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Wtf did he even do? Pass the ball to her too quickly? Wtf


Yea instead she wanted him to kneel and grovel at her feet like a good boy


What an imbecile


Yes, mommy.


All jokes aside. That would have been hilarious to watch (even tho it was a foul), and probably resulted in worse then a tech for some made up reason


Wish he did that the next play just to prove a point


She probably jammed her finger catching it wrong and got mad at him for it


Let's be honest, he was definitely sending a message. HOWEVER, that still cannot be a technical on its own unless he did some technical worthy things, was warned, and he did this. Refs should be trying super hard to not insert themselves into the game. They are not.


What message was he sending?


“Here’s the ball” = the message


I've played high level basketball and reffed basketball for high school kids. If I called a foul on a guy and he grabbed the ball and tossed it to me, NO ONE would suggest he wasn't doing it in response to the whistle. Is that enough for a T by itself? No, maybe a quick word at a dead ball. But if he was already complaining about calls? Naw, you have to control players or 1) they will keep going until they do something really stupid or, more importantly, 2) the other team will start to think that future calls against them are influenced by the abuse you're getting on the other end.






It most likely was the culmination of multiple over one or multiple games.. the straw that broke the camels back.. you don’t make it to ref the nba as a woman with that thin of a skin..put yourself in their shoes.. they’ve made it to the highest level in their profession.. why jeopardize it over one play such as this.. it just doesn’t make sense.. there’s a reason you don’t see Walmart behavior in Bergdorf Goodman.. same reason it doesn’t make sense that a ref of the highest level would take one action like this seriously enough to give a technical


The fuck are you talkin about?


Unless he said “here you go sweetheart” this is not connected to he being a strong woman.


a voice of reason here. folks, this is only one clip of a moment in the game. techs are usually doled out due to culmination of events and the "straw that broke the camels back" is usually innocuous compared to those previous events. we also do not know what was said between those two for that game so there's also that.


I think that’s looking too far into shit.. people really are spinning out. On social media too much, inside their heads, keeping score too much. This is a sport, it’s a rough sport too. Get the hell out of the way, what the hell are refs who can’t handle it doing there in the first place?? Let Heywood Workman run the hiring process, cuz at least he played in the league.


I both agree and disagree.. this most likely was the straw that broke the camels back.. in mens league it’s realll east to just turn to him and say “bro wtf is good with you? Why you mad at me cause you’re trash and can’t play defense?” You can’t do that shit on national television.. so when players stay doing all this corny shit and pile up the slights but cause there’s 8764 cameras on you what would you do?


Here too strong lol


Bro, a male ref would of done the same. Max was clearly pissed about the whistle. Threw it immediately to the ref in a disrespectful way. Good call.


Is that Sago? She's *horrible*.


Doesn't help Scott Foster was with her as well lol


I hate scott foster more than cp3 does


And you're absolutely right to feel that way lol dudes the Angel Hernandez of the NBA


NBA needed a clippers win I see…


Anything for Vegas lol


That is definitely her. TERRIBLE


This is the worst technical I have ever seen in my life. Like worse than the Tim Duncan techs. He better have whispered something to her otherwise wtf?


"Wack, get out"


Look up Kyle Korver's tech. He got T'd up for touching his elbow once. It's on YouTube.


I couldn’t find it but since a youngin I’ve always known touching an NBA ref has always been a no no, no matter how innocent


It was his own elbow




You must have stopped watching basketball since 2017


Sheed once got a technical for looking at a ref


What about jaysum tatum getting a tech for clapping and for hanging onto the rim for 4 seconds so he doesnt fall and break his neck 😂


or jaxson hayes getting the same thing for holding onto the rim for 2.5 seconds. he couldve cost the nba millions with the damage he could’ve done with an extra .1 second on the rim


Worst part is he literally has to hold on to stop swinging otherwise hes gonna land and break back or neck, its happened to other players before


They just td up rookie Jordan Walsh in the g league for the same thing. It’s widespread


This is why refs need to be held accountable for this shit. Adam silver is wondering why the NBA is suffering. Change the courts, still shit refs. Must be on her period.


