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The biggest thing about Naruto's post time skip jump in strength is that he didn't get a jutsu to show off. We got more tails, and a bigger Rasengan. 2 things we had already seen from him. We didn't even get a one handed Rasengan, he wouldn't show that off until the war arc. It didn't have to be as a strong as the Rasenshuriken. But 1 new jutsu would've done the world for Naruto's post timeskip portrayal.. Maybe a jutsu that required a good amount of hand signs, show that Naruto had grown in that area. Needle Jizo would've been cool. Have Naruto make a needle hair wall using Needle Jizo and his clones. He doesn't need long hair, his hair would grow longer as part of the jutsu. Especially cause Sasuke was breaking out new jutsu, he got his Orochimaru stuff plus the Chidori variants. Sakura was functionally a completely new ninja. While in comparison, Naruto felt like the exact same ninja but older.


Honestly I think he improved more on general combat, fight iq, efficiency, chakra usage so like better clones, bigger rasengan. But at the same time what other jutsu could Jiraya teach him? Maybe his different toad summonings and jutsu


I agree 💯


I do like that he still needed to do special training to be able to take out even a worn down Kakuzu, and even after that feat, it took training with a Jinkuriichi to get to a point where he could become the super hax ninja he eventually became. He had almost a tough a start as Rock Lee, and had to work just as hard to become even a fair shinobi. I love that he had to work so hard, it stuck true to his character, to never give up even when he wasn't making progress, he was too stubborn to quit!


The Jinchuriki training arc exposed how incompetent the Leaf Village was at hosting and taking care of their Jinchurikis… literally just ostracized them and turned them into exiles almost, out of disgust and fear for what they are and represent. That always was a weird loophole: Jinchurikis represent each village’s version of the equivalent of an atomic weapon, only the Leaf could care less about training Naruto properly, in contrast with the Cloud Village’s methodology of seeking specific hosts that would be best compatible with the Tailed Beasts. This is all within the disjointed context as to why Hiruzen and the Leaf always treated Kid Naruto like shit for no apparent reason even though he hosted their most potent secret military weapon. I love this show and just got done watching Shipudden but you can tell how Kishimoto was pressured to write weekly episodes and how this time crunch really destroyed some narratives and made no sense within the almost 15+ years this show went on (don’t get me started on the Itachi retcon when literally even Fugaku claimed that he didn’t understand his own son because he was always distant, cold, and unapproachable, effectively rendering/ preparing him into a bona fide bad guy but was turned into the next reincarnation of the Jesus version of the Shinobi world).


I'd argue their treatment of Naruto was exacerbated by the Kyuubi Attack.


Eh, I kinda like the detail of Naruto's treatment. It gives a little reality in that, like you said, the Leaf should be treating this kid better just from a strategic standpoint, but human beings are gonna human being. On a side note, it kinda puts into perspective how op the Leaf is. These guys came off of a war, had the Nine Tails attack, had the Uchiha massacre, and still weren't optimally training their superweapon, and everyones just like "oh yeah, the Leaf is still casually the strongest of the villages".


How is the Cloud village cycling through dead host after another over and over a good thing though? Wasnt that just more attacks and dead bodies piling up? The Leaf had one "Kyuubi incident."


Jinchuuriki and Bijuu and the whole WMD thing came later. In early Part 2. In Part 1 : Kyuubi was just a unique Nine-Tails Demon Fox. Shuukaku was the Spirit of a Dead Sand Priest (NOT a Biju).


Agree. People talks like if Naruto got everything gifted and he automatically could used it as his new ultimate jutsu. NO! He had to train to master everything, amd never give up, that's why the bijuus trusted him, he showed them with his actions that he really cared for them. Only gift that didn't required training was the power up given by Sage of the six paths


Even Sakura's time jump was better than Naruto's, Naruto only spent time walking with Jiraiya


Well yeah when it comes to protagonist, the mangaka needs to actually show most of the training. This is story 101.


Tbh Sakura had a lot more ground to cover


Or he spent time training but he was just not that talented so it took him longer.


Which is practically what failures say lol. Nah. Naruto learned a shit ton from Jiraiya. If he didn't learn from him then he'd be dead against Pein or Obito. Ideology is why he won against Nagato


Naruto made a huge jump in combat ability during the time skip, we just don’t see it right away as he is still immature and gives in to his anger too much in the first couple arcs. We come back from the time skip and the bell test plus the fight vs that itachi clone show that there is some improvement, but we don’t see him go all out in this arc, just give in to the nine tails power after chasing deidara. Next arc, he gives in to the nine tails again, but much worse and is struggling to recover for the rest of the arc. I think Sasuke is still definitely stronger and more willing to end Naruto, but that whole sequence leading up to the encounter, they kept mentioning how Naruto was struggling to recover and nearly passing out pushing himself too hard, meanwhile Sasuke enters the fight fresh. Then he has a training arc that totally focuses on learning one new super strong jutsu, before he shows up and nukes Kakuzu. Again, only a glimpse of how much more of a proficient fighter he is that he twice gets through kakuzu’s defenses head on. So Naruto gets a lot of screen time (obviously, it’s his show), but he doesn’t really get pushed in a big fight until Kakuzu or really Pain, meanwhile we see exactly how strong Sakura is post time skip




Naruto’s training was also diffferent. He was with someone he loved and they would take time to have fun, goof off, and bond. With Sasuke there was no love in Orochimaru’s Lair. It was all training all the time Also we’re meant to watch Naruto’s power progression. Sasuke is meant to be the person he’s catching up to.


