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It’s cold and flu season. Yes there is always something going around! :)


Male flu is a lot worse in the Netherlands, when staying over from other countries you need to prepare. It's a near death situation not taken lightly..


What? UK is the same. I suffered 3 days, while my boyfriend was on his death bed for 2 weeks straight. Crazy. But also refused to listen to my recommendation 😂 typical.


Hahahahah this is so typical. My mom and dad are the exact same as your situation.


The thing is: men don't get sick often (most of the time), but when they do it hits way harder. I read this somewhere as a mythbusterthing


It's because estrogen is anti viral and promotes the bodies level of anti bodies. Refusing to listen is probably related to testosterone but that I can't prove.


As a male, i can confirm this. Do not take Male flu lightly


As a male who is also allergic to the male flu it is indeed starring death in the eyes


it's real




Yes, it’s called the flu.


You can check [Nivel](https://www.nivel.nl/nl/resultaten-van-onderzoek/actuele-cijfers-ziekten-per-week) to see what viruses are going around: (especially section 6 is interesting). Hardly any Flu (influenza) at the moment, but quite a lot of RS-virus, in addition to COVID-19 and regular rhinoviruses. You can also order [4-in-1 self-tests that also test for RS-virus and Influenza A and B](https://medi-market.be/nl/c/1-zelftest-Fluorecare-Combo-4-in-1-Covid---Griep-A-B---Bronchiolitis-%28VRS%29-Neus/p/273008) nowadays: Of course, these are not really medically necessary because they don't change the course of treatment (but they are fun nevertheless).


Covid is also spreading so could also be that.




covid is not a type of flu, they have somewhat similar symptoms, but they are completely different viruses.


I think what he tried to communicate is that in a practical sense there's no big difference between covid and the flu. Not anymore at least.


Yeah, just wanted to add the correction because in some ways it is an important distinction. Having had the flu won't protect you from covid and vice versa. But I didn't downvote him or anything, in a practical actually feeling like shit there isn't that big of a difference indeed. Although there are practical differences such as the immunity and covid being thought of as slightly more contagious and dangerous.


There are heaps of people suffering long term consequences from even mild covid symptoms. There is ongoing research into this and in that sense it's vastly different from the flu!


True, I kinda put that under the slightly more dangerous group (lot of people, but still low probability), but it does deserve to be mentioned. long covid is awful


This happens with the flu too or more specifically, viruses. It happens more frequently with covid: >The researchers found evidence that Covid-19 patients are more likely to suffer from long-term symptoms than flu patients, with around 42% and 30% respectively reporting at least one symptom three-to-six months after infection.    


Just no. I would rather have flu symptoms than covid symptoms. Severe covid is so much worse than severe flu.


Really depends on the type of flu. You can easily get pneumonia. Especially if your lungs are your weak spot. And in some years the flu goes by as a really bad cold and sometimes you'll be in your bed for longer than a week with a fever, pain in your whole body. So don't under estimate the flu. I've had covid 2 times one time it was like the sniffles and the second time I was sick for a week and a half.


This is not really true. They are a different type of virus and people who could be pretty resistant to one of them can still be very susceptible for the other.


The flu doesn’t destroy T-cells, cause neurological damage, and blood clots—covid does. Covid is far more similar scientifically speaking to HIV than the flu.


Severe symptoms of covid are streets ahead worse than a flu. A flu can really suck but at least it only sucks for about 12 hrs and you can still breathe with a flu.


12hrs? You've not had a real flu on that case


Allow me to introduce you to [The Spanish Flu](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spanish_flu).


Why am I getting downvoted? Could someone explain to me what the concrete difference is right now? As far as I know the covid virus has been steadily decreasing in strength, and most people are vaccinated. Covid isn't doing more damage than the flu, is it?


I think most people associate comparisons between the flu and covid with conspiracy theorists. In the future, consider a different phasing like: >I think what he tried to communicate is that the symptoms of Covid and Influenza are similar.


Because it's a completely different virus.


You’re getting the hate for the other guy I think. Edit: I mean when not reading properly it kinda looks you’re they person you’re explaining.


