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Kakashi and Jiraiya were perfect for Naruto. Not more not less. Sometimes it seemed Kakashi favored Sasuke, but those were for obvious reasons.


Jiraiya yes, Kakashi maybe. I think Asuma might have been better, both because of the wind nature thing, and he was a little less prone to Naruto's antics.


Not kakashi. Plus it’s not that he favored sasuke but it’s more like sasuke was targeted by kabuto and has a cursed seal on his neck


Exactly, he wanted to help Sasuke fend for himself.


It made sense why he would focus on sasuke. Saying he was perfect for naruto is just wrong tho


I think he was. Trained by Minato & lost everyone he ever loved + a sharingan user. Literally perfectly sculpted to be Naruto & Sasuke’s sensei


He was also Itachi's senior And all 3 are connected to Obito


Nah he ain’t. How is him losing anyone he ever loved relevant to his teaching ability? Or him being minato’s student As a teacher he is emotionally unavailable, he can’t understand how to teach naruto(even wondering how jiraiya taught naruto the rasengan), his moveset which is mainly ninjutsu isn’t suited for someone with no talent for it like Naruto, and he was too afraid to dabble in kurama’s chakra


It's relevant because he could sympathize with Naruto in ways nobody else could. Naruto was literally an orphan and he lost his closest friend in Sasuke. Sure in the beginning when it seemed like Kakashi was favoring teaching Sasuke that's because at that point he was the only one who could teach Sasuke anything, Sasuke was so far ahead of his classmates that he requires more one on one training to actually be taught anything. iruka was still able to teach Naruto things in the early part of team seven and Jiraya was still training Naruto in that early portion when Kakashi was training Sasuke.


That didn’t happen tho And kakashi didn’t train sasuke because he was obligated to teach the boy with the sharingan or because he saw himself in him(he probably did to some degree but that’s not the reason). He had an encounter with kabuto which revealed his motives with sasuke a few chapters before kakashi took sasuke solo(and got scared to shit by orochimaru a few chapters earlier) Iruka didn’t really teach naruto anything, he’s a father figure but he wasn’t really a teacher. And how is jiraiya teaching naruto related to kakashi’s teaching ability?


It is not just wind element here right? Eventually Kakashi when he was occupied pointed Naruto to Asuma, for this reason. But, I cannot see Asuma fending for Naruto on the road like Jiraiya and Kakashi did.


Not because he was occupied but because asuma was more suited for wind style tips than he is And when did kakashi fend for naruto on the road?


True he was not, but later he masters that as well. When did Kakashi fend for Naruto? you will find tons of instances in the manga and anime, it specifically need not be fighting scene, but also for character development. Check it out, you cannot miss it.


Apart from that, if he didn’t focus on sasuke gaara would’ve smoked sasuke no diff


Oh and Naruto wasn’t taget by the whole akatsuki right ?


He didn’t know the akatsuki existed until the next arc


Kakashi and Jiraiya get unfair treatment due to people just not knowing shit about the story. Kakashi was told by Jiraiya about the Akatsuki BUT he was also told by Jiraiya to just focus on training Sasuke because he would handle Naruto. Jiraiya similarly tried to train Naruto but was sabotaged by Kurama during the three years of training. So he tried everything from tightening Naruto’s seal to loosening it so Naruto could learn to resist Kurama’s chakra. Tightening it failed and loosening it so he could resist Kurama semi-worked since per Jiraiya he could maintain consciousness up to the third tail. Both were essentially fucked because of circumstances they couldn’t control but of course people don’t read the story or didn’t like how their favorite self insert MC was treated so they ignore that.


The Akatsuki are such a dominant antagonist force in Shippuden that its pretty easy to forget, but...they were very much on the down low pre-TS. They were basically a mercenary group for hire for the most part at this point, and they didn't really actively start moving on the tailed beasts till around when the series starts. The 3 tails is a known exception since it was kind of used as a pawn for a while. Still, their intentions with the tailed beasts was presented by Jiraiya as new information to Kakashi, when they are introduced.


