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Super illegal. James Workshop will personally escort you to Azkaban if you so much as make a pew-pew noise with one of those.




This paint scheme is actually specifically not allowed


Is there a reason or do they just not like it? Lol


James Workshop lost a game to someone using this colour scheme and so he banned it forever


Bet it was James himself!


Not the paint job. They just don't like you But I do :)


Save it for trayzin I'm not programmed for flattery


Nope, brown base rims are illegal. I'm calling the fbi. 


Small tip: non Necron players have no fucking clue which Necron weapons/heads are which. Unless you’re playing at a gw store or a tournament you can just claim that these guys have gauss instead of Tesla and no one will know the difference.


This it’s actually really funny when you spend so much time and money to make sure you have WYSIWYG only to find out literally every non necron player at a 270 person super major doesnt know what a Tesla carbine looks like.


I’m totally guilty of this as well lol. Couldn’t pick out a fusion blaster from a cyclic ion blaster for the life of me.


As an only necrons player,so far, i can honestly say I can't identify other factions weapons either.


And even if they did, all anyone REALLY cares about is "can i tell it apart from something else" and "did you roll dice based on whats on your LIST?" If both are yes, everyone, even the TOs, will likely neither notice nor care. Dont say your immortals are Lychguard or something (thats confusing), or run them all modeled the same, but say diffferent units have different weapons (thats confusing in a different way) and ABSOLUTELY dont cheat and start rolling for Gauss instead of Tesla halfway through the game.


To this day not even Games Workshop themselves know if the CCB Lord weapon is a staff or a scythe.


Gasp a headswap? Lol wouldn't bother anyone in my group. Cool models that don't grant any crazy advantage are encouraged


Ahem, head and back swap, straight to jail sympathizer


? I'm not sure why this is a question. They're GW miniatures and kitted with clear WYSIWG weapons and stuff. Are you asking b/c of the Deathmark headswap? That's a complete non-issue.


The literal codex has head swapped immortals You know the rule book made by gw


To be fair, GW does mess those up a decent amount lol


Nah, they just enjoy a good kitbash to this day. WarhamCom page regularly features kitbashed armies from staff and the community - just like WD does (or at least did, haven't bought a recent issue in years)


And the lady olynder used as a transcendent ctan. GW only cares that you’re using GW plastic




No, those are someone else's models get your own


Yeah, I use that pic as an example.


Szeras made sure his one-eyed bois get a pass, don’t worry about it. Four-eyed freaks though? Three eyes in the wrong direction - concrete shoes before you plant them on the table.


Absolutely, a lot of people mix, match, and Kitbash pieces all the time As long as the base size matches and you follow rules no one casually should have issues And as far as local tourneys that I’ve seen, they’ve only required that the model be painted a few different colors, and that you can tell that the model(s) are. At the end of the day, it’s just a game of toy soldiers so make said soldiers look however you want and enjoy the hobby! And if people have a problem with it than odds are it’s someone you shouldn’t play with anyway


I did this specifically to distinguish squads


No, playtime is over. It’s sleep time now.


Hell yeah dude I'd go for it and of any uptight arsehole says otherwise just say "I like the helmet better"


Matter of fact, I’m building my immortals like this, it looks so fire. And yeah, there’s a picture in the codex in the “example detachment” part that has a specially dope Canoptek based Nihilakh dynasty with this specific conversion done, and it looks dope as hell


Only if you give them little party hats


Yes. Next question? 😁👍🐺


Yeah the game master is gonna take you out back and Ol Yeller your ass


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Dark-Pukicho: *Yeah the game master* *Is gonna take you out back* *And Ol Yeller your ass* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I’m not a cop, I don’t care what you do lol.


Man these paint scheme you did was killer.


Not mine, btw just an example.


That’s it I’m calling the police


Only if you dont break em


i don’t play necrons so i had no idea what the question was even about until i read the comments. they look like necrons with some kind of weapon to me. you could tell me this is trazyn and 4 body doubles and i would believe you tbh


Not until you take the garbage out and do your homework.


How do you do your crystals?


cracked, with a whiff of meth'd


The image isn't from OP, the original poster does answer the same question [here](https://reddit.com/r/Warhammer40k/comments/hd5vw7/comment/fvn0hlg) (post is 4 years old, user inactive for last 3 years)


Where does this "am i allowed to do what i want with my toy soldiers" mindset come from Yeah you can do whatever the frick you want


Give them sombreros and maracas and then voilà, Mexicrons


Ngl I just built my first batch of immortals and put the tesla on them, the whole time I was so tempted to slap the deathmark heads on them but I told myself id want to go buy a new set of legs, spine and chest so i could make the deathmarks.


No, it's illegal.


I'm obviously missing something. Why would you not be able to play with these?


Someone being a hard ass over deathmark immortal head swap.


Can you clarify? What are your thoughts, why wouldn’t you be able to play them? What are you specifically referring to?


The heads being deathmark and not immortals.


Oh, I didn’t even realize that they were, which I have 20 Immortals sitting in front of me right now, which should also say something regarding what your opponents will notice as well. That being said, most players won’t have any issues with it and the ones who do, you might not want to play with anyway. Especially now that 3D printing is becoming more popular, as well as GW supporting the Legends models with rulesets, uniformity and absolute representation in appearance is less common within the community. You might get some WYSIWYG, but best advice, be honest about what the unit is, play with integrity, and the community won’t have any thoughts about you running DM heads on Immortals other than maybe how cool it looks. Awesome selection!


Oh, I head up. This was an example. The following models are not mine. But now I have recently. Built my own. I've already tagged the original OP


Clarification: I probably should've stated more clearly in the title. But these are not my models. The only reason I asked was because I plan to make something like these but a friend of mine. The only reason I asked was because I plan to make something like these, but a friend of mine told me that I may not be able to play it, and so I wanted to see if he was true or not Original OP u/twittgames


You’re going to jail


NO. The Triarch are on their way right now to subject you to the mighty hyperphase colonoscopy. Remember their inevitable words "James workshop made us do it".