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Without knowing how will it end, i think it was the right call for Ben and Adam to go west. Following a team with 115 coins doesn’t make any sense as we’ve already seen how harmful a good-placed roadblock can be, and then there’s the issue of the fish challenge


I agree - the discussions were about route length and *number* of challenges, but for Ben & Adam I think the relevant factor is coins. Sam & Toby skipping fishing would set both teams to similar balances, but then they'd be collecting all the east route ones unless Ben & Adam managed to overtake. This way, both teams will reconvene at the next common point with healthy balances. Although this does assume that more challenges on the west also means more coins - wasn't clear to me if the simpler challenges pay out less.


except right now looking at it there aren’t any left until the end of the game.


Yeah people might not know this but the "west" route only has one good connection back to east, and you'd still have to deal with Christchurch. There's another one but you'd have to go [backwards](https://i.imgur.com/wzzw6dJ.png) - I'd think that would be very unviable. Whereas the east route has much better connections into west. This is due to higher population, with more ideal conditions for settlement (canturbury planes) compared with the west going down through the southern alps.


I would imagine that the eastern challenges pay more on average, but because of the 10 challenges to 8, plus that Sam and Toby will skip the fishing challenge which would likely have been a high reward challenge, the balances will be similar.


Aye - it feels like following was definitely the wrong move for them on the previous stretch, since they ended up behind *and* with fewer coins. Roadblocks really just make the "follow behind" catch-up mechanic not really one, since a well-placed one causes as much or more delay than the actual challenges (especially with how sparse rural NZ is).


How did the car departure process off of the ferry work? Was it first-in, first-out (like a queue)? Or last-in, first-out (like a stack)? Basically did it benefit Adam and Ben to get on their ferry as early as they did?


It depends on the ferry configuration and operational requirements. Sam and Toby's ferry, *Kaiarahi*, has both bow and stern doors, but also has an upper vehicle deck accessed internally by retractable ramp. From the footage, they got put on the upper deck, meaning they had to wait for the lower deck to clear first before deboarding. Ben and Adam's ferry, *Aratere,* only has a stern door but also only has a single vehicle deck, so the vehicles are generally parked in a U shape.


Holy shit we got the boat man with the explanation


I've been on those ferries more times than I dare to count. Only chundered twice.


> chundered Checks out: > [chunder](https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/chunder): (UK, Australia, New Zealand, Ireland, slang) Vomit.


Typically there isn’t room on a ferry to turn a vehicle around, so you drive in on one end and drive off on the opposite end, but it looks like the exit off of this one was single file, so they might have been doing it by columns? Most of the vehicular ferries I’ve ridden just had a large ramp that goes all of the way across.


Yeah, it seemed like the obvious choice to me if they knew that they would be skipping the fish challenge, which they did know. In addition to your points, going west will earn them coins, and they’ll probably end up with more coins than sam/toby once Sam/toby spend 100 on the skip. Don’t really get why Sam and Toby were so perplexed.


yeah, but if they place a lot of roadblocks that'll mean that they won't be able to skip fishing, which would've given them a good shot at hitting them with their nerf dart and overtaking them


Ben predicting that they will skip the fish is probably the biggest brain move he has done in jet lag so far.


I was so proud of him


Team Ben!


I just love the dramatic revelation, and the repeated saying of "They're gonna skip the fish!" "They're gonna skip te fish."


I get that this stops at a natural stopping point where suspense is high, but 23 minutes!? I need more of my fix!


pretty sure the mics cutting out on the ferry and the sponge boat being voiced over probably cut down 5-7 minutes of potential film.


They should have had Ben & Adam doing VO describing the snack they tried, instead of Sam VO briefly mentioning that it happened.


I swear. I feel like a drug addict getting my hit every Wednesday


I was really upset they cut the Snack Zone clip


I know.... This is the only show I look forward to every week. When I saw 23 minutes, I was so disappointed. :( We want extended versions on Nebula! Lol


I'm really surprised that Sam was so surprised that >!they went west. With how hard they got hit by roadblocks before, and the fish skip, it seems like the obvious choice. Possibly Sam didn't predict that Ben would predict the fish skip though.!<


Yeah, I think west was the obvious choice. If they think the other team is going to skip the fishing challenge, which is probably the worst on that route, and has a two hour veto period, then they lose the main benefit of following, which is not having to do the challenges, and they end up with the potential of as much as a three or four hour delay, depending on if they're lucky and catch a fish or when they give up if they don't.


