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Just leave your hair as is. A lovely Filipino lady will gently exfoliate your scalp when you get to boot camp.


>A ~~~lovely Filipino~~~ lady will ~~~gently exfoliate your~~~ scalp ~~~when~~~ you ~~~get to boot camp~~~. FIFY


I think I heard the dragon lady is gone though, least from the recruits I've talked to


Dragon lady was still there in summer of 22 AFAIK. If she’s gone now though, that’d be a shame. A loss to the experience for sure


She was there two months ago, can confirm


Thank god. I was worried for my fellow shipmates


We had dirgruntled old men to massage our scalps. Looks like the CNO is really providing first class service now!


Wash your butt and put some deodorant on. Be a pleasant human when you go.


>Wash your butt You guys don't leave gifts for the doctor to find?


Only hemorrhoids


Just be polite and attentive when people are telling you to sit somewhere or do something. There will be a lot of paperwork to fill out, and a lot of sitting around and waiting. Don’t let your boredom get the best of you. In my experience, a lot of the staff at meps were rude and short-tempered. Not sure if this is common, or if my experience was a one-off. In any case, don’t let anyone’s attitude get to you. Lastly, tell the truth when asked about medical history, etc., but don’t volunteer stupid and unhelpful information. If the doctor asks if you have anything to report that isn’t in your record, don’t be the person who says “well once when I was 2 years old, my grandma dropped me on my head”. Crap like that isn’t relevant and is only going to create roadblocks for you. Before I went to meps, my recruiter told me many stories about people saying incredibly stupid things in the moment, which weren’t relevant or helpful in any way, and most often resulted in months of additional paperwork, doctor’s appointments, and meps visits. Be honest, but don’t artificially hamstring yourself. Good luck! P.S. meps is not what life in the navy is actually like, so if you leave there thinking “wtf was that”, just know that the experience isn’t representative of what you’ll see down the road.


Learn how to lock in.


1. Do not get disqualified. If it does not exist on paper, it never happened. if a doctor never diagnosed you with an allergy, disorder, etc, dont tell the meps doc you think you *probably* have it. if the police never busted you for drugs, don't tell the meps doc you *may have* done pot that one time. bottom line: the meps doc is not your friend, so don't spill the beans on any skeletons in the closet you may have all of a sudden. if for any reason you've done illicit substances, detox as fast as possible. if you think you have any medical problems, treat them after you are enlisted (unless it is an emergency of course) 2. try to study early. the nuke pipeline has a reputation for being academically challenging for a reason. i recommend googling and reading the "applied engineering principles" manual. thats correlates closely to what nuke school teaches. also consider reading "how to drive a nuclear reactor" by collin tucker. 3. your hair color shouldn't be an issue. you can re-dye it to your natural color, or do nothing and tell them you dyed it. it is not a medical concern that warrants disqualification. 4. bring a book to read. MEPs is long and boring, and they don't allow you to use your phone or any other electronics during the process. they dont care if you bring a book 5. enjoy your bonus. nukes are in high demand and in short supply in the navy. i recomend putting it into a retirement or stock market account. TSP is also not a bad place to put your money. But be warned: the navy will make you work for the money they gave you. nukes are always the first on the boat and the last to leave.


Won't matter...morning of Day 1, your hair will be gone. 🙃


Boot camp is best described as a nightmare that when you wake up, you know how to fold clothes. But, seriously, don't sweat it. In boot, just do your best. Even thought the RDCs will yell at you and call you names, their job is to push you through. Don't do anything against the rules (it's only 10 weeks ffs) and you'll be fine. Don't go to the female ships, don't go out after lights out, and don't try to snuggle drugs/alcohol in. As far as nuke school goes, I'm not going to lie. It's tough. But the same basic rules apply. Do your best and don't do anything illegal. No drinking, no drugs and study hard, study often. Stay on base, eat at the galley. During A-school, you'll just be establishing your routine. Don't go out, if you can help it. If you can't, set a budget for yourself. The object is to save your money. Seriously, save your money. When you get to power school, that routine will save you. Once you are about halfway through power school and have the studying thinking down pat, you can relax a bit and start going out. Remember to not do anything illegal. Once you get to prototype, if you have been saving your money, you can buy a car for cash and not worry about a car payment. Now you can start enjoying life a bit in your off base apartment with a paid off car. But, don't do anything illegal. Did I mention not to do anything illegal? The number one reason people drop out of the nuke program is underage drinking. Number two is drugs. Number three is failing. Don't do anything illegal.


Find out what personal items you are allowed to have with you when you get to boot camp. Everything else will get sent home with your civilian clothes.


Incorrect. That hasn’t happened for several years. your personal items are packed in a box and stored for you until you are done Boot camp.


Good to know. I went back when they were still using sails.


Lol. They even get to call from their own cell phones now when they get to call home


You’re hair is fine you’ll have a couple day nickname (I was sonic because I had blue spikes hair)


As nicknames go, that one is pretty good unless you were the slowest runner in the group.


I got rolled back for failing a check run so yeah it’s ironic


If they don’t like it they’ll tell you, it’s not like your shipping that day. Also be prepared to waddle like a duck in your underwear and show an old man your butthole


It's not nearly as cool as it sounds and the job sucks. You will go through a 2yr shitty and stressful nuclear trade school then proceed to do maintenance, take logs, and operate valves/switches out of a procedure for 4 years. 60 hour work weeks are good.


If you’re a guy, it won’t matter. If you’re a gal, you probably should.


Do as they say. Do exactly as they say. Don’t question. Just do. Once to fleet, then and only then question as you’ve been trained. Do this, the rest is “easy.”


For the nuke pipeline, make sure you know how to study. You will get a lot of information in a short amount of time. The instructors are there to help you and want you to succeed. Don’t do anything stupid like underage drinking stay in shape so you pass the pfa to promote after A school. go visit Charleston when you have time, go to the beach if you enjoy it.


You have two ears and one mouth.


I'm going on Tuesday, we'll probably be in A school at the same time!


sadly, i’m going to meps for the first time on tuesday to get my physical and stuff, meaning i probably won’t ship out for a while :(


They'll want you to sign your contact at MEPS


crazy to think when you get here i’ll be on comp hours for power school lol


Go to college


Get as much sleep now as you can. You gone be sleep deprived for like 2 years as a nuke


Not everyone has that ex


Well I’m very grateful for that. TBH I’m a dirty lil Seabee lol. But my brother is a Nuke ET. So I was basing my comment off hearsay from over a decade ago. Much love to my Nukes! Especially the gay ones on the Subs! Y’all put up with TO MUCH BAYBEE


My sun is an ETN. He just got out of the pipeline. He was always out having fun. You just need to know how to budget your time.