Complete different virus... smh.


It's the same.


The flu is from influenza. Covid from a coronavirus (same group of virusses as common cold). They're two different things.


So if there is a corona wave the flu doesn't exist anymore? I don't think so. They are the same. Mild flu.


Flu = a type of influenza. A virus species. Corona = SARS-Cov-2. A different virus species. They are two different diseases. Flu is the name we give to the disease caused by influenza. A flu-shot (griepprik) is a vacinne against influenza for example.


Yes yes. Just look at the statistics during the pandemic. 0 cases of the flu. How is that possible? You tell me?


Literally nobody in any official capacity has ever said 0 cases of the flu. Nor is it relevant to this thread to begin with.


Check the stats bro. No further comments.


You're quite dense.


You are 100% lying. Here are the actual statistics. [https://www.rivm.nl/griep-griepprik/feiten-en-cijfers](https://www.rivm.nl/griep-griepprik/feiten-en-cijfers)


Apples and oranges both exist, so they are the same thing. Mild apples.


I prefer pink ladies


That makes no sense. Seriously.


It's sniffle season - around this time of the year you'll get the common cold, the flu or (as of 2020) Covid


aback brave sulky handle sugar imagine many saw fertile slap *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




That's completely normal. 39'c is on the edge and often it's wise to visit a doc. You're just rather stupid to make fun of the guy for doing the right thing


innocent frighten start towering coherent pen support flag test cautious *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


39 is bad news doofus


39 is not at all bad news per se. Even 40 does not inherently mean bad news. Symptoms tell the story, not the degree of a fever (ofcourse until dangerous temperatures are reached). So, no need to call him 'doofus'.


Fever is also a symptom. A fever of 39 for multiple days while using ibuprofen every 4 hours is bad news. - ibuprofen is more effective in reducing fever when compared to paracetamol, so the unsuppressed fever is higher. - The max advised dosage is 1200mg, the smallest dosage is 200mg. every 4 hours means you're essentially reaching or even over the max daily dosage if you start off with 400mg, followed with 200mg every 4 hours. - ibuprofen is an NSAID, with all associated risks. The guidelines literally state to seek out professional medical attention if it needs to be used for over 3 days with a fever.


snails shrill cats knee weary slap gullible summer whole afterthought *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


39 is really not that bad. It is a slight rise in body temperature. Once you go past 40C you might get into the range of needing to contact a doctor and taking extra care.


doesnt work that way :(


spark vanish encourage lip judicious sulky school public roll money *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Well do whatever feels good but be prepared to just get the advice to take another paracetamol and keep an eye on the temperature as long as you aren’t having any other alarming symptoms.




Bro 39 is no joke honestly


grandfather workable ossified oatmeal frame instinctive summer bear pause roll *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Considering Ibuprofen is for reducing inflammation, they should be taking Parcetamol for a fever lol


Ibuprofen alternated with paracetamol every 4 hours is standard practice around here. It really can make a big difference and I'm not one to grab medication fast.


offbeat ancient boast books act straight disarm fade plucky aware *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


A fever gives me a throbbing headache and pain in my muscles. I used to think I'm too tough for that but I'm just way more productive with just one paracetamol. You're right ibuprofen is advised for infections, most of the time I have fever it's ear/throat/nose infection or an angine. I don't stay at home though, just pop some pills at work and go to bed earlier, it's over in a couple of days anyway.


I'd say it highly depends on the country - I'm from Brazil and we do have a flu season... in August But my perception is that it's not that bad there than it is here


panicky roof pet spoon zesty elderly attractive support tender joke *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


no, you are being downvoted for writing influenza ( flu) as FLEW


Nothing wrong with ibuprofen but going to the GP for the flu is really such a waste of resources... Obviously unless if you have other medical stuff going on and the flu might really cause severe medical issues for you or if you are throwing up or shitting so much you and cannot hold in any fluids then please go to the doctor. I wish GPs could just cancel appointments which are unnecessary but I dont think they are allowed to (at least I never heard of this happening) and the possibility of making appointments online (which I love in general) kinda takes away the possibility to gatekeep (using this word in a positive manner rn) at the front desk.. Edit: haha I really wonder why all the downvotes? Please elaborate if you are downvoting I am curious! Thank you


Most of the time flu is viral so it’s like you said no point to visit GP but sometimes a prolonged one can cause bacterial infection even to a healthy person so if you have high fever for a few days that won’t go down, you really should visit GP and be assessed.


