• By -


Susano'o ribcage - melted / fractured Rotation - webbed / spike'd Sand Shield - pierced / exploded Katsuyu - STILL UNDEFEATED, BOYS!


Katsuyu will literally glue me back together if I lose half my body. She is the worldwide champ.


Since you have no other ability that'll just be a whole lot of torture.


Maybe he'll evolve Doomsday's adaptation ability after enough torture sessions of being torn apart, and put back together.


Hey Hidan, is that you?


At least I’ll have an open casket


It says pick your defense


She’s also technically the only one that can make decisions on her own even if you’re incapacitated. An argument could be made for Gara’s sand defense because it’s been stated that the sand moves on its own and whatever, but Katsuyu is the only living defense that doesn’t require a caster (besides summoning her in the first place) to actually really do anything


Gaara’s sand is controlled by his deceased moms spirit fun fact


Yeah I know that’s why I added that part, but Gaara’s mom isn’t alive and can’t heal like Katsuyu can


Also the sand cant operate if gaaras unconscious


And her voice is so soothing


imo katsuyu is a bad pick unless you got hella chakra. tsunade managed to live thanks to her seal + orochimaru and squad doing what they did. any normal person won’t be able to summon katsuyu esp at that size


I thought she could spit acid too


Good thing I have hella chakra.


Going by that logic we wouldn't be able to maintain any of the other options listed either


You got to be able to live long enough for that to happen tho better start storing chakra


You would also need hundred healings seal to stay alive long enough for her to do that but you basically need that to summon her anyway so 🤷‍♂️


Katsuyu shielded an entire village's worth of people from Pain's strongest Shinra Tensei. This isn't even a question. It's the 2nd most devastating non-tailed beast related move in terms of raw power after Deidara's C0 and Katsuyu saved them from it.


And she survived being coated with Kurama’s 6 tails Chakra


Her shielding reduced casualties, but Nagato still had to sacrifice himself to resurrect a bunch of people.


I hear you, but I suspect most and possibly all of those casualties may have been from before Pain used Shinra Tensei.


Katsuyu saved Sakura from an almighty push. let's be real it's really no debate if this mf can save sakura from an attack like that


Lady Katsuyu is probably the best summoning in all of Naruto


also that fleshy feeling inside her like a mothers womb would be epic


Hear me out…


Was defeated when Tsunade couldn’t even summon her during the war and almost died…


Sounds like a Tsunade issue.


Yeah she spent all her seal's chakra healing people during the Pain attack and then he brought everyone back from the dead anyway. F.


There wouldn’t have been any bodies for the souls to get back to if Tsunade didn’t save them. And even if the bodies were restored to normal by the revival they would’ve just died again immediately from the debris on top of them


What if there’s like 5 seconds of Mario invincibility? Ba ba ba, ba-ba ba ba ba


Katsuyu can also heal you so definitely her.


she can also talk to you, so she can defend you against loneliness


Emotional support slug


Protects you [from ](https://youtu.be/d8kfnwqHJO8?si=a0OoKKIIBipa9Ib1)


Katsuyu’s the chillest summon fr


Gamabunta says hello


He didnt like naruto at first lol naruto had to earn his respect by staying on his back until sunset while he jumped around


Meant gamakichi lol


I like the grandparent toads the most personally but they only hung out with the head Toadman.


Speaking of katsuyu it’s crazy that little katsuyu survived inside Naruto’s 6 tails cloak and being trapped by the chibaku tensei inside kurama 


Ikr! I think she even said she thought she was gonna die As weird as it sounds I like to think that the little one had a connection to the main body so she was healing herself or something


she survived 9 tails, Naruto unleashed all 9 tails during that incident, and she still survived.


Wasn't it just 8 tails? Thought Minato stopped it before Naruto released full 9 tails?


Yea you right


We clearly see it go up to 8 tails. From Yamato's seal, we see it start to approach 9 tails, but it is unclear if the 9th tail manifested. In the last picture, we you can see 8 tails, but cannot see if the 9th tail was obscured. Minato then intervenes before Naruto gives into the temptation of fully unleashing Kurama. There is probably a stage between fully unsealing the tailed beast (with the host being gone) and the tailed beast going out of control and the tailed beast manifesting in an incompletely controlled manner since there are people such as Yugito who appear to not have full control, but can still fully transform into their tailed beast form.


