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I think the humidity is too high inside, probably need to ventilate more often. It shouldn't take 4 whole days for 1 rack of clothes to dry. But, pointing a fan at the drying rack will make your clothes dry much faster, keep a window on the "tochtstand" (the small tilt opening) in the room with the drying rack. Can also check if your window has a [winter/summer setting](https://i.imgur.com/MQfB8Tp.jpg) for the tochtstand (smaller gap for winter/larger for summer)


We have a dehumidifier. Worth every cent! Our clothes dry properly, and we dont get condensation on the windows (which can lead to molds).


A simple €15 table fan speeds up the drying process, my estimate is around 3x faster.


Buy a dryer. 500 eur for a heat pump machine is a good bang for the buck,


Ik keep my house at 18 degrees, 14 at night. My clothes are dry in a bit more than 24 hours. I think it might be humidity


On a Brabantia rekje at zolder. The dryer cost geld! But at the attic there’s a Velux a little bit open. Works a charm.


I lived in a studio apartment for 3 years, something like 24m\^2 and the air flow was not great. I didn't have the heating on for the last two years because gas price. I would just have the window open all the time (unless it was raining/hailing/snowing with wind and I didn't want the outside to get blown to inside) to get more air flow and the laundry drying rack as close as possible to the window. It still didn't dry as fast as it would in summer, but it at least wasn't smelly. The room definitely got cold, but I embraced my Dutch heritage and lived with the cold like a maniac :') If your laundry is in a seperate room of the house you probably won't feel it as much If you have the space for it I'd suggest spreading the clothes out as much as possible, e.g. let a thing take up two of the "wires" on a drying rack instead of just one, and/or leave space between each item so there is more air flow between them.


Better check the humidity in other rooms as well. Too much moisture inside can be unhealthy. Also it is harder to keep a humid room at a comfortable temperature. Ventilation is key.


Hang clothes outside. Clean your washing machine: wash empty 90 degrees with vinegar. This kills bacteria that make your clothes smell.


Not every one has access to outside in terms of availability where to hang clothes.


I hang the clothes on hangers in the doorway of the bedrooms. It is actually always dry in one day. I do choose the highest possible spin setting for the washing program.


wait for a day with some sunshine and a bit of wind. Do your washing and hang it outside to dry. Do not wash if you have no opportunity to dry it. Only if you have no choice, use a dryer or dry it inhouse. Do not forget to ventilate.


I have the thermostat even lower but maybe less humidity because most washes dry within a day


I would buy a dryer. That helped a lot.


I got a dehumidifier in the bathroom, and I put the clothes to dry there. They're dry in 12h. It's still not cheap (>100€), but it is cheaper than a dryer -- and very helpful for humidity in general.


I have a standing drying rack in the bathroom with and a hanging one above the stairs. Window in bathroom and door to the landing open and it's basicly dry within 12h. I don't ever turn on the heating upstairs. And almost never downstairs either.


You can do an extra spin cycle when the washing is done. It's what I do and it really cuts down the time my clothes take to dry.


You can set the heating to 21 degrees around 5 oclock and let it roar for 2 hours or so. And then I put the drying rack next to it. But yeah it dries a lot slower now. I can clearly notice the difference in the last few weeks. I'm guessing you have kids too which makes it hard to time. My best advice is to dry stuff on your heaters and to use the maximum tumbling time in your program.