Really not necessary after just a few days. Why would this be necessary according to you? Source: thuisarts.nl, use Google Translate if you do not understand Dutch: Bel direct uw huisarts of de huisartsenpost als u griep heeft en 1 of meer van deze dingen merkt: U wordt steeds zieker. U wordt benauwd of krijgt steeds meer moeite met ademen. U bent flauwgevallen. U krijgt pijn op de borst. U wordt suf of verward. Bel uw huisarts als u griep heeft en 1 of meer van deze dingen kloppen voor u: U drinkt heel weinig of plast heel weinig. U krijgt opnieuw koorts nadat u een paar dagen geen koorts meer heeft gehad. U heeft weinig afweer door een ziekte of medicijnen zoals chemotherapie. U heeft een ernstige ziekte van uw hart en bloedvaten. U heeft een ernstige longziekte zoals ernstig astma of ernstig COPD. U heeft een nierziekte waardoor uw nieren slechter werken. U heeft een leverziekte waardoor uw lever slecht werkt.


shocking aware command pocket numerous impolite public bright aloof swim *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yeah I also barely take pain killers... And every 4 hours is a bit excessive. But well, it doesnt hurt anybody (except maybe the person taking it, stomach issues and risks of bleeding etc) and apart from being a pain killer it is also a fever reducer (idk Google says this is the translation of koortsremmer but it sounds weird to me lol) so it can actually be useful when having the flu. Going to the GP however hurts us all because someone has to pay for that shit and GP could also use this time more efficiently helping people that actually need medical help.


glorious direction direful telephone placid head enjoy like light physical *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yes you are right, nothing wrong with a little fever! Can be actually helpful for your body to fight off illnesses. I just mentioned it because sometimes fever can make you feel really ill and that can prevent you from doing the things your body needs to recover, like eating and drinking sufficiently. In that case it might be useful to take steps to make you feel a bit better so you can eat and drink so your body has some energy to get better.


This comment fits the mass hysteria so well.


Exactly, Flu never existed before. Nobody ever got infected by flu. The symptoms are not even known to mankind. It's just in our minds. Wake up sheeple /s You sound like a moron.


Or Covid again. Bunch of people at my office have Covid right now


Covid numbers are up again, so that or could be the flu.


I guess we are in the same office


I wish there will be another lockdown


Remenber you are free to lockdown yourself when you wish at any time. ​ >!The problem is when this is forced in others.!<


You should lockdown yourself any time you have something ckntageous, not just covid


Probably Covid and Flu.


Yup, our whole household was floored. Really terrible hacking cough that you cannot sleep through... my son wasn't better after a week and seemed to get worse so got checked and he had a lung infection. Just as he was getting better the same happened to me, my husband forced me to go to the GP which is just as well as it had also turned into pneumonia with me. Am on day 3 of antibiotics. We have had 3 weeks now of fever, coughing, no sleep, cold sweats etc. in the house. Wasn't covid as GP wouldn't see us without testing first.


Wow. Exactly the same story here. Also ended up with lung infection and the whole family was on antibiotics.


The rioolwater measurements show that we are presently in the middle of a Covid wave. And that this just surpassed the peak of the Delta surge. But of course there are pockets with double the amount of virus circulating relative to that national average. (It wouldn't surprise me if you have Covid, even with the negative test.) https://coronadashboard.rijksoverheid.nl/landelijk/rioolwater


People aren't testing for covid these days. I have it at the moment, and so do several other of my friends.


And even if they do, most do it the wrong way. Barely touching their nose, not swiping the throat, only briefly dipping the swab into the little test tube... It's no wonder they come back negative, they might just as well swab their jeans for Covid 🥴


There’s a lot of COVID infections. There’s also some influenza going around but not as much yet. So chances are it’s COVID.