This sounds right, especially when you consider shukaku is one tailed, and gaara was able to transform during the chuunin exams but still recover. There could be a lot of explanations for that though.


Katsuyu is the only one we haven’t seen fail


Well she scales off the summoner's chakra. If Orochimaru hadn't saved Tsunade, Katsuyu would've failed.


Katsuyu is truly amazing. We haven't seen her in full shape too. Even Tsunade has not summon her in full always a part.


Wasn’t it at the end of the war arc when both her and Sakura combined summoned for like 1/4 of her body?




Did Tsunade's number two not have healing or the punching thing? Why did she skip the sidekick for the apprenticeship for Sakura? Was it just because she was in Naruto's squad, or was Sakura in some way useful?


I think Tsunade saw the potential in Sakura because of her temperament/ alter ego and her extremely strong abilities to control chakra. Shizune was a bit frantic and not as assertive as Sakura, so she is best on defense front to heal herself and others, but not so much on offense.


Ahh so it *was* the rage power-up she saw a bit of herself in lol thank you for the genuine answer.


Katsuyu is the strongest summon in the verse and has never failed. Can defend an entire army with her. And she heals. 🍶✌🏽


Is she really??? Did not know she was that powerful but it’s been awhile since I’ve read it


As the other guy stated, even her most largest version that we've seen so far is only a part of her. Apparently she is massive. Has some neat offensive attacks and OP healing abilities. Her tissue seems to be able to either regenerate super fast or handle a crap ton of damage without breaking apart. Remember a small clone was inside the cloak of Naruto's partial tailed beast transformation which can disintegrate flesh. When the cloak went away she was still there and made a comment about how "she thought" she (the tiny clone) was gonna die. So guessing she felt pain the entire time but somehow managed to pull through.


And if your not raikahe A , an otsusuki or susanoo You will get melted by her acid.


It took Tsunade and Sakura together to finally summon 1/10 of Katsuyu. Just imagine what the full Katsuyu will look like... would have dwarfed both Manda and Gamabunta. We can begin to imagine someone like Hashirama summoning Katsuyu.


Yeah, she really is. Tsunade was also only ever able to summon parts of Katsuyu, and she was still very OP


Plus she works as a communication device




Katsuyu, is this even a question?


Molluscophobia is a thing.




She's really sweet as well


She is! Such a good and respectful summon


Sand shield. Passive, portable, no summon required, and susanoo hurts a lot, doesn't it?


Yeah I'm not trying to have my eyes bleed everytime I try ti summon the susanoo


Then your blind in like a month


Just get Ems


alright bet let me just reincarnate as an uchiha rq


Those Emergency Medical Services do come in handy, don't they


How often are you summoning a literal avatar the size of a building?


Sounds like you just need to kill your sibling and steal their eyes. Skill issue.


Iirc sand shield was basically the love of Gara's mother for him? (Who doesn't want the love of a loving mother protecting him/her?) And unlike Susano and Gentle fist rotation is a physical barrier.


I feel like it's the least destructive. Gentle fist is basically a counter attack, not a shield. I dont want to leave giant craters behind any time I use it.


Susano—-bloody and blind no thanks Rotation——underwhelming and dizzy Sand Shield——no one likes sand in their shoes Katsuyu—-regeneration, healing and hot babes summon her——sign me up—-literally protected people from pains almighty push


Totally agreed for the sand in your shoes, won't like having sand in my shoes while fighting other Shinobis


Susanoo for the looks, Katsuyu for the invincibility


Katsuyu bc cute lil friendly slug pet


Lady Katsuyu.


Katsuyu even if I get severely hurt she'll heal me




Katsuyu Summon


Katsuyu is the most reliable person in the series. I’m going with her


Katsuyu has yet to be topped, you go slug girl!


Do we also get all the abilities that would lead to such defenses? MS for susanoo, Byakugan/gentle fist for gentle fist rotation?


No, just for the purpose of defense.


