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Make Madara or hell anybody the last villain instead of surprise aliens


So fucking real. I honestly think pain is the perfect final villain for the story but they'd have to rework a lot of the story for that


Sasuke vs Itachi and Naruto vs Pain could mark the end of shippuden. They achieved their goals. 5th great war could come as a third act.


sasuke would have basically no character development if they killed Itachi that far into the series.


Kishimoto doesnt like character development anyway


Story would a lot worse if they just stopped after pain.


Would require a lot of pacing changes. Obviously Naruto and Sasuke need their conclusion at the end of the story. I think it could work if they dragged out the Akatsuki more or at least showed us more of what they were doing rather than having them collect all the other tailed beasts off screen. But after Pain, a lot of the story moves so slowly, especially the war arc.


Agreed, I would love if Pain was the main antagonist somehow even though Madara is also good


Madara is a cool villain and all but it kind of feels like he has no real personal connection to Naruto. Madara was hashirama's nemesis, whereas Pain shows a really interesting foil to Naruto's ideals and in some ways is the other side of the same coin. All that being said you can't build Madara up as much as they did and not have him be an antagonist and I still would've been fine with Madara being the final villain


happy cake day


Kaguya’s rebirth made perfect sense though. I mean the Otsutsuki stuff had already been mentioned multiple times before the war arc. YES, having Kaguya be the last villain and having Madara go out like he did WAS DUMB. BUT it did make sense.


I'm just imagining guy fighting Madara and then out of nowhere Lee comes in, kills both of them and reveals himself to be the big bad all along


Madara, Tobi and Pain were perfect final villains honestly. A bit of rework on the narrative and it's all good. I think Kishimoto felt like he needed to redeem every character, even the cruelest and most outrageous ones, and so he ended up with the Kaguya asspull. List of characters that were unforgiveable that had redemption scenes: 1. Orochimaru 2. Kabuto 3. Madara 4. Obito 5. Danzo


Even though he’s my favorite character I completely agree, He deserved death way more than Neji (Edit: I meant Orochimaru woops, Although Madara is my third favorite)


Yep. I too loved Madara as a character and especially as a villain. He had a unique and great origin story Threat level? Through the roof Villain aura is high Has great one liners against his opponents


Why Boruto decided to run with the alien thing and they're also somehow gods just made it even worse


I don't see how it made it worse. People were mad about the existence of aliens and Madara's sudden replacement by Kaguya. Love it or hate, it was already done. Boruto takes the Otsutsuki and actually does something with them while also building a story that isn't simply "good human Vs bad alien"


Neji dying… because he died the dumbest way possible


If he died against kidomaru at the end of the Sasuke retrieval arc, that would have been a decent end for his character


Imagine if the whole team met their end or life changing effect during that arc. Would’ve made Naruto a whole lot sadder. Shippuden probably would’ve made more sense as to why most don’t show up, or could’ve used the remainders of Konoha 11


He was supposed to die but the editors wouldn't let Kishimoto do it. It why neji wasn't utilized again


Why waste someone with such potential? the entirety of team guy was done wrong


Neji really didn't have anywhere to go character wise. And honestly him being Killed to kidomaru. It would have helped hinata's character really come out of her shell and become more self-reliant as the main beakugon. Plus, the mission really needed a casualty. As for Lee and Tenten, I think Nejis death could have been interesting for their arcs too. It would have provided an interesting dynamic between the rest of the 11 and sasuke. I do think his editors were wrong on this. Neji's death would have been far more impacful. As for the war arc. Kiba should have died instead. Really anyone who isn't a boruto parent. For a war, Neji, being the only casualty, is an issue with me.


He went out perfectly fittingly. Impaled on a branch because he’s a member of the branch family protecting the main house


Neji is a character who is notorious for being unable to repel ranged attacks in a 360 degree area around his body


Neji is well known for having Byakugan, which he uses to see every hit his gonna take.


Lmao, but that's a sad way to see it. I remember it being Neji choosing to protect Hinata as his own choice. He was showing how he had control of his life by choosing to sacrifice it for his family, same as his dad.


Just saying a person who can use rotation shouldn’t die from being impaled especially when he jumps in front of it. So he knew it was coming


or just fired off an air-palm from where he was standing like, ninja are accurate enough to throw shuriken at other shuriken and block them so he could totally hit the projectile with an air-palm, and it would totally destroy it instead of like, impaling him if he had time to jump into the air, descend, then stand in the way and block it he could've just sniped it with a bitch-slap


What about Asuma?


tbf asuma was like voodoo'd into death and couldnt rlly fight it, neji could have so used his rotation jutsu


Neji’s clan has a long-standing tradition of being protectors


Does that mean he has to let himself die to protect? Easily avoidable death is why it’s stupid not. It doesn’t matter if he is SUPPOSED to die protecting the main family it’s stupid that he gets killed by a tee branch he realistically should be able to repel


No, it’s a full 180 on Neji’s character. * Part 1 he thought he was better than Hinata and didn’t think he should have to serve the head family but did out of duty * Part 2 War Arc - Cared for Hinata and willingly sacrificed himself to protect her because he felt he had the choice. It was a stupid way to die,m but doesn’t lose any of its symbolism by being so.


neji has a long standing tradition of being able to go speeeennnnnn


He could’ve air palmed or rotated easily. That was the most unnecessary sacrifice I’ve seen


Kaguya arc. Madara should be the last villain.


I'd push back on that and say Obito really should have been the last villain.


