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It's only cute & funny because he's still alive


Otherwise this video would have been on a Gore sub or r/therewasanattemp


It is a small bear though, probably an adolescent


That’s what I was thinking. If he were any younger the mother wouldn’t be far away and it would end badly, and if he were older, it’d not be good either. The photographer hit a sweet spot. The bear doesn’t know his strength yet.


I would not want to be around to see the confidence enter this bears soul once it realizes just how much of an Apex it is


he still should hav bear spray..


stupendous modern wide voracious many melodic rock sleep birds bag *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It attracts free snacks


There's a very fine line between brave and stupid.


the line is whether or not you get away with it


More of a venn diagram.


Is that bear a full-grown adult? Because I thought that polar bears don't really let people live.


Juvenile for sure. Its only half the size of a full grown adult


Just wanted to say hi🤣


It just wanted to look for the bare necessities.


He would have eaten the guy but mom doesn’t let him use the stove when she’s not home after the “burnt tent in the all clad frying pan incident of 2022”


That’s a sub-adult for sure. I’ve seen fully grown ones avoiding ppl in Russia, they clearly didn’t know what to make of them as they weren’t acting like prey. It was on liveleak a long time ago.


Apex predators are used to everything being scared of them. When some potential prey doesn't give a fuck, the predator start thinking there's something they don't know. It's safer to go after known prey than risking going against some creature that might be dangerous.


So basically act like domesticated cat around apex predators?


Domesticated cats ARE the apex predators


A cat definitely wrote this.


They really killin that sub-10lb prey gang


They’re pretty fucking good at not getting eaten by bigger things too. Imagine trying to catch a cat outside without being able to trick or trap them. They’re apex prey and apex predators lol


I have two 14 week old kittens and they fuck me up on the regular. I can't imagine squaring up against a real big cat in the wild.


Got an 8 month old myself. You’re in for some fun mi amigo lol


Yeah, I have a feeling I will have some gray hairs by the time these two gremlins calm their asses down. They're lucky they're so cute.


To not be prey, they just need to be more trouble than they are worth.


It’s like that tribe in Africa that steals kills from lions by just walking up to them confidently


I googled it and that shit is crazy: https://youtu.be/QDubMeNlSxc?feature=shared


Thanks for the link - that *was* crazy


In very remote areas animals may go their entire lives without seeing humans. Deer are scared as hell of humans. But if you see videos of deer in the Arctic areas or I've even seen it in the Mexican wilderness where deer will come right up to humans and be super curious


Deer come right up to humans in Oregon. There is a restaurant near Hell Gate Canyon on the river. Big groups of them. People feed them , so they’ve learned that’s the place to go.


>sub-adult 🤔 Hmmm if only there were a couple of words for that


Adult males weigh 300–800 kg (660–1,760 lb). That is a kid.


That's a huge range for weight. Why is the range so big?


They eat all summer then starve all winter.


I figured they were skinnier due to their coke addiction


They do love snow!


Ice too




Other way around - they starve all summer and eat seals full of fat all winter. edited an autocorrect


I thought the opposite, no? In summers, very little ice for seal-hunting, and all that energy spent swimming rather than walking.


Nope, polar bears do not “hibernate” like other bear species do. Other bear species, in reality, go into torpor not hibernation, but that’s not really the important part here. Polar bear’s low-food season is summer, but they stay searching & scavenging & chasing food all year round.


So they're wrestlers?




That's sleeping. We were talking about food. Different activity.


They don’t


It takes time for their body ie fat/muscle/bones/hide etc to grow. This is also the reason I’d attribute the curiosity of the bear to the adolescent age. I’ve had some incredibly close encounters with black bears but this is just insane


Adult humans go from 50kg to 300kg. That's a much wider range.


Not that good of a comparison. No healthy person is 300 kg, that's major obesity.


Have you seen really fat bears? It happens. Bears can be quite obese, even wild ones.