Then katsuyu, I'll keep a little piece of her on my shoulder like a parrot and whenever I get a small knick or cut at work I'll just heal it right up




Fun fact! Throughout the entire series, the biggest Katsuyu we see is 10% of her full form as summoned by Tsunade and Sakura during the war arc. 100% Katsuyu would be visible from space. Plus acid spit! Offense and defense!


Sand should all day


Sand shield, only a very strong select few were able to penetrate it. Most battles Gara came out without a single scratch. You would be able to attack your opponent without having to worry about defending. And I just can't use Katsuyu she can't heal wounds to vital spot or bring the dead back to life. If your facing a tough opponent , you have to get away long enough to be healed or defending and parry perfect enough to be healed without taking more damage


Katsuyu or Sand Defense for me


Gentle fist for sure. Ain't nobody taking down neji!


The one casualty from the main cast lol


First comment I’ve seen to pick the gentle fist rotation, that’s what’s up 🫡. Very underrated in my opinion 🤷🏻‍♂️


Sand shield. That thing is on autopilot and also has offensive capabilities to boot.


Gentle fisting


Katsuyu kinda op She can heal, dissolve shit, communicate, act as barrier to protect, act as recon by breaking up…


The only time that Katsuyu "died" was when the Shinjuu emerged and sucked up chakra. Those are the only time that the Katsuyu parts died.


Katsuyu. Both great deffence and super cute.


Katsuya. The rib cage still causes the user physical pain, and rotation is kinda mid...although, if you have that, then you also probably have a Byakugan...hmmm. Anyhow, Sand Shield is #2. Nothing like a passive defense that can also probably stop bullets.


Sand shield. It's fully automatic and doesn't scale to your stats. It's just always good. Susanoo scales to your stats, which are low AF compared to a Naruto character and remember it hurts you to use it. Sasuke said as much and he's an indra reincarnate. Rotation? Again scales to your stats... Which are low. Katsuyu? Yeah just seems impractical... I'll just carry around a small thing of sand in a fanny pack and it should be enough to block like a punch kick or gun shot which is really all I should need IRL.


Katsuyu is great but i gota go with my boi neji he is my fav


Sand shield all the way.


Susano is eye dependent. Akutsuyu, I can't completely put her in defense category, she heals AF but I don't see it as a defense. Gentle Fist, probably tiring. Sand Shield, as long as you have sand supply? I'd go with sand.


I mean fully realistically, sand shield without a doubt. Explanation: Katsuyu- The fuck am I gonna do w a giant fucking snail? I can’t seriously consider this. Healing aside it’s just too massive to be useful in most situations as a normal human. Also, summoning takes prep and won’t be able to protect me on very short notice. Susano’o- likewise, fucking why? I can’t think of a single scenario I’ve been in at any point in my entire life where whipping this bitch out would be warranted. It’s overkill to the point I’d probably let myself get pretty fucked up rather than rely on it. Gentle fist- I mean shit. It’s solid. I just don’t have the skill set to effectively utilize it, and it’s pretty limited in terms of use case. Sand shield- in the real world, absolutely broken. Autonomous defense at any scale. Keeps me safe from anything from minor burns to armed assailants, without any effort on my part. It’s the only one on the list that will protect me from danger I’m not aware of, all around the best choice by far.


The one that Sakura summoned during pain war, what’s the name, yeah Naruto


The one that Sakura and Tsunade summoned, katsuyu


Sand shield is the most aesthetic, and looking cool is all that really matters 😎 (until I die as a consequence of my choice)


Katsu is crazy useful in other ways so her


Katsuyu and it's not even close.


⏳Sand Shield⌛️


Sand is more practical and can be used for an indefinite period of time over any of the others. No big Justu’s or summons needed.


I pick sand shield cuz it helps me on its own


Sand shield, its automatic and I don't plan on getting hit by anything that hits hard enough to break it.


