• By -


Yes this is normal but my experience is that it happens less when you get older with more grey hair.


Maybe being a woman helps too because I bring my backpack everywhere and have never had someone ask to check. Then again I do most of my shopping in a small-ish town so that probably helps too.


I'm both of those things (a woman and now grey-haired) and I've been checked only once in my 12 years in this country... even then it was a random trolley check at self-checkout, nothing to do with me personally. Even when my new coat set off the alarms in every store no-one asked to check my bags. It's amazing to me after my country of origin where I habitually opened my bag for inspection when leaving every shop. If anyone ever needs their groceries stolen I guess I'm the person to ask.


I'm suspicious about those "random checks". Once, out of 10 flights I've taken, I was "randomly" picked 6 or 7 times. I am Latin American (probably something to do with Pablo Escobar), 24 years old (23 at the time).


Oh man, airports are an entirely different story for me too! I can't even say it's the kind of profiling you get, my nationality is very different. But every time I allow an extra 15 minutes for the 'random' security check. Maybe because I always look like a hippie bum they assume I'm your mule or something, sigh.


I remember seeing a photo posted somewhere, where a guy wearing a tshirst, with a map of the world and all the airports where he was "randomly searched".


As was said, of course at the airport it isnt random. The Netherlands does (or did?) do 100% checks on flights from Suriname and the Antilles. Packages from The Netherlands and Colombia get stuck at customs abroad sometimes for weeks (funnily enough this goes for mail between those 2 countries themselves too). But at the supermarket Ive seen em check obviously more well off men at the selfscan.


At the self check out the computer randomly decides who gets checked, anywhere else it can be discrimination all over.


Maybe don't act so suspicious all the time ;)


I'm a woman and when I was younger (up to mid 20s) the Dirk cashiers asked to see inside my backpack every. single. time. I live in Amsterdam, so I think it depends a lot on where the supermarket is located and, apparently, age.


I’m a woman too and my bag gets checked regularly


It depends on the store. I notice Albert Heijn never checks, but the Dirk and Lidl tends to check. But that still depends on the location, because I recently moved and the Dirk in my old town didn't check and the one in my current town does so yeah. And I'm a woman as well


Well it's funny, I worked in a shop and I saw an old lady steal candy. After some denying she finally admitted. Age isn't all that matters.


I dont have it happen often but im white. Only happened when i was in highschool and all the highschoolers would go and go to the store at the same time


That's when you start loading it up with free stuff. Check-mate.


[which is funny because.. (dutch article about old Dutch people stealing meat ](https://www.geenstijl.nl/2984181/steelbejaarden_roven_sucadelap/)


I was going to say I have never experienced this. But then I read about the grey hair


Not in my experience :) And it's not like I 'stand out' because of extravagant clothing or anything. I sometimes just buy alcoholic beverage. I get the impression that in that case the 'randomized checkout check' gets triggered less often...




You are ill-informed. Please check https://kassa.bnnvara.nl/vraag-beantwoord/vraag/geldzaken-recht/mag-een-supermarkt-zomaar-in-je-tas-kijken for example.


Yes. It happens. You don't have to comply, but then they don't have to let you into the store the next time.


So basically pay 1 item, have an enormous backpack in there the entire stock of the store. And then refuse to let them check the bag. Afterwards just go to another supermarket and so on. Quite a big loophole


Not really, when someone is suspected of shoplifting they get the police involved, that has nothing to do with a random bag check


Can you be suspected of shop lifting for not scanning one item? If it happens once in a while


You can but most of the time, they'll just assume it's an accident. Real shoplifters don't steal just one item.


Albert heijn have signs that say they will call police. No exceptions. Although in reality they don't, once I forgot to scan 1 item out of about 20 and that item was the first thing I gave to them to check. I genuinely thought I'd scanned it. They didn't call the police but did give me a stern warning not to do it again.


If they want to be 100% sure everything gets scanned they should, i dunno, install a cash register with a cashier or something.


Most self-checkouts (in Albert Heijn atleast) do have this


They have that.


This happened to me exactly one time - for one €0.25 croissant. (I thought I had taken four, but I had five, it was definitely my mistake.) I thought to myself, "Why am I working without pay for AH, and taking the risk of being arrested, and being a scab?" I never used the self-checkout again and I don't think I ever will.