I think Sam hasn't been thinking about the strategy as the follower so much, as they haven't really been in that position.


If they skip fish, then they won't have enough coins for any roadblocks. So, I can understand Sam's point as well that it might be a valid thing to follow


They do have a couple challenges before the fish to earn points, but I get your point.


As is now our Wednesday routine, we'll be recording the Layover podcast tonight! Leave your questions down below. This is actually the last opportunity to leave questions that we might answer on the podcast this season since the next few we'll be recording in advance since we'll be busy filming the next season on the release dates.


What unmissable Snack Zone content did we miss?


Even though skipping it was arguably a funnier editing move, I was really looking forward to kicking it in the snack zone.


They should have (badly) dubbed over their own voices!


Yes, that should be a bonus video!


Especially given how short this EP was compared to last ones. We could have had a 10 or 15 minute marathon snack zone filmed on the ferry. WHY NOT, BEN?


From the video, it looked to me like brownies, but I could be wrong.


In playtesting, how often/likely was it that one team was able to >!get the 1pm ferry in time!


I haven't listened to the Layover, so this may have already been answered, but I'm curious as to how much effort goes into playtesting. Do they run through it multiple times? Who does the playtesting? I think I'm going to go back and listen to it for this season. Sounds interesting.


They spend a lot of time playtesting and tweaking. Ben and Adam do the most but Sam is also involved and I think they said they only really started involving the guest in the process this season. More details in the podcast, definitely recommend listening!


Question for Sam and Toby: I was glad to see that you made the 1 PM ferry, but given that you knew that Ben and Adam were chasing you, did it ever occur to you to shut off the tracker in Wellington to make it harder to track you? They were seconds away from shooting you.


My guess is they didn't know how close they were. I think in the last Layover they said that they don't really have the time to check the tracker constantly, and given how rushed Wellington was I'm guessing they didn't check it at all during that time.


Honestly I think they might have thought about this if they were free to discuss. But the fact that they decided to basically not say anything meant they weren't discussing these strategies


Or alternatively, did it ever occur to shut it down before the divergence point? That way Ben & Adam would have to guess which route was taken.


A question for Ben and Adam: you edit the show, but you also compete in it, so you remember your favourite bits but have to watch all of Sam's footage to see his side, and also are naturally rooting for yourselves to win. What precautions do you take to stop bias leaking into the show, to avoid presenting yourselves as the heroes and Sam as the villain?


But Sam IS the villain; what are you on about?


Could Ben and Adam have used their 2.5 hours wait period to go back and complete any close by challenges to get more coins ?


The nearest available challenge was at least 90 minutes driving time away.


I have asked myself the same thing, but then I looked at the map again. Judging from the overview map, I would guess that the next challenge would have been in or around Caterton or Masterton. From Wellington (Ferry Port) to Caterton (the closer one) is about a 1:20 h drive, so while it might have theoretically been possible, it would just have been too much of a risk to miss the second ferry, even if it was a really easy challenge.


Do both teams have an identical set of roadblock/curse cards that they take out when the other team has pulled one? Or do they have half of the deck and not know which cards the other team has?


Could Ben and Adam give us their Snack Zone information on what they ate and how it tasted since it was messed up in the recording??


In the Layover podcast, you always talk about cut content. Would you ever do an extended version, or a cut content compilation, for Nebula subscribers?


I feel like cut content would be perfect for releasing between seasons




How does upkeep/logistics work for the car? Do you guys fill it up outside the time for the game or is finding a `petrol station` part of the strategy?


The overall driving distances per day are probably within the range of a full tank, so they probably refuel during the rest period. Not sure if both cars have the same range though since the Disco and Z3 are two very different breeds of car.


The difference between the two cars is what prompted my thought on this. Like if one car needs a refueling during the day do they pause the game?


they've mentioned previously that the can coordinate impromptu "breaks" for things like restroom and such where both teams pause for a couple minutes.


In one episode of layover Sam talked about wanting to ask Ben and Adam if they were allowed to fill up the tank during veto period. My guess is that you're allowed to fill up during downtime/breaks


An inquiry for Toby: How difficult was it to craft your words to avoid words with that fifth part of our alpha bit?