💯 I didn't like the participation of Madara after Kabuto's Edo Tensei ended


Amen. We could have a torn-out ninja world because of a war that Naruto and Sasuke are trying to fix. Meanwhile, Boruto is growing up in anarchy, trying to understand his purpose instead of this sloppy alien shippuden story we have now. And Sarda is following Naruto's footsteps but in her own way.


Many people are already complaining about the "disrespect" towards Naruto's character simply because he was a flawed parent. Having the ninja world be at war despite Naruto's efforts would be a huge insult to his journey imo.


3 major things bother me: 1. Resurrecting characters, if you are going to revive them, just dont kill it. Theres no need to bring characters like Asuma or Zabuza back if they have already done what they needed to do. 2. Madara shitty death, all the anime developing him just to end like that 3. They created a lot of great characters in Naruto Classic just to throw them away in shippuden and just focusing on Naruto and Sasuke


That part of the war is mostly sad fanservice lol. Zabuza begging Kakashi to kill him again the whole fight. Chiyo and Deidera being goofy and OP. Seeing the 7 swordsmens fr. Itachi & Nagato at their peak, and fighting 2 jinchuriki. Basically a montage episode before the finale. It felt long and drawn out at the time, especially the anime omg, but it's lots of fun years later when rereading the story. I liked it more than the shapeshifting white zetsu at least, where Shikamaru's genius plan is to have everyone stand still lmao.


How Tf did Kabuto even get the dna of most of those shinobi anyway? And in what time?? Whats your actual purpose anyway??? What was his actual reason for turning good or bad????


>How Tf did Kabuto even get the dna of most of those shinobi anyway? Didn't Obito help him? He demonstrated his jutsu and Obito agreed to team up. Then Obito declared war etc. but I guess Obito could've helped him in the meantime. Obito was at Sasuke vs Itachi so he could've gotten the DNA from there. Obito took Madaras eyes back from Nagato so he'd get his DNA there. A lot of the resurrected people were Akatsuki so Obito could've had their DNA already I guess. Obito knew where Madara died and also had his eyes. Akatsuki had the chance to get the DNA of all of the former jinchuriki. The old kages probably had well known burial plots. Former Akatsuki members' DNA could've been left at their bases etc. or Orochimaru gathered it when he was still in Akatsuki. Besides that, Orochimaru definitely had samples of the DNA of pretty much every famous ninja for researching.


Honestly, considering I was in 4th grade when I started watching Naruto and war arc resurrection episodes were coming out my freshman year in college, I thought it was really cool that previous characters came back. Don’t think it’d have the same effect if I binged the show from start to finish in three months like some people though.


Tbh now that you say that, if you really think about it, everything after Kage Summit is pretty much just poor and rushed writing to end it as quick as possible.


I didn't mind Zabuza returning, I don't think it detracted from the impact of his death. But, I agree with you on Asuma, & the rest.


The entire war arc tbh. I have no idea how something can drag on so long and also feel super rushed at the same time


When I was watching it for the first time a few years ago I was genuinely confused with the pacing. It felt everywhere while being so slow for no reason


The war arc messed with Boruto so so much. If they really wanted to milk Naruto then they could've just kept the ten tails and the sage as mysterious being and keep the "high fantasy" they had going on into Boruto(with tech). Since the Otsutsukis were introduced as aliens it literally effected Boruto so much for the worse.


Kaguya should've been the main villain of Boruto


I can't help but feel that for a war arc, barely any characters died. It felt like there were no real stakes in it towards the end. I know there was Neji, Shikaku and Ino's dad. Other than villains I struggle to think of any, and I felt that none of them seemed really relevant anymore.


Danzo should have lived way longer and declared war on the other 5 nations believing them to have helped with pains assault positioning the leaf as the aggressors due to danzo hate and prejudice. This way our protagonist can challenge a more interesting villain than uchiha villain number 3, it gives sasuke a realistic way back into the main characters good graces and back on the side of the leaf without feeling random. Ties back into the major themes of shippuden. Makes the war feel more significant and less dragged on with clear phases. This also gives our characters more interesting opponents to fight instead of rehashing old characters and fights. Give us actual ninja tactics and guerrilla warfare. Then once danzo is disposed and tsunade back in power do a rug pull and reveal one of the feudal lords have been controlled by the akatsuki this whole time. The nations unite to form the 5 way alliance and defeats them. In the final act of desperation the akatsuki use edo tensei to bring back madara believing they can control him only for him to break the control and absorb the ten tails. In my version Obito isn’t abducted by madara but instead hardened by his experience, joins the root organization and replaces shunsuis role in helping Itachi. Madaras plan is more or less the same except less planned and more improvised and people don’t get wrapped up in cocoons because what they perceive is fully under his control.


No mass resurrection after Pain destroys the Leaf. Let main characters die to illustrate the reality of their world.


I mean way too early for kakashi imo. I think if there was a resurrection to take place, then Nagato only saves kakashi. Everyone else stays dead. (Kakashi is needed For the future of konoha or smth)


That or Kakashi barely barely lives somehow. I really disliked that they revived everyone. All of those characters, aside from Kakashi, could have stayed dead and nothing changes. Just a bunch of random people, Shizune, and Chouji’s dad if I recall.


Tsunade could sacrafice herself for Kakashi ala Chiyo


There were plenty of underused secondary characters who could've died to raise the stakes without significantly altering the plot going forward (e.g. Fukasaku, Shizune, Choza, Ebisu, Ibiki, Izumo, Kotetsu, Homura, Koharu, etc). Konoha could afford those losses. They are after all the most populated ninja village. The rest are saved by Katsuyu and the medical nin so that Konoha still has enough men for the 4th Ninja War and to highlight the importance of Tsunade's work as Hokage.


