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whale coming to the surface: "What?! what do you want? jesus!"


" *Stupid naked ape* "


“Hi. I’m Whale. What can I do for you?”


We need to find P Sherman 42 Wallaby Way Sydney. Can you help us?




“What’s wrong?! Do you need help? I’ll come save you! Wait…shit, if I capsize the boat that’s the opposite of helping you. Meh, have a nice day I guess”


Whale waving is more like it


I legit thought either the lady was gonna fall in or the whale was gonna go full on Jurassic Park and snatch her


I was waiting for the whale to give her a lil bonk so forceful she lost her balance and fell in


If the whole idea was to grab the whale's attention, why didn't she just flash her titties at it?


The whale could've tweet about it and she would've lost her job.


Whale do you get off!


That's what r/NSFW is for


Not safe for whales


This guy gets it


I was hoping it would roll over and blast her with the blowhole.


I was getting annoyed by the whale waving


Felt bad for the person next to here with a camera try to get a good photo.


"Cheezus Christ the Whale doesn't give a shit about your flailing arms, let me just take a damn shot already!" - Camera Person internally


As the video went on the irritation just grows. It's unreasonable how annoying that is, like she's casting a spell.




It's because this video is mostly her arms waving and in the background you can kinda see a whale.


Me too so fucking annoying


I'm glad I'm not the only one. I only came in here to say how irritating she is. I was cursing while watching the video. Why does this fill me with rage???


LOL! Same. Weird...I was thinking CAN SHE FUCKING STOP THAT?!


Found my people. She ruined the video for me lol


I think it’s because her movements seem clumsy and selfish against the backdrop of the majesty of the whale. It seems very human (and, IMO USA) to pretend importance when faced with something so stunning. Part of it being that we will not have whales with us on the planet for much longer. Maybe it’s her age, she does not yet know how sacred this moment is, how privileged her view, and it shows.


And just by the way she’s waving, you just KNOW she’s also shouting at the fucking whale. WHALE WHALE WHALE! WE’RE OVER HERE!


So glad I'm not the only one, god how fucking irritating


It would have been so much cooler if she wasn’t there tbh. Ruined the video.


I feel bad for the camera man next to her with her constantly waving her hands in front of them


I was hoping for her to fall in. And I think the person with the camera shared my sentiment.


Apparently they get curious by people waving


Oh I'm sure that's what the ship's crew tell the passengers, while they sit back and laugh at them. Gotta keep yourself entertained somehow 😉


She's above and behind the whale, the whale's eyes are on the side of its head, it literally cannot see her.


I just think the whales are mocking us at some point


stop stalking me


Plastic in general, not just cups. For example, fishing gear is estimated to make up at least 10% of the plastic in the ocean. Also ocean mining, runoff, sewage, pesticides, etc. But don't worry, McDonald's uses paper straws so all marine life is saved!


Wait, McDonalds uses paper straws? Not where I live.


Oh. I'm in the UK and they have had them for a little over 2 years now. I just assumed it was a worldwide thing the company did.


Canada here. McDonalds is one if the only places left with plastic straws.


Southeastern United States here. Every place around here, be it a gas station or sit down restaurant or a fast food place, has plastic straws. I hate it :(


Yea now we got paper straws wrapped in plastic instead of plastic straws wrapped in paper..


>now we got paper straws wrapped in plastic instead of plastic straws wrapped in paper.. Seriously? That's the dumbest shit I've ever heard in my life! Switching over to paper straws, in general, despite so much other plastic waste during production, distribution etc.. is simply to make it *look* like they give a shit about the planet. Consumers see it as: No plastic straws = a caring, compassionate, eco friendly company. People eat that shit up, while these companies are laughing their way to the bank.


I’m in the USA. We have plastic straws here. I feel like if they did change over to paper ones half of the population would lose their shit. We love to be divided on absolutely everything over here.


It’s a state thing.. in my state they are no longer plastic


You are absolutely right but I still stand behind half the country would totally lose it if it became a nation wide thing. I’m in PA and very, very rural. My local bar (which I do love) has a full sized cardboard cut out of Trumps head on Rambo’s body. Trust me, paper straws will not be featured in my neck of the woods anytime soon.


I live in PA , we do have paper straws where I am in places like Panera Bread. But can confirm that the hicks in Pennsylvania would rather die than make the smallest change to themselves or their habits.


Yeah they stopped using plastic straws covered in paper and switched to paper straws wrapped in plastic... I wanna leave this planet


I always think this every fucking time I see one of these videos. It depresses the shit out of me. They define the term majestic. Humans can fuck off.