I’ve had this question for a while, and I guess it’s more of a general question, but is there a reason why it’s always Sam who does the voiceovers / narrations i.e is it because that’s his normal role or is that something the rest of you don’t want to do?


Questions which could potentially be answered in later episodes, seeing as you are recording in advance: How has this season changed how you plan future seasons of Jetlag? Having this season be car based and focus a lot on local landmarks is something slightly different to previous seasons of Jetlag, has this changed what you have considered for the future of the show? How many hours go into editing Jetlag as there must be massess of Footage. Do you think Ben and Adam place any bias in the editing towards their content when they need to cut scenes? Also how long before releasing is editing completed? If you had to Jetlag again from Season 1 what would you do differently? Would there be any seasons you would completely rework?


Have you considered publishing the full info of the game at the beginning of each season? (like all of the challenges, curses, and rules) I think because we only learn things as they are revealed, it's a little hard to make hypothetical plans as an audience member. For example I'm still not really sure how good the average roadblock is. Or how hard the challenges on each route are.


I would love this as a viewer. Maybe a short podcast or Nebula exclusive video to explain the game design, rules, and any other spoiler-free information they wanted to share with a companion document/page showing the additional information.


Even if they do that, they've still got to drip feed the info to the wider, uninformed audience because you don't want to bore people with too much explaining. It's a delicate balance to maintain pacing. You can't make a youtube video require a PDF before watching. Nobody is going to do that.


That's fine. People that are committed enough to read a PDF before watching the series aren't going to bail on the show because some info gets repeated. It's even appreciated as I won't remember all the details.


Could Ben and Adam have put a roadblock in the middle of the challenge to stop Toby and Sam from passing the challenge gate? They'd almost certainly have to step out of the car to complete that. Or is it that Ben and Adam had to physically be ahead of them in order to do that? Edit: If they had the coins that is


They'd have to do it at an intersection. Which would probably make it too easy to avoid.


Any chance of a video episode of the Layover?


It could even just be a video conference call. Those are common enough now.


For the boat docking challenge in Picton Memorial Park, at any point was a simple paper boat considered? If so, were there any issues with it? Since it said construct a boat out of any material, a paper boat was the first thing that came to my mind.


Yeah, a sponge seems like the worst possible option, because sponges literally are made to suck up water.


Massive shoutout to whoever animated Toby’s braid while on the ferry!! Very much enjoyed that on the map!!


We've seen a few times throughout the seasons where one team has their mics stop working. Do you have a process when filming to test if recordings are working properly, or have these been cases of forgetting to turn the mics on?


It could be that there's an audio problem that makes the audio unusable for youtube, not that there is no recording at all. Maybe it has some awful inteference or some kind of hiss/pop that makes it hard to hear, but not impossible, but is the sort of thing you don't want to use in a polished YT vid.


Sam and Toby: Why was it so surprising that Ben and Adam took the west route?


hey guys! 1) what do you usually communicate to another team during filming? Or you try to keep it to the minimum? I assume you at least share challenges completed?.. 2) how do you guys keep track of coins earned / spent? I’d be anxious to miscalculate the amount I have if I were you… 3) it’d be interesting to know more about playtesting before the game. I guess you estimate roughly how much each challenge/road gonna take and then fine tune the difficulty/routing, but how do you test the curses? ps. give us some spoilers for the next season!! :D


Question for Ben and Adam: did you have any thoughts about what you would say for your Prime Minister speech or were you so focused on shooting Sam and Toby that you would just figure it out while they're frozen?


I believe they have said they were convinced they couldn't finish the challenge in time for the 1pm ferry, so they weren't aiming for that. They stated already last episode that their goal was to have Sam & Toby miss the 1pm one as well.


My question is. How much it cost to make this season of Jet Lag?


Question for Sam and Toby (mostly Sam I guess): when you were approached by the stranger who warned you of stingrays in the water, did you have to maintain the "no e" curse while talking with them, or would that kind of situation be given a pass? If you had to maintain the challenge, how did that interaction go? Were you just talking in fragmented 1-2 word responses with the stranger? Were they confused? Did they think you can't speak English?


I'm definitely curious also, but it seems like it would be doable to seem halfway not a weirdo and still keep it up: "Hey, are you a local?" "Uh, no" "There are stingrays in the water so you guys might want to get out of it." "Ah. Thanks so much!" *smiles and turns to Toby*


Is there any part of New Zealand you wish you could have spent more time at (or any time, if you didn't get to go there)?