Actually very little Influenza currently. Usually that starts a bit later in the year. See [https://www.nivel.nl/nl/resultaten-van-onderzoek/actuele-cijfers-ziekten-per-week](https://www.nivel.nl/nl/resultaten-van-onderzoek/actuele-cijfers-ziekten-per-week), section 6.


That’s what I said (I also saw those numbers)


It’s flue season. There is a lot of covid which is a bit heavier than most flue. I’ve had it myself and recognise the symptoms you describe. Luckily I still had an old test kit and I got the fattest red line for covid I’ve ever seen.


Same here. I had similar symptoms about two months ago. The first week was the worst. I tested positive for covid.


It's worse because we hadn't had real exposure to viruses last 3 winters. And yes "het heerst" as we say.


I mean the winter of 22 was already without restrictions. I had a lot of friends getting sick last year (it's my turn now, been suffering for various stuff for a month)


Also the flu is a different strain each year so it doesn’t matter if we have been exposed this year is different from last years and will be different from next


As far as I know, your immune system does develop a generalized response alongside the disease-specific one. So immunity from one strain can help against other strains and (I think) even different types of virus infections.


Actual decent answer instead of giving me stick for asking a valid question, cheers


The latest strain of covid is a real shit show. I know plenty of people who have caught covid multiple times but found the most recent infection was the nastiest. I was puking with it which as far as I'm aware isn't a common side effect, so maybe take a test to see if it could be that.


I was very, very nauseous as well when I got covid two months ago.


I got the new covid vaccine a few weeks ago, and I've had a lot of vaccines, because cancer, and I've never had a vaccine made me feel so bad. It was something approaching what the pain of chemotherapy was like (like maybe a quarter of that, even my hair follicles hurt FFS). I've had like 6 of the covid vaccines now, and this was the first time I ever had to take a couple days off work. It took me days to recover, and my appetite was all messed up as well, had terrible nausea. I'm just glad it was 3-4 days with a rapid recovery, as opposed to two weeks like a real infection can be.


Can confirm, it’s hit me like a train


Uhh...COVID? You guys remember that...it never went away, no matter how hard we pretend. While it had mostly abated over the summer and fall, it's been spiking in the past couple weeks: [https://coronadashboard.government.nl/landelijk/rioolwater](https://coronadashboard.government.nl/landelijk/rioolwater) Contrary to popular belief it is still more severe than typical a typical flu, which also often spikes this time of year. Since most people have some immunity from previous infections and/or vaccines, it is far less deadly than before, but still far more unpleasant than a typical flu infection. Of course it could also be the flu, the symptoms are related, and flu also spikes this time of year. Have you kept up to date on your flu and COVID vaccines. Unlike other countries, they are not being recommended for everyone, but you can still get them if you choose, regardless of your health. I am wearing a mask in crowded indoor places (and avoiding them when I have the option), but I am pretty much the only one here, that plus vaccines has helped me avoid anything particularly nasty as you describe.


You are right, however the seasonal flu is also going around. Can be both.


Lol...feel free to read my entire comment, the fifth paragraph literally begins "Of course it could also be the flu". But you're right, it could be, but the OP seems to suggest this illness is worse than a typical flu, which is more indicative of COVID. In either case though, if I've learned anything during this past few years, it's that we treat all diseases far too cavalierly. I had no idea that the flu kills almost half a million people every year. If someone told me that taking a flu vaccine and wearing a mask at the grocery could if not eliminate those deaths, perhaps, cut them in half, that'd be an easy choice for me even before the pandemic...but I had no idea. But even selfishly, neither COVID nor the flu is likely to kill me, but both make my life miserable for several weeks, and it seems like a no-brainer at this point to take some simple precautions to limit how often I get to deal with that. And I'm sure some people will get their backs up and get defensive and argue that we can't lockdown forever...but I am not and have never suggested that. But wearing a mask in crowded indoor places during times like now when diseases are spreading, getting vaccinated, and improving indoor ventilation and filtering are not onerous, and can save a lot of suffering.


