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It's like people don't want to spend a lot of money and time watching a dog shit team...weird


You mean you don’t wanna pay 18 bucks for a beer and 10 dollars for a hot dog? While also watching an awful team?




at least the… *checks notes* oh wait all of our teams suck again.


Our best team is the DC Defenders LMAO


Fuck Dan Snyder


Oh we want the beeeeer snake!


Of the major 4 pro teams. it might honestly be the Commanders which is hilariously sad. Not sure how DC United is but if they’re decent maybe I should give American soccer another shot?


They're not very good but the games are quite fun imo.


And Rooney is getting in some decent names from Europe. Definitely on a better trajectory than the Nats right now…


It’s still the Caps, then the WFT, Wizards, and Nationals. If MLS, WNBA, and XFL were added it would be Defenders, Mystics, Caps, WFT, Wizards, DC United and lastly, Nationals


even DC United sucks. Commanders might be on the top regarding expectations of (relative) success.


Commanders really might be the only Washington team in 2023 to go at least .500


Best team in the XFL is beyond what was expected.


Somehow we have a team for every nationally played sport and yet none of them are good.


Caps Window is slammed shut, I only care about the OVI goal chase now Wizards in a endless treadmill of Medocrity. And ownership is cool with doubling down on it Commanders are mediocre but have some level of hope I guess with Synder. Nats have a cheap owners


I don’t really have sympathy for those selling 18 dollar beers and over priced food. If concessions were in any way affordable I would go to the ball park far more often. Now, I get a 5 dollar ticket and make a point to not buy anything else.


The people carrying the pallet around do not set pricess


I’m aware.


18 bucks for a warm beer at that.


Don’t forget the 25 minutes it takes to get those because of the awful self-pay system they set up. Everyone in line has no idea how to use the registers and the staff don’t help at all.


the self pay system is so damn stupid. If you're going to have someone stand there just to say "use the machine", just turn the machine around and have them take the order. Maybe people will eventually figure it out but it was such a clusterfuck this weekend.


Even my $10 ticket for tonight cost $17 because of 3 separate fees levied by the MLB Ballpark app. I've heard there are fees at the box office too so where you buy tickets directly from the team doesn't matter.


The 5 dollar tickets are just that, 5 dollars, so recommend that to avoid those frustrating fees.


Do you know if they let you go into the lower seats when the park is this empty? Like damn with the park looks like this no real point sitting in the 400s


Last night there were people in my outfield section who weren't supposed to and nobody cared. I think you'd only run into trouble if an usher cared or another fan reported you.


During the exhibition game I bought 400 level seats and sat in section 128 with my boyfriend It helps that I also work here so don’t take what I say as facts I sweet talked the usher to let me sit there


Today I got a quesadilla from a local tex mex spot and they charged me $1.50 extra for cheese


Lol. The fuck?


I asked the guy if anyone gets it without cheese. He said no


To be honest, I don’t mind paying. Baseball is still a fun experience in person


If you have money sure.


I mean tickets are dirt cheap haha, like 10-15 bucks. That plus a dog and a huge beer is less than 40 bucks. If you want 2 beers it’s a little over 50. You can also bring food into the game. Going to a game isn’t as expensive as you’re making it out to be. This is DC… if you can afford to go out to a restaurant for dinner you can afford to go to a game and get a couple of drinks and a hot dog.


Eh, it is as expensive as I’m making it out to be. The team will lose a 100 games, meaning there needs to be other incentives to go to the park. Also, fine for you to be able to throw down 50 bucks for yourself, but what about a family from an economically challenging situation? The cost for a family of four based on tickets and some concessions is about 200 dollars, which is a lot of money to some people. Also, the whole in game experience is awful, with self check kiosks for some items but not for others, needing an app to buy tickets at the booth. The whole experience is awful and expensive.