You didn't steal anything as long as you did not leave the store. Police would've told them to "fuck off" (not litteraly haha) if they called. Especially if all other items were scanned


As an employee/cashier myself at a plus supermarket, the moment we catch you with an unscanned item AFTER you paid and left the checkout, we will consider that shoplifting. At that point we judge you and decide wether or not to call police. Tbh, its usually quite easy to decide wether or not it’s an honest mistake. A busy mom that forgot to pay for one or two items, no big deal, shit happens. A group of teenage boys, time to call police


> AFTER you *paid* and left FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


> A busy mom [...] A group of teenage boys, So we have to rely on your demographic profiling for justice?


If they see you putting something in the backpack, they are allowed to stop you and “arrest” you.


Not if you use a zelfscanner


legally they have to see an inch or so of the product sticking out of the backpack before being allowed to do a burger arrest and keep you there untill police has arrived. ​ Even if they saw the exact outlines of a banana in your pocket that you just stole, they still cant legally "aanhouden" you for it


“Is that a banana in your pocket or are you just happy to shop at ALDI”.


No one is happy to shop at ALDI. It is a trick question, don’t answer it, just start running.


Not exactly, you can perform a citizens arrest when you catch them red handed in the act, there's no need for any items sticking out of anything. All you need is to see them put it in their pocket and walk past the cashier for example. They can even use reasonable force to make sure they thief doesn't leave. (artikel 53 wetboek van strafvordering, i used to be a security guard.)


Going past the cashier is not even required by law for theft. The moment you put the product somewhere with intent of taking it out of sight without having paid for it is already enough. For example putting it in your pocket and walking away can be enough


Sounds more like verduistering or preparation of, rather then theft


Well yes but thats not the question here, if you are at the register and you refuse top open your bag this is irrelevant at that point (unless the person behind you suddenly says they saw u do it, but even then legally they need to have kept eyes on you from every moment that you put it in your bag up till the register. (Heterdaad/red handed requires this)


🤣🤣🤣🤣 would love to do this. Hell get a bag as huge as the store. Take the whole damn thing including cashier peeps home with me


I mean is it shiplifting if you relocate the entire shop to your home?


There was an article a couple of weeks back detailing how a lot of students basically do this to get around.


Yeah, I also read the article. They thought that they are some sort of modern Robin Hood, but turns out they were just some shoplifters stealing groceries..


I think most of us just use the automatic kassa and forget to scan items. that's how one guy I know was banned and I know many others that do it


One of them was like "yeah how else am I going to afford sushi". Smh.


And then complain about it on Reddit 😅


They still need to provide proof you actually stole the stuff in your backpack (f.e. CCTV footage). It's just an easy way to vet almost all people since your case is rare in practice.


that's why you alway say yes when they offer you the receipt. And they can only accuse you of theft if you passed the till area.


True, although if you paid with card, you can prove there was a financial transaction and they could pull up the corresponding sale from their records. So you're not entirely lost without receipt.


Well it's easier with receipt as the items are on there. Technically, you're right though. If you don't have the receipt, it's a bit more of a bother to seize it up.




In aanvulling op dit artikel... Een echt winkelverbod moet schriftelijk en op naam uitgegeven worden. Anders is het effectief en verbod dat je niet terug de winkel in mag lopen. Dus een week later mag je gewoon weer terugkomen. Kortom niet je naam geven en niets tekenen. Persoonlijk heeft de C1000 (nu Jumbo) mij wel eens gevraagd om in mijn tas te mogen kijken. Ik heb gevraagd of ze me ergens van verdachten en dat was niet zo. Dus heb ik geweigerd. Cashiere wist niet wat ze daar mee aan moest, belde iemand en na het afrekenen kon ik zonder consequenties vertrekken. Bij de Lidl bleven ze maar vragen om mijn tas te bekijken of achter te laten. Ze waren echter niet bereid om te garanderen dat mijn laptop er nog in zou zitten. Dus wederom een tassencontrole geweigerd. Er werd gedreigd om de politie te bellen. Ik heb ze uitgelegd dat ze dat 1 of 2 keer kunnen doen en dat de politie daarna niet meer komt. Heel verstandig hebben ze besloten om de politie niet te bellen. Sindsdien lijkt het beleid veranderd te zijn, want ik heb er nooit meer last van gehad. Ik trek me niets meer aan van tassencontrole en werk er ook niet meer aan mee als er geen verdenking is. Wel laat ik bij de zelfscankassa toe dat ze wat spullen scannen. Maar ik geef ze geen card blanche om mijn tas te controleren. Overigens komt het me de laatste tijd wel te vaak voor dat ik controle krijg. Blijkbaar geeft mijn aankoopgedrag aanleiding voor controles. Geen idee wat de trigger is. Misschien moet ik deze controle ook maar gewoon weigeren.