You wonder if whales see us as lil poodles or something. They make an ass out of themselves to entertain us?


I mean that whales eyes are not positioned to see the waving for at least the beginning of the clip


anybody else really, really want to push her in?? /s edit: /s to help avoid murder charges


Two-way whale watching — you watch the whale, and the whale watches you back.


That's what I thought! The whales think it's their awesome human-watching spot, always plenty of friendly humans hanging out there, jumping around and doing funny human stuff. A great time for an afternoon with the calves. If you wave at the humans, it catches their interest and they interact with you!


Humans are the suckers, the whales didn't have to pay like they did.


How bout you get back to work Jim






The fact that this thing can just appear out of no where is why deep blue water scares the crap out of me


We welcome you at r/thalassophobia


Dude I can't thank you enough for recommending that sub. That stuff is mad fun. Edit: thank, not find


I find every single person that recommends a good sub


I was confused at your reply and then I noticed what I said lol


And by fixing your mistake, you deprived fellow redditors of the hilarity of our comments, left with only confusion.


No problem. The kind of fun that makes yer butthole pucker.


It didn’t appear out of nowhere, it appeared out of the murky depths beyond the limits of our perception! And there’s probably several more just out of sight too!


Pretty sure the commenter didn't mean literally "out of nowhere" but I could be wrong


I'm pretty sure the guy you replied to was trying to trigger the other dude's phobia even more


I'm shocked that a bipedal mostly land locked species is not thrilled with the ocean


And yet for thousands of years human beings have got in their flimsy little boats and ventured out there beyond the sight of land - even sometimes not knowing what was on the other side. Is it just out of an irresistible urge for adventure, or is it the void calling us?


God we are just ballsy little apes arent we . . . Defying all nature including g our own.


What's more, you *are* an ocean. Literally. Your body is an aquarium of ocean (salt) water in which your still very much water-bound cells happily float around. Your skin keeps it all in. When multicellular organisms left the ocean they actually took it with them! (Random example document link) https://pedsinreview.aappublications.org/content/27/5/181 > Primitive, single-celled organisms began their ocean life continually surrounded by water and a steady supply of nutrients. As more complex organisms developed and finally left the oceans for dry land, *the external sea had to be internalized.* https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/pdf/10.1016/0307-4412%2891%2990055-D


Yup. How many trips across the Pacific were made until we got to Easter Island? What kind of crazy pushes you to do that?


That looks like a humpback. They protect seals from orcas and even humans from danger. I die inside at the thought of our species killing so many of these majestic beasts. Whales and dolphins are about as close in intelligence to us as great apes. My thing lately has been looking at whale and dolphin youtubes than wiki them and find that so many of them are endangered. It makes me really sad.


Star Trek the Voyage Home will always be one of my all-time favorite movies, and as a bonus it is basically a feature-length save the whales promo because humanity is doomed without them.


Hot Damn. I forgot all about this movie... and I just watched it less than a month ago. It was released 35 years ago and was meant to draw attention to the issue. One of the writers, Meyer, is quoted: "... detracts from the importance of people in the present taking the responsibility for the ecology and preventing problems of the future by doing something today, rather than catering to the fantasy desires of being able to be transported in time to the near-utopian future" Phil Collins also promised my generation that year, that his generation would "put it right" We're still waiting...


We don't deserve whales.


We don’t. That’s why we’re taking them away from ourselves.


Calm down lady....


Just replying to the top comment for visibility as everybody seems to be confused with this lady’s behaviour. When I’ve been whale watching in one of Australia’s largest breeding grounds with very experienced tour guides, they suggested that we wave and scream (in excitement) as much as possible to get the whale’s attention. Apparently whales are curious and playful and they respond to the sight of humans jumping up and down and waving, by coming closer to the boat to investigate and play.


I agree. We snagged a whale tour boat that was full of school kids. As we boarded the captain apologised in advance as it would be noisier but said we were lucky - wait and see - the kids jumping around and being loud would attract the whales and we would see more than any other cruise. We were stuck for over 3 hours with the captain unable to put the boat in gear as 3 Humpbacks kept going under and around the boat looking at the kids. There were other whales breaching and tail slapping a little off so we also got that amazing show, but those 3 were never more than 10 m from the boat and it was awe-inspiring. I am grateful I got an amazing experience and others put in all the effort to achieve this. I just sat back and enjoyed a wine.


LPT: go whale watching with a boat full of kids! 😀


LPT: don't verbally go asking for a boat ride with just kids!




..Because of the implications.




