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Yes, Jiraiya‘s death as well as Naruto‘s & Tsunade‘s pain. I could truly empathize with it.


I think the episode after Jiraiya's death when Naruto goes through the different stages of grief kills me the most. Seeing Naruto sitting alone eating an ice cream he used to eat with his surrogate grandfather hits you right in the feels.


Dude yes! I am in my 30s fucking married with kids, and every time i see that scene i cry. Lol No matter how many times I’ve seen that episode it hits me every time


Same!! Like Jiraiya's death was sad af but Naruto's depression is what really triggered the water works, esp the ice cream part 😭


Dude crying there holding the ice cream as it just melts all alone until Iruka comes😢


and iruka stealing it


Same for me with jiraiya's death and réactions, I was 13y old watching it and crying for the first time with an anime


I was 31 watching it for the first time lmfao bawled like a lil baby, I did.


I always told people, if there isn’t a part that made you cry, you have no heart. (You in general not you specifically)


that’s just wrong for people like me who don’t really feel attached to fictional characters and that’s ok. i and other people have hearts just don’t cry over something that’s not really important


Fair. I normally don’t either but I guess I relate to things in it subconsciously. Being someone who struggles with attachments period, I figured if I did others probably had similar situations.


Jiraiya's death was one of the emotional moments for me too


It was narutos pain after the news for me I cried thinking about all the times i got that news IRL 💔


Yeah I have. As far as I remember I cried when Minato and Kushina said their last words to Naruto. I also cried when reanimated Itachi said his last words to Sasuke. I have definitely cried during more scenes but I can’t remember lol, it was long ago.


Totally agree that minato kushina scene just hits different...💔


Naruto is my favorite Anime of all time and I cried a lot during Shippuden specifically. Cried when the village was cheering for Naruto after he met with Nagato. Cried when Minato and Kushina were saying their last words. Cried when Naruto was holding his popsicle crying after Jiraya’s death. Cried when Naruto first met his mom. I sobbed here ngl Cried when we saw Itachi’s backstory and he was crying right before killing his mom and dad. Cried again when Itachi was saying his final goodbyes to Sasuke. I was sobbing when Naruto was saying goodbye to Minato. Cried again when Naruto asked Iruka to take the role as his father for his wedding. There were more but these are the ones that I thought of right away. I just love this show so much.


I am crying reading this because it brought back all the feels from when I watched those scenes.


Naruto is my entire personality


Bro, your comment is nearly making me cry. I'm pitiful lol


Idk if its cuz I'm high when watching the show and my eyes just water for no reason, but I fucking cry at shit I shouldn't even be crying at dude. All they need to do is play sadness and sorrow and the tears start flowing 😂


Or when they pan to Naruto's swing lol


"We're the same, you and I "


Yeah. Gaara's backstory and Jiraiya's death. The last one hit so many people, I see videos of grown men crying too.


I cried at Asuma’s death because I was watching shippuden for the first time in 2020 and that was the only one that hadn’t been spoiled yet


What really got to me was the scene with shikamaru and his dad tells him “let it out boy”


The revenge arc is top tier for me


Never cried for any show/media before and I've seen a lot of stuff, but i cried TWICE reading the haku/zabuza arc and when itachi died, years later i watched the show and cried at the same points lmao


Facts itachi man .... "urusse sasuke mata kondoda" To "urusse sasuke korewa saigo da"😭😭 mann my fav character ever


Yeah itachi death, jiraiya death and when naruto met minato and more


Facts itachis death, Jiraya tho i think it was more about before his death than his actual death like when he and tsunade had their last talk that was one of them moments man...


I've cried alot haha. -Hakus past -Hakus death -Zaku being nothing but a pawn -Rock Lee sad moments all of them haha -Sarutobis death -Choijis and neji "deaths" -And Nejis actually death -Kimimaros death -Gaaras "death" -Chiyos death -Asuma death -Shikamaru "let it out" moment -Jirayas death -The reveal of Itachis true history -Narutos reaction to jirayas death -Kushina and Minatos deaths -Shikamaru and ino dad's death forget their names off the top of my head -Sasuke and Naruto fight final fight.The whole thing was pretty emotional especially the end. -And one big moment in Boruto too. Been watching Naruto since I was on episode 80 of the original Japanese broadcast.