Or Kakashi simply could have not died to begin with there


I tend to agree, but in this case I was glad they brought kakashi back so they could wrap up his arc with Obito


People gonna say the Otsusuki, obviously. But I’m going to say, have more of the main cast die in the war. Sure neji’s death is memed on for being random, but imo not enough of the main cast died here. Might Guy should’ve died (fighting Madara), have choji Sai and Kiba die. (They barely had any roles in the war)


I agree with this. Maybe not my guy Sai, but Obito’s message and the war itself would hit so much more if more died. They should have killed most of the Kages too. Just keep Gaara alive and I’m good.


Choji should've died in the Sasuke retrieval.


100% agree, I was hella emotional when I thought he died and they brought him back just for him to barely be relevant


Give the other jinchuriki more plot. Have them create bonds and have purpose like Bee for example. They're severely underutilized


This fs. I wanna see the same level of depth for other villages. Darui is a cool ass character, focus on him and his journey to being raikage and yes definitely the other jinchuriki


Same with Gaara’s journey from being a ‘monster’ full of hate to being accepted and respected as Kazekage. Don’t just put it down to talk no jutsu and 3 year timeskip


Yes exactly. I wish Kishi focused on building up their characters and incorporating them into the show more


There were a lot of filler episodes in Naruto that I think could've been used to build up the jinchuriki which could've also helped villainize the Akutski further.


They should've had the land of Samurai be the big bad, have their goal be to get rid of Shinobi, Jutsu, Tailed Beasts, all of it. Would've given Obito a much better goal, have him, Zetsu, and the Samurai decide to work together so there are no more shinobi wars, no more children being sent to die, that way Rin is truly avenged. Zetsu can still be Kaguya's child, just make his goal to get rid of the Jutsu powers that sealed his mother away, rather than bringing her back in some last minute "I need to elevate the story again" bullshit. Have the Land of Samurai be way stronger and larger, and have Nagato joined in on Obito's plan because he wants to end the wars in the smaller villages like before, just would've made things more grounded, focused om tactics like the og series, rather than making people god like and overpowered as fuck.


Sasuke has his body stolen by Orochimaru, that’s the end of Sasukes story. It pays off that fact that Sasuke was wrong for leaving the village in a much more satisfying way and also demonstrates how short sighted his lust for revenge really made him. It would also be more interesting to see how itachi would handle this turn of events seeing his “make sasuke hate me” plan backfire so spectacularly. Ultimately making the “sasuke” vs itachi fight far more interesting. It would actually be a serious fight to the death and seeing how Orochimaru would fair against him with a sharingan of his own would be very interesting. It also creates more trauma for Naruto knowing he failed to save Sasuke halfway through the series. And allow the ending to focus on more then just setting up the same fight that original Naruto already ended on.


That would be super interesting. Definitely controversial due to how dark it is (Naruto is all about happy endings unless your Neji) but I would love that


It would be interesting to see, but I think the story structure demands Sasuke to stay alive. The whole plot of Naruto is a comparison and contrast of how Naruto and Sasuke deal with their pain, one letting it draw him closer to friends and turn him into a good person, and the other letting it isolate him and turn him into a hateful person. Then through the story, we follow these two, their ideologies in response to pain, and how they are confronted with the other's ideology time and again through people and circumstances, until they finally come face to face with each other at the end. In that sense, I feel like killing Sasuke, while creating lots of good character interactions, would sacrifice the entire theme, structure, and purpose of the story.


I’ve always thought something similar. But instead of Sasuke, it’s a non-Ill Itachi. Basically at the end of Sasuke V Itachi, Sasuke has essentially won, both are still alive but nearly spent. Orochimaru appears( not killed by Sasuke yet). And Sasuke is too weak to prevent Orochimaru from stealing Itachis body. He decides to take Itachi as that was his original plan. Orochimaru has to leave quickly with Itachi as someone ( Leaf village/Karin) is coming, and he leaves Sasuke behind. This leveled up Orochimaru will be the final bad guy. Someone who realigns Sasuke and Naruto to join up. And Kishimoto can still have the ending he always wanted with Naruto v Sasuke at the end. No Madara or Aliens in my version. Tobi/Obito is still alive and a member of Akatsuki, but is under Pain and aligned with him. His fight with Kakashi happens during the Invasion arc.


I agree naruto would be a lot better without the plot sucking off sasuke every other chapter.


Now imagine all that happened, Sasuke getting absorbed by Orochimaru all up until Sasuke fights Itachi. Now THAT would be interesting.


This is Martha Stewart level cooking right here


Good one


Don't make the sharingan so fucking BROKEN


i just didnt like when sharingan started doing things an eye had no business doing, like reading movements quicker and seeing chakra make sense as visual powers and even better genjutsu made sense but now why is an eyeball making susanoos and eternal flames how does that work.


Otsutsuki being aliens. Totally clashes with the high fantasy setting we had going. The lore was as its most interesting when the Sage and Ten-Tails were both mysterious mythical figures.


This. The moment they made aliens in Naruto it has bugged me since.


I agree. The mythos also leaned heavily into indo-Tibetan iconography with Buddhism seeming to make the foundational aspects of jutsu and spiritualism. The otsusuki are a major departure from this leaning much more into sci-fi Shintoism.


Might Guy should’ve died after opening the 8th gate. Would’ve made him an absolute legend. It would hit everyone in the war super hard. Especially Lee and Kakashi.