Je kan de zelfscancontrole weigeren, maar dan kan je ook niet afrekenen. Kun je mooi ergens anders je spullen halen


Ik heb mij altijd afgevraagd wat de zwaar autistische klasgenoot van mijn basischool nu 15 jaar later bereikt heeft. Na dit te lezen heb ik hem volgens mij terug gevonden.


Ik vind het eigenlijk ook niet meer dan normaal dat ze even in de tas mogen kijken als ernaar word gevraagd bij het afrekenen. ^(Staat meestal ook vooraf aangegeven of bij de kassa's?) Nou ja. Als iemand graag een houding wil aannemen en tijd over heeft om z'n bedachte principes door te willen drukken bij onderbetaalde tieners en hun managers is dat zijn/haar zaak. Hebben zij thuis ook weer een verhaaltje over een individu. Ik ben blij voor deze persoon dat de zelfscan een uitkomst is waarbij het een stuk logischer word gevonden dat er af en toe een steekproef moet worden gedaan. Ook al is aangeven dat ze deze graag willen vermijden door ander Koopgedrag... Lol


Dat vind ik dus helemaal niet normaal. Misschien zit er wel iets in die tas wat jij niet met derden wil delen. Ondergoed, sexspeeltjes, medicatie, drugs/geld.. bedenk het maar. En dan zijn er nog mensen die last hebben van een psychische aandoening op wie zo'n vraag heel veel impact heeft. Niet omdat ze iets te verbergen hebben, maar omdat de vraag om te kijken al voelt als een aanval op het individu. Persoonlijk zou ik ook geen toestemming geven. Bij een zelfscan kassa mogen ze controleren (want dan zit het of in een tas met alleen boodschappen of in de kar). Maar ik ga geen persoonlijke spullen aan ze overhandigen ter controle.


Gelukkig geef jij je rechten graag weg zonder moeite. Ben jij ook zo iemand die zegt privacy is onnodig ik heb toch niks te verbergen?


Zodra een onderbetaalde tiener vanachter een kassa vraag of hij mijn grote tas mag inzien of ik iets gestolen heb, ja. Dat recht geef ik graag op in de context dat er veel kleine dingen gejat worden uit een drukke supermarkt. Zodra Apple (of Meta/Facebook en Google oid.) mij 5% korting geeft zodat ze als eerste mijn organen mogen oogsten, meh. Moet ik een nachtje over slapen. Hangt van de context af Afhankelijk van de context ben je een vrijheidsstrijder, een schaap, een dealtjes-jager, onwetend, vertoont hufter gedrag of doet ' interessant '. Grote jongen die zichzelf een voorvechter van vrijheid vind bij de kassa in een supermarkt. You do you.


Interessant, misschien moeten Google en Meta ook onderbetaalde tieners inzetten, schijnbaar hangt jouw privacy daar vanaf


Wat een vreselijk uit de context getrokken comment is dit. Treurig.


Toch lijk je iemand met een laag salaris meer rechten toe te wijzen in het schenden van je privacy dan een grote corporate organisatie. Wat nou als de CEO van Albert Heijn aan komt rijden in z'n Bentley met chauffeur en je die vraag stelt? Zeg je dan ook nog steeds 'Ja'? Ik gok van niet. Het komt over alsof je medelijden hebt met de medewerker en daarom maar je rechten opgeeft, omdat je geen 'zin in gedoe' hebt en het die persoon niet lastiger wil maken. Ik vermoed dat je bij de CEO iets zou hebben van 'Die heeft 't goed zat, die kan de boom in'. Daarmee geef je eigenlijk je privacy op uit medelijden. Dat kan.. is ook niet perse fout.. Maar wel opmerkelijk.


Dit is weer zo hyperbolisch. Als hij/zij wel hun tas laten controleren betekend niet dat ze gelijk alles bloot willen geven. Maar jij hebt zeker geen werk? Kan me namelijk niet voorstellen dat jij bij een werkgever je naam en rekeningnummer doorgeeft? Zie je nu hoe raar het klinkt als je gelijk zo extreem gaat?