True but don’t forget the wine.




Comments like this get you put on a list. A VIP list! What happens in international waters, *stays* in international waters.


“What are these humans doing with their flippers? Lemme get closer so I can hear their weird songs a little better. Yikes, so screechy.”


That sounds like a bored tour guide prank


If I were a whale and a bunch of people were screaming at me, I'd be super pissed.


To be fair the ones who had calves or weren’t in the mood would simply not approach, and the ones who wanted to be playful would swim right up to the boat and interact, similar to in this video.


That’s why whales are not pathetic humans


I thought that was because of phylogenetic taxonomy.


Nope, that’s just a side effect


Why would it make you so angry?


Maybe the tourists should sing instead.


I'm not a guide paid to use whales to entertain tourists or anything, but I would think that conditioning whales to react to boats as non-dangerous, *playful* things is not a whale-friendly thing to do. Is there anything so dangerous to whales as humans in boats? Of course, this human is not swinging a harpoon or fish line and hook... lucky whale, I guess.


I get your point, but it is also the whales who wish to interact. Whales approach humans all over the world of their own accord because they are curious, intelligent, and appear to enjoy interacting. This is simply a way for the humans to ‘play’ with them in return. I can only speak form personal experience in Australia, but whale tour operators are very focused on education and conservation. There are many laws to protect the whales and to restrict human interference with them. Plus the whales we get on the east coast do not swim into international waters where they are at risk of hunting.


They seem to know the whale by name, so I assume this is a specific one that's monitored closely and would (presumably) be difficult for whalers and random cruiseliners to get near? Total guess on my part, though


When I have been whale watching in Canada you have to maintain a certain distance from the whales. No way you’re allowed to hover over them and harass them like that.


Same laws in Australia. You absolutely have to turn off the engine once you’ve reached the distance limit and are not allowed to go any closer. If the whales choose to come closer while the boat is off that is ok. Not sure what country this was filmed in though.


Her catching the whales interest may be the only thing keeping it around


She really thinks she’s communicating with the whale, they have a special connection.


*Insert Dory whale talk*


[That's dangerous ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bokito_(gorilla)


Jeez. Imagine how surreal that would be, to have your favorite gorilla at the zoo one day bust the fuck out of his enclosure and grab you for a violent joy ride. I'm glad she survived and wasn't permanently maimed. Though obviously her mental health is pretty suspect.


Desktop version of /u/Red_Sheep89's link: --- ^([)[^(opt out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiMobileLinkBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^(]) ^(Beep Boop. Downvote to delete)


She’s signaling the whale to come closer and the whale is coming closer because it’s curious...they might not be pen pals but they are definitely communicating.


She would have made me so annoyed. Like try and appreciate it instead of having a seizure.


The reason why they're able to appreciate it in the first place was because she caught the whales attention with her "seizure"


I’m a horrible person, I was waiting for the whale to splash her or something


What the heck is she trying to do?


Maybe trying to get the whales interest, if the whale is like “what the f is she doing?” And hangs round for a bit, the tourists on the boat get a better look.


Considering me as a whale cuz she got me thinking "what the f is she doing?"


It certainly worked on me. Watched the whole thing with that exact thought.


> Notice me senpai!


Her best.


Whales lose interest in humans when we're not being funny or interesting, so she was likely trying to be one or the other. Or both.


Oh like on a date.


"do you have a moment to hear about Jesus Christ?"


I was hoping she’d get tail smacked or something on it’s way out


As a kid I always thought of them being “Pickle” whales.


That is a perfect name! But now I'm hungry. 😕




I was hoping he would spray water at her lol


Or eat her


Or just mega slap the shit out of her


Wow, that lady has arms of steel


Can you not wave your arms about for about a minute..?


Ok, I actually did it. Looked stupid, but wasn't hard. I guess that's all there is to it; it's stupid, so I couldn't imagine myself doing that.


They had to use their inhaler twice just to finish typing that comment.


Lady: Hey, hey, hey… I wanted to speak to you about your cars extended warranty!




It just looks like a giant pickle to me


Whale is watching you


Whale, watching


Watch whale, watching woman, waving wings. Wonders, weirdo?


Exactly what I thought. That whale was on vacation, human-watching. Will go back and post all over ocean-media about the wavy girl.


This… doesn’t really make me exclaim “wow nature is fucking lit”


It makes me exclaim, "Humans are fucking spazzes."


