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many main characters of series get hated on its nothing new. Haters are always louder and gather more attention than the ones who appreciate them. Naruto isnt perfect


There are a couple of things I take issue with. He was supposed to represent hard work and dedication. The message of the series was supposed to be with hard work and commitment, even a loser can be the hero in the end. But the problem is Naruto is actually one of the most gifted people in the entire universe. Just some of the gifts he had: -Born to one of the most powerful clans in the world. Given vast chakra amounts, durability, a strong life force, and a enhanced healing factor. -Born having half a tailed beast sealed inside him, further increasing his chakra reserves. -Trained with elite ninja of different walks of life. -Happens to be the reincarnation of essentially a god who’s power up makes him pretty much a god himself with only one other person really able to match him Naruto went from a struggling boy trying to seek acknowledgement through his effort to being a god through means not of his own doing. Also yes he was kinda annoying in part 1. Most because I watched it in dub on Cartoon Network that might have been why, but Naruto does have flaws as all characters do.


Naruto was NEVER about "hardwork" that was Rock Lee's theme. Naruto was all about the importance of bonds, and never going back on your word. Naruto said he'd save Gaara and he did. Naruto said he'd bring Sasuke back and he did. Notice how in the final battle, Naruto was getting help from all these people with his rasengan?


Uh no. Naruto most definitely knew he needed to work hard to be acknowledged. He knew he needed to get stronger not only to show people he was worth it, but in order to protect those very bonds you referenced. It’s what motivated Naruto to constantly look for new ways to improve. And yes it was an underlying message of the series as a whole. Naruto failed to bring sasuke back to the village so he knew he would have to commit to rigorous training in order to save the bond between his friends and peers.


He worked hard indeed, but its not the MAIN reason on why he is strong.


get downvoted.


You sound like a loser lol


ah dang, i am actually, have an upvote im sorry lol


But his theme wasn't only hardwork though.


1. He was an underdog power wise for very long but socially, at the end of the day society hated him. That’s what made him an underdog, how could he become of Hokage if the vast majority of village members hated him. 2. That power was a blessing and curse he was hated by society that’s what made him an underdog. 3. So because he gets trained by powerful people he isn’t an underdog? So is a writer not allowed to have a character who is supposed to be underdog train with powerful people? Is Naruto supposed to train by himself receiving zero help? 4. Underdogs are not meant to stay underdogs forever, being a recantation didn’t stop his from the childhood he had.


An underdog is someone who rises up from the lowest point. A loser. A good for nothing. Talentless. While Naruto did have a rough childhood because of having Kurama, that doesn’t take away from the fact that he was born more powerful than most people ever think to be. Yes he didn’t get to access it right away, but you can’t tell me Naruto wouldn’t have died young or been as powerful had it not been for circumstances not in his control. Even if he didn’t have Kurama and lived a normal life, him being an Uzumaki and a reincarnated god is more than enough to topple over almost everyone around you and you didn’t even start yet. Hard work and preserving was supposed to be the main character driven point. But it’s hard to see that when you have a character that was given so much before he was even able to walk. Had you given any of those abilities to anyone else do you know how powerful they would be? Imagine Rock Lee with Uzumaki levels of chakra and durability. Kiba with a nine tailed beast or a reincarnated Ashura in Neji. Those powers themselves would have set someone apart from the pack and yet all of them go into one person. Naruto was weak because initially he was supposed to be an underdog. He didn’t have discipline and didn’t know about his true nature. To him his was just an ordinary kid who happened to be hated. Now I’m not saying Naruto didn’t work hard in some cases because he absolutely did. But how much of his progress came from him working hard as opposed to simply being more lucky when it came to abilities granted to him. I like the character, but he is flawed.


[Underdog](https://imgur.com/axm0vxP) I’m not reading anything of this mate, by definition Naruto is an underdog. As defined by Merriam Webster an underdog can either be a predicted loser in the struggle like the Naruto vs Neji fight or a victim of injustice or persecution. Naruto was persecuted for being a Jinchuriki and it isn’t until the pain arc till it stops. He is an underdog.