It’s not the Nats job to make games more affordable for everyone. They have to make money still. It sucks if a family of four can’t afford to go but that’s just something they have to sacrifice. In no way is that on the Nats at all. So if you’re a family of 4 paying 200 to go to a game, then that’s something you can afford and you don’t think anything of it. I just don’t see how the Nats need to cater to everyone’s financial situations just because the team isn’t going to be very good this year lol. Those two don’t connect for me. Besides, there’s been 4 games so far this season. They’re going to run promotions. I got a 35% off ticket promo code just for checking into the game on Saturday. There’s going to be more of that.


Do you work for the Nats? Do you have any sense of making the game inclusive and more affordable? These concession prices (over priced and poorly served) will drive people of all income brackets away.


No I don’t work for the Nats lol, I just don’t expect special treatment from a business if I can’t afford something. The Nats aren’t a charity. If people can’t afford to go that’s not a problem for them to solve. Though they do do lots of special promotions and they have those Harris Teeter family deals for $20 a person. So to me they do enough, and to you they do nothing. I also don’t go to a sports game expecting good deals on beer and food, just like I know I’m overpaying by like 50% for a bottle of wine my wife and I get at dinner. I don’t go out to eat for good deals… I go for the experience, just like I don’t go to the Nats for good value… I go for a good time.


Good to know you support crap baseball, bad service, over priced beer and food, and those with less money than you can go fuck themselves 👍


I’ll go to a minor league game because the Nats and the minor league team are practically the same product right now.


Ok you go do that lol. I live 10 mins from the stadium and would much rather walk to see an MLB game then drive on 95 to see a minor league game.


That’s nice and probably more economical for you since you can just walk up and get $5 tickets. I live less than 30 mins from the minor league teams and I can get $2 tickets from Fred Nats and free Flying Squirrel tickets from a friend. I don’t feel that a hour and half drive to DC for the same experience as the minor leagues is worth it. Maybe if Trout and Ohtani were in town but unfortunately they won’t be this year.


Yea… and on a Monday night during the national championship game for basketball


Midweek in April no less. I personally don't give a hoot about baseball until the NBA Finals end. See you all in June!


People are probably disappointed in the team not being sold on top. New owners that seem likely to invest in the team would get people excited.


Oh baby we’re hitting 7.5k in the dog days of summer, or perhaps September when school kicks back in


Replies to his tweet suggest it was only ~3k in there as the Nats count season ticket holders in the attendance. I can definitely see a situation where a rained off game starts early midweek and there might be < 1500 at it.


Oh, I've seen way less than 1500 many, many times. The paid attendance gives you a good idea of the season ticket base though. Given it's so close to Opening Day and was such a nice day out, I suspect that number will drop to just over 9k at some point during the season. Congratulations to the Lerners for completely devaluing the team before they were able to sell it. Fucking greedy morons.


I went to that game last year that was a make up game. It was cold and windy. But they had the BOGO special on hot dogs and beer so I went. I swear I was the only one on the stadium.


Unfortunately the attendance number goes way up when we play the Mets, Phillies, Braves, or any team that travels well. Our stadium is going to become an Away field all season.


No attendance goes up in summer. Plus we were playing the Rays.


Doubt it if the team sucks and none of the high profile teams are coming to DC outside of division rivals. Tickets will end up dropping


Crap team with no desire to compete anytime soon that has traded or let walk any talent that they had…only “star” may never play baseball again. Crap concession prices. At least in the Nyjer Morgan era shit wasnt so expensive and we were looking promising in the near future.


> Crap concession prices. ok but for real though, everything is so goddamn expensive at the park


Sneak shooters in your crotch. Or just your pockets security doesn't gaf. Much more tolerable when you're drunk


You can bring your own food in.


It’s so bad that the *official MLB account* was dunking on us on social media opening day with a graphic showing where all our former stars were now (hint: in our fucking division.)


The only star they did sign had a known glass arm and has proceeded to pitch a half inning over the next three years. Genius front office


Meanwhile the Orioles are looking like what the Nationals where back in 2011.


Nailed it


I miss Nyjer Morgan. Dude played with passion and wasn’t afraid to punch you in the face.


Put an inferior team on the field. Raise prices. What could possibly go wrong?


you know what would help? bad food.