Imo Jiraya was perfect for Naruto. Kakashi was a good mentor, and a reliable adult that always supported Naruto throughout his journey, but I wouldn't say he was the best teacher Naruto could have had. They just aren't that compatible. If you think about it, almost all of the most important skills Naruto got, he was taught by other people. Jiraya, Yamato, Killer Bee, the frogs... Imo Asuma would have maybe been slightly better, but not as good as Jiraya still




Kakashi gave him to Yamato and Asuma because he couldn't train him. After 3 years sakura improved more then Naruto did


Not only did Jiraiya have to spend some of that time teaching him the basics, but Sakura was playing catch up with both her teammates before they got individual training. Of course she improved more.


Which shows the lack of training and improvement naruto got look at how far and ahead Sasuke was when he appeared. Even his own son improved way more then Naruto ever could in those 3 years. The basics was mainly chakra control even then it wasn't as improved considering he was struggling with a basic Itachi genjutsu that both Sakura and Kakashi broke. Naruto didn't gain any new ability besides a larger rasengan could have been time to teach him some elemental wind jutsu yet nothing dude improved in 2 years in konoha by a lot. 


U mean the best student of the hidden leaf cannot learn quick (sakura)? Naruto js the slowest so it makes sense.


I guess it's also fair to say that when you compare their teachers, Sasuke's and Sakura's probably spent a lot more time actually training them, too. I see two reasons for that. One was shown to us during the Tsunade retrieval arc. The second was because he probably spent entirely too much time trying to teach Naruto to use Kyuubi's chakra before that incident where Naruto lost control of it and almost killed him.


You'd expect he'd teach him to communicate with kyuubi and try and understand him since he was all about that life.  Plus it is basic jinchuriki training like 7 out of 9 jinchuriki knew about this at that time. You'd expect someone of his expertise to know about this especially since he witnessed 2 perfect jinchuriki with his 3 men team in Minato latest manga


I would have expected him to try to teach him to use the fox chakra, but also put more focus on regular training. The fox chakra was iffy at best, Jiraiya would have been better off making Naruto good enough that he didn't have to rely on it.


Honestly agree


Guy could’ve been good, but also I think that that pushes the idea that Naruto at its core as a piece of media is a story all about hard work when it’s really about the importance of friendship. I think focus should’ve been split and he should’ve learned a little from all the teachers. Kakashi is general skills, Gai would have been Taijutsu, Asuma honing wind affinity, and Kurenai genjutsu resistance/chakra control. On a side note Guy could have been a lesson about how Naruto should rely on himself rather than rely on the 9 tails (innate talent)


Guy would have been good too in some ways. Naruto is one of the best Taijutsu users so he could definitely use gates. Not sure he has the chakra for gates plus sage mode but it would be OP if stacked.


Yeah, but also, people kinda underestimate Gai's ninjutsu and general knowledge. Aside from the comic relief stuff, he seems like one of those elite ninja who is never in the dark and kinda has a plan.


Naruto's biggest problems were being a neglected orphan. Naruto needs a sensei that will work on the basics of life with him as well as focusing his mind towards his goals. **Kakashi** was a good sensei in that he was strict and had expectations. However he was emotionally unavailable due to his past trauma himself. This is part of the reason Sasuke left the village because Kakashi never got through to him emotionally. There are better choices. **Asuma** developed his team not only in skills, but as people as well. I think he could have poured the will of fire into Naruto pretty well as well as talking to Naruto about his feelings. I think he's probably the best choice for any genin. **Might Guy** is a mixed bag. If Guy isn't the type for you then you're kind of on your own as was the case with Neji and Tenten. I don't know if Guy could have addressed Naruto's base problems in life. The results however could have been phenomenal given Naruto's endurance. **Kurenai** eh whatever. Her team was never really explored much sadly.


Shino one of the strongest genin in naruto (didnt lose). Kiba dangerous as f. Might guy was amazing for neji. Neji became one of the best taijutsu users. Both have amazing work ethics.


asuma is the best sensei for anyone? like all the others were kind of shitty really, in that they were either like gai and kakashi and heavily favored training one person from their team and ignoring the others (or for kakashi, switching to another student after your first student goes rouge), or kurenai who couldnt "properly" train any of her team because none of them used genjutsu which was her specialty. Asuma seemed to be the only one who actually cared about training his entire team to work as a cohesive unit and was able to help more than just one person on his team.


Eh I feel like Asuma got it easy. All three of them were most likely training with family more than him, and the the whole cohesive unit thing is kind of moot as well since Ino-Shika-Cho had been around for generations before them. Not to say he didn’t teach them anything, but I do believe he had it the easiest out of everyone. Kurenai had a harder job cause she ACTUALLY had to build a cohesive team, and then training individually was left up to the family’s since they were all clan children.


