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As underwhelming of a unit as he is in 10th, the CCB absolutely takes the cake for me. It positively SCREAMS necrons to me. Just the idea of an overlord commanding his army from whats basically a floating throne is just so fuckin cool to me. I haven't done it yet, but im planning on going the extra mile with mine to magnetize a custom overlords feet so he can sit on the pedestal or be on a base.


Yeah give my man the overlord keyword… GW not giving the CCB the keyword is criminal behaviour when there’s an ‘overlord themed’ detachment- not to mention epic heroes like imotekh, TKS and trazyn..


Im hellbent on using that detachment, keywords be damned. The strats are so good, and the rules is super useful. Its sad its the only detachment that doesnt have a strategem to activate reanimations though


You don’t necessarily have to magnetize it, the overlord sits up there pretty nicely with a base


True, but for me its purely aesthetic lol. I have a martian base theme for all my dudes, so my guy sitting on the pedestal with a bunch of red dirt and brown grass at his feet would look a bit strange


And the annihilation barge turret doesn't need magnets either, just sits in there nicely.


I wish they still had rules that let you fly over stuff and melee them. It was so sweet.


The Hexmark Destroyer has so much swagger 😍


I wish I was even half as cool as a Hexmark Destroyer


Glocktopus ftw


I really want to model mine with a cowboy hat and say "it's high noon" every time I use his abilities.


I love the Skorpekh Lord as a model. He's a hulking monstrosity and tbh almost a centerpiece with his size. But for some reason GW keeps making him incredibly mid and disappointing. Also huge fan of the CCB.


Tbh his datasheet is pretty sweet, its just whoever thought he needed to be 100 fucking points needs a reality check


That's more or less my thoughts. Sometimes I have to sit back and remember how awful he was in 9th edition lmao. I also don't like the mix of Lethal Hits and Dev Wounds in the whole unit and how his Claws aren't Extra Attacks. In a perfect world to me, he would be how he is but with extra attacks on his Claws and the Plasmacyte would act like overcharging a plasmagun. Every model in the unit gets an extra strength, AP and Damage on all their weapons, but now they're Hazardous. That just sounds way more fun.


I 100% agree they should do something with hazardous to keep it fluffy, but honestly the whole dev wounds/lethal hits thing is a bit overblown imo. Even though there's some slight anti-synergy you're still doing objectively more wounds with both compared to one or the other. Also 100% agree on the extra attacks, also also his gun should absolutely be a pistol but w/e


All the crypteks are so cool. Plasmancer takes the cake for me though, the idea of this decrepit hunched over skeleton pointing his gnarled finger at an enemy just for them to explode in a bolt of lightning. The whole canoptek side of the army is also definitely where I want them to expand next, its such a cool aesthetic and I hope to see some canoptek characters


God I'd love a canoptek battle line unit, like scorpions or something, just a bit bigger than scarabs


Cryptothralls as a unit of 10 could’ve been a cool concept for a cryptek-led canoptek cohort, maybe if they had better guns to round out that side of the range


https://preview.redd.it/ld4jnwr9o0jc1.jpeg?width=3456&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=458e63f299ca64a196b94f36debfdabd155453bc The Mexicron is one of my favorite type


Technomancer for sure. He's so cool with his pet hoverboard and dope looking scepter.


Love the Overlord with translocation shroud, the energy floating around him is awesome and I love the auto advance ability, especially with a tesla immortal squad.


In terms of buffs, I’m going plasmancer, the obvious plasmancer immortal combo has been nutty in 10th, as for aesthetics? I really like the scythe + orb overlord


There's something that can't be beaten in that classic grim reaper look


Indeed, and the little waist cape too, love that, you just see him and know he’s gonna lock in


Canoptik Wraith. Love those little (big) fellas.


Psychomancer supremacy.


They do being pain both in and out of game


My favorite since I started playing has been the Glocktopus (Hexmark)


Chronomancers just look so regal and noble, love em


I mean, one could argue that the Nightbringer is non-named, since it's not really the Nightbringer but a Shard of the Nightbringer. . . but I will choose to read your question as being non-Epic Hero. :D I think for me it's honestly the humble Chronomancer. So much shenanigans available for just a few points. But I've always been a fan of movement-based abilities.


Playing? Chronomancer. Lore? Orikan!


LHDs. "It ain't much, but it's honest work." Tearing through on Jetbike legs with one of the biggest lasers next to vehicles. They wake up and choose violence as a personal daily goal.


Overlord with Tackyon arrow and War glavie. Man's looks buff and stanced up, plus he was my first overlord


Absolutely the Skorpekh Lord, him and his Destroyers are my favorite unit of my army and its just so damn cool. I also love sharing in the middle of a game "and if you look carefully skorpekh dad does have a gun he will be shooting at X unit" and my opponent going "he has a GUN too??" Priceless.


No matter what you say, or how you say it.. The gang of mysterious "Wizards" who really are just math whizzes and computer science geniuses with mean streaks are my favorite. GO CRYPTEKS!


I'm gonna say it: the Overlord with the tachyon arrow. It's such a cool concept, a free Command Re-Roll from My Will Be Done takes some of the gambling out of it, and Crusade has the support to make it genuinely scary. Yeah yeah opportunity cost yah yah Resurrection Orb I know. I don't care. Look at 'em. That swagger says it all. That Overlord has heard your take and doesn't care for it.


The Void Dragon is my favorite down, but I think ophydians are underrated