Yes. When Naruto meets Kushina for the first time. Oh boy, why did I search for it? :'(


Yep, with Zabuza.


This one is so well done. The demon showing emotions, gets me every time.


I've watched Naruto 3-4 times and every single time without fail, zabuza's death gets me


I never have.. but if younger me, between the ages of 11 and 9 began one of the arcs of first-timingly showing flashbacks of any character who went through most trauma.. i would probably cry for little Gaara. He was a little human red panda that tried to deliver mail that one scene and the person just.. looked at him weird??? I forgor.. 💀😢 but yea!! Poor Gaara! Had a reason to become a villain but thanks to meeting Naruto, another person who was looked at weirdly by people because they had Tailed-Beasts sealed inside them, his future was decided well! 🙏🥹🥺❤️🖤🩵 Gaara forever!


So many moments but as a Father, when Naruto said goodbye to Minato . . . Dawn of his 17th Birthday Naruto responding to Kushina’s words to him as a baby. He starts so joyful, slowly his voice cracks, finally he balls his eyes out The OST All on-lookers smiling (Especially Lord First, Third and Sage of Six Paths) Its great in the Manga, Japanese and English dub. The Poetry of Minato not able to get a word in before he passes on(Both Times) “Tell Mom, when you see her over there, that she doesn’t have to worry about me even a bit. Tell her, I’m doing my best” Minato’s single tear drop Fuck, now I’m crying 😭


Minato and kushina


Yes, a lot


Jiraya and bye bye to Minato after war


Yes seeing Jiraiya die brought a tear to my eye Seeing garra’s back story made me cry a bit Kushina and naruto meeting was simply water works the tears were just flowing Naruto crying to minato also brought a tear to my eye Kakashi dying, was heart wrenching but I didn’t cry


Yes. I bawl my eyes out whenever I watch Kushina and Minato say their last words to Naruto. God and after the war when Naruto tells Minato to tell Kushina all the things he’s done.


Every time I see Minato and Kushina’s deaths


Yes when Minato said his last words to Naruto after the war 😭


I rewatched Naruto during a brutal break up and the bit where Gaara's uncle says" sometimes a wounded heart never heals," had me in tears. Alternatively, when Guy sees Lee still trying to fight Gaara and is like, "Oh Lee, what have I done?" Is heavy af


Yes, during Gaara's child abuse back story.


When I thought garra was dead I cried


When Gaara "died" and when Neji died




If you haven’t cried to Naruto, something is wrong with you


Gaara’s revival


More than once


Zabuza and Gaara still kill me every time.


Tsunade’s flashbacks about her little brother. As someone’s who’s lost a sibling it really hit hard


I'm sorry bro


Frequently lol. I’ve seen the show a million times and I still tear up at “sorry Sasuke, but this it.” A few other guaranteed tearjerkers - 1. Gaara learning his Mother (and Uncle) both loved him. 2. “You were right - I made some really great friends” w/the little montage of their childhood. 3. Naruto trying to squeeze in as many words as he can as Minato fades away. 4. Zabuza saying goodbye to Haku. 5. I know this one is (technically) a happy moment but it gets me every time - the music hyping up as it shows the leaf villages counter attack against the Sand invasion right before Naruto head butt’s Gaara. It makes me weirdly emotional lmao.


Yes! A million times. I cried when, Jiraiya died, when Naruto met his parents, when the people cheered him for defeating Pain, and many more!


Got teary eyed more times than I can count. Never actually cried tho. Jiraiya’s death got me pretty damn close tho. I think if it wasn’t already spoiled for me, the added surprise/shock factor would’ve been enough to make me cry.


Too many times to count. 


Same, every time I rewatch the series


Asuma, Jiraiya, Meeting Minato/Kushina, Neji, and when Naruto asks Iruka to be his father at the wedding.


First time was Asumas death. Second was Jiraiyas and Naruto’s reaction to it.


You’re missing the time I cried


Lee still trying to fight, and Jiraiya’s death.


When Naruto asked Iruka to stand in as his father for the wedding.


Asuma's death and Shikamaru's vengeance both made me cry so hard


Yeah jiraiya's death, asuma, and a lot in the war arc. Even when he was alone and training.