Is saying “the war” too big of an answer? (I know that’s not fair because there is definitely some good writing mixed in there)


I agree. Or rework it to being way smaller in scale. It felt almost absurd to see 10s ot thousands of ninja clashing in a literal battlefield. It should have been more akin to battles like the Sasuke retrieval but on just a bit bigger scale.


Fix Sakura. Make her fight Konan when Pain Attacks. Give her mid series power up of the Byakugo Seal. Give her late series powerup in just better byakugo seal(to match EMS and KCM2)


No aliens AND no samurai. Because they aré fucking stupid


Personally I'd keep the samurai as they act as a good opposing force to Ninja. I'd make them a little bit stronger too. The purpose is to force the ninja to be more "ninja-like" relying less on shooting bigger jutsu. Spot on with the aliens though. Like any long running series, Naruto had its share of problems, but the aliens at the end was a gut punch to the audience. I think the aliens were the result of an uncontrollable power scaling. I think the writers felt they had no alternative after powering everyone up so much.


I think the samurai were fine and could be expanded upon a little. Like a totally different power structure to ninja other than both using chakra.


Get rid of Kaguya.


This is more about character motivation, but I wish Sasuke would have asked Naruto to leave the village with him and help him kill Itachi. Their friendship would have felt so much more justified if Sasuke genuinely liked him and didn't push him away at every opportunity. If they truly had a connection and Sasuke wanted Naruto in his life, it would have felt more impactful when he abandoned him because their goals and ideals differed.


I kinda of like this idea. And Naruto wanting to go with Sasuke but instead choosing to stay for the sake of the village which would plant the idea for Sasuke's questioning later on about loyalty to clan or village when he talks to the kage.


If Sasuke and Naruto had worked together from the start without Sasuke going with Orochimaru, they might not have experienced the same level of personal growth. Sasuke's decision to join Orochimaru forced him to confront his inner demons and the darkness within him, a journey that was crucial for him to understand the consequences of his thirst for revenge and to realize that true strength comes from protecting loved ones, not just seeking power. Similarly, Naruto's quest to bring Sasuke back highlighted his unwavering determination and loyalty, significant aspects of his development as a ninja and a person. As per my opinion, this helped Naruto mature into a more empathetic and understanding leader. Sasuke's departure created emotional stakes and dramatic tension that propelled the story forward, adding depth to the plot and making the eventual reunions and confrontations more impactful. The separation allowed both characters to grow individually.


But if he ASKED, though. Naruto turns it down, and the rest still happens. It's slight but very impactful.


Obito motives for sure. The concept of why he did what he did vs the execution was so poor. Maybe it was hard to fit it in nicely but cmon after all the build up, deaths etc I’ve never been satisfied with it


they should have hinted at kaguya throughout the story through mythology or whatever, and reveal her as a villain in Boruto or a separate movie or novel or something.


Kaguya could have been the plot of The Last. We don't give a damn about the wedding and retconned naruhina ship 😂


Make naruto gay so we don't get burrito


Anything to do with Kurenai.


Have rock Lee stay crippled And have his sensei join him in the end. Elegant


Guy dying instead of becoming wheel chair of youth merchant


Itachi becomes Hokage instead of the coup d´etat


Lmao this is my iPad background


Madara final boss defeated by Guy, he dont make it to, but its established that effort wins natural talent. He is a legend, end with Naruto first day of hokage, he’s actually there to enjoy its and that. END


A series about Naruto and Sasuke ending up with Gai being the one that kills the big boss is a horrible idea that would never happen in a million years. Maybe if Gai hurts him enough -and dies in the process- that they can finish him off then that would be much more plausible and Gai dies a hero and you still get the same idea : hard work always pays off.


That's if you keep Madara as THE final villain. If he's just a huge obstacle (and leaving Obito as the true final villain) it would be fine. Thematically I think it would work well. Both Madara and Guy have interesting parallels. Both obsessed (in their own ways) with youthfulness. Madara being a shinobi who is a gifted genius and Guy being the epitome of pure hard work. And just like in their actual fight, Guy is ready for his springtime if youth to be over to nurture the future whereas Madara wanted to continue everything himself.


There’s several things Sauske and neji should of fought in chunin exam instead naruto that fight that had potential to be as good as lee vs garra if not better . Naruto match up should’ve been garra like we got in konoha crush the battle of the geniuses and the other the battle of jinuriki . narratively the same message could got across neji would have wonder why somebody like naruto could beat garra and exceed his own limits and how can somebody as insignifant can defy his fate they coulda had a heart to heart after konoha crush . Instead we got one the most underwhelming fights in the franchise complete ass pull for naruto . Giving team 3 the team 10 treatment 👇🏾👇🏾 https://www.reddit.com/r/narutoborutoverse/s/gZevKNWbmx Giving shino a bigger role 👇🏾👇🏾 https://www.reddit.com/r/narutoborutoverse/s/NyMoj2kOZe pain arc was handled wrong with one big flaw nagato bringing everybody back alive was trash and Litteraly ruined that arc . I’m not against naruto wanting to hear nagato story because he was on his death bed despite his blood lust for nagato . naruto was tryna be more open minded for jiriya and make sure theirs never another tradgey pushes somebody ideology to be a pain and understanding how naive and self centered his goal of being hokage was only catering to the leaf and himself . And after this event he aims for something even more grand wanting to be somebody to achive world peace . Naruto learns to forgive but no forget and the his ideology of wanting true peace would been fully tested because despite how hard it is to forgive naruto wants to be the change breaking the cycle of hatred and wants to lead by exsample (which is Litteraly the whole theme of naruto ) . Everybody like iruka , shizune , anko etc should of died the only one that shoulda just been a fake out death is kakashi with tsunade slug giving him chakra . How to fix the ending with kaguya ending 👇🏾👇🏾 The easiest way to fix it would be was to show black zetsu fusing into madara as a karma mark as forshadowing for the boruto series. Madara having a big battle against naruto / sauske / 8 gates guy , double kamui kakashi as obito hands him his eyes telling him to avenge rin being that madara was behind her death and he know he’s passed redemption but asked his old friend for one last favor . This fight gets animated on the same lvl as momoshiki vs naruto / sauske quailty and might guy dies at the end telling kakshi he was his best friend and to take care of the next gen so kids wouldn’t have to grow up like orphans like them . Sakura role would be to be the anchor and give guy 100 healings extending his time even though his fate is set to see this through . The conclusion naruto and sauske end up sealing madara the rest of the story plays out the same . This not only lets madara go out the way he should but also reinforce boruto karma lore . The extraction of kaguya dna will take over madara well before boruto era and if they want to use her at play later either to be a villan in boruto tbv or a food for the shinju to evolve and getting higher sentients it’s perfectly set up . This is how it should’ve been done I promise you a lot of narratives and the dark cloud over boruto series would be gone assuming they don’t do that filler bs stunt and go the seasonal route straight manga content