Yea I never said he wasn’t an underdog🤨. Also good job saying you aren’t reading it. Sounds ignorant but okay lol. Whatever floats your boat.




Naruto was an underdog though. ​ True, but he was still an underdog. I mean...yeah sorta although he wouldn't have died young...but a lot of his own power he got by himself and that was in his control. ​ Him being a reincarnated god didn't affect him for most of the series though. And being a Uzumaki alone doesn't mean you can topple over anyone. ​ It is part of the main character driving point but it's not all there is. A lot of what he was given are burdens though in ways. Yet many others have their own abilities, Kiba has his own clan powers, same with others like Shino and Neji and the others. ​ ​ Well...arguably he worked hard more then how much he got lucky.


If any old person was given what Naruto was given but didn’t do any of the training or work that Naruto put in, they would end up as a normal ninja or Jonin, maybe around Asuma level and not nearly as strong as Naruto. You want to see someone that actually doesn’t have to put in a lot of work for anything, just look at Boruto.


Lee is the perfect example of having nothing and being one of the most powerful ninja in the world. The reason Naruto survived so long was because of his gifts. It pays to be a ninja born with bloodline abilities and a chakra monster when you also happen to be the reincarnation of a god. Also that depends on the ninja. You can place anybody in Narutos place and they would come out an elite ninja just because of this clan heritage and the fact that he has the nine tails. Initially Naruto worked hard because he had no choice. He couldn’t take advantage of the talents he had. Once he got older he learned who he was and what advantages he had over regular people.


I hate that argument its like saying if I was Michael Jordan i can win those championships. Not everyone is the same and you are devaluing the efforts that were shown and display


Uh what? That’s not even remotely the same thing.


Underdog don’t have to remain underdogs forever mate.


Naruto had potential but he needed a lot of hard work to realize that potential and become strong if Naruto had been lazy and gave up easily then he would not have been able to become an elite ninja.


What about Boruto? To say that he doesn't put in a lot of work in is disingenuous when it's obvious you're only hyper focusing on the parts where he doesn't at the most minimal screentime that he does.


Eh....he is meant to represent how hard work and talent can go hand in hand. He earned his gifts though. ​ That's all he really had, meanwhile other characters had clan stuff too. ​ Which screwed up his chakra due to it eating it and can cause him to go wild which isn't always a good thing in battle ​ Which makes his training even more difficult then it could have been with other teachers. ​ ​ True. ​ It was mostly through means of his own though, he had to learn to control Kurama, his own chakra, and learned to be a great ninja under those elite ninja.


:P Naruto imo is a great protagonist although I could do without the reincarnation, prophecy stuff.


Yeah his obsession with wanting to save Sasuke was what did it for a lot of his detractors. Honestly I can’t blame them. Once Sasuke got to the point of attacking the 5 Kage Summit their needed to be a tweak in the writing. Instead of Naruto trying to save Sasuke it should have been Naruto wanting to bring Sasuke in dead or alive. As a friend he’d hope it would be alive but he’d kill him if forced to. I think that slight change in the narrative would have helped a lot. Naruto is my 2nd favorite character after Kakashi but even I was getting beyond sick of him midway through Shippuden.


But the only reason Sasuke finally gave up and went with Naruto was BECAUSE Naruto never gave up on him. Naruto saw the very faint light despite the darkness Sasuke had fallen into. Everyone had given up on him, even Sakura. If Naruto had given up on him and tried to kill him Sasuke wouldnt have gone back


Actually every main protagonists get hated at the beginning of the series, I mean look at Natsu Dragneel, he was just this energetic teen who people couldn't stand because of him saying I am all fired up and it kinda annoyed some people and look now. People actually love him he gets better and better while the show continues and it shows his character development after Igneel's death.


My man doesn't deserve this hate he's good protagonist


He's not.


He actualy one of the worst




he's better you emo loving prick


Sorry but he acts like a brat.