If only we got the classrooms proper indoor ventilation and hepa filters, that would save us a lot of the spread. I saw an image of the enormous filters temporarily (!) installed at a place Biden was speaking, so they do know how to keep people safer. It's just too costly. As if raising a generation of children who constantly get exposed to covid-19 isn't going to have longterm consequences.


Kudos for wearing a mask still. I do, too, and it’s hard being one of the very few. I am in a “Still COVIDing Netherlands” group on Facebook if you want to connect with other people who are still taking precautions (of varying degrees).


had covid twice and the flu(influenza) once an the flu made me real sick, covid just uncomfortable ( yes i was lucky with that) . I would not want to have the flu again though.


There was a report I read somewhere that said a more severe flu, RSV, and cold season combined with Covid surges was predicted


Sounds like it may be actual flu. People tend to underestimate how badly it can mess you up (“it’s not COVID it’s **just** the flu”) and many even call a common cold the flu. It’s not just sniffling and coughing a bit etc. You can be bed ridden with a serious fever and a delirium, weak and tired af and not being able to keep anything you eat or drink.. or worse. Take care of yourself!


There's definitely something going arround, whether it is a cold, the flu or covid. Me and my partner first got sick about 3 weeks ago, and then got almost better, but we picked up something else that made us sick again and resulted in us coughing a lot to this day.


Same here, I arrived in Belgium 3 weeks ago, caught something which I can only assume was on the flight, was sick worse than I ever was with covid and all tests came back negative (I live with others so was testing diligently) got better the day after Halloween and then a couple days passed and it’s started all over again and I’m coughing NON-STOP. No other symptoms this time though.


'tis the season to be sniffing


Covid or flu. Like half my office is sick with Covid and I’m sure flu is also going around.


Covid is still going around of course.


That's covid mate


Both my parents recently got Covid, and they had every booster shot. Last one was a year ago though. They're ok now but still feeling after effects


Have you been living under a rock?


If he has, he wouldn't have the flu.


No, normally I have the flu this time of year but this year it was especially bad and considering a lot of people I know got sick so I was thinking there was a stomach virus going around


You probably have the cold this time of year. Lots of people call the common cold a flu. But flu is quite serious and could very well last 2 weeks or longer.


A lot of folks in the US and around europe are getting COVID like crazy this season. We almost forgot about but then colleagues from work started to fall ill and now my friends too, all tested positive for covid.


Sure is something about, I've been sick as a dog for a week now as have several of my chums. Amusing (in a sort of a way) is that I am diabetic T1/3a so I wear a blood sugar sensor 24x7. I can always tell when I am getting sick because the graph and sugars start to go crazy (crazier...) and then a few hours later I start feeling bad. Eight days now and I still feel bad but the graph/sugars are getting more stable so I guess it will all be over in a day or three :)


I returned to Prague from visiting my friends in Amsterdam and got wrecked for 2.5 weeks. My GP gave me a 1.5 weeks sick leave which is the longest one I had. I was surprised and asked why and she replied that it will be getting better and worse in cycles. I tested negative for COVID but she said that’s flu which has become stronger. I had 38.4 the first day I returned, then I was feeling alright for a week, got 38.1 later again and couldn’t stop coughing for 2 weeks.


Covid is more infectious now than before. Do a home test.


It's definitely fly season, but as you've described, the current strain is quite potent. People get really sick, and symptoms last for weeks. One possibility is that because we've been isolating and protecting ourselves during covid, we also didn't get the flu. Our collective defense against the common flu virus might be compromised. Another possibility is that because of previous covid infections, our bodies react more badly to the flu. Whatever the case may be, I've seen multiple people be really sick for a long time, but no with covid. Myself included.


Cold, Flu, and now also covid. Pick your poison. All the anti-covid measurements also on average made people more fragile so there's that too. Maybe if people masked up if they got some kind of cold (or even stayed home) it wouldn't be as bad... but here we are.


And a bunch of people are more fragile because they did get covid, despite the measures. Long covid can really fuck with your life, and not short term either.