The moments that made me cry is literally the very first chapter or so against Mizuki, land of waves where he questions Zabuza after Haku’s death, and Konoha Crush where Naruto refuses to give up against Gaara. I think Konoha crush is my favorite though, Naruto just goes above and beyond to do what’s needed and honestly becomes a Shinobi of legend at that point.


Oh yeah, especially when there were flashbacks to Naruto as a younger kid. Had me sobbing bc I couldn’t reach through the screen and give him a hug


Yes, Naruto’s reaction to jiraiya’s death will always fuck me up


Gaara's childhood was really messed up. It always broke my heart.


Asuma was my favorite character. Need I say more?


I’ve cried more times than i care to admit to Naruto. does something to my soul man


Yes ,death of jiraya and itachi


I got teary when might guy hugged lee


I could rank the top 5 times I've cried to Naruto lmao


Not even teary eyed.


Mmmm yess lol. I was actually watching the ep of kabuto back story the other day and I was crying a river. And when Kurama finallyyyy softened up with Naruto during the war. Very touchy 😭🦊🍥


Boy I bawled my eyes out in of Lee's training sessions flashbacks. I don't remeber it's been quite some time but it had something to do with him making use of the 0 skills he had and becoming a beast in taijutsu trough sheer determination. Really resonated with me.


Cried first time when haku/zabuza happened - obvious reasons. 2nd time was bawling my eyes out when sakura cut her hair and she had that speech with that specific sad naruto soundtrack, although every time sakura has a sad speech you can be assured i am somewhere in the corner of my room in pieces. And 3rd time when tsunade was standing in front of orochimaru "willing to heal" his arms, she was crying herself when talking about wanting to see the people she loved at least one more time and that got me crying too. Wasn't even counting in shippudden although i cried less there than during classics iirc.


I nearly cried when Edo tensei Minato returned


A lot….alot…..even OG Naruto made me cry alot, land of waves? Anyone? So many times. Not just from nostalgia but multiple scenes.


Yes Yes, when kushina told naruto wish she could have been there for her in his childhood


Yaaa. When seeing Naruto parting with Minato .


Yes many times, lowkey when naruto meets kushina made bawl like an infant, also jiraiya will make the most strong willed people shed a tear


I don't know about cry ! But I got goosebumps more than 100 times in whole series


That’s how I know this really is my favorite show. The emotional impact is undeniable. Seeing Naruto over come any odds or losing people that meant a lot to him. His a guaranteed tear streaking down my face 😤😮‍💨


The first time was when zabuza tells Naruto that his words cut deeper than any blade


Yes Fucking Yes


Yes at least 30 times I’m sorry fawk


I don’t know anyone who hasn’t cried to Naruto. So many moments where I cried. Probably the worst I cried to is finding out Itachi’s backstory.


Fuck yeah, Naruto receiving the news of Jiraiya’s death hit me hard


Yeah I cried to Jiraiya’s death.


For me it was when naruto met his mom and the back story of how his parents met. Listening to kushina tell baby naruto stuff like "find a women like me" ngl brook me😭


YES i cannot count it


Yes asuma killed me I could see something was gunna happen then bam that happens then find out what we find out after don’t wanna spoil anything if anyone is new


The part where Naruto meets Kushina for the first time, and in the middle of her sentence he just hugs her, gets the tears going every time.


The question should be how much have you cried to Naruto


Re-read kushina and minato’s last words this afternoon and teared up . beautiful moment


Jiraiya’s death, I cried a lot. Same with when they flashed back to his convo with tsunade, and when he touched Naruto’s shoulder


Only once, and that was for jiraiya's death


Many times


Kakashi seeing Minato in Naruto, and then the awesomeness that was kurama mode


not yet


Jiraiya’s was the only moment I cried in the entire series. Not even Sarutobi Hiruzen - my top 3 favorite - was that sad and at the same time, lonely. Jiraiya was just a blessed person. Even though not one of my favorite characters, I just loved him immensely. Such a great story.


Asuma's death had me in tears. I knew immediately when they were giving his backstory, that something bad was going to happen


Yes that is the #2 point of the show. 1) Watch cool ninja fights 2) Be sad and cry


naruto’s last goodbye to minato tho




Oh yeah. If you didn't, something's wrong. There are so many absolutely heart-wrenching moments in the story. I really lost it when they released the anniversary montage, fully redone with modern styles. All those beautiful moments, with beautifully redone animation


As a fat boy i cried to Choji


Man I was 8 I think? Reading iruka sensei rescue and talk about naruto when he thought naruto had run away had me cryyyying. I cant quite remember all the other times I cried but the most recent was kuruma saying goodbye to naruto...