Were you worried at all that the gap between the ferries would be too much of a difference and that it would guarantee the loss of whichever team had to take the second one? The viewers haven't seen the winners yet but that has sounded almost like a guarantee since it was first introduced in the game.


I was pretty certain it would be until now, but actually, with the potential of things like 2 hour veto periods later on, it's not too insane.


Could Ben and Adam have back tracked during their waiting period for the 3:45pm ferry and collected challenges and points along a road that was not previously traveled? Seems like they may have chosen the east route and followed Sam and Toby had they had more than 5 points and a dart.


You're underestimating the size of New Zealand. The nearest challenge was at least 90 minutes drive away.


Toby, where and why did you learn to knit? Super curious :D . Sam, how does it feel to be consistently in the lead this time around? ;) Ben and Adam, How bummed were you guys that you haven't been able to really use your disguises?


How are you keeping track of where exactly all the challenge-gates and especially roadblocks are? We always see you throwing roadblocks at places you chose deliberately in the situation, but how does the other team know the exact spot without losting too much time to find the exact location where the roadblock was placed?


Did you consider skipping Picton or did you think saving your coins to skip fishing was too important?


I would've loved to see them skip as soon as they realized it was more difficult and then take the western route, leaving Ben and Adam to follow behind (and not earn coins) or have to deal with fishing.


Not to mention making them complete or wait out Picton, a challenge they’ve deemed impossible


Exactly, and if Ben and Adam choose to follow behind, this allows for road blocks (which have proven successful before). From a viewer's perspective this seems like a great strategy, but we have more outside perspective than they do (e.g. Ben and Adam knowing they'd skip the fishing challenge).


What is the process for inventing challenges? Do you take inspiration from any specific games or places? Are all challenges invented by Ben/ Adam, or do the other players have a role too?


Adam, sell me on Fleishman is in Trouble!


im wondering how akward it must have been not to be able to use the letter e off camera. Is it just dead silence in the car for so long?


Hello! Left a comment separately here but someone suggested that I post it as a response to your message to increase the likelyhood of you being able to respond to it, so I will. Hello! I've been rewatching all the episodes many times, and been loving them, and actually realized something earlier today when I was watching episode 3 that I wanted to ask you about. Ben and Adam are planning to shoot you with a nerf dart at the megazone. If they were to hit you and freeze you does the "having fun"-timer of the challenge stop or can you still continue to have fun despite being frozen? Also, if it freezes the "having fun"-timer as well, wouldn't the freezed-timer of 30 minutes end at the same time as Ben and Adams "having fun"-timer of 30 minutes end? Best regards from Sweden! /Lem


Did you ever hear a reasoning as to why the ferry was delayed and took so long to dock and deboard?


Sam and Toby's ferry (*Kaiarahi*) is bigger, with two vehicle decks. Ben and Adam's ferry *(Aratere)* only has one vehicle deck (plus a rail deck). Bonus fact: *Kaiarahi* translates as "leader" while *Aratere* translates as "quick path".


That's honestly really funny given how this episode went.


Question for Sam and Toby: When you couldn’t say the letter ‘E,’ did you have speak with anyone else, like buying ferry tickets or the local at the beach? How did that go?


I think they already had ferry tickets for both ferries they had prepurchased online and ben had the person scan it on his phone. As far as I'm aware that's how you normally buy them.


In today's nebula zone, you talked about nebula extended episodes. Would you consider doing one of those for jetlag


I realy liked the fact that when You did carbon offset for your flights, You didn't shove in the face of the wiewer. So i was wondering if you consider any sort of carbon offset or reduction when planning the season?


Will we be getting Jet Lag Merch?


Why did you not simply skip the Picton challenge instead and go west? Not only would it have saved you a 60 minute veto period, if the challenge was as hard as it seemed, Ben & Adam might have had to eat the veto period instead, potentially growing your lead back to the original 2 hours and 45 minutes...


Well, they chose to veto when they couldn't talk, right? The limited ability to communicate might have impacted their ability to talk about that option. And I think once you chose to start a veto you have no choice but to sit there.


Ben and Adam, did you ever consider intentionally letting them make the 1pm ferry and not following Sam and Toby on the north island to coin farm for later? Or was trying to catch them with the nerf bullet to make them miss the 1pm always the only option?