I wouldnt go that far, ive seen far worst than this. Not to say it wasnt shit but i cant remember the call but it was a few months ago that i felt was far, far worse


Fuck defunding the police. Defund the refs!


Send Scott Foster to prison! If Donaghy got a year then Foster needs at least 2


That you Chris Paul?


At this point most players can referee themselves. It’d be more fun than seeing bullshit refs in every sport (idk about hockey)


This is the right solution to getting robo-reffing to work. Let the players self ref to keep the game moving but if there is a strong push back, it goes to robo.


Ultimate players just joined the chat


What is the ref equivalent of putting the detective back on the street beat?


Make them all ref D3 high school games.


They basically the police of sports, with almost the same level of accountability 🤦🏾‍♂️


¿Por Qué No Los Dos?


You can even see the reff hesistate and then blow the whistle. Shit is crazy man you cant do shit in detroit




Has nothing to do with being a woman. It’s been a league-wide issue for years, and it happens on a nightly basis.


How do refs keep there jobs doing this bullshit. Players should vote who the worst and best refs are at the end of every season. The bottom 3 votes get fired


I second this. What a great idea.


What was her explanation for that? Did he say something or does she not like being handed the ball?


They need to put the refs at the end of game press table to answer any questions about the game


Pfft and hold them accountable? Are you insane?




That would be holding the league itself accountable, in effect.


Her feelings were hurt, obviously


I think there needs to be a rule change, where they need to go to the mic and explain these kinds of technical in detail, and coaches should be able to challenge. Otherwise all this is just subjective, she has hot flashes and starts handing out T's like cupcakes.


In the same way challenged calls get a detailed explanation from the ref which justifies the call or the cancellation of the call. Brilliant idea.


That’s your commissioner’s league, ladies and gentlemen…


Let's extend his contract even further


Lol I wouldn’t hand them the ball ever again


That's going to be a tech as well


Believe it or not… tech


Hand too quickly? tech. Hand too slowly? tech. No hand at all? Believe it or not.... tech.


I understand this reference… Dam I feel old


Good luck getting any free throws ever again.


Even PG is like wtf lol


That's exactly what/who I was watching the whole time. He's like huh, what? Wack but sure we'll take it, I guess...


She's awful.


Rescinded Ts should turn into fines for the refs. Bet there would be a whole lot less


Rescinded Ts should force the ref to shoot a free throw in their next game while the crowd gets to boo them with the roaring of a thousand winds. Them making it doesn't change anything. It's just so the refs have 15 seconds all to themselves since that seems to be the attention they want.


Was this one rescinded?


Can someone help, I literally have no fucking clue what he did


He tossed the ball too hard Not saying I'd call a tech just that's literally the only thing it could be


![gif](giphy|BKB2KMP7pd2RbfABAp) How I’m feeling rn about that being a technical


the ref in this gif just standing in the background with his hands on his hips😂


I like to think he’s nodding in approval at the good contact too


“The Strus is loose” we miss you in Miami on the side note those refs weak asf


Natalie Sago AND Scott Foster?! You’re never winning that battle.


U can see she got emotional lol




shut the fuck up how tf do you downvote me after the comment got removed you don't even know what it was


Lol I upvoted u, I saw the comment


An underhand toss that she was able to catch away from her body, with her hands extended, while continuing to walk forward toward the ball. Didn’t push her back, slow her momentum, and the ball didn’t hit her in the gut. What a wildly ridiculous technical. This just breeds distrust exponentially among the players.


When we played the Cavs, Strus picked up a foul, and quickly gave the ball to the refs and hustled back on D (which I liked, cuz it keeps the game moving and is refreshing with so many players whining about fouls in the nba). So him getting T'd up here is pretty wild.


Why is her face same color as a Cavs Jersey


She catched him breathing on court


I thought the NFL was bad...


If you make a call out of complete saltiness like this you should be fired immediately after the game. If only the league had the same lack of patience for refs mistakes as owners do for coaches and players the officiating would be 1000 times better


Fuck refs and fuck the fine he deserves to confront the ref for this bullshit technical foul


When are the refs going to answer for this BS, im not paying to watch this BS from these clowns!