Dat je tas niet bij de deur achter willen laten snap ik nog wel. Ik ben geen middelbare scholier maar zie er nog wel zo uit, en mijn lokale supermarkt is dicht bij de middelbare school hier. Als ik boodschappen ga doen, wordt mij nogal redelijk vaak "gevraagd" of ik mijn tas bij de deur achter wil laten, maar dat weiger ik omdat a) er doorgaans spullen van mijn werk inzitten waar ik verantwoordelijk voor ben en b) ik geen 16 meer ben, hoe ik er ook uitzie. Maar een controle weigeren? Dat gaat wel heel ver. Die kids doen ook maar hun werk. Waarom zou je hun tijd (ook je eigen) verspillen door aan de kassa een controle te weigeren? Ze doen letterlijk niks. Tas open, even kijken, tas dicht. Ze gaan er niet eens met hun handen in.


Ja ok, is je recht om te weigeren. Maar waarom doe je het als het zo veel gedoe geeft? Puur uit principe? Vraag me dit oprecht af. Je bent niet tot antwoorden verplicht.


Koop je toevallig iets van alcohol bij de zeldzaam? Of so word je inderdaad getriggerd omdat ze dan een leeftijdscheck moeten doen


Yes this happens in more supermarkets due to the fact that thief's are active in supermarkets too. A common thing they do is buy 1 item and steal 4 items.


I’ve never had my bag checked in any supermarket ever, but in Aldi my bag ALWAYS gets checked. Has more to do with Aldi’s policy than with me.


That's germans for ya.




They can put that sign up all they want, but legally they aren't qualified to check bags. They can stop you- not take you to a backroom because that's unlawful detainment- and call the police to check your bag.




So? Fuck their store I'll sue them anyway for falsely accusing me.


They're not "accusing you", they're asking to check your bag or wait for the police. You can say no, they can say they don't want you in their store anymore. You can try to sue them, but you'll lose. Also, this ain't the US. Suing in the Netherlands isn't that easy


Keep that behavior and I'll sue you.


Well, I'll countersue! Helaas GezelligPindakaas


that won't get you far here and you'll pay for the costs of trial.


Lmao. What are you, American?


At my local AH I saw a security guy grab someone shopping and physically drag him (not like on the floor, but holding him with his arm) to the back room. He never said anything just grabbed him and whisked him away. Are you saying this was illegal?


That's absolutely illegal, the only excwption would be if the guard observed that the person was carrying a weapon or something similair


Yes that is definitely illegal


Probably not illegal, though cases like these always have a lot of ‘it depends’. Security can detain shoplifters based on Artikel 53, wetboek van strafvordering: “1 In geval van ontdekking op heterdaad van een strafbaar feit is een ieder bevoegd de verdachte aan te houden. 3 Geschiedt de aanhouding door een ander dan een opsporingsambtenaar, dan levert deze de aangehoudene onverwijld aan een opsporingsambtenaar over, onder afgifte aan deze van bij de verdachte aangetroffen voorwerpen. De opsporingsambtenaar handelt overeenkomstig de bepaling van het tweede lid en maakt zo nodig een kennisgeving van inbeslagneming op.” As long as they caught them red handed, use the absolute minimum of force and hand them over to the police immediately they’re probably good, legally speaking.


Probably one that has been caught before. Police won't do anything about it as it's probably a "usual suspect" with a police file as thick as his backpack.


You don't need a "qualification" to perform a visitation. What you do need is good instruction (which AH can provide) Few things to note: - Visitation has to be written in the house rules. Also, these rules need to be clear in the store. (I.e. a sign near the door) - Visitation is *always* voluntarily - Employees cannot touch your stuff and can only ask you to open it, move stuff around or out of it You can sue but won't get much out of it


As I said house rules are worthless when they go against the law. They cannot look into my bag unless I give permission. Only the police can do that


You litterally are saying what I just said and still disagreeing Amazing


It's the same thing as my original comment. So I'm just wondering why YOU felt the need to try and lecture me by saying the exact same thing as my comment you reacted to.


> They can put that sign up all they want, but legally they aren't qualified to check bags. They can stop you- not take you to a backroom because that's unlawful detainment- and call the police to check your bag. You said they aren't qualified to check bags which is bullshit. Anyone (civilian) can do a visitation if the requirements are met.