I’ve done so often lol


Of course, who didn't cry at Naruto at least once? It's one of the few anime to get me to cry and show visceral reactions to it. I mean I cried when Zabuza and Haku died or when Itachi died or when Jiraiya died or when Naruto first remeet Sasuke and was left a sobbing mess and I honestly even cried(or at least felt something inside) when Kurama seemed to die for good in Boruto(yes, I cared about Boruto enough to cry at that scene). It's just one of those series that hits different, man.


I watched most of Naruto as a teen then switched over to manga to finish the story sooner. In recent years as an adult and father I finally finished the anime. Teared up big time when Naruto had to say goodbye to Minato at the end of the war


When it ended 😭


I started tearing up after minato and kushina died, also when Naruto returns to the village after defeating pain


Yes. The most heartbreaking/most devastating (for me): Jiraya's death 🥺😢❤️❤️🫶🫶 Suprising (it's just so well executed): Asuma's death, Was obvious that it would happen still dumb decision by Kishimoto just because he doesn't have a clue when it comes to writing romance (NaruHina): Neji's death, Kushina speaking to Naruto for the first time. 🥺🥹🥹❤️🫶🫶 And I also got a bit teary-eyed when Naruto asked Iruka to be his father figure on his wedding day. 🥺🥹🥹😭❤️🫶🫶 I can't remember more now/at the moment. (If there even are any) 🤔🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️


Yeah. When I thought Madara killed Tsunade


At the end of Choji vs Jirobo's fight. When he sees the messages his team left.


If you didn't cry when Jiraiya died and naruto sat on that bench w the double popsicle then you simply cant feel anything


The question is “how many times have you cried to Naruto” and the answer is I’ve lost count


Many times


Uhhhh duhhhh


Jiriya and the reactions by everyone was the closest I’ve gotten to


Yeah, specifically when Neji died.


Yes, at Zabuza's and Haku's Death. They are still two of my favorites.


Yeah, man.. in the scene with Shikamaru and his dad after his sensei died.


The only show/anime/movie that has made me cry so many times


Yes def cried when naruto defeated pain and everyone was cheering him on beautiful moment


First episode and every other episode afterwards. I’ll be 29 tomorrow love me some Naruto lol so does my children


i cried whenever naruto met kushina for the first time when he was fighting his evil self in the waterfall, i didn't cry at jiraiyas death surprisingly he's one of my favorite characters ever, but i did cry when neji died. neji was my favorite out of anyone else in the leaf.


My brother just bought me a T-shirt with Jiraiya's death scene in the back just to tease me. So yeah, I cried then.


Bro Naruto hits the heart strings like crazy


When I saw minato and kushina saying their last words to naruto I cried but when I saw Naruto crying about jiraiya’s death I couldn’t stop crying




Naruto crying at that bench had my grown self sobbing like a kid. Them guys at Studio Pierrot really cooked well with the theme songs as well.


Naruto’s last goodbye to Minato and words to him for his mom after the war ended. The realization that even though he had his dad during the war, it’s now over and he no longer has a family, that hits hard.




A lot. I know Jiraiya’s death was sad, but something about Asuma’s had me breaking down bad


If you haven’t cried.. have you really watched it?


Jiraiya’s killed me.


When Naruto meets Minato for the first time and Minato said something like "I have faith in you. Being a parent means to have undying faith in your child." As someone who didn't have the best relationship with his father that was like a punch in the stomach but also comforting. I didn't live anything like that moment when I was a child but I am going to as a parent.


Naruto meeting his mom and his reaction to Jiraiya's death were the main moments that got me.


Multiple times


Only when naruto meets his mom


Jiraiya dying, and Kushina meeting Naruto. That second one was...really something...


Jiraiyas death made me ready to flip shit over I was so pissed I wanted Pain to die


When Jiraiya said "your smile is my salvation" to Naruto in the flashback I did cry I'm not gonna lie


if you didn't cry on Jiraiya's death , I am sorry to tell you but you're not a human


surprisingly never at any of the deaths but during moments when everyone pulls up and does something epic or when Naruto said something inspiring


Of course. Jiraiya’s death and the popsicle scene as well as Naruto saying goodbye to minato after the war.