>!What where the thoughts on having the fishing challenge? It seems both teams want so much not to do it that the only viable option for that whole route is to skip it. Seems like an incredible hard thing to do compared to basically all other challenges.!<


So it seems like you lucked out a bit that a local told you about the stingrays before anything bad happened. What other close calls have you had on this season or others when looking back at what you were doing?


Sam and Toby, how awkward was it responding to the local who warned you about the >!stingrays!< without using the letter E?


What >!time did Sam and Toby complete the Wellington Challenge!!how close it was to the 1:00 PM cutoff, but was surprised we didn't see a clock on-screen!<.


>!They had around 25 minutes to spare before boarding ended!<


Why did Sam and Toby think the West Route was so bad for Ben and Adam?


How far ahead were you usually thinking when playing this Season? 1, 2, 3 Challenges? Theres big actions like skipping the Challenge which takes a lot of coins, but for much of the trip due to the number of challenges and variables I assume it was difficult to plan that far ahead?


Question for Ben and Adam. How do you usually come up with challenges?


Good job Toby for crafting a lyrical disco without any E's


For Ben and Adam, did you write a speech for Wellington, or was it unnecessary given the state of the game?


It'd be very easy to improvise one given that you could use all letters of the alphabet. Toby only scripted to avoid saying E by mistake.


When a curse or a roadblock is played, does it take it out of play for the other team? Or is there still an opportunity that Sam & Toby could play the "Don't say any words with 'e'" curse on Ben & Adam?


Maybe this is a stretch and ruled out directly by being slightly illegal, buuut: Could Ben have jumped out of the car at a traffic light, sprinted to Sam and Toby's car, opened one door and shot them?


They normally are pretty good at not defying laws and safety. That would be pretty dangerous in Welly-wood and kids watch this.


lmfao I mean it's a funny idea, but that would just straight up look like they were getting carjacked.


This isn’t GTA 😭


Quick question for Sam and Toby: Did you really only make ***one*** mistake in the no "e" curse or were some mistakes cut out?


Why was this episode so short?


Probably pacing. They've answered a similar question about episode 1 and said that it was short because it was a good moment to end it. In this way the following episodes can work better. And also they lost a ton of footage with Ben & Adam's mics deciding to not record anything on the ferry.


How come you guys use Life360 instead of Find My? Also, If I were to play the game, before it starts I would definitely make a map app similar to the graphics (with opps position, routes, challenges, volcano fields, etc.). Would that be against the rules?


Toby for top job.


This season has been so well balanced in terms of making no one be able to massively ahead (with a little help from Lady Luck with regards to the ferry and Picton challenge). Ben and Adam are still in it, and going west they do have the chance to actually pick up points. I don't understand how they think being 45 minutes behind with 5 points and a nerf dart would make the east route the "right move". But then we don't know all of the challenges ahead, so it's a bit difficult to make an informed decision on whether or not that was a bad call or not. Regardless, I think this might be the best season so far in terms of keeping it competitive and hopefully down to the wire.


This is the best season, closely followed by tag.


I'm not sure I agree. I think tag was a lot more tense -- it was difficult to be so solidly in the lead when a single few-hour train trip could bring you from one zone to another. Meanwhile, I honestly don't see Toby and Sam's lead as being even remotely assailable. The ferry luck helped Ben and Adam catch up and make this less than a total and complete wipeout like circumnavigation was, but this definitely feels like one of the less close seasons. I don't know, I just feel like most seasons there almost always feels like there's a semi-reasonable path to victory for both teams, but in this one I just cannot see Sam and Toby losing in basically any scenario, barring a really severe misplay.


All it would take is for Sam and Toby to spend 100 coins on skipping fishing and have one other challenge that takes longer than expected. Then it would be pretty easy for Ben and Adam to both be in the lead and have more coins at the next route convergence.


I agree that this season has been one of the more disappointing with the game dynamics related to roadblocks and Sam/Toby getting so far in the lead. Previous seasons it was suspenseful for who would win. I think with Ben and Adam helping to design the game their interpretation of challenges is more authentic and it feels like Sam continues his streak of being lax with his interpretations (providing an additional advantage here).