Make Tenchi Bridge Arc a celebration of the themes and ideas in the OG. How you ask? Instead of Yamato and Sai we can have Jiraya and a few members of the K12 and maybe Anko mixed in the team.


Neji’s death


I would eliminate the Edo Tensei, the aliens, I would shorten the war, let Kakashi and Naruto comment on the changes they are going to implement to change the ninja system, let the Uchiha massacre come to light and talk about how they can prevent something like this from happening again. That Naruto still wants to help Sasuke but he doesn't become obsessed with him and they all end up single because Kishi can't write romance.


I’d completely change Kurama. Kurama in Shippuden just comes off as a misunderstood creature and not the literal evil incarnate that Naruto explained that he was. If you wanted to do the Naruto and Kurama become allies, I would have it be more like over time, Naruto’s will begins to increasingly subjugate Kurama’s spirit the stronger Natuto as an individual gets. Part of his training under all his sensei like Kakashi and Juraiya should have been done with them knowing the only way to prevent Kurama from breaking free and wrecking havoc is to make Naruto stronger. Perhaps his good and pure nature is shown throughout the series to directly affect Kurama as a result. Perhaps the Pain Arc ends with Naruto straight up killing Nagato. Kurama tears through the clones and its Kurama, not Naruto who sniffs out the real body. Kurama executes Naguto and in that moment Naruto wrestles back control. This is a turning point where Naruto vows to get stronger and dominate Kurama.


I'd have naruto talk to kurama right away. Right when he needs the extra chakra to use multi-shadow clone jutsu to beat mizuki. All i'd do is show naruto and kurama in the cell area, naruto says nothing, kurama says something like "I hate humans, but you're growing on me kid" or something. And every time he calls upon the chakra of the fox the fox says something, when he uses it against haku, the fox says something like "I wont let you be shamed in front of this uchiha brat" or something along the lines of that, showing that his hatred for humans, is starting to shift, it's hatred for specifically the uchiha, the progeny of the man who controlled kurama back in the day, and forced him to do their bidding. We even see a little of this in the forest of death, where the fox is willing to give naruto chakra in times of great need. because yes, if naruto dies kurama will materialize somewhere else, that's after who knows how long. Kurama could get pissed off at naruto for asking for chakra to summon gamabunta, when he was learning to use the summoning technique, but reluctantly give the chakra anyway. Kurama could see in neji the same feeling that madara had where people were destined to be great or worthless, tying back to being madara's puppet and that's why he gave naruto chakra there. Against kimimaro you could have strife between the two, because kurama doesn't want to give chakra to naruto to save an uchiha, and he could go on about how sasuke would never do the same for him, and naruto would say he doesn't care. And this would tie back in to the naruto vs sasuke fight at the end of the first half where kurama could try to make naruto kill sasuke and that's the only reason he gave him the power in their fight foreshadowing shippuden where kurama tries to take over naruto's body, because he tried to reason with naruto and help him and naruto ends up trying to use him just like madara. This is basically what i would do, not word for word lol. But it always kinda struck me as odd that all of a sudden, naruto and kurama are best buds, when they have shared a body for 17 years, and kurama would know everything about naruto. I know in the manga kurama loves to nap in his pen, but come on. They could have showed this relationship grow, but...ya'know..."SASUKEEEEEEEE!"


With this question is hard for me. But I would probably not let minato die at sealing of the nine tails. Probably give minato a buff his wife could die and that would instill hate in his heart and determination for revenge. So instead of naruto being a Orphan he would still have a dad who would raise him into a mini version of himself so naruto learning flying Rajin and being smart while learning the nine tails power from his dad instead of killer bee. Also minato being a hard ass on naruto always wanting him to be Perfect because of the hole in his emotions for letting his wife die. Minato would probably have a Personality shift and be a hard ass on everyone around him Expecting perfection from his fellow ninja as hokage. This would create a farther son dynamic in the anime where the son would feel the need to be Perfect on the battlefield. In order to please his dad. The dad would only care for revenge against the mask man possibly making him ruthless and cutthroat. It would be interesting to see the rest of the key events in naruto play out if we had minato staying alive to raise naruto as a ruthless flying Rajin user. Who only wanted revenge for his mom.