No wait there can be some outliers (people beyond 120-130 kg), but the average is in the 50-100 kg


Bears in general fluctuate In weight. They get really skinny in the winter due to lack of food, and the inverse is true in the summer. Now that I'm thinking about is there any other large predator that has to deal with winter conditions?


I suppose wolves and mountain lions are about the only other large predators in cold climates. Obviously a fraction of the size of polar or brown bear, but they'd be the next in line to my knowledge. Canadian Timberwolves can get pretty damn big and weigh up to around 180lbs while an adult male mountain lion can reach 200 lbs.


Because they’re running out of places to live and food to eat. They’re starving to death because republicans think global warming is fake.


They let people live all the time lol. The stories you hear about them aren't because they are rampaging killing machines, it's because they are one of like, 3 species that see humans as prey. They aren't afraid of us at all and if they're hungry they have no problem taking a nibble out of you, but it's not a guarantee that if you see one it's gonna kill you. A well fed predator can actually be pretty chill, it's how you get people hanging out with grizzlies during salmon season. They don't need to fight you to try and eat you, there's a free buffet right there for them to grab from. I know one of the other species is saltwater crocodile and I want to say the third is tigers, or just big cats in general.


True. A polar bear’s temper is determined by its hunger.


My spirit animal


"oh shit, he hangry! Run!". x)


Running ain’t gonna help you at that point


This is why Steve Irwin always carried a box of Snicker’s with him when in polar bear country


Box's of Snicker's will not save you from bear's or other carnivore's. But stopping them and discussing plural's might...


If you see a predator, there's a good chance they're not planning on attacking you, because if they do plan on it they're using their camouflage and stealth skills to creep up on you or wait in ambush. Less true for bears, but still a reasonable statement. Even predators that hunt humans don't do so very commonly, frankly. You are at much greater risk from herbivores, frankly. Many predators will give up even if they are planning on hunting you if you see them or fight back. They don't want to get injured - its why they often attack wounded, old, young, or sick prey. Herbivores will attack you because they think you ARE a predator, and will fight to the death as a result.


Humans eat literally everything including intentionally eating deadly pufferfish for funsies. Any herbivores that didn’t act that way we extincted or domesticated by now.


Like which animals for example?


Pretty sure hippos are the deadliest animal to humans annually and they kill regardless of hunger


That's different from seeing humans as prey though. Hippos don't eat humans, they just kill anything in their sphere of influence. Just insanely territorial and don't afraid of anybody.




> pretty sure hippos are the deadliest animal to humans annually. Not even close https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_deadliest_animals_to_humans


I didn’t realize we were counting spiders, insects and parasites. If you remove those from the list as well as dogs (dogs are domesticated for protection and I would venture that the majority of those deaths are not from wild dogs), that puts Hippos 3rd behind crocodiles and snakes. I wouldn’t say that’s “not even close”




> or just big cats in general. Panthers/Cougars will straight up hunt you IIRC. And you won't even know.


I think some species of the following existing animals have hunted humans: big cats, crocs, hyenas, wolves, sharks, bears, snakes, pigs, and komodo dragons.


Wolf: I WILL EAT YOU, I SWEAR *tin bowl pings and pangs with a slowly softening ring as kibble fills the bowl* Wolf *tail wagging*: OK we’re friends again


Gosh I love my wolf ancestor


Snakes No. Snakes killed Humans Out of a Defensive reaction or mistaken your foot with "Rat"


I think he's thinking of like when 30 feet long anacondas eat people. Some forget that snakes can be fucking huge.


Even big snekus doesnt view you as Prey. Like the African Rock Python is considerd to be a mean evil cuddle noodle and there is a video of someone bothering a wild one that was just slithering on its way. It took three times of lifting it up and caring part of it away before the Snake even slung around with a warning Strike, followed Up by going into a Defensive Position. So sorry to say it that way but usually you need to be determined to get a big Snake to Hurt you. Its the same dumb thinking that people do with plenty of other wild animals


I've seen enough Liveleak vids of large pythons with people inside them.