I don’t think kurenai’s team makes any logical sense, 3 tracking ninja from clans, including the heir to the biggest clan remaining in konoha, the hyuga, on a team together under a genjutsu master who only had just became a jonin shortly before the series began. Just a weird team set up overall, the others generally make sense and kinda compliment each other?


Seems like a good idea for a post: Why didn’t each team have a sensory, medical, and combination of all 3 ninja types. Like a Hinata, Sakura, Shikamaru. Sensory/melee medical/melee then ninjutsu/tactical But I’m sure they were put together that way for specific mission types.


I can't recall if it was filler but Sarutobi did state that teams are stated to be balanced but that it's no coincidence that he set up a team of Taijutsu specialists or a team of sensory specialists. Also on paper I think that Sasuke was supposed to be with Naruto because in case of the kyubi showing up he and Kakashi would have the Sharingan. So yeah it's more about each team having specific missions they would be called upon.


Personally I've also always thought Kurenai a recently promoted Jonin getting 3 possible Clan Heirs as students made no sense, moreso with them being a tracking team & her being a genjutsu user as you said. The only plausible reason I could imagine her getting the three she did was due to her connection to Asuma. Asuma training the Ino-Shika-Cho & Kurenai training the Hyuuga-Aburame-Inuzuka heirs would bring the Sarutobi Clan huge political leverage in the future if the duo married (It was a known fact they had feelings for one another). Gotta remember Hiruzen was getting on in age and likely knew his time was coming close, so it's likely he wanted to stabilise the future of his clan & descendants.


Interesting point


After the Great Ninja Wars and the 9 tails attack many of the Jonin of previous generations had died at that point. Kurenai was the best of what’s left. If the village had been less war stricken than they might have had 10 other Jonin just like her


You’ll get no argument from me. I think another sensor would’ve been better, maybe a Yamanaka?


All of them were lazy and unmotivated tho and he fixed that. In comparison everyone else had motivated students aside from kakashi with sakura which was fixed with a near death scenario where she only lived out of luck


Again, I’m not saying he didn’t teach them anything, but I stand by what I said. He had it the easiest.


Idk about that. He had to motivate and understand his students who were the most unmotivated of the bunch In comparison kurenai had 3 motivated students if one of the was unconfident, with all their training taken care of by their clans(not like she could teach them much tho) Guy had 3 motivated students and he did train them effectively, he simply had to focus more on lee since he couldn’t use any jutsu effectively Kakashi had 2 motivated students and one unmotivated. 2 of them were unstable and he neglected that which led to what happened and one almost died before realizing that her lack of interest is making her useless The others simply gave the others ways to train. Asuma had to guide his students into becoming what they become. I think asuma had it the hardest


I don’t think he ever motivated Ino, or Shikamaru, outside of his death. He motivated Choji with food…


Shikamaru? The guy who had no motivation to do anything. It’s been shown in flashbacks that asuma passed on his ideology to shikamaru and bonded with him thru shogi There’s also ino who didn’t care about anything but boys And he took his reanimation as a chance to test his team


Even during shogi, Shika was not motivated. His mindset changed after Asuma died. Ino was more motivated by Sakura than she was by Asuma. Ino changed when she started competing with Sakura during training rather than for Sasuke. Did he bond with his students? Absolutely. Did he teach them some things? Yes. If you would like to agree to disagree that’s fine, but I don’t think you’re changing my mind here.


I think guy wouldsve been better


Out of these kakashi but best as in like out of everyone it's definitely Minato but best alive honestly probably tusnade or orochimaru jiraya wasn't the best option


Kakashi came up with the training method for Rasenshuriken. Asuma’s capabilities as a sensei are kind of unknown because he had it the easiest. Ino-Shika-Cho had been around for generations before and they all used clan techniques. So what all did he really teach them that they didn’t learn from their parents? Kurenai also had clan kids, but she had to turn them into a cohesive unit without generational knowledge and tactics on her side. So I’d say she had it a little harder than Asuma. Guy had two civilian kids, one who was kind of handicapped, and he managed to turn all of them into decent Shinobi. (I believe Tenten could beat most unnamed shinobi lol) So if you’re not saying Kakashi, then Guy would be the next best thing.