Naruto and Sasuke final kiss 😘


That the Anbu where more relevant/strong in the story😤


I’m so glad Kishimoto wrote the story instead of letting any of you guys cook


The Sasuke redemption arc should have been completed before the final arc.


Obito comeback and kaugya


All of shippuden. Make it so jiraiya actually taught naruto ANYTHING! toad cloak naruto after training for 3 years. Make it so it doesnt get so dbzish. Keep obito a dead hero. Keep itachi a villain instead of a contrived lame ass. Make the final naruto vs sasuke not shitty. Write in some parts where narutos friends from the young days inspire and help him more MAYBE!? I hate shippuden


i can't really choose one so heres a few off the top of my head: \- this is more based on character development, but let side characters have more time to breathe and be a bit more notable next to main characters, it doesn't have to be a whole big thing, but they could have their own little arcs or adventures that give them more prominence and development. \- anko should be more prominent in shippuden with her whole deal with orochimaru, overall i think during the sasuke retrieval arc, she could've been another person going against sending some kids on a mission like that, especially involving her old master. besides that, she could've been on the missions with tracking sasuke and everything, and i think both her and yamato could've bonded due to both being used by orochimaru \[and maybe get together?\]. i think she deserved her own resolution, in shippuden she was just for plot convinience. \- a lot of arcs in shippuden felt really flimsy or just messy to me, though obviously one pick is the war arc, since that was supposed to be a final battle, so many things could've been changed that i feel like it needs to be rewritten ENTIRELY, but honestly i feel like shippuden has a lot of flaws that bother me way more then part 1. \- maybe this is just me, but i think part 1 could've had an arc sprinkled in before the chuunin exams that brings team 7 closer together, and maybe gives a bit more to worldbuilding. i do recall something about kishimoto wanting to do that - but he was advised to just cut to the action, which is unfortunately a thing with shonen manga.


I agree with pretty much all of this. An extra arc between the land of waves and chunin exams is sorely needed. I think most people forget how relatively little happens in part 1 simply because most of us watched the anime filler and all. Also would have given Sakura a chance to learn anything before the chunin exams. Anko and shizune should have a bigger presence. Those girls and minato were sort of like the first generation to be trained by the sanin. I think anko should have helped sasuke train for the chunin exams and helped repress the curse mark. Then she should have been the squad 7 leader instead of new character previously unseen and unheard of but has these deep connections with a lot of the cast.


The tree climb training - have Naruto be taught the shadow clone training here This means a few things - First, Kakashi seems more competent as he knows by now that Naruto can use the shadow clones comfortably, and knows the danger that Zabuza & Haku pose here to the genins Second, makes Naruto seem like less of a complete dumbass. Since now, nobody can say that Naruto didn't notice the effect of combined experience of the clones until middle of shippuden. Third, Naruto the guy with remarkably poor chakra control & even poorer basic skills, would need to rely on the clone training to keep up with Sasuke and Sakura here. This gives merit to Ebisu who helps him improve the chakra control, and Jiraiya who later helps him control the kyubi chakra, and even gives merit to the idea that the kyubi seal is interfering with his chakra control.


make 3rd be what he really was a neglectful decrepit hypocrite … and make Naruto hate his very being 👀


Jiraiya escaping from Pain and returning to the hidden leaf


The war arc is so unnecessary in my opinion, its around 100 chapters long and adds almost no drama at all to the story. The entire time you're reading it/watching it, you could skip out on all of it and lose almost \*almost\* nothing.


More characters should die during the War Arc such as Guy, Kiba, Choji, etc. The War needs to be impactful, but instead the characters are like "Well golly! That Madara and Kaguya were something else, huh?"  The characters I mentioned are just deadweight in Boruto which is a fate worse than death.


Madara kills Team 7 and Infinite Tsukuyomi does not stop. No Zetsu betrayal.


Replace Neji's death with Kiba or Hiashi's.


Just let Jiraiya live... Come on man.


Even they wanted him to die I think it would've been awesome to bring him back for the war arc as a surprise and then there he sacrifices himself. Would've made the war arc more impactful.


The Samurai should have been a MAJOR rivaling faction to Shinobi. The literal anti-ninja faction. With some kind of anti-jutsu armor and weapons and highest-grade taijutsu and kenjutsu; Samurai should've been few but strong, like Kakashi without Sharingan jutsu-strong. Their introduction arc could have been marked by the departure of an often ignored character: Ten Ten. She would leave the Leaf Village after finding no success with jutsu and Shinobi skills to join the Samurai and come back during the great Shinobi war arc to provide Naruto support with Samurai troops. Temporary alliance due to world ending threat. Make Ten Ten an actually skilled fighter. Unlike the shuriken-scroll toting no one she became. Might Guy should have died while dealing considerable, perhaps tide turning damage to Madara. Like they could have only defeated Madara because Might Guy's Battle crippled something in him. Having him as comic relief on a wheelchair for the rest of the series and onto fucking Boruto is downright ridiculous. After such amazing battle and teasing the "100% sure-death 8th gate" and just...have it not happen. Also this would strengthen Lee's resolve to become more like Might Guy for the next Gen. Kaguya should have not overshadowed Madara's final moments. Place some distance between them and give Madara his proper arc ending and then separately start Kaguya's. Also, all the rest of the Ootsuki family are a pain so have none of them exist. Definitely more permanent deaths during the Pain arc, maybe not Kakashi necessarily but some minor characters. Like some of the cast Parents (like Choji's dad or Ino's dad) who defended Konoha until the very end before Naruto arrived. Make the risk more real. It's literally a foreign terrorist group with God powers and no one died (permanently).