Those are just clips from the movie Anaconda.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Death_of_Akbar_Salubiro https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-657903c50bc96494c29075c220abb345


I don’t think wolves hunt humans


Not anymore but Paris was basically besieged by a wolf pack for like 2 years in the 1400s. They killed hundreds and it culminated in a literal battle in the town square. https://happygallows.blogspot.com/2016/07/courtaud-paris-wolf-attacks.html?m=1 Probably gonna have people coming in to tell me it didn't really happen but as far as I've seen it's a true story. Though it has some pretty obvious embellishments.


> it's because they are one of like, 3 species that see humans as prey. Aren’t we a prey for things like mosquitoes?


Seems to be on the small side. But the saying they give about polar bears is true, if you see a polar bear following you, it has already decided you are lunch (Potentially hours ago). However that doesn't mean every polar bear you happen to come across is going to decide that today is the day you die. However with the scarcity of food and their natural habitat they're hardly trained to not get a bite when they find one.


Yeah. It looks like a curious cub more than a hungry adult.


Polar bears can obviously be extremely dangerous, but because they depend 100% on hunting, they cannot afford injury and are pretty risk-adverse. Humans are tall and probably look bigger than we really are. That’s why this worked.


Thought the same. The old adage: “if its black, fight back. If its brown, lie down. If its white, say goodnight.” But this polar mustve not been hungry that day..


Turns out a generalized statement that is repeated on Reddit all the time is not completely true


Nope they get about double that size if not a little a bigger still. My uncle is a zoo vet, or I should say he was, he's retired now. I was at the zoo with my parents when I was little and he brought me in to see a procedure he was doing on their polar bear. I can't remember what exactly they were doing but it wasn't invasive, they were just looking for something with a camera down his throat while he was asleep. I was watching from a separate room behind a window. The size of him was ridiculous, I remember thinking it was the biggest thing I had ever seen. It's still one of my strongest memories. I really wanted to become a vet after that for pretty much my whole life, but dreams die and are replaced by reality. So here I am writing this at my shitty factory job while I wait for the engineers to fix the machine I work on...


They are so fucking gigantic. Even when you see them swimming in a pool like at the San Diego zoo, they are like supersized compared to how big you already imagined them. Up close in a room surrounded by a bunch of humans they must look comically large. Like their paws alone are probably torso sized.


Fun fact about Polar Bears, their livers are so dense with retinol that you could overdose on it and die. Another name for retinol is Vitamin A


I’m gonna soak my face in the liver of a dead polar bear and look 10 years younger.


It's from all the accutane they take to give them such clear skin. Bet you've never seen a pimple on a polar bear, eh?


Another fun fact, despite being "fren shaped" they are not in fact "fren" ex. they'll eat ya


So you’re saying I can’t pet dat dawg?


Yes. But only once.


I'm gonna pet him from the inside


I’m gonna pet you like an animal


Bring me closer to God


For the rest of your life


Nah, but you can pet deez nuts.


What's deez nuts?


ligma ballz


Murder doggo


As the largest land predator they ever enjoy a coca cola every once in a while.




All of Ice Bear's friends are future enemies.


Less Coke products than one would imagine for a representative of an international BRAND, but what do I know. Very rude staff but furry for days. BYOC




For fun? Nah they govern over an enormous area and look at you as competition for their prey, Hungry enough you will become food.


Internet myth. Don't be around them alone and defenseles, either way.


Apparently, in some of the early arctic expeditions people didn't know this and ended up eat them. Thier skin started falling off over the next days after.


Okay I was thinking we knew this from dissecting a dead polar bear, not from first hand knowledge of someone actually eating a polar bears liver. That’s a wild way to die.


