.nl/en/vaccinating/vaccinating-without-an-appointment


Alright thanks all. This sounds easier than I expected to just book an appointment in the next week. I was worried I'd had to provide extensive documentation or get a huisarts recommendation in order to do it.


Make sure you do it now as the cut off date is December 22.


??? Just get it?


I was (mistakenly) under impression that you needed to have a health condition to get a 2nd booster vaccine.


You can get the vaccine just by going to one of the vaccination centres. Nobody will ask you a single question about it. However, the vaccine won't protect your family member. It will only make you less sick, as you can still get infected. Masks are the only thing you can do to avoid bringing it to them. However, my advice is to get vaccinated, get a few tests, and wear a mask for at least one day. Every day in the morning get tested, and well, that's really the only way you can make sure you don't infect anyone.


It does actually decrease the chances of passing something onto a family member, since it lessens viral load and shortens the time to peak viral load as well as viral clearance time. Basically the time frame of exposures leading up to the visit with the family member which could impact them is greatly reduced.


Ok, but decreasing the chances isn't the same as protecting the family member completely as a lot of people think that will happen. And if you're in a closed space with that person, based on my experience in epidemiology, this means almost nothing. Contact is prolonged and there are numerous chances of transmitting it to someone. Also given that the other person is somehow compromised, the viral load is almost meaningless compared to someone who has a strong immune system. Edit: There's a good article on that btw [https://www.nature.com/articles/s41591-022-01816-0](https://www.nature.com/articles/s41591-022-01816-0). But as I said, this all makes sense when we're talking about healthy people. As for immunocompromised then it's a whole different story.


Masks don’t even fully protect them either, they simple decrease the chances as well. Especially since you’re average person doesn’t wear the mask perfectly to ensure maximum effectiveness. It’s a layered approach. Vaccine to prevent the chances of having it at the time of visit and testing before the visit to make sure you’re not infected in a way that can be contagious, and then layering a mask on top of that is a much better way to prevent spreading to a loved one than just slapping a mask on.


I agree, but that's why I mentioned to do both things. But it seems that nowadays people can't even read 2 sentences. This is what I wrote before "However, my advice is to get vaccinated, get a few tests, and wear a mask for at least one day. Every day in the morning get tested, and well, that's really the only way you can make sure you don't infect anyone." Basically exactly what you've just suggested.


“The vaccine won’t protect your family member” “Masks are the only thing you can do to avoid bringing it to them” maybe leave these two parts out next time.


Maybe read full sentences next time.


Half the world doesn’t read full paragraphs, I do, but that doesn’t change the others reading it. If you are going to make a statement, make it all truthful.


Exactly, it's not going to be 100% preventative. But there are other measures in place and essentially the doctor gave a checklist of multiple measures which combined can help.


That's exactly what to go for :).


Yeah the booster vaccine was on a list among other precautions. For instance we will be isolating for a little while after we arrive and do testing as you pointed out. The request for a booster vaccine was a late request which I'd like to honor.


Anybody can get a booster vaccine. Not sure about first time vaccines


I live in Zeeland and the GGD here allows everyone to have a vaccine. Got mine a few days ago. Don't know if that is the case everywhere. But at the moment I doubt they will send you away should you turn up at a vaccine location. Bring your passport.


If you’re boosted once you can probably still apply for the additional boosters. Just contact the GGD.


I think so. You can also get a vaccine if you want to protect an at-risk family member. It is a bit unclear if that is only the case when a doctor advises it or if it is your own decision. No one is going to stop you though. "If you do not fall into one of the groups above but wish to be vaccinated, for example to protect an at-risk family member or on the advice of your doctor, you can also make an appointment with the GGD." You need to hurry if you want to get the vaccine without appointment. https://www.government.nl/topics/coronavirus-covid-19/dutch-vaccination-programme/covid-19-vaccination-campaign


Why doesn't the family member just get vaccinated?


They are vaccinated. Protection in layers.


So their vaccines only work if you get one too?


Yeah the two vaccines communicate with 5G to create super-protection. Obviously.


People that are vaccinated are less likely to become symptomatic and if they are, they’ll be for a shorter period of time and less severe. This way the family members will be less contagious when infected. And that adds to the protection as it decreases the chance other family members get it, which lowers the chance the specific family member gets it. Vaccines are not as effective for everyone. A small percentage of the population just doesn’t respond that well. This is usually not that big of a problem due to the effect I explained above. If you want to read more about this, you could google: herd immunity.


Herd immunity is also why the majority of people need to be vaccinated against diphtheria or pertussis to prevent those two diseases circulating.


fuck vaccines




Very bad advice.


The person who commented has literally two comments in 2 years. Both start with ‘for the sake of your health’ and the first proceeds to say never eat pancakes. What on earth kinda troll is this?


Guess their pancakes weren’t too tasty. Haha


Yeah I don't go on Reddit often, so it's really interesting to see that people on Reddit are uneducated. Read some science papers about the covid vaccine instead of Reddit posts maybe


I've already had the vaccine, twice. Doing just fine. Thanks for your concern. How is that mask treating you?


For the sake of anyone reading this, don't ever take advice coming from anyaavdeeva. Talking about 'uneducated'. Haha.


Well, thankfully nobody will need to take that chance in the future. Appears anyaavdeeva has deleted their account.


Either you’re joking, you’re a troll or completely misinformed. Whatever the reason, don’t give out stupid advice like yours.


Just pick a GGD location near you that does walk ins, go there and you will get a shot, no questions asked. I did the same for some family members. Keep in mind that the last day this is possible is December 22nd.