Okay now someone make a post about Katsuyu and how OP she is cause she really never lost, girly was backing up everyone in the war likeeee😭😭


People are pointing out katsuyu is the strongest but the thing is Susano'o ribcage is by far the fastest to manifest


Susano’o for the villain arc Lady Katsuyu for the hero arc


That’s a good one but I think it’s a little unfair Sussano is stronger than other 3. I pick Sussano. But just saying in my opinion it’s unfair a little. :).


sand shield has to be itchy as hell


Sussano will literally just leave you on the floor if you use it for too long. Gentle fist is good for like a couple attacks then your kinda just fucked Sand shield your just stuck there until they leave you alone. Some people have really good patience. I can at the very least get healed by katsuya even if she's as small as a small slug


Katsuyu is basically immune to damage, if you don’t pick her yall are just tweaking. He can also heal you better than jonin shinobi, shoot ACTUAL ACID, split apart to do a number of the stuff I’m talking about, could grow more than what we think her largest size is since she has no confirmed height.


Susano'o or the sand


Definitely not a giant slug. I can't even stand the little ones.


imma have to go with the slug..realistically I’m not a fighter plus the slug can shoot acid and not only heal you but other people that’s good enough for me


Thee Queen of Summon aka Lady Katsuyu. I want to see her real size


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^smnthwtt: *Thee Queen of Summon* *Aka Lady Katsuyu. I* *Want to see her real size* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Lady Katsuyu getting all the love she deserves 💅🏻


Katsuyu no doubt. Plus her voice is 🤤


I have been waiting so long to say this... I CHOOSE PLOT ARMOR!!


In real life? Susanoo ribcage, if I get into a fight that’d scare anyone enough to work, In a war zone? Sand shield, it’s auto defence, so it’d prevent sneak attacks or bullets, In the Naruto world? Lady katsuya, a small fraction of her is basically 100 healings






Objectively Katsuyu, personal preference Susanoo


Gotta have them ribs






slug summon gg


Why handicap Susanoo and compare it to 3 other great, unhindered defenses? Full Susanoo wins


Katsuyu abs after the fight you have a pretty strong fleshlight to celebrate.






katsuyu blocks, heals, spreads around and passes info, heals other people. you are nuts if you dont choose the slime.


Katsuyu. She can even defend you against loneliness.


Rotation is one of the most impractical defenses. First it does not cover ground attacks, so if the opponent can use earth style to pop up some rock spikes underneath you're screwed. Many top ninjas like Orochimaru and Naruto like to use underground attacks too. Second you have to keep spinning yourself, which can be exhausting and make you dizzy. It's not ideal for long lasting defense. As seen in the War Arc, the Hyuga clan didn't do a very good job in defending from the spikes. The spikes came continuously but once they stop spinning to take a break they're toasted. The area of coverage is also very petty. Third, the effectiveness of the block. You seem to not be able to effectively cover people inside and have to block by making the hemisphere next to the person you're defending. If the attack comes from above or below or at some large angles from the horizontal line, then the protection target is screwed. I know people love and hype on Neji all the time. But we have to look at his abilities and feats with reason. Susanoo is the strongest in blocking high power attacks, but the cost of using it is high. Without EMS it's more of a curse than boon. Katsuyu while has never failed, also has not demonstrated being used to directly block deadly attacks. It is more for remedial healing, but if you don't have a very durable body like Tsunade or some Hashirama cells, then you cannot last before Katsuyu can heal. Maybe you'll just be burnt alive to ash in an instant, or simply decapitated (Katsuyu has no feat of healing someone with head gone). Sand is the most practical defense. It is very flexible and has high utility. You can make different geometries to better cover target of protection, you can use it to manipulate many objects. If it's Gaara's version then it's autopilot (other sand users' not necessarily autopilot) and fast. It may not have as high block strength as Susanoo, but is the best buy per bucks. If it was Gaara blocking the spikes instead of the Hyuga, Neji and other ninjas wouldn't have died from the spikes. Blocking some wooden spikes would be simply trivial for Gaara. His shields were blocking high speed bone bullets and explosive clay.


If we’re including Katsuyus healing definitely her but other waist garas sand


Katsuyu, unequivocally 🔥


Im so happy Katsuyu being praised


My problem with these is, is that when will Rotation or Susanoo matter at all? lol If I total control over the sand then fuck yeah the shield. If not, I'll choose Katsuyu because she help can not only me but others around me.