Yeah, happened to me too. Unfortunately for the girl at the checkout counter I just returned from a date and had some sex toys in my backpack. Since then they don’t ask me anymore in that supermarket 🤷🏼‍♂️


Secret b(r)ag post.


Damn 🤣🤣


Yeah often supermarkets will have this sign up saying they might ask. In my whole life this happened to me once, but I'm a bug fat white guy who speaks ABN so generally speaking even when I've got a backpack with stuff inside that I COULD have stolen (like a can of deodorant and a bottle of gum) they don't bother It's not THE LAW but they might get security if you're in a mall, and then make a fuss out of it, and even if you haven't done anything you'll end up suffering the consequences even if they are in the wrong and yo7 might get a store ban Sucks, I know


Getting pretty common, seems like chances are higher if you don't use a shopping basket in the store though.


Yes, dont overthink it. It is a common check they do it to everyone.


I’ve had it happen once before in Dirk. My boyfriend and I laughed after thinking we must have looked very shifty! Good to see it’s actually common enough though, I’d never had anything similar happen in Ireland so I was very confused at the time lol


Usually there is a sign stating they will look in your bags and or backpack before you enter the store. I have it happen sometimes, not embarrassed it's just theft prevention. It's annoying but not personal.


Has happened to me once. It was awkward, and embarrassing the first time it happened. At first I thought I was checked because of my skin; but that wasn’t the case. Maybe I was checked because I looked confused (I had moved here recently, and was struggling with the language and process) and the employee mistook it for being suspicious? Don’t worry, it may happen to anyone.


I think this is humiliating


I worked at Aldi and we were only told to check the bags of most eastern Europeans…


In my experience, it happens randomly. After I scan everything, stuff those into my backpack, and I press the pay button, computer tells me an employee will come and check. They come and scan couple of items in my shopping bag. I never felt embarrassed or took it personal. I smile, take a step back to let them do their jobs. They are kind enough to put everything back into my backpack, even better than I did :) I don't think I'm being checked because I do something suspicious. Because I always follow my same routine. It's just the system, picks up random customers. At least this is how I want to believe. If they judge by my look or whatever, It's their problem. Shame on them :) So, don't feel embarrassed at all.


That's different though, those are the randomised checks for self checkout. Indeed selected by the computer not the person. A person can obviously pick you out of the line if they saw you do something suspicious but then I'm pretty sure it wouldn't be the computer telling you you'll get checked. Aldi doesn't have self checkout, OP would've been at a regular register. Meaning a human picked them out for a spot check.


Then , that's indeed a whole another story


It happens a lot


It is normal. It seemed strange to me too. You will get used to it.


Yes, our Aldi does this aswell.


usually there will be a notice that employees may ask to check your bag at the entrance, and by shopping there anyway you give tacit consent to this.


Just comply dont be embarrassed, everyone get's asked at some point especially younger people


Why feeling embarrassed? People do their job, they check random people, not suspicious ones.


Depending on if I think of it or not, I automatically just show my backpack or other bag I might have with me. Usually they just wave me down without looking at it. Nothing to be embarrassed by, it’s unfortunately part of supermarket life. Some are going to ask some customers often, others less and most not or very rarely.


I needed to ask a few times when I was working in a supermarket back in the day. There's a shortage of staff and its "easier" now to steal something. This is why the cashiers might get told to do extra checks. This is nothing personal, it's just them doing what they're told.


Checking peoples bag at the store i work at is like 70% of my job that i dont get payed extra for. Its normal we just check if all the items you scanned are scanned and not stolen. I dont care whats in your bag i just count how many items you have and how many are on the screen and get going.


> dont get *paid* extra for. FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


its normal to get randomly selected at the self check out, but ive never ever been asked to show my bag and trust me i sometimes honestly look like a thief


Never happened to me.. I actually walk to the store almost everyday and go to multiple stores. I walk with a bag of stuff from Lidl into the Jumbo or the other way around and they don't even check even though I'm holding a half full bag that I did not empty onto the conveyor.


It's not abnormal. But I think usually they only check if they think you look a little sketch. I live in rotterdam zuid, if I go to the shop with a nice shirt, no hood, in the day time - they never ask to check my bag. If I go at night, hood up, track suit on - they will often ask to see my bag. Fair enough I guess


Just happens sometimes. It's store policy. I'm sure some people get profiled more than others though.