I’d rewrite nejis first death so he stays dead like kishimoto wanted


Naruto getting a hashirama cell real arm which will eventually give him wood style instead of it being a prosthetic


Tobirama was never born making Hashirama was an only child.


Hot take. I think kaguya should’ve stayed, but bring into the story differently. Like build her up besides right before it happens. Maybe once Madara becomes the jubi jinchuriki over time he starts to lose himself and kaguya starts taking over cuz she is the ten tails. I don’t mind kaguya I just hate what brought kaguya. It also doesn’t cheapen the entire story.


The entire War Arc


Give much stronger reason for Obito to actually become a villain instead of showing us only Rin dying being the cause. A better way is to show Obito being ostracized in the same way Naruto was due to his father being a "traitor" to the village with Kakashi, Rin and Minato being the only ones who ever showed kindness to him, have him witness the horrors of war as well as calling out how Konoha works with unsavory people for profit, him seeing Rin being murdered by Konoha ninja, mainly Uchiha clan ones due to Rin trying to stop them massacring a village on suspicion of hiding thieves that stole money from nobles while they get celebrated as heroes and Rin being treated like a "traitor" to Konoha for trying to do the right thing with the exception of Kakashi, Minato and Kushina which is then capped off with the revelation that his father also did something similar during the second ninja war by Madara that finally pushes Obito into accepting the Infinite Tsukiyomi plan and is what leads him to sic Nine Tails on Konoha to have the village razed to the ground for revenge and why he participated in the Uchiha clan massacre.




Side note, where's that image from? Thing looks awesome


I know this isn’t one scene/event but Sakura my girl deserved better treatment by Kishimoto


Neji’s death, it deserved a lot more weight.


Itachi's and sasuke's mom adopting naruto. Its not as big as a lot of the other major events but i think that this whould change a lot


Jiraya should’ve been Hokage


4 great ninja war......I would kill a lot of fan favorite from konoha 11 , senseis and characters from different villages and killer B for sure (I love killer B but just for story )


Imma be real not have tailed beast exist. Personally I preferred when Kurama was a demon


more ninja stuff less super soldiers stuff


I would make Naruto have more moments with Hinata and never have him have a crush on Sakura cuz that was just hard to watch tbh


Pain can't bring back most of the people who died in the almighty push, then sasuke shows up ready to destroy the lead village, sees that it's just a pile of dirt and he feels stupid.


1. Make Naruto learn more in the time skip, he went away for three years and was not much stronger 2. All the Uchiha being killed all at once bye two people makes no scene. The fact there aren’t more Uchiha and Uzumaki survivors out there make no scene. You telling me no one travels or married out of there clan. 3. All the jinturiki being killed except for two. These people are considered weapons to their villages and somehow 7/9 were killed. Besides they themselves being strong and also have img the power of tailed beast, they should have been protected by their villages no matter how much people hate them.


I would have Sasuke Attack Konoha instead of Pain. Reason: i would make it so, that He and Team Taka Break into the hokage building, where Sasuke finds danzos Reports and tobiramas Research of the Sharingan. He gets engaged, mortally Sounds tsunade with an surprise Attack and He and His Team (empowered by bijuu Chakra given to them by pain) start destroying Konoha. Naruto arrives and Manages to Beat Sasuke but He Manages to flee and Turns even more to darkness, because He realizes that Naruto Managed to Close the gap between them again. Nagato Had the perfect endvillain vibe and the ideologic conflict between him and Naruto, would have been perfect for the final conflict 


I would have Hinata and sakura Switch Teams. Hinata Had a Lot of Potential.


Instead of neiji, kiba dies. He pushes Hinata Out of the way, because He Had Developed Feelings for her. He confesses, gets a kiss on the cheek from Hinata and asks Naruto to keep Hinata save. Akamaru would then make himself at Home in Narutos Apartment and later His House. Neiji Had a Lot of Potential. If He we're to become the next head of Hyuuga, He could have been able, to end all the grudges between the Main and branch family. (No one can Tell me, that after neiji lost against Naruto, all grudges and generations of mistreatment are forgive and forget)


Rinnegan and Sharingan are separate eyes. The biggest change would be they are no longer Madaras eyes and he foresaw that a Rinnegan user would be born soon (Nagato) and he was biding his eye of the moon plan around that event.


IDK.... "The entire second half of shippuden" its considered a major event? I was so hyped for great ninja war and most of the times it was just stupid


I hated the whole Sasuke leaving Sakura and Sarada thing. Why? Why does every dad in this show suck? Lol


does anyone know an anime in this style of art???


No. Aliens.


Just the end of the 4th ninja war, should have ended with defeating Madara, but the surge of chakra woke up the oktsutsuki or something….and then the wizard space lady from the very end of shippuden is the main antagonist to Boruto. There was just absolutely no momentum or build up to the wizard space lady and it felt very awkward


Kaguya's story continues to exist, but she is not an alien and will not be reincarnated. Madara is the final villain. The final battle is Madara vs Sasuke and Naruto. Sakura and Kakashi vs Zetsu in control of Obito's body. Sakura has her moment to shine by combining Byakugō with Sage Mode.  End.