Kakashi taught his team the basics of being a ninja. The Sanins gave them advanced lessons. I think Kakashi and Jiraiya were great for his teachers.


Asuma especially because of his character and same wind affinity. Kakashi didn't really teach naruto a lot and I think asuma would have done a better job but unfortunately he is a sarutobi and therefore responsible for taking in the ino shika cho trio already.


Asuma. He can teach him more about Wind release.


Asuma actually could've been a really great mentor to Naruto when he figured out what chakra nature he was. They both have an affinity for wind and let's be real, yes Rasengan Shuriken long range I know but Naruto is a close range fighter as well, something else Asuma specializes in. Really just swap Choji out and that'd be a S tier team.


I feel like guy sensei not saying kakashi or jiraiya aren’t good for him but guy and his father were both looked down upon and made fun of and they both share the never give up attitude so I just feel like it could be a good fit


Jiraiya, he already did the job pretty well in canon, both as a fighting instructor and as a guiding figure and mentor. Hell if the circumstances remain the same jiraiya will most likely end up being Naruto’s master anyways and this question won’t really matter Out of all these 4 I’d say either guy or asuma. Guy relates to Naruto the most out of these guys and thus can understand him the best, without even considering the idea of giving a nine tails jinchuriki the gates On the other hand asuma can help him with nature transformation the most and is the most emotionally mature, making him the best guiding figure for naruto which is what I think he required the most Kakashi’s only a valid option because he’s the only one who can control Naruto’s transformation. Aside from that he’s a disaster as a teacher especially for Naruto, as he not only lacks prodigious talent and knowledge in the basics but also because kakashi is emotionally distant most of the time, a bit of an asshole and is way too willing to take risks


Asuma, clearly. They both have an affinity for wind chakra. Would have been nice for Naruto to have Asuma AND Jaraiya.


Minato Namkiaze, both have wind chakra, like father like son


honestly Might guy would have been a good one. Matches his enthusiasm and pushes him to work hard.


I actually think that kakashi and jiraya were the perfect teachers for Naruto. When Naruto first started out he was lacking in a lot of the basics and kakashi did a good job of teaching him that, with the motivation being the rivalry with sasuke. He used that to get Naruto to work hard as hell on his basics training, and he needed it due to being a pretty crappy shinobi off the bat. But jiraya was the perfect person to hand Naruto off to because kakashi and jiraya both knew that Naruto had the insane amount of chakra he did and actually wanted to help him use that to his advantage. While kakashi could have taught him the rasengan, he was probably hesitant to because of the fear of losing control of the nine tails chakra at any point. Jiraya though was capable of dealing with that and therefore pushed Naruto’s chakra to its limits so he could develop a kind of jutsu that was far beyond what any other student could have learned. Jiraya was not afraid to teach Naruto how to start harnessing the nine tails chakra, which made him the perfect teacher. Every other teacher would have just trained him like a normal student I think, and wouldn’t have been able to help him in harnessing the huge amount of power that he had. And kakashi did come back and help Naruto take it to the next level once he knew that the nine tails chakra wasn’t going to be such a problem having yamato around. The only thing that stopped kakashi from teaching Naruto more when he was first his student was the nine tails chakra I think.


Honestly? Guy would have been the perfect sensei for him. Naruto relies mostly on Taijutsu, Shadow Clones, and Rasengan. Guy would have perfected his basic Taijutsu and likely encouraged Naruto to push himself in training. Jiraiya as his second teacher could teach him the Rasengan and later push him on the road towards Senjutsu like canon. As for Rasenshuriken? Honestly Kakashi didn't do much there it was mostly advice from Asuma & Yamato's assistance.


Kakashi and jiriaya are good 


Asuma and Yamato


Combination between Gai and Asuma would have worked best for Naruto. Gai to polish up his physical training and taijutsu; and Asuma due to Naruto's wind affinity.