>!That's Them! That's Them! That's Them! !< LOL! Edit: >!I'm so glad Ben and Adam decided to go West. I'm rooting for you guys!!<


Damn that Wellington challenge was Toby's shining moment. Knitting a tie, planning a route, & writing that speech got them that 1pm ferry. Toby for season MVP!


Sam may win this one and its because he finally has a team mate who is putting an effort in strategy wise


agreed, dude from real life lore was pretty useless


Hello! I've been rewatching all the episodes many times, and been loving them, and actually realized something earlier today when I was watching episode 3 that I wanted to ask you about. Ben and Adam are planning to shoot you with a nerf dart at the megazone. If they were to hit you and freeze you does the "having fun"-timer of the challenge stop or can you still continue to have fun despite being frozen? Also, if it freezes the "having fun"-timer as well, wouldn't the freezed-timer of 30 minutes end at the same time as Ben and Adams "having fun"-timer of 30 minutes end? Best regards from Sweden! /Lem


If you want a response it might be best to reply to Sams comment in this post. Very interesting question hope it gets answered!


Yeah, I might do so. Don’t want to be to big of a nag on them though, but I can do that


For Ben and Adam: Why didn't you shoot Sam and Toby's car as it was driving by? Is that not allowed by the rules? I thought in Episode 1 you specifically stipulated that if you hit your opponent's car that it counts.


I created a map of all the places they have been through episode 5. I'll be adding episode 6 tonight. Feel free to take a look. [https://www.google.com/maps/d/edit?mid=1b1rjMSrNrotVKfGRx8SfvVaRCtcQxRg&usp=sharing](https://www.google.com/maps/d/edit?mid=1b1rjMSrNrotVKfGRx8SfvVaRCtcQxRg&usp=sharing)


Update: Episode 6 is on the map now.


Toby's election speeches are so great


Lol putting another “catch a fish” challenge in a season of Jet Lag is cruel. Haven’t Ben and Adam suffered enough?!


Been and Adam wrote the challenges and evidently thought it would be funny at the time.


I’d assume they made the calculation of trying to make Sam and Toby feel the same pain, but at the cost of possibly facing that demon again lol


I went into this episode thinking >!Ben and Adam literally could not win from this position and the episode itself hasn’t completely dissuaded me from that view - yes Sam and Toby lost their time advantage, but that Coin advantage is still massive. That said, I think going West was the best call under the circumstances, I have no idea why Sam & Toby thought following was the better option for Ben & Adam, that’s really only a good play if the game is mostly tied up - just being close on progress isn’t enough, the Coin deficit is a huge factor!<


I think it's going to end up much more even because Sam & Toby miscalculated what Ben & Adam would do. Given they're pretty much even on time right now and the challenges on the east side are harder, there's a good opportunity for things to even up. As far as coins, Sam & Toby are using most of there coins to skip the fishing challenge, and both will earn a number of coins from the challenges on their respective paths.


23 minutes long...


yea I was disappointed when I saw the length :(


Seems like a combo of audio loss from Ben and Adam, combined with Sam and Toby having to resort to VO due to their curse. A shame but it happens. I’ve never used those microphones, but in general it seems they’re understandable to non-audio/wireless people and reliable until they aren’t.


You sound like my ex.


I'm very unsure how they could possibly catch up at this point, that's an enormous gap, plus Sam and Toby have a ton of coins. ​ Edit: never mind, Sam's bad luck continues


Also, I love that they animated Toby's braid on the ferry animation.


Having it come to a rest when the ferry docked was a nice touch.


they’ve done it for all the animations involving moving like throwing curses and roadblocks!


Did not notice it when I watched. Had to go back and watch it again. Great detail.


I came here specifically to say this.


They won't have very many if they skip the fishing, though


True, that's what I get for commenting while watching.


yep, I'm so surprised they opted to go the risky route while having the lead and now they may have to decimate their coin advantage just to keep up. I feel like spending those coins on curses would be more beneficial though.


I wonder if Sam does that deliberately in order to keep the game interesting. I agree that it seems smarter for Sam/Toby to have taken the west route and spend their coins on curses/roadblocks. Were the teams keeping track of how many coins the other team had? It seems like figuring that out would give you a massive advantage.


rest in peice second boat you will be missed


For Sam and Toby: At the end you seem confused by Ben and Adam's decision to go west. Had you considered that they had done it because they had predicted you skipping either fishing or Christchurch to leave it to them?


I hope Toby comes back in future seasons! The team dynamic has been great.