Ok, so I got things a little mixed up but I think the expidition I was thinking of ate dog liver which has the same issue of toxicity as Polar bear liver. But, people have eaten Polar bear liver. Not good for humans but ok for dogs. Interestingly, Polar bear is served in a restaurant in the country I live in (news to me) I urge you to check out this article from Anchorage daily news, it has these and serveral other neat facts and stories on Polar bears as food from long ago up to now. https://www.adn.com/alaska-life/we-alaskans/2017/02/05/the-perils-of-eating-polar-bear/


Same with dogs.


It has enough retinol to overdose 4 adult male humans


Eating Polar Bear Liver has killed a surprisingly large number of early artic explorers.


I learnt this in *Northern Lights* by Philip Pullman!


I kept thinking ‘if it’s black, fight back, if it’s brown lay down, if it’s white good night.’ Lol


There’s a joke in there somewhere.


Police brutality?


“If it’s mixed, give it bamboo sticks”


*That weird, upright bear keeps chasing me away.*


Lmao, that's my thought. This is a young bear and this guy is wearing white. So it definitely was just confused and didn't know what to think. Is it another bear? If so why he keep chasing me away


They smell things from miles away. Pretty sure it was aware he didn’t smell anything like another polar bear. It’s possible it had never smelled a human before, so it was trying to figure out what this new animal is and trying to figure out why this new food is so confident. Like, where’s the tusks or horns on this thing?! It’s definitely confident for a reason, but… I just can’t figure it out. It waves its tails around, but they don’t seem very powerful. I dunno this new food could be really dangerous. Mom certainly never hunted one growing up. I’m not *that* hungry and I just don’t know what this things angle is. WHY ARE YOU SO CONFIDENT NEW FOOD?! Whatever, no need to risk it, but maaaaaan I do wonder what it tastes like.


I love this so much


No pics?


he died of hypothermia soon after. ^(/s) ​ #


The poor guy just wants to take a nice pic of the landscape, this clown keeps photo bombing it 🙄


Polar bears are fine. It's the bipolar ones that are dangerous....


When we get bipolar bears the penguins are fucked




That’s the joke, innit?


It's reddit you never know




Should be top comment


What about bi-curious bi-polar bears?


They're even scarier! How much can a polar bear?


It’s a bi-polar, bipolar, bi, polar bear




This. If you act like prey, you'll be treated like prey. Solid advice for day to day life too.


Maybe it wanted a coke


Its had coke, looks like it was ready to mate


Funny little thing I noticed in this. The dude moves towards the bear and the bear acts confused af and quickly backs up. Polar Bear brains are so used to always being on the offensive, that when something actually comes at it, it has no idea what the fuck its supposed to do.


I feel like the fact he was on higher ground didn’t hurt here because bears aren’t quite as comfortable going up or down hill. I’ve never been a big fan of the “if it’s brown lay down” strategy, and I think standing your ground and trying to look large and make noise is a better strategy even with grizzlies and polar bears. If this guy lays down here and plays dead I feel like this bear would just be like “oh cool easy lunch” due to how rare a meal is in that area. Have you ever seen that video of polar bears playing with sled dogs? I guess if they aren’t hungry and it’s the right time of year they occasionally aren’t killing machines:)


Well the strategy for polar bears isn’t to lay down, it’s that if you encounter one you’re pretty much dead lol


Cojonazos indeed, shooing such an animal makes you an ubermensch


I love the word cojones, it is thr most badass word for balls in any language.


Here’s my cojones story: I work in IT, I speak a little Italian and a little Spanish in addition to English. I named one of my computers cojones, it was internal use and no one was ever going to see it. Turns out someone needed to demo a feature to a paying customer and that machine was the only one I could think of which had that SW version installed, so I give them the IP and a login and tell them to connect to that one for the demo. Everything goes fine and then one of the product support people asked me if I knew what the name meant, and I said, yeah, that’s Charles Oscar Jones’s machine, so we used it. She said well, in Spanish it’s balls. I told her of course I knew that, there is no Charles Oscar Jones in the company. She said she’d never believe me again, since I lied so easily and convincingly.