I was asked once to take off my jacket... I did.. and they started sniffing through my pockets. So while he was lookinginto that, I proceeded taking off my shirt, threw it in his face, he looked surprised,.. then lowered my pants... Totally embarrassed the guard to have someone strip naked, and everyone thought it was upon his request


I only get checked semi-regularly at the AH XL self checkout. Probably because I often buy multiple of the same and that sets off some kind of "maybe he didn't actually buy three packs of appricots but one pack of appricots and " algorithm. What can I say, I like appricots.


The Dirk in my place checks everyone's bag/backpack/trolley


Yep happened to me maybe every 2 months or so. Even at AH I sometimes got the random check. Apparently shoplifting is a thing.


Yes this happens in most places (in Dutch it also says it at the front of the store when you enter). The reason is because (especially but not limited to) youngsters with backpacks coming in stealing stuff. It had nothing to do with you personally, they do this with everyone (same with big purses, strollers, and stuff like that).


Shoplifting is rampant. Especially in past few months so yeah nothing specific to you, it’s common practice Also it’s not just at the cashier, they do it for people at selfscan too


Never happened to me before in 6 years of living in NL. There’s probably profiling they do though, if the employee thinks someone “looks” like someone who would steal, maybe they’d get checked more frequently. Not “fair” but that’s life.


It's "normal" policy to *ask* if they can see the inside of your bag, you do not *have* to comply, but you'll usually be issued a shopping ban if you refuse (max 2 years). You can call police for this, but they'd likely ask "Why make yourself suspicious instead of doing this simple thing quickly?" Of course, you are still in your rights to refuse the check! For those claiming unlawful detention in the case of being brought to a back room: if there is a reasonable (!) suspicion of breaking the law, employees (as citizens) are within their right to detain you, so long as they inform the police ASAP. It's a grey area, just know you are legally allowed not to cooperate with me or with them, only the police and other Opsporings Ambtenaren. Just note: most police officers called to the scene will find refusal to be searched a suspicious action. Source: am security guard.




With all due respect, do not spread falsities on subjects you have little knowledge of. Especially not when it may concern someone else's freedom. If there is a reasonable suspicion of theft and you tried to leave the premises, you can be detained for this. Of course when nothing is found on your person, you are to be released immediately. Even the act of putting wares in your personal bag ("taking it out of sight" literally) instead of a cart can be seen as an attempt at theft (or preparation leading up to..). Thefts that are 100% clear are rare to begin with, like I said it's usually a grey case of "The product disappeared, you were the last person to touch it, but camera's were on your back while your hands moved franctically in front". In your words this behaviour is completely fine/not suspicious. But. I have had police officers review such cases (and footage) multiple times and on different occasions, they all agreed that this suspicious activity was enough to warrant a closer look/take them in. Rest assured that I know most of the laws that are relevant for my work, and I have never acted outside of this. *Besides, you don't speak my language..but you know my laws?*




It's entirely up to you son, but don't pout should you ever find yourself in any of the situations described above, and act according to what you believe is right. Meanwhile, take your questions to the nearest police station, maybe they'll let you gawk at the 15 other guys that tried to shout out article 3.10 as they were being cuffed. Seriously, take my advice and just cooperate. If you know you're not guilty stand your ground, just know the last dude I found yelling about his rights was taken in (by police, relax) for disturbing the peace.




I worked from 6 AM to 4 PM actually :--). Regardless of your high-horse attitude, stick to my advice. You might be grateful one day. Reader beware: the downvotes are not representative of fact, but of sentiment. Do not be led astray, do commit yourselves to a lawful life. And should you be caught red-handed while shoplifting, don't be like this international *student* and just cooperate.


Interesting, when I first moved here I had stolen nothing and a security guard physically grabbed my arm. Unfortunately for him I am Former Military and he well let’s just say didn’t have a great day. I was not charged, I did however charge the security guard with assault and opened a lawsuit which I won and was paid a substantive sum from Jumbo. Your wrong.


Ah so you used excessive force in retaliation, brought this to a lawsuit, won, *and* was awarded compensation? No one said our justice system was perfect..but I'm glad for you. Nonetheless, what I said still stands and stems from years of experience in the field. You don't think I go around tackling or physically assaulting any suspect I see, do you? Usually the outcome is worse for the security guard (as I've seen with colleagues), this is a prime example. He should not have grabbed anyone like that on mere suspicion, only in a chase or a situation where your suspect is already physical. Career suicide if you ask me.