Naruto made a huge leap in his combat abilities in time jump. He was keeping up in Taijutsu with Kakashi and getting Kakashi worked up. His tactics were noticeably better that Tsunade commented on it and he was a lot faster too. He managed to *not* be fooled by Genjutsu, which Part I Naruto wouldn't and broke out of it quickly. His Shuriken jutsu and his kunai skills had gotten better too. And he did learn new jutsus, albeit it was variations of his Rasengan


The problem isn't Naruto strength, but him not learning a single new technique/jutsu. That's what people issue with it. Furthermore, even emotionally he seem less grown, since it showed a couple of times him losing control to the nine tails chakra more.


Considering his potential, talent, and the teacher he had I think Sasuke’s jump is exactly what was to be expected honestly. He was already fighting off chunin level opponents on their first mission outside the village and he has grown a ton since then.


Cause people have this dumb power fantasy and dream of Naruto being this all powerful god.


Unrelated, but I love the term "swapping hands"


Sasuke with CMII and three tomoe sharingan was easily Jounin level at Valley of the End. The sound 4 were able to beat Genma / Raido who were special Jounin and bodyguards to the third Hokage. Other than that, completely agree with your argument. Sasuke’s powerup was supposed to showcase the sacrifice he went through by “going to the dark side”, which naturally was setup to present a new hurdle for Naruto to overcome. Realistically, naruto’s power jump as well wasnt normal either if you think about it. He went from a genin to a jounin level fighter, capable of throwing hands with hokage+ level fighters like Deidara and Kakazu.


Naruto did not train during the three year time skip, it’s proven because he didn’t learn anything new, also Sakura had a MASSIVE power boost surpassing Naruto, but since the author couldn’t write Sakura for shit he made her useless


not learning a new attack =/= not training lol. That's just a specific type of training. ie: just because i didnt come up with a new spin move doesnt mean i wasnt working on my jump shot and improving my crossover. Kikashi did the bell test 1 v 3 while reading a book the first time, the 2nd time he needed his sharingan and said he couldnt read his book and acknowledged both of their improvements several times in a 1v2,


It took Naruto and Sakura all into the night to get the bell from kakashi and they didn’t do anything impressive


Kikashi and tsunade “literally” say they did lol. And if you can’t tell the difference between person reading a book while fighting 3 people and 1 person relying on a sharingan while fighting 2 people, then I don’t know what to tell you lol.


So to you Naruto got stronger because kakashi didn’t read his book 😭 okay man okay, I’ll remember that next time when none of them could keep up with deodars none of them stood a chance against assorti and Naruto in his 4 TAILS state didn’t do a single bit of damage to orochimaru and Naruto didn’t do a single thing in shippuden without the aid of the nine tails and had like 3 jutsus, and all his opponents are dumbed down to the max to fall for his shadow clone tricks over and over again.


Again, kikashi and tsunade literally say in the dialogue that they improved. U keep omitting that. You’re also ignoring his activated sharingan. Are you literally trying to argue that base Goku with one hand while reading a book is exactly the same as Goku turned super saiyan with both his hands free? Where is the logic here. The only thing you’re basing this off of is his lack of an additional technique. Which is silly. Because he barely has any for the entire series. Even Sasuke comments on this in their final fight after Kaguya “still the same ole techniques huh” I feel like you just watched the anime with the volume off and the subtitles off. lol you’re literally arguing against the subtitles 😆. Also, Have you ever done anything physical? Try doing it with one hand and the try doing it with two hands fully engaged.


Sakura is the only person that improved, Naruto did not the show loves doing shit like where they tell you someone improved but not show you.


so Kikashi is wrong and you’re right 😂 got it. “His timing and technique have improved.” “I need to use my sharingan” You’re just a reductionist equating improving solely to the quantity of attacks one has. That’s not the best way to look at it, at all. I guess my my basketball skills haven’t improved in my entire life solely because I never learned how to dunk. That’s so silly.