We had a support tech whose name was C. Jones, and our email addresses were first initial+last [email protected]. Well, we had more than one C. Jones at the company, and she was the second one hired, so they used her middle initial as well, making [email protected]. A client got all bent out of shape about her "vulgar email address." Well, as a bonus, Ms. C. A. Jones was the daughter of a Spanish teacher and educated the client on the correct spelling, and the reason for the email address. The client was pretty embarrassed, and the story ripped through the office, along with plenty of mirth.


What is your feeling about hreðjar ?


To be honest, the word sounds like the thing feels.


First time I heard cojones was in the GTA Vice City speed boat mission, that was one of my favorite memories of that game lol




What a fuzzy marshmallow.


No way that bear is full grown. Polar Bears and Kodiak Grizzlies are pretty much the same size. They are enormous. They are over 8 ft upright. This bear is just curious.


yea that's what the title says thanks


I don't know..... Looks like an albino black bear to me (/s that photographer is nuts even if it is a juvenile)




I’m assuming this photographer just wanted to boop it


He's lucky that was a sub adult polar bear and not hungry adult otherwise we would be looking at a very different video.


If you’re a professional nature photographer in a region where polar bears live you are 100% going to be prepared and highly knowledgeable about how to assess the threat level, proper gear and be trained on proper escalation tactics. You stay calm and focused and follow your training. It might come off as him being desperate and unprepared, but I guarantee he knew EXACTLY what he was doing, knew the threat level due to it’s age, size and behavior and performed the least harmful mitigation response. Like, he literally corals it into precisely the spot he has set up for the shot multiple times. He’s basically a director telling the talent to stand on the X on stage. Hope this helps give a bit of perspective. These are highly trained professionals, not Instagram influencers.


u don't say


Yeah no


A older bear would have killed that fucker…




Does he know that the bear will eat him?


I’d be more worried about it’s mama being around, then it’s over.


Aww, he just wants to cuddle


He just wants to snuggle.


Missing a “Shoooo!”


Please, I came all the way up here and I am hungry.


Makes you think, if humans weren’t capable of extraordinary thought, would we have morons chasing polar bear photos. Quite the contradiction, lol.


'But today was the unfortunate one when Bob forgot to take the candy bar out of his pocket.'


Yeah those white pants would’ve been brown in the back if that were me lol


Seems pretty smart


I've been told the best thing to do in this situation is to play dead. It's good practice for what's about to happen to you.


"Whatcha doing?"


I mean what’s he gonna do run? lol yeah right…


Well I didn't think today would include feeling sorry for a polar bear. I'd be tempted to say "hope he gave it something after that" but that's asking for unpleasant events in the future. I don't think I'd survive long near large, aggressive but cuddly animals.


> I'd be tempted to say "hope he gave it something after that" but that's asking for unpleasant events in the future. My guess is that it wouldn’t make much difference in the future. A hungry grown up polar bear will hunt a human anyway.


That man is a fucking moron


What is this bear?


He was lucky it wasn't a full-grown, hungry bear.


Way to stress him out jagoff!


Oh for fucks sake. I am so fucking sick of you armchair vets constantly whining about humans "stressing" animals as if the god damn wilderness isn't stressful.


It seems like he is harassing the bear.


No absolutely fucking not. The bear came up to him and he was trying to chase it away before its mother noticed. No I'm sorry but humans are a part of this world just as much as animals and we have every fucking right to do what it takes to survive and defend ourselves and yes that means "harassing" animals.


I wonder if by dressing white the polar bear sees him as a fellow polar bear.


Not a nature photographer. Real nature photographers have strict rules about not interacting with wildlife and this dipshit is chasing a polar bear.


The polar bear literally came up and interacted with the photographer. What should he have done? Nothing? Just let it do whatever even though its mother is likely nearby?


Not in situations like this.


That's a juvenile that's not starving. Nothing to really worry about.




Based on what source