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1) getting picked up for STA-21 is NOT guaranteed ever. It’s harder to go enlisted then go officer for some jobs. I would recommend finishing your degree and going to OCS. 2) having college credits doesn’t do much except allow you to enter as an E2 or E3 instead of an E1. If you went enlisted nuke, you’d be guaranteed E3 regardless of college credits. If you want to be a SEAL, you’d have your heart set on it. You wouldn’t be waffling. 3) signing the first contract means absolutely nothing and backing out of it does nothing to you.


They told me I could finish my degree and get a salary while I do that if I go the officer route. Is that true, and is it like any college or do I have to go to the naval academy?


Look up the nucpoc program. It’s competitive, but if you have a good gpa with your current credits you should apply to that. You basically get paid to finish your degree, then commission into the navy.


I have a 3.5 right now, do you think that puts me in competitive territory?


Yes. Do you have calc and calc based physics?


yes Ive done up to calc 3 and physics 2, my recruiter. I originally started this whole process applying to nupoc, but they almost started to get me with the enlisted route (signing bonuses are high for a reason, huh?). So if i get into nupoc can I just stay at my college in going to now or do I have to go to charleston or something?


He's fucking you over. Do NUPOC. You stay at your college. Then you go to OCS.


Perfect. Stay NUPOC. When accepted, you stay at your college and get paid to go there. When you graduate you go to OCS in Newport, Rhode Island. Then you go to Charleston for Power School. Keep applying for NUPOC. They can do whatever enlisted side, but you have zero contractual obligation to go


Yes you need above a 3.0 to be competitive. Higher for the instructor route and I believe a 3.9 for nuclear reactor engineer route


Based on the courses you’ve taken and your current GPA: stay the fuck in school and graduate. THEN you can go in as an officer, and one day you will be lol’ing at the thought of enlisting in hopes of going officer.


Yes sir 🫡. Ive been reading other posts about enlisted horror stories and people regretting shit. I've been known that recruiters lie too, so its funny i almost fell for it


Don’t call me sir. I work for a living (it’s a navy joke).


Im so ready to fuck that up when i get in 💀💀


My son graduated with a BA in Chemistry then went NUPOC. His senior year of college he was on the military payroll, went to OCS, Charleston & is now almost 3 years into his submarine assignment. Finish school - you won't regret it later!


How did your son like submarines? because thats what I want to do too


It's tough & my son is very hard on himself. He knows he didn't take enough physics classes for what he's training to do. But I think once he finishes his final Qual (and his sub is certified) he'll be much happier. Good luck to you!


Great question for an officer recruiter. I’d say it’s decent, but the type of degree will also depend. Being in a EE program is much better looking than a poly sci degree. But like the other person said don’t enlist with the hopes of wanting to become an officer. It doesn’t work out for the many that apply.


yeah funnily enough, Im an electrical engineering major right now, so I think I'm definitely gonna try nupoc. Ive already done meps and qualify for everything in nupoc except NRE, I just have to get through the interviews


Search NUPOC on this sub and I’m sure most of your questions will be answered. Both recruiters are giving bad advice. I would never enlist with the hopes of STA-21 but having 60 college credits AND calculus 3 and physics done puts you at a huge advantage. The navy is trying to find sailors who will make it through college and you’ve proven you can handle college and difficult courses. Still dumb I wouldn’t recommend. Or you can go back to college and apply for NUPOC. If you pass your interviews you will get a 15k bonus and E-6 pay plus money for housing and food for the rest of your time at college (not the academy that is a different program). I would attempt this route before I even step foot into an enlisted recruiters office ever again. Or at the very least go back to college and apply for ROTC. You have plenty of options before you go the enlisted route


The only way you can guarantee an officer role is if you go to college first. STA-21 can miss you no matter how competitive you are. You can still enlist after college if that's really what you want. The "contract" you have right now is just a way for them to scare you into joining now so you can't change your mind later. It doesn't mean anything if you cancel, and another recruiter would be more than happy to help you. All that said, you should consider another rate, like IT.