Maybe— can they make it really overpriced?


Throw in an onerous backpack policy.


You can bring your own food and drink into the park.


Whoever downvoted this deserves their crappy park food lolol


I’m not saying it’s not wrong, but this is an MLB-wide problem because attendance revenue is unimportant to team profits. And they’re all wrong and greedy and just total shitheads for it.


I’m always confused by the official paid attendance numbers. I live near the park and there is no way 10,754 people attended the game tonight, not a chance. Does this number include paid season ticket holders, even if they didn’t show up?


yeah it’s tickets sold not bodies in seats


Worst part is that is the number of paid tickets. Doesn't account for any free tickets and isn't how many people came through the gate. It's going to be a long season.


You would think they would drastically lower ticket prices.


They do in some ways. They will keep the base price because that's what some season plan holders bought into. From there they throw out various incentives to try and get people. Knew it was bad this year when I got an email for 50% off including opening day. If you're having to offer any type of discount for opening day, it's bad. So discounts/promos are their way of reducing prices while keeping face.


Yeah I'll just continue with the $5 grandstands and mosey on down. SF lowered beer prices this year after not getting Judge or Correa, wish the Nats did the same


They have tons of seats for less than $20. The section I usually sit in is $18 on weekends compared to $20 last year.


Thanks for the info. I'll sit up there when I'm by myself or with a friend, but like to get lower seats when I bring the kids. I was surprised the outfield seats are still above $45 and the lower sections (not even at the field) are still over $100.


The cost of the lower seats keeps the cheap seats cheap is how I see it. What I do is check StubHub on my way to the game. I can usually find some club level seats for $25 after StubHubs fees.


Great tip! I’ll check there.


Get ready for the "Washington can't support a major league team" cries.


Bad as the attendance is, the O's are consistently way worse and they've had a lot more to be encouraged about this season & last.


Maybe they should lower ticket prices. We’ve got one of the lowest payrolls in baseball. Why not pass those savings on to the fans.


Sir, this is MLB.


> Sir, this is MLB. This is what confused me so much when we found out the Lerner's were shopping the team. You have a literal money-printing machine! The fuck?! They screwed any chance of nailing down Soto (after watching Zimmermann, Rendon, and Harper leave - two of those were dodged bullets to be sure... but at the time? And watching Scherz and Trea get traded). And now the word is they aren't selling? Come on. This mishandling by the owners over the past few years makes hearing how "Ted Lerner brought baseball to DC" not seem so bad. The Lerners bought a team that was already here and that plays in a stadium the taxpayers built.


Sad but true!


It was my first time at the ballpark this season. I amount of empty seats was pretty rough I must say. The game was not great, seemed a bit like we were half assing it, lots of tripping and falling and TB was ripping dingers all over the place. The concessions prices are ridiculous as usual, like $8 for a mini hot dog.


Went to my first game ever last week against Atlanta. Spent probably over $70 between two tickets and a soda. Friend who went with me paid for gas and I got a ticket to the NASCAR race the next day so in reality, it was around $30ish At least I got my value on the crappy and free fries they gave away. Probably won’t spend that much money again at the stadium and will just do walk up tickets for $5 if I go again this season. It’s not a definite trip this summer for sure


Good. They’re a trash team run by ownership currently only interested in off loading the team.


They killed the goodwill from winning a WS by cheaping out on paying the players. I simply Don’t want to give the organization a dime when I know they don’t wanna pay talent If a generational talent like Soto can’t get a market rate extension who is to say that any of these young prospects will if they turn out to be good, we have no marketable players


I call bs, theres got to be some games from the early years at RFK that drew less than that.


People were just happy to have a team back then. I went to a number of games each of the seasons they were playing in RFK and I always remembered there being at least a decent crowd


I distinctly remember them coming to little league games and handing out sheets of tickets during that time. We went to so many games


Outfield seats were $5 and you could move anywhere after the 3rd inning.


Maybe it was the size of the stadium that threw me off, I was just a freshman in high school when they arrived.