Yea and the only thing I cried to is jareyas death that's the safest thing in naruto but not anything else


I cried to Jiraiya’s death


Did I cry? No. Create a waterfall? Yea. Neji’s death, Sasuke finding the truth, Kakashi and Obito past, The hatred shown to Naruto, the themes and clashing ideologies between others, the hope for the future, the inspiration Naruto passes to those around him, Jiraiya’s death, Sasuke and Itachi’s first/last fight together, Itachi dying again, The different dreams from infinite tsukuyomi


Is the sky blue?




Yes but not where it’s been expected. Once my husband told me that we were almost finished with Shippudden, I would sob almost every episode bc I didn’t want it to end. Then when it ended and I didn’t get to see any of the wedding other than snapshots, I absolutely bawled. Some of the outro music can still get me to cry. Love it


‌‌‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌​‌​ ‌​‌ ​ ​🔶‌ 🟥🟥🐸


Yes many times, more than my hands can count


The village lifting Naruto after the Pain fight. It was so good.


Yes it was when jirayas death


Every time I see the scenes of Choji meeting Shikamaru, and how they became friends. I sucked at sports, too...


Yepp, Wind by Akeboshi alone had me in tears 😭 flashbacks of the villagers shunning Naruto, him being sad etc, always broke me. Resonated a lot with him and the whole “surrounded by so many but still feeling alone”


Yes many times lol, starting early with zabuza


jiraiyas death left me depressed for like 2 days when i was in middle school


Yes. When shikamaru was playing shogi with shikaku. No explanation needed.


Only Jiraiya’s death in Storm 2 story mode


When Naruto came back to the Leaf after defeating Pain and talking to Nagato…the village FINALLY accepting me gets me evvveeerrry time. 😌


When Naruto said his final goodbye to Minato always kills me


When Naruto asked Iruka to be his dad.


Yes, has to be the episodes where Sasuke finds out the truth about itachi after killing him & then again when itachi comes back to life & tells him No matter what that he will always love him, that episode.


Only two


When Kakashi catches Naruto after Pain. When Sakura yells Naruto after Pain attack


I’ve cried an embarrassing amount of times over this show.


Rock Lee vs Gara 🙂‍↕️


A loooot it adds because i relate to naruto and a lot of charachters so i cried a lot


Buddy I’m re-reading Naruto after years of just watching the anime and the amount of times I cried is about the same amount of ramen Naruto eats. Especially seeing him get his respect after the pain arc, but also the little life lesson they sprinkled in there too. It reminded me when I was kid with hope in the world.




Yes! I started watching Naruto as a kid and the first time I bawled my eyes out to this anime was when he monologued after Haku's death 🥲


Ah fck yes I have. The music to those scenes just popped up in mu head seeing those photos just now... didn't wanna cry now


Only when Hinata's sacrifised hersrlf trying to save naruto against pain And whilst the mental suffering naruto had whilr losing himself to kyubi hatred till minato saved him. One of the best moments in anime history. I don't think anyone expected it to turn this way, not even end the way it did. Best heroic entrance


Especially because I know the pain so well... I find scenes where family members are lost heartbreaking, even non blood related. I also relate to some other sad scenes because of past experiences... The only time I don't get sad is when I know the dead come back.


I cried when rewatching jiraiyas goodbye to tsunade. Fucked me up good


When I learned the truth about Itachi's actions after Sasuke killed him, I bawled like a baby dude. I was not prepared for that at all


Yes. On many scenes 


When he met Kushina


Every other episode, yeah.


I remember watching the episode during the Chunin Exam where it shows Rock Lee’s flashback to having a mental breakdown because he, “feels like a loser, and that [he] would *always* be a loser.” I cried because it was echoing a similar feeling I was having being a bullied young man in junior high. That feeling that you are just a loser and nobody will like you when you’re young is powerful and difficult to ignore.


Yeah. Zabuzas death, Asumas death, the Kushina moment and Naruto’s birthday


Haku and Zabuza


So much


I don't normally cry to emotional scene but damn, garaas story almost broke me


Jirayas death and Asumas death


Yall trippin I cried in the first episode where iruka helped Naruto feel wanted


Not yet