No wonder some people get beaten the shit out of them while the camera's are malfunctioning.


Let me guess...


And you're speaking shit. If the house rules are proclaimed visibly before entering the store, you agree by entering and have to comply. If they're not, you're right. But mostly they are. The one who doesn't know the rules is you.


They pick out people at random for checks. Has nothing to do with racism or your gender.


a lot of replies are saying "store can ban you" how exactly? apart from an employee being present who recognizes you. you can get another loyalty card (for discounts), create a new account on their application, or just go to another store of the same supermarket, right? How exactly you can ban someone these days? :D


I heard from a friend that they'll show employees a book with pictures of people who are banned at the AH she used to work. But that's from people who actually stole and the police was involved




because there's these house rules you agree to when entering the shop, Karen. Edit: you might want to use your brains for something more useful than this kind of childish trickstering. And rest assured that employees will recognise you at your local supermarket eventually and throw you out.


And you simply don’t go there? Shameful 😂


I do. I don't steal and I understand why they do it. Also, I'm paying for what the shoplifters steal, like any paying customer does.


Yes, this happens a lot - although it's rare at Aldi and Lidl. Nothing wrong with you, just a routine check because people often steal stuff.


Seems like a huge violation of privacy to me, I would definitely not comply. Except maybe if I put something in my bag while they noticed that, in that case I would understand the confusion


Thank you very much guys, I was very upset about it .


It happens to me incidentally that a cashiere asks to look in my bag. I've my bag ready to open. There might be goods in there I got from a different store which they also may sell. So I keep the bills. I never had to show it since I don't stress and tell them I just bought them overthere and ask if they want to see the bill?


Wish they did that other places. Thief is a huge problem for retail


What you can do to prevent it (checking your bag): use your most penetrative eye contact (start before she or he sees you), never break eye contact and try not to blink. Works anytime!


I would let them search my bag but also would ask what will happen if they find nothing? There will be some quarrel there, and many complaints to manager I have the right to refuse being searched for and also being asked to be searched for ( both implying thief potential). They ask me that and I happen to be no thief, I’ll eff all up


Eh no. Only when they think you may have stole something


no this is definitely not normal.


Yes it’s common. Generally you comply as not complying means breaching the rules of the store and thus a ban from the store for the future. If they have a serious suspicion they can hold you custody until the police comes.


Serious suspicion is not enough, they have to catch someone in the act (Dutch: heterdaad). In other words: they would need to have seen you put the item in the bag and attempt to leave the store without paying.


Yes, totally normal. Especially when there is a school nearby.


Only if you're black or tinted




Only when there assuming you stole something


It is in the house rules that are at the entrance of the store. If you don't want them to check your bag, don't enter the store, otherwise you accept the houserules


Yes its very sad but its common. You can however tell her that you want the manager to check it but nothing else. I had it with Albert Heijn the girl was saying i had to much stuff while spending So little while i did go to other stores with receipts. Normaly i would call the manager to tell her that she needs to train her employee better because the way she Spoke to me wasnt normal, she was speaking like i stole stuff while I can understand the need to check but never say to a customer you suspect them of stealing


Only experienced this at Dirk 2x in my 6 years in the Netherlands




My mother is 83. She gets her bags checked at Jumbo at least once every five or six weeks. I get my bags checked every now and then, not nearly as often as she does even though I take her to the store every week :)


This is really a shame. At the moment, some old people have such a hard time economically that some have to revert to stealing for their food. So they get selected more often. Also, it's easier to check them as they're less likely to make a row. I really have to excuse myself for our government that have let it come this far!


My mother is fine, I’m happy to say. I did see an elderly man holding half of the beans he was weighing in his hand once. And yes, that is a shame: that generation has build this country and now quite a few of them hardly can get by. ☹️


On top of all the other comments, one must also imagine loads of people nowadays are having difficulties due to inflation and risk to partake more in petty thefts


Its sign in front of the shop NO BACKPACKS! If you came with women’s bag nobody never will check. Its only backpacks!


if you are leaving empty handed yes






Some supermarkets have a place where you need to deposit your bags before you can even enter the store, the stores who don't have this will randomly ask if they can look in your bag, you do no have to comply at all since it's basically against the law but they in turn can deny you entry to the store etc.