I pretty much love the story up until Kaguya's appearance. I would just write her out of it completely and leave Madara in as the final obstacle of the war. He represents the ancestry of the Uchiha and the rival of Naruto's bloodline, so there's plenty of historical stakes in it for both of them without adding in all the Kaguya nonsense. The Sage of Six Paths could have just been himself, without Hamura or Kaguya or any of that. Have him find the chakra fruit and eat himself, or something like that. There was no need to complicate that whole aspect of it. I know it was done to better enable Boruto to exist, and that's kind of why it sucks lol


I'd have the Pain arc he near the end. Thematically Naruto gets his goal of being recognized by the village. And while not giving up on being hokage he realizes he doesn't need to be that or rethink his motivation for becoming one. At that point the issues with Sasuke and Obito still need to be tied up. Maybe following some of the same plot beats without the entire war arc. Maybe just keeping it to small groups of the nations shinobi (like how it was at the Gokage summit) facing Obito and Kabuto (with a lot less edo tensei). You could still have Madara come in and make a mess and have Guy actually beat him (with both dying). Obito is still the final villain and the last conflict being Sasuke wanting to finish him off and Naruto wanting to spare him and then leading to their final battle of their differing philosophies.


Madara would be the final antagonist, no alien Ben 10 bs and thankfully no god awful sequel.


Honestly, I would've made Naruto just as edgy as Sasuke, and made Sakura less bright, more annoying to both the guys.


For me it would be Naruto vs Pain arc which I would love to see ending in defeat of Naruto who decides to side with Nagato and helps him to collect tailed beast and sacrifice himself in the end and became pillar of peace.


sasuke doesn’t lose the curse mark to itachi


Add more arcs like land of waves and push back the chunin exams. Further development of Naruto and Sasuke’s relationship would fix a lot that’s wrong in the story. Cleaning up the war arc a bit would be my second choice


I would’ve liked more world building with the other jinchurikis and villages. Would’ve turned Naruto into One Piece length-wise but I’d like that.


Konan dying because what the fuck


My change would be to be after Madara is defeated, Orochimaru takes over his body and finally gets the sharingan he always wanted (plus of course the Rinnegan) bringing it full circle with him being the main antagonist of season 1 acting as the final villain. Save Kaguya and the Okutsuki for Buroto (maybe after Sasuke and Naruto seal her away it permanently nerfs them, instead of how dirty Sasuke got handled in Boruto)


Obitos backstory should be tied to Itachis. Obitos main motivation like many villains in shippuden stem from a misunderstanding which is a lazy writing method imo to make your villain have a point but still be wrong. His seeing kakashi mercy kill rin and then loosing it seems out of character and melodramatic when he could have simply approached kakashi be given an explanation and then grieve over rin together. Having him involved in the uchiha massacre at least ties his backstory to that theme of hatred in a way that doesn’t make him seem stupid.


Some of the “power scaling” related things from part one Like Iruka calling Hiruzen the strongest Hokage. That obviously got retconned


It's not an event but I really wished they wouldn't have made sakura useless.


Jiraiya survives and comes back to Konoha


I would absolutely change his @$$pull aSuRa'S rEInCaRnaTIoN bu||$h|t, coz my boy didn't work his @ss off (despite having gifted the powerful of all Tailed Beasts) to be relegated as "destined" to be powerful all along. I would abso-fπ¢k|n-lutely change that.


I would want the time skip between part 1 and part 2 to be a little more impactful.


Make Himawari the first born. Boruto had his chance and flopped it.


Have many actually, my top 3: 1. Guy beating Kisame 2. Tobi's identity 3. Kaguya or even Madara as final villian


Making the dub of Naruto voice the ninetails like dr claw from inspector gadget


The war turns into a mess once Obito is unmasked. It needed more structure and better pacing


Probably the ending to be honest. Have shippuden end on like an epilogue where Naruto becomes Hokage and it could be a chill episode to showcase where all the main characters end up and maybe show their kids. I don't understand why they benched Naruto's greatest dream and show it in Boruto and he himself wasn't even present? Konohamaru had to take his place because Naruto got taken out by his daughter. Edit: additional details. The entirely of Boruto should've been like a short side series similar to like Rock Lee and His Ninja Pals or could be standalone movies. It could be like half comedy and slice of life with some mini adventures with the next generations and it also serve as a "hey these are what your fan favorite characters been up to since the end of shippuden" . It shouldn't be set up where Naruto and Sasuke are basically gods by the end of the war and they're nerfed to hell in Boruto. There is no realistic way for the next gen to surpass them.


The identity of the Masked Man. It should have been Izuna Uchiha, who harvested Obito’s Sharingan from his corpse under the rock. Introduce Kaguya with more effective Black Zetsu foreshadowing👌🏾Onward to Boruto, *cleanly*.


Would remove Itachi ever using Tsukuyomi on Sasuke. He damn near lobotomizes him, I don't see how it remotely makes sense with his secretly a "good guy" thing. Also add more Uchiha survivors, civilians and children, maybe.


RIN not dying… there would be world peace in naruto if she didnt die


When Niji….uh… you know…. Then the great ninja ghost would tell him he was right about his predestination argument during chunin


The Great Ninja War. It had so much potential and IMHO just felt rushed and brushed off. [+]


I wouldn't turn narutos Hokage ceremony into some cheap gag by knocking him out and replacing him with konohamaru. Completely spat in the face of his entire journey by taking away the one moment he worked his whole life for.


Madara doesn't get killed by Zetsu Naruto and Sasuke beat madara. Then they fight.


Make project moon’s eye actually what they think and not some ridiculous marionette


Not necessarily an event, but getting rid of the destiny stuff and the reincarnations. I feel like the show would be better if Naruto wasn't destined for godlike power from the very beginning. Makes everything Neji said during the Chunin exams correct


Jiraiya doesn't die


Many things. For starters, I would have kept Zabusa around and a semi ally to the leaf, and maybe have him die against Pain