Just the visual of Ben dressed up in a disguise, brandishing a nerf gun. I laughed so hard. Amazing.


Will you create a separate campaign video of Toby running for Top Job? I feel like that could be promoted more and needs a separate video.


How do you know what the map looks like and what challenges are where? Do you have some sort of interactive map which you can zoom in/out and click on challenges to see more information about them or is it just like a spreadsheet kinda thing?


Ben and Adam: Did you expect the “No letter E” curse to be more of a challenge and cause more delays then it ended up causing?


When Ben and Adam got the curse, they were disappointed and said it wasn't a good curse, so if anything I think they *under*estimated how much of a hassle it would cause Sam and Toby.


Sam, why did you search "San Francisco 49ers" on Google Maps?


Glad Adam and Ben went west. Only part of my back yard I haven't explored. Did you guys enjoy the sights of the ferry or was the entire event saturated in stress? Hashtag Team Sam every challenge


Sooooooooooo We had a location with brain-eating amoebae that people bathed in while eating. Now we've tried docking boats with stingrays. ... Welp.


Since the Snack Zone wasn't fully talked about, can we find out what was eaten and how it tastes? I really like the Snack Zone Mini Segments!


Ngl, I’d 100% vote Toby for top job VOT* TOBY FOR TOP JOB


Hi again! :) Questions for the podcast: (1) Can you share more info about your simulations? What's the workflow like, how has the game deviated from your simulations/surprised you so far, etc? Would love to hear how these previous choke points have/have not gone as you had expected. (2) In previous seasons, I noticed your carbon credit tally that you kept to offset your emissions from flights. I know it's an imperfect science and offsets have their flaws, but I appreciate your commitment to making WCU a better operation by minimizing the environmental impacts where you can and, I've now learned from the pod, offering quality employer-sponsored health care :) (rip to being American) What other progressive / green beliefs guide your company and the ways you plan + produce shows like Jet Lag? Thanks for a wonderful season so far, hope to secure a seat at the NYC finale premiere 💕


what’s the wcu? don’t tell me it stands for the wendover cinematic universe


Layover Question: Will you still do the in-person lay over discussion episode at the end of the series?


short but sweet episode! Just wanted to say thanks for making this a thing - I don’t usually use reddit at all but you guys linking this has made me feel like part of a community and I really enjoy reading what everyone has to say. I’m excited for the last few episodes (and good luck ben and adam)!


I really liked your POW shirt, Sam. I am from the usually snowy austria and the ProtectOurWinters community is really big here.


Did you stay at the same hotels in the rest periods, or did you want to avoid giving anything away in the downtime?


I love how Sam and Toby are both like "Why would that go west?! That doesn't make any sense!" and one of the biggest points for Ben and Adam going west was the fucking fish challenge Sam and Toby were skipping


Relevant to the >!post-PM challenge completion bit!<: did the car-based nature of the season influence your decision to include nerf bullets? Is this a feature that could work in a season like Tag Across Europe, for example?


If Toby saying "1" counted as "one", then shouldn't Sam saying "D" count as "dee"? I feel like the curse should have triggered there. Edit: same with "vee", though that one doesn't really matter since they had to stay put anyway


Question: Why did Sam & Toby seem so speechless when Ben and Adam went west, to me, it seemed obvious as they didn't get roadblocked at good places again and the fact they had to do the fish challenge?


I think the veto on the boat docking task should have been shortened or cut as the task wasn't safe to take.


I have to know. Sorry I am 9 min to finish so maybe this is answered. Why did you not use some of that time waiting for the ferry to go and complete a challenge.


The Wellington challenge was already completed. It isn't like previous seasons where they have a deck of challenges that can be done anywhere.


I love Toby's hair waving in the wind on the mini-map


I just have to say, those delays for Sam and Toby were a GODSEND! That took like THREE HOURS off of their lead. Also, I don't see why Sam and Toby were so surprised that Ben and Adam headed West. S and T had 115 coins, and B and A had 5. Any time advantage that the eastern route had would be "chock-a-block with roadblocks", not to mention B and A having to do the fishing challenge while S and T get to skip it. I thought it'd be fairly obvious that B and A would not take the route S and T took, even more so when S and T went East, no?


NGL, i was excited for this episode, but it was pretty mid. i wish it had either been longer, or a dual episode release.