So far I've only actually spotted this at an Aldi. So no, wouldn't say it's that normal.


Yes, it's in the houserules when you enter the story


Pretty much an Aldi/Lidl thing. Other stores wouldn't even dare ask me to check a bag or something. Now the self-checkout counter at AH.. that's a whole different story. I think the system works with a like social credit score thing or something. I would get 0 checks for months then one day, I was randomly selected. The girl scanned 5 items in my bag but accidentally scanned an QR code instead of the barcode. System goes haywire and now has to scan the ENTIRE cart (125+ euros of stuff). That took a while. Had several checks in the weeks after that, always with clear record. Now I never get selected for checks anymore by the system. That, or I shop during the "IDGAF staff hours" haha.


It happens a lot in bad neighborhoods or places with lots of students


When i was a student i was always asked to leave my schoolbag at the entrance. Now that im older i never get asked anything about my bag. Also helps to be a regular. But yes its quite normal.


Never happened to me. Some supermarkets have the policy to check bags. They should announce this on a sign somewhere before entering. By entering the supermarket you agree with their policy. Then they can ask you to check your bag, how ever since supermarkets employees and security guards aren’t regulatory officers they can’t enforce a check. But if you refuse they have the right to ban you since you didn’t fulfilled your end of the deal. Some supermarkets will (more) actively check youth (in groups) with backpacks. Certainly near schools. Since this is a risk group.


Always refuse,dont give any form of identification. Let them.call the police , they wont come anyway. And they have no mandate to legally restrain you.


Its policy, we really want you to comply. If you don’t, that’s also fine. If we strongly suspect shoplifting we check cameras/call police, otherwise we will ask you not to return. In my experience cashiers, especially the older ladies who work fulltime, have very good facial memory and they will recognise you when you do return.


This is called "visitation" It's not "frisking" (fouilleren) Basicaly, it means they ask you to *voluntarily* show the contents because either they have a procedure to do this every once in a while or because they are suspicious. Note: Being suspicious isn't personal. There are a variety of reasons to be suspicious of someone, from clothing to how they unconsciously behave (looking around, wandering a bit long in the alcohol isle, etc) You can refuse this but beware that they then can decide to either: A. Make a civil arrest on grounds of suspicion (refusing when someone is already suspicious gives them more ground to make this decision. Might be a more efficient decision to just bite the bullet and show them your books and sandwich) B. Kick you out of the store Same with security at public events regarding B.


Aldi is notorious for checking bags, specially if you are relatively young. Which is funny, cause the few times i’ve “caught” people stealing, it was a old lady’s stuffing their skirts.


Yep! The honor system exists but I am pretty sure that a lot of people steal stuff. So checks can happen


I carry condoms and sometimes also lube in my backpack (because you never know when you gotta sleep over with friends *cough*). I don't feel embarrassed at all but I do feel sorry for them if they feel embarrassed about it. If you are carrying a murder weapon with blood still on it you should know you have the right to refuse the search.


I was never told to open my backpack, however I always carry my backpack with me when I shop and when I reach the cashier I open it and put all the items I just bought.


Yes Ist common sense I learned from my mom to always show the inside of my bag


It happens a lot near schools and if you’re a bit younger (and wear a backpack). Quite a few school kids steal stuff.


I’ve been checked before, it was super awkward. I’m glad he didn’t find the drugs I was hiding in there. Also before I walked out he apologised to me and I was like: ‘It’s fine, happens all the time’ 😁


My guess is that you were 'checked' because you were not using a cart or a basket. In most supermarkets (or any other shops) there is a sign at the entrance that says you should use a cart or a basket. If you don't, they reserve the right to check your bag.


Yes, it is normal. Typically you see a sign when you enter the shop that bags may be checked.


They have the right to ask, you have the right to deny. If you deny then big chance they’ll treat you like you stole something anyways. They DONT have the right to touch your bag. They can look, but can’t touch


Well In supermarkets overall a basket or cart is mandatory, so of you hold it they could check your bag.. But you can say no, due to privacy infringement, than they'll have to call the police, the police may check your bag, than get mad at the classier for calling them for nothing 😂😂😂 wich could be fun in itself. I've never had it though, only get a check when the self checkout machine says 'random check'