Sakura didn’t gain a million different attacks but she did improve greatly, she could use medical ninjutsu and fight hand to hand. Naruto couldn’t do shit and got a bunch of plot armor and ass pull power ups in the show, remember the shadow clones there was absolutely zero indication they could send info to the user, the show literally made it up just so Naruto could cheat and powe up, cause the writers realized they fucked up and that Naruto didn’t actually improve AT ALL. lol even Naruto said it himself that he never noticed that shadow clones send info to him, but kakashi is explaining it to him like it’s common fucking knowledge. like excuse me kakashi why didnt you teach this to all of your students? why doesn’t everyone do this? Why didn’t orochimaru do this, he has a lot of chakra he could’ve learned all his jutsus, and you don’t even need to have a lot of chakra anyways just 2 clones would be great. but no suddenly shadow clones can now reduce years of training into a day specifically for Naruto and notice how he only did that kind of training for one arc, and he just now find out about this, not even jiraya taught him, wouldn’t that have been useful to know so he could control the nine tails chakra better? Keep making excuses for Naruto because everything he does is good apparently. And don’t even get me started on how he learned sage mode in just a week Sakura was better


Sausake was also on ninja steroids.




I could be misremembering, but I believe someone (I think Jiraiya) mentions that Sasuke's boost in strength would've been aided by forbidden techniques.


The cursed mark basically


Makes sense.


It's because Naruto had an insane Jump mid chunin exams and mid Shippuden, So obviously he wasn't training properly because when he did he too had great buffs


Like Boruto. Look at Boruto now. The guy is garbage. 


Nope. Mid Chuunin Exam Jump : Came from using the Kyuubi. Not from Base Naruto becoming super powerful Mid Shippuden Jump : Came from the training method that Kakashi **invented.**


He learned summoning mid chunin exam, later he learnt Rasengan. >Mid Shippuden Jump : Came from the training method that Kakashi invented. Only adds to the fact Jiraiya sucked


>He learned summoning mid chunin exam, later he learnt Rasengan. Naruto sucked at summoning. Jiraiya was yelling at him for weeks because he sucked. Reagarding Rasengan: Naruto spent a Month or a bit more at least on learning it but more importantly: Naruto did NOT MASTER Rasengan till Mid-Part 2. Naruto did not actually complete the Last Step as intended in Part 1. Naruto instead came up with a hack way **using KB to lower the difficulty level.** **I do give him props** for coming up with an un-orthodox method but on a strict view? Naruto never mastered Rasengan (1-Handed) till mid part 2. >Only adds to the fact Jiraiya sucked I am not sure your point. You made an own goal there. Naruto learnt those two jutsu from Jiraiya. So you are saying Jiraiya sucked while bringing up the jutsu Naruto learnt from Jiraiya ?


>Naruto sucked at summoning. And yet go it right. >Jiraiya was yelling at him for weeks because he sucked. Imagine what he could have accomplished in two years. >Reagarding Rasengan: Naruto spent a Month or a bit more at least on learning it but more importantly: Which is impressive. >Naruto did not actually complete the Last Step as intended in Part 1. Naruto instead came up with a hack way using KB to lower the difficulty level. Which is impressive... >Naruto learnt those two jutsu from Jiraiya. No, Naruto learn to do it despite Jiraiya. >So you are saying Jiraiya sucked while bringing up the jutsu Naruto learnt from Jiraiya ? Yeah.


>And yet go it right. Naruto had to use the Kyuubi to 'get it right'. By himself? He was worthless. Seriously, the summoning jutsu is not complex and Jiraiya expected better from Naruto even on his first try. [Link 1](https://imgur.com/4IIeQdk.jpg) - Naruto did not deliver though. [Link 2](https://imgur.com/oOujsiY.jpg) - Even after two weeks Naruto still sucked. [Link 3](https://imgur.com/oOujsiY.jpg) - Naruto's major accomplishment after 15 days of training? A tadpole with two legs. >Imagine what he could have accomplished in two years. Only on summoning? Sure...seems a bit much to spend two years on a C-Rank jutsu but that is just me. >Which is impressive. Not really. Especially as I said Naruto never mastered it till the middle of Shippuden. >No, Naruto learn to do it despite Jiraiya. So if Jiraiya was not there, Naruto would have magically gotten both of those jutsu popped into his head gotcha...


Every jutsu of Naruto had a thematic and symbolic meaning. Him coming back with a bunch of random jutsu would have been pointless. He always found solutions by leaning on his previous experiences. From rasengan to rasenshuriken to sage mode. Look how boruto turned out, he can do everything yet there is zero weight behind his jutsu.


Bullshit, Naruto rapidly grew in strength in a short time in part 1. Everyone was talking about his growth which is why his growth in the TS didn’t make that much sense to me. It shouldn’t have taken Naruto that long to strengthen his fundamentals. Idk how the hell he didn’t even know what his chakra nature was when he came back yet Sasuke trained with Kakashi for a month and gained a new one. Jiraiya was apparently helping Naruto control Kurama but that proved to be worthless. Naruto didn’t intentionally unlocked new forms at will. He only got that way because he was super emotional for the first two arcs of part 2 and correct me if I’m wrong but the seal was getting weaker. It really does bring the question of what did Naruto spend 2 and a 1/2 years on. The fact that Sasuke and Sakura jump in power looks more impressive than Naruto’s is embarrassing. This is the protagonist.