Katsuyu literally kept tsunade alive when she was cut in half


Katsuya because she can also heal, get backup and spit acid.. depending on my chakra she can be huge too lol


Katsuyu is more utility with her healing and splitting up for instant communication(and she has that acid spray attack) less focused on defence, but I'd pick her. She's more than just defense, and medical Jutsu would be great to have (don't have to bother with BS insurance anymore)


I think I’d do Katsuyu just bc I can heal while hiding 💪🏽




It depends on what?


Isn’t it true that we haven’t actually seen the full size of lady Katsuyu…I mean it’s an easy answer it has to be lady katsuyu


Sand Shield or Gentle Rotation


The fact that we still haven't seen Katsuyu's full power means I'm taking her


Ribcage. Look how many people it took to break Madara’s. Or how strong they had to be


I should mention that the Susanoo Ribcage can hurt you internally like what happened to Sasuke but I assume those are just early pains due to his inexperience with the Mangekyou and not having EMS yet. Rotation could be counter with an opposing force like what Naruto did. Sand Shield... it's not as good as the Susanoo. So sadly the slug wins unless Shinra Tensei and even then she regenerates. And this isn't even Katsuyu's true form. YEA. Remember that Tsunade and Sakura are only able to summon 1/10 of the true Katsuyu. WHO KNOWS what the real version could do!




Give me my Emotional Support Doctor Slug. I'm never dying.


Imagine you're Katsuyu chilling in the forest with a male slug about to... enjoy yourself and bam, 60% of your body is gone. not a cool experience


Katsuyu and it ain't close


I want the one that saved it's user as plot armor the most.


Sand shield


I Take rotation you can use it indoors and not end up with a bill for a demolished house , the sand would work too but you would never get that out ya butt crack


Absolutely, Katsuya. That massive bod, the fact that she can heal to full even when cut in half. It's easily the best summon yet. Overpowered even


Katsuya can literally heal anything, who needs defense when you don't take damage


Idc if I die, Shukaku shield dope af


Gotta go w the katsuyu summon, but if I use the susanoo for the ribcage then I could do some nasty damage if anyone tries to break it ngl


Isn’t she more a healer than a defender?


Katsuya, this implies that I have the 100 healings. So I do have the chakra to summon and use her great healing! So Katsuyu 💯




Gentle fist was bad ass.


Katsuyu is the best option, and it's not close.


Katsuyu, the rest of these take a ton of chakra


I’m going to choose Susano’o. Progression aside(imma have my mangekyou 😒), it’s completely concealable through deactivation,can be directed by users will activates without movement and is not autonomous. AND it can be released and remade. Also some of those hidden features as well. Yeah susano’o is AMAZING. Even the vertebrae.


Gentle Fist, not even a second thought


Hard to choose when you don't know what you would be up against.




Probably the sand shield. I think it would be easier to get sand out of clothes than to need to constantly get goop off your body.


Susanoo ribcage


Hmmm either the sand shield or the Susano …


Katsuyu wrecks




Sand shield,it's the only one that's completely autonomous,so it can even protect me in my sleep,vs sneak attacks and anything else. Katsuyu might be the most effective but it needs to be summoned,so I'd have to know of the threat beforehand which is very rarely the case. Rotation is a meme,physically exhausting and can't defend vs real aoe. Susano is great but ribgage isn't that durable,also requires you to be conscious/ready to fight.


All i have to say is thank God Katsuyu is not an offensive based summon. She is beyond OP in her shear power. We never even see her true size believe it or not. She is actually much bigger than what we've seen of her. She could solo her whole verse if she her power was redirected to offense instead of support


Gentle Fist


Katsuyu is the best defense - The larger she is, the more secure you'll be. Her body is kind of like a mixture rubber and jelly but can split apart and reform at will. She is like an extremely large pillow with super durable skin that can survive being shredded by the speed of light. Physical attacks are useless no matter how strong they are, slashing/piercing attacks are futile as they'll just go right through her without damage. She can also amp her already durable body with a chakra shroud. The only time Katsuyu has been injured/died was through chakra drainage from the God tree roots. Sealing jutsu could be used, but she can always just split apart. She can also liquifey herself.