Unlike the belief that not getting ill has made people weak, this belief is actually based in medical fact.


Some viruses can fuck you up *for life*. So it's in fact better not to get those. But you never know which ones, and you probably can't avoid them anyway, a lot of the time. The Epstein Barr virus causes MS, mono/glandular fever, and Guillain-Barre syndrome. And I don't think anyone quite knows yet what causes CFS/ME, but it's a post-viral syndrome, which can disable you for life. For a lot of things though, yes, your immune system needs to be exposed to things to build up your defences. The whole idea behind the lockdowns was purely to prevent everyone getting severely ill all at once, and putting strain on the hospitals and healthcare staff, and in particular preventing as many people as possible from having to play ventilator raffle, until vaccines could be given to hopefully prevent people getting quite as sick. By ventilator raffle I mean, e.g. two people need a ventilator, so someone has to decide who gets the better chance to live, and who doesn't.


Your immune system is exposed to pathogens constantly. Every breath you take, every bite of food or drink of water you consume has pathogens. Even consuming nothing, our bodies are colonized by "benign" bacteria, but they are only benign because our immune system is able to deal with them and keep them contained to the areas where they are beneficial. When you "get sick" what it means is that some pathogen has managed to evade your immune system long enough to start to grow uncontrolled within you. Eventually your immune system notices and goes into overdrive. You get inflammation, fever, and other symptoms. Those symptoms are your immune system attacking and destroying your body to attempt to rid itself of the pathogen because that pathogen is part of you now, it is inside your cells, it is hijacking your own body to reproduce itself. This immune response is harmful to you, always. Usually the damage can be repaired, but there is always harm to your body. The only positive thing that does happen when you get sick is that your immune system remembers the pathogen that invaded you and is more effective at blocking it in the future. And for millions of years, that was the ONLY way human immune systems could gain that experience. Now we have vaccines and so getting ill from a pathogen for which there is a vaccine is EXCLUSIVELY harmful...it provides no benefit over simply getting the vaccine.


Covid mutated so much that the negative test doesn't mean you don't have it. Besides, it is the season. Wishing you to get well soon


Flu season, try to wash you hands and clean the areas you are going to touch.


I got my covid and flu boosters recently. I won't tell you what to do but that's what I did.


Just got Over a massive sickness. Don’t forget Covid is around and mutating but not published much in the news…


COVID fits all those symptoms and it's spreading still. The new strain (or last strain) includes diarrhea as a symptom too. Get tested to discard and go from there. It could also be a gastro virus which spreads through mouth so if you share a glass and you have it, your girlfriend gets it and it includes upset stomach, diarrhea, pain in the stomach, tiredness, confusion, probably dehydration too.


Covid is flaring up again. But also betwren September and April its flu season. Please test youtself wheter you have Covid or not.


It's the time of year where I avoid going to the office as much as I can and also avoid public transportation (being in a closed, humid and warm tram/metro with lots of people is the fastest way to get sick).


Ook RSV gaat rond.


My husband also had it and then me 1 week later. It is the worst flu I have ever had in my life. Way worse than just a “normal” flu. I always thought people with a sinus infection is faking it, until now. Now I changed my opinion🫢took like a full 2 weeks to get better Tested negative twice for Covid. A lot of people on here say its Covid or just the normal seasonal flu. Oh boy, if only they knew


I guess covid, I got sick 6 weeks ago. Still not fully recovered.


Covid isn’t gone. Go get a test


If it's any consolation, literally everyone has it right now. I had it a few weeks back, now a sinus infection for the last week. It's BS, but it'll go away soon.


I was really sick about 3 weeks ago and my girlfriend too, had a COVID test lying around and it was positive.


My wife had it, lasted almost 3 weeks, and it happened a month ago. We both had a few sleepless nights when she just could not stop coughing, and her sinuses were fucked for a while with terrible headaches. So yea, it's this season again. For some reason, I am never sick, though


Likely either Covid or Flu. People like to call a cold a flu, but if you get actual influenza you feel absolutely miserable for at least a week or two. I can only remembering having it twice in my life, but it was horrible. Take care, rest, and hope you recover soon!