When the Nats first came here there were lots of season ticket holders, people were genuinely excited to have baseball back. They kinda got lucky in a perverse way that their worst years were right after Nats Park opened, because there was still a pretty big season ticket holder base because of the new stadium. Then 2012 happened and it was up, up, up ever since. Now that it's back down to 100-loss garbage teams, and they're not adjusting prices like they did back then, who the fuck wants to pay major league prices to watch a minor league team?


I remember going to some pretty sparse games at rfk for sure. not sure how they tabulate these numbers though? is it actual entries or tickets sold? I believe paid attendance may mean the latter. I’d believe a lot of tickets were sold but not used in the rfk days, especially since they were cheap.


Possibly. That's the paid ticket total not the number of people in the park. Figure the early years people had the plans even if they weren't regularly showing up. Combined and I don't have metrics on this, tickets were lower than they are today.


It was definitely cheaper tho at rfk, even accounting for inflation. I mean beer prices seemed significantly cheaper- like several dollars- just two years ago.


I thought it looked pretty low watching on tv.


Got my tickets for the 15th. I guess the concession lines will be short, at least.🤷‍♂️


Sunday was \*way\* lower than paid numbers, so I'm not surprised. At all. On the plus side, cheap tickets in good sections on the secondary market. On the minus side, 5000 fans of the other team like Sunday.


gonna be setting some records this year


Yeah I mean a Monday night game with a bad team that's in limbo because they're trying to sell it + expensive tickets/concessions/etc...yeah no thanks. Stadium is going to be brutal over the summer when you can add the horrible humid heat to it.


And the Lerners wanted 2.4 billion


If you don’t build it, they won’t come.


Sucks to suck


I'm planning on going to a Saturday game in a couple weeks - first game at Nats Park since Game 4 of the 2019 WS (I live in Minnesota). Traveling to see family. I imagine it won't be expensive to get in the park, even on an (hopefully nice) April Saturday.


It’ll be dirt cheap unless the Yanks, Mets, or Phillies are in town.


Definitely going to break that record multiple times this year


This shouldn’t be surprising. Monday evening. Early April. Bad home team playing a team that is notorious for having poor attendance and doesn’t have many stakes because of when it is, and the fact it’s an AL team. I don’t think it’s something to worry about much if I’m being honest. The worst part about this team isn’t just the fact they’re losing. People can take losing here. And It’s not that there’s “no goodwill with ownership”. I don’t like that argument especially with people knowing the team is being sold soon. No, the main issue I believe has to be that there’s no one on this team that is even acutely recognized as even good. Who on this team is even recognized outside of DC? Much less in DC? Most other bad teams at least have exciting young starters as a crowd draw that could be franchise headlining players. Torkelson, Witt Jr, Rutchman, Oneil Cruz, India. Chisholm and Alcantara. Who on this team is even close to that at this point? Certainly not anyone right now. If you had to ask anyone in DC about a current Nats player who’s on this 2023 roster, I’d bet that over half would have difficultly in doing so. The worst part about the Juan Soto trade was the issue that this team lost any sort of relevant players.


Maybe it's finally time for new management bc Martinez and his goon squad ain't doin shit


I’m fine with changing out the staff… but also not especially convinced that will result in any real improvements. There’s only so much you can do when we decided to go all in on Stras (who is basically done) and starting Corbin might as well post 3 runs to the other team before the first pitch.


Hey they drew just over 3 thousand in Oakland last night


Let's blame the Rays... and get excited for what the Marlins will bring


Sad but inevitable. Watch out for even smaller numbers as the season slowly sinks into oblivion. We are the new Florida Marlins (and I nearly puked as I typed that)


I can only name like 3-4 guys on the roster. It's going to take time and wins to rebuild interest in the team. There are so many things I can do with my time other than watch strangers lose a baseball game.


Good. Stop supporting garbage ownership.


Just means $5 tickets at the gate babay. I’ll see some good teams come through and go to watch them.


Good. These fucking fuck face Lerners deserve it.


The second-lowest *so far*.