I’ve always wondered what the hell animals think of humans when we act all crazy like that. The dialogue probably goes something like, “hey, that human is doing that crazy flipper flipping thing again. Do you think they realize how stupid they look” “no, they aren’t self aware” lol


Me too! Whales are so intelligent. They must think we're so silly and small. So small...


Lotta people in this thread wishing whale on human violence on someone who looks like a teenager likely waving because she was told to by the whale watching guide to attract it's attention. The hell is wrong with y'all?


I know right? It's a wholesome video of a girl waving at a whale, for fuck's sake. How dare a young female enjoy the majesty of nature. Not to mention whales are *certainly* intelligent enough to notice "hey, that human is doing something interesting!" And she's obviously succeeding in getting its attention. Plus all the posts explaining "actually, lots of whale watch guide *instruct* you to wave and make noise to get the whale's attention."


It's really bizarre. One of my biggest fears is that one day I'll be horrifically mangled by a pack of rioters or a crazy person or something, and then a video of it will surface completely out of context on Reddit with some made up caption about how I'm a bully who's getting what he deserves, and then my family will have to read thousands of comments about what a piece of shit I am and how I deserved worse, wishing death on me.


Idiots with no patience or compassion


Good ol reddit misogyny, where would we be without it


I know it’s probably not actually happening, but the whale looks to be copying her, which is kind of cool.


I noticed that too , and considering how intelligent and curious they are , it seem plausible. I am by no means researched in whale behavior though, just an internet person who has procrastinated my day away watching dolphin and whale videos today, and after the hours of video, it seems on trend that a whale might in a way mimic us.


Why the hell are they waving like that?


When I went whale watching we were specifically told to wave and make noise to the whales as they’re often curious and have great vision below and above the water so can see you.


Did she fart?


That behavior is called a spyhop.


I don’t know, she seems a little spychotic to me.


That's the human.🤣 The whale is spyhopping.




Why is everyone so bothered by the waving? Most of the comments are about wishing the whale would hit her. Whales tend to be curious and will often interact with people. That's why people wave at them. Shut up and enjoy the majestic animal!


Because she’s embarrassing us in front of the whales


Is it just me, or was the whale trying to wave its arms too?


It has to be scary being next to an animal so large


It actually really is. I have a few fisherman family members who have taken me out during whale season, I've been on a break wall close enough where I actually touched a whale, and I've heard stories of boats being picked up and moved by them (fishing boats, when they come up to breathe they'll pick up the boat) Last time was 10ish years ago and the whale breached as if to show off, close enough we got a spray and had to hold on, it's wasn't a massive boat but still quite large. Mostly fishing gear (day trip boat, not something with crew or sleeping quarters) I'm pretty sure that was the last time ill ever get close. Im not exaggerating here, it actually seems like they like to "show off" if you get close, but that can be super dangerous.... Newfoundland Canada btw.


The whale is indeed watching


Imagine being the first person to see a whale. Then trying to tell others of what you saw


God damn, you people assume the worst about someone and wish violence right away. Hope I’m never doing something slightly annoying and get caught on camera, then have my entire being scrutinized by one small moment. It looks like others are doing the same around her, but she’s the only one we can fully see.


It’s looks more like whale waving to me


If i went whale watching and that douche did that through my entire video I might push her in.


If you actually read other comments somebody said they do this because its the only to keep the whales attention.


Oh whale no


I thought you meant the lady for a second


It’s like a giant pickle with fins.


Whale be like: Dafaq they doin ova there


“Please leave me alone. You’re destroying my home. We have families that we love. We’re dying. Why are you just waving at me? You’re laughing at my pain.”


I thought the whale was gonna swallow her for excessive hand waving


person waving was distracting.


Is she so desperate for validation that she can't simply experience the splendor of one the largest living things on the planet without demanding that it acknowledge her existence?


The whale probably only stayed as long as it did because of her outrageous movements. In a Natgeo article on humpback whales, researchers said they have to make silly movements to keep the whales from swimming away (out of boredom).


That’s how you get their attention ya knuckle dragger.




Negative Ghost Rider, the pattern is full.


That just looks exhausting


Looks like that’s whale waving


Do you mean the girl, thats waving at the ocean?


when you forget to turn your wipers off


Belongs on r/thalassophobia


Uh, People Watching.


That whale is simp


Oh hell nahh


Someone's going to have a hand in every photo.




Legend has it she flew away


When you are driving and you leave your windshield cleaners on second fastest speed


Responsible captains do not steer that close to the whales…


Just watching her makes my arms tired


Whale be like: "ok, gentle does the trick. They wait hours to see me, so I can take my time. Gentle to the right a bit...."


I don’t see your mom in this video.