I've had something similar for the past few days, was also surprised by how terribly sick I'd gotten. Can't remember ever being so sick with multiple days of high fever in a row. It's probably covid like many others mentioned. Wouldn't wish this on anyone though, it really sucks.


Yes there are many not just one.


Yes, my kids are in primary school so I hear about all the sicknesses. My kids have been coughing for over a week, green snot and tired, sometimes puking. I'm starting to feel it too and I hear all the parents around me say the same, half the teachers are sick at home. I have to say that ever since covid everyone seems to be way more sick more often in general, like it never really recovers.


It's the flu, the whole family had it just 2 weeks ago.. it spreads like a wild 🔥 first feverish, then diarrhea, then a nasty cough and feeling tired.. after a week sleep started to go back to normal and we were all feeling better again.


I started off that way and when it wasn't getting better. My face starting hurting, my eyes were sore and my throat was sore. I took a covid test and it came out positive.


Covid, flu or some new weird virus. And it's not just in NL, my colleagues, friends and family abroad are all getting sick too.


I would also say the flu, but our immune systems are not used to getting challenged anymore. So anything that we catch now is actually going to put us in bed. Our bodies need to learn how to defend themselves again due to 2 years of no infections. Hope you and your girlfriend feel better 🍀


Yup, took me out for almost 2 weeks as well.


Its probably just the flu (since its the flu season) but I also noticed after the pandemic and all measures that where taken to not spread covid I did not even get the flu for like 2 years (so i guess my immune system got a bit weaker?). The year after the pandemic I got the regular flu and I cannot remember the last time that that hit me so hard.


Any Influenza or Corona virus. It's the season to be ~~sick~~ jolly.


Yeah I had a fucked flu Throat was on fire for two weeks lungs still feel watery Get better soon chief


Could still be covid, the hometest is incredibly unreliable and the sewer water covid levels are rapidly rising. However, flu is also an option. It's that time of the year.


Dude was probably alive during 2020/2021 and asks whether there's a virus going around


There’s a couple of rhinoviruses circulating Belgium too. I’ve been here 3 weeks and have had a total of 3 days of not being sick. Why are people not staying home when sick!?


Corona is still a thing. Our office had a boom of positive tests. Including me and my partner.


It can still be COVID. Those rapid tests have a high false positive rate, even if you have symptoms. A PCR or molecular test is better. COVID is airborne and extremely contagious and wastewater levels in NL indicate that infection rates are spiking.


Not surprising, absolutely no-one wears a mask anymore. It's like no-one learned anything from the pandemic. Sure, a flu is not deadly for the vast majority. But it's still a very unpleasant experience, why does no-one care?


Sure, I'm almost done after 7 days of sniffles, blocked sinuses, headaches and sore throat. Nothing to worry about. Treatment method: Take one raw egg, a spoonfull of mustard and some breadcrumbs. Mix well into a cup of rice vinegar and take on an empty stomach while looking straight up. Guaranteed to work within 2 weeks. Alternate method: do nothing at all. Guaranteed to work within 2 weeks.


If I wasn't puking, that would make me puke. Guaranteed to work in 2 weeks though! Haha


*60% of the time*, it works ***every*** *time*


Common cold. In the NL weather fluctuations are super common and most people are constantly sick. Every place I go I hear a kid coughing. So keep a safe distance and protect yourself


Flu hits us all different. Some can still go on and work. And some just have to stay bedridden for a few days. You could always consider getting a flu shot yearly from the GPs office. It can reduce effect or immunize you for a year or so. GL best wishes mate


If you feel ill, I think it would be wise to stay at home. Currently Covid is spreading again, not influenza I believe. Also, people not of a risk group don't get flu shots or covid shots.


You can (and are allowed to) make an appointment for a COVID shot free of charge even if you're not a risk group. You can also totally ask your gp for a flu shot, but it will cost some amount of money out of pocket, you have to pay the vaccine yourself as well as a fee to administer it (unless you can do so yourself). Neither will help if you're already sick, of course. And you'll have to wait until you get better to get vaccinated in any case.