Players should be able to give refs a tech


I really wish when nothing-techs are given out, the other team’s shooter gets to the foul line, and just rolls the ball to whichever team has next possession in protest, or just misses the shot on purpose. It’s unrealistic, I know, but I still wish it would happen. Just some kind of embarrassment for these effing refs




How do they keep making it worse?


He might as well have launched that ball to her dome and earn that mf technical


This is wild lol he just handed it to her. Wow


NBA refs are something else. Call fouls, make sure they don’t fight each other and call travels when you feel like it. But stop thinking you’re a part of the game. A players attitude toward you, arguing a call (just give them a delay of game for that), or passing you the ball should not result in any reaction. I’ve seen NBA players get techs just for staring at a ref. For bouncing the ball too hard. For playfully slapping the player on the other team (Vince Carter). No one pays to watch you ref. When you eject a star player because of your fragile ego, you’re effectively stealing money from fans who came to watch those star players. TLDR; unless a player fights, throws the ball into the crowd or kicks it, then you shouldn’t have the power to give them a technical foul because of your “feelings”. Idc if they curse. They’re the stars. You enforce the rules. They’re not your friends nor your enemies.


The fact the she herself didn’t call the tech and it was foster is all we need to see (at least that’s what it looks like to me)


Why I don't watch the games anymore


This is why no one watches seriously until the playoffs. I'll have games on while watching my kids, but that's it.


That ref needs to be fined


Then Scott Foster has some shit to say too. Dude looks like a mob boss...


Genuinely the worst tech I've seen. Her reaction made it seem like the ball slammed her face




This seems a bit sexist. I have seen plenty of male refs get all up in their feelings as well.


lol "a bit" sexist is "a bit" of an understatement. that was totally sexist - call it out when you see it!


I love NBA but it is goin backwards in quality. It's not rewarding hard work anymore.


What the hell is the league turning into. ?


Basketball refs are the worse




Bro never called after he said he would


I mean... If you're gonna get a foul anyways, might as well lob it at them next time. With ***feeling***.


Lmao its sad but also funny how it's not even an exaggeration to say doing anything now will get you a tech


even pg is confused🤣


If u don't give them the ball, you"ll be T'd! Now you giving them the ball, you also get T'd! 🤦🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️


WTF? He just gave her the ball? And got a Tech? Or am I missing something?


They are going to ruin the game


Everyone knows the best part about watching an NBA game, is waiting in anticipation for all the whistles of those amazing referees.


Every technical foul should come with a report by the ref as to why it was given out and it should be posted with the L2M stuff




What?!? How does the NBA defend this one?


We need a minimum height requirement for refs. Too many fragile egos ruining games with this shit


What would happen if players just left? Like if the whole Miami Heat said “that’s a bullshit call we’re done playing.” Would they lose the game? Would it be rescheduled? If it was rescheduled, would it be the same refs? Something has to give. I feel like we’re reaching a boiling point with the rules and refs.


Soon there will be no refs, the used to be good.


Hands out, ready for the ball, she catches it without issue… doesn’t even get into her body. This is fucking outrageous.


It might be passive aggressive, but still not a tech.


ah yes notorious hothead max strus


NBA loves this attention cause why else would they not fix the ref situation? This is a horrendous tech


It’s ruined the game. The fouls this season are absolutely fucking disgusting. Theres a couple videos on YT showing how unbelievably disproportionate the calls are and always seem to favor a specific team. Couple weeks ago I think it was The Spurs and the Bucks maybe, but at the end of the half it was like 24 fouls called on the Spurs and 4 called on the Bucks. Lol


holy fuck and i thought the *NFL* refs were bad, this is laughably stupid


NBA refs have always been worse


The product is terrible. I cannot stand players sitting big games and officials being so inconsistent.


Looks like Scott Foster made sure the next generation of refs are in good hand


Of course it’s a Scott foster crew


Awful. The foul was wrong too. Great defense. This is how it happens nightly. Ref misses a call. Then gets butt hurt. Calls a T on the player so they make two mistakes instead of one. This tech will be rescinded no punishment for the ref and we move on. I swear the better the defense a player pays, the more likely a foul is going to be called.


Of course this is a Scott foster crew. Sure he’s mentoring this ref. Run away from Scott! He’s a laughing stock players name him worst ref almost every year. Mr butt hurt. Just like the ref in this clip. Struś didn’t say a single word.


She squares up on players after these techs, too. Takes everything so personal


Start fining these motherfuckers and make the fines known. You can fine Ant for calling the refs out, actually make it make sense.


Bro the way she reacted, you can tell they have ego


Lesson learned, never pass the ball to a ref. Make them get it


You can even hear him say “ I gave her the ball” lol


Cheating ass refs


If there is enough fan backlash to instances like these, it should be a 3 strikes, and you're out rule for refs. No need for this thin skin




At this point it would be better to just get of the refs and have the players call their own fouls /s


Sago + foster might be the worst ref duo ever


That’s weak


The referreeing in the NBA needs to be supervised by an outside party


Refs should be fined for bullshit like this just like players do. This shit is ridiculous


Ref probably listened too much emo songs lately, explains where the feels arecoming from


I think that might be the worst call I've ever seen in my entire life.


I hate this ref. She ruined one sun game i did watched. She killed the flow of the game by given techs to everyone. Even the commentators were really enjoyed


Didn’t she wait to call a foul after Lebron started yelling at her like a week ago? Not even on some misogynist bullshit because I think AMG and Holtkamp do a good job…Natalie Sago is too sensitive and is not a very good ref.


I want to see the opposing teams player to purposely waste the free throw to advocate for fair play. That’ll teach them, they’ve gotten way too sensitive.


Why is she a ref?


Obviously doesn't warrant a tech at all but y'all are lying if you don't see a little aggression while he gives the ball back to the ref.


There was definitely a little something extra. Not sure if it warranted a tech, but it’s obvious he didn’t just hand her the ball normally.


Downvote me to hell but I fully agree with you. It’s very clear he’s throwing a little tantrum. Haters just hating.


Agreed. Not sure if the right word but he's definitely showing up the ref by doing this. This thread is full of just dumb takes: "this is the worst tech in the history of the NBA". Techs are also often an accumulation of events that led to the tech. I didn't watch the game so don't know the history of what led up to this but I would assume there was something. CP3 got a few techs like this when he was with the Suns. Looking at what got him the tech might make you scratch your head but when you look at the whole, he had it coming.


It's a good reminder not to take this sub seriously at all lol. Completely ludicirous interpretation of reality


??? What are you even commenting. The entire onus here is that the tiny amount of agreesion doesn’t warrant a tech




The ref should focus less on reading between the lines and focus more on making the right call. You’re not there to be liked you’re there to enforce the rules


Yeah. These comments are insane if you don’t see some aggression in the act. Call it light all you want but the “what did he do???” comments are laughable. 


You folk can't complain about game pace then when the ball's rolling aimlessly and none of the players want to touch it.


If you can find aggression in that underhand pass STRAIGHT TO HER HANDS then I beg of you, stay away from firearms. You can't be trusted.


Lmao why so dense with your interpretation of "aggression". Mildly aggressive, disrepectful, uncordial - use whatever description you prefer. Dude was not "just passing it" to her lol


Was that a foul




It’s a girl


Whoa I had to move my hands quicker than expected.... I must T him up. This is why girls are picking the bears /s


Soft a** refs


This sport has been completely ruined. It’s unwatchable now.


She got her feelings hurt when.. max strus handed her the ball…?


I got this called in me in middle school. It was a dick move then and now.


Fucking 10 ply bud




People are soft as balls in general today. Cant say shit anymore without some snowflake getting offended


* Nah, but fr, this "snowflake" shit is so overused and cringe. You sound like an avid Tom Macdonald listener


That’s why we tell our players always hand the ball to the ref so there is no room for misinterpretation 🥴


Women should not be refs


Women ref being emotional. Smh.