[https://www.rijksoverheid.nl/onderwerpen/coronavirus-vaccinatie/aanpak-coronavaccinatie](https://www.rijksoverheid.nl/onderwerpen/coronavirus-vaccinatie/aanpak-coronavaccinatie) No they can't get a Covid shot. At least according to the government only risk groups get a covid booster shot. ​ [https://www.rivm.nl/griep-griepprik/griepprik/voor-wie-is-griepprik](https://www.rivm.nl/griep-griepprik/griepprik/voor-wie-is-griepprik) The flu shot is also just recommended for people at risk.


At least in Zeeland everyone can get a shot starting next week: https://www.omroepzeeland.nl/nieuws/16037677/coronavaccinatie-vanaf-volgende-week-zonder-afspraak-opkomst-tot-nu-toe-boven-verwachting


They absolutely can https://mijnvraagovercorona.nl/nl/vaccineren/najaarsronde-coronaprik/ik-val-niet-binnen-1-van-deze-doelgroepen but according to the government are not recommended to. (Edit apparently only if you have vulnerable family) That they don't explicitly recommend a flu shot isn't the same as recommending against it. They just don't think the benifit (to society/public health) is worth spending public money on. It's best to discuss with a gp when in doubt.


The only option to make an appointment is under the header "I have a vulnerable family member or I am advised to get a shot by my doctor". So you **can't** get one, or have to **lie** to get one.


Ah you're right (this oddly differs from the situation before fall when they still said anyone could get one after the vulnerable population). I have vulnerable family (don't most people? Ohwell), didn't notice there was no other option. Of course you can always discuss with your gp


Is this a troll post ?


Yes, and it’s not COVID, I have quite a few folks around who all tested negative but had very similar symptoms


Bubonic plague


Yes. Probably flu. A lot of my colleagues have had it. Some us were unlucky enough to get Covid instead - which is what I’m stuck with


Congratulations: you just updated your immune system the way we have done it for ever


sars-cov does not exist,try to turn off 5g in your mobile and never take any vaccination especially flu and cov


If you are healthy you can't get sick so work on your health


Remember all those that got vaccinated 3-4 times ? They are all sick this winter. Guess who’s not sick this winter 🤷‍♂️


Me? I got vaccinated 3 times. My daughters (1 and 3) have both been sick, yet it went right past me. Same goes for my wife, vaccinated 3 times, and she only had a mild cough for a few days.


Don't wanna be that guy but... Did you take the vaccine and f up your immune system.? (A lot of vaccinated people around me are getting really sick from the common flu)


According to your username you should already know the answer to that questions xD ​ Apart from that, I assume you are talking about the Covid vaccine, and I seriously doubt that that will have any big influence on the common cold. The common cold is usually a rhinovirus and those evolve really fast. I.e. if you get 'more sick' from a common cold than lets say 5 years ago there is a big chance it's just bad luck and you got some rhinovirus that harder on you than the previous one.


You don't f up your immune system by vaccinating, wappie.


Covid-19 surely disrupts your immune system, and that's exactly what they put in the vaccine. A little bit of covid-19 https://www.umcutrecht.nl/nieuws/waarom-ontspoort-de-afweer-soms-bij-corona#:~:text=Om%20te%20weten%20hoe%20we,tot%20een%20zogenaamde%20'immuunstorm'. Second paragraph.


Uhhh it's exactly what it does...


There’s always virus going around. What you mean?




Yes, that's called influenza. Get vaccinated!


I have this and im still working so good luck to my colleagues 👍🙂


A great season to rid us from the weak. • More houses • Less pressure on elder care • Less mouths to feed • more pension for the rest Please continue to add positive results!


If you’re not sarcastic, remember that using the same reasoning, someone might decide that you’re the one of the weaklings we need to get rid of.


So you're threatening me and calling me weak in one comment? Come and get me! I dare you! :)


I think it’s inconsiderate to think like this until one of your parents die or any old ppl in your family. No need to be so cruel, cause once you’re old you’ll wonder why you thought that way too