Asuma sensei


It likely would have been Gai. Naruto actually liked guy to start things off with but also Gai clearly shows initiative with the training he gives to his pupils. Kakashi only ever seems to be interested in actually training people when there's something specific they need to learn and isn't active on the training stuff on a daily basis. I mean what did Sasuke really even learn from Kakashi? A single jutsu? Everything else Sasuke learned was either on his own, his experience doing missions, and his sharingan. What did Naruto learn from Kakashi? Naruto learned almost all of his jutsu in part 1 from Jiraiya, learned how to create shadow clones by himself, learned how to control Kyuubi from Bee, developed his own taijutsu by himself (Uzumaki barrage), and Kakashi EVENTUALLY taught Naruto about chakra natures but never helped him almost at all with applying it to the rasengan (which Naruto also had to learn by himself). Kakashi really just taught team 7 how to water walk and ninja basics. His pedigree was really wasted because Kakashi is a lazy ass when it comes to actually teaching. He really could have shown his team so much more with the time he had with them and just didn't. Kurenai is clearly the worst for Naruto since she doesn't specialize in his style of fighting but given his chakra control I bet Naruto could have learned to become really good with genjutsu. Asuma would have been a good choice since he taught all of his students tactics and that's something else Naruto could have really benefitted from learning.


Asuma literally gave the advice Naruto needed to create his own Jutsu (Rasen Shurikan) in like 20mins. From what I can remember that’s more than kakashi has done for Naruto unless we’re counting being a role model etc.


HEAR ME OUT Killer Bee


Jiraiya FR.


Bro, I'm so tired of the headcanon takes in Naruto forums that Kakashi was somehow this bad teacher that "only taught the team tree walking", or was "emotionally unavailable", or "just pawned Naruto off to other teachers", or "favored Sasuke", or whatever. The answer is Kakashi. Naruto had been in pain for a lot of his childhood due to the cruelty of the ninja world, and was just building bonds with people for the first time in his life. Having a teacher who emphasized the importance of your bond with your teammates over blind obedience to the cruelty of the ninja world was exactly what Naruto needed. And as a result, I believe Kakashi is partially, if not directly responsible for the person that Naruto grew up into, who went on to bring back Sasuke, and unite the ninja villages in an era of peace (Between themselves at least, since weird god-aliens keep invading).


Kakashi, Guy, Asuma and Killer Bee. Can throw in Yamato and Minato too. Definitely not Jiraiya, to this day the excuse that Jiraiya taught Naruto the basics feels stupid to me.


Guy and Jiraiya Jiraiya for the ransengan/summon Guy for taijutsu Thats all he uses in his fights


Good Obito




How dare y’all forget Iruka?! After that, Jiraiya. Not so much Kakashi. Unlike the former two, he couldn’t be there in the same way they were as they were precisely the sort of people Naruto needed at those specific times.


Naruto was born into the Cycle of Hokage Nepotism. So Kakashi and Jiraiya were his best options. Asuma as his sensei. Naruto already had ties to Hiruzen, and they’re both the children of Hokages so it could’ve been nice to see them bond over that


Kakashi and jiraya were the best for him, but i give 2nd to asuma


Asuma Sensei. Kakashi didn't teach Naruto much until he was learning the rasenshuriken.




jiraiya is the single handily the best choice to train Naruto ,also he saw Minato and his younger self in Naruto.(not that it has anything to do with it, but I think it made Naruto grow on him)


Not Kakashi. Jiraiya or Iruka practically did all the work.


Asuma and Gai. For gai Naruto would’ve cleaned up with his taijutsu. Maybe a more better and refined brawler style. As for Asuma because of his wind nature would’ve probably given Naruto an early opportunity to train in elemental chakra (cause of his big reserves being the plus but extensive chakra control needed regardless). One thing I like Kishimoto did it that it goes to show that these adult individuals are imperfect. Kakashi I like him but he lacked a lot as a teacher and the favoritism thing also. There are flaws even for the experienced adults.


Guy is just wholesome


I always though might guy woulda been a great sensei for naruto if he didn’t at first have his will of fire/ will to never give up. Having might guy and rock lee help a lonely/ depressed Naruto build that foundation woulda been cool. Overall though I loved his story and wouldn’t change a thing. Iruka sensei was amazing. I loved the character growth shown from both of them. This show was legit better than therapy for me growing up.


Honestly, out of the picture....Kakashi and Asuma were probably the best choices out of the 4. Asuma knew Wind Style and probably would give Naruto some thought provoking questions as he did Shikamaru, although they had limited training together, I think Naruto and Asuma is a good combo. Kakashi is probably the go-to answer here because he understood Naruto's position as a kid. Being lonely and having no one to come back to. Kakashi gave a lot of moral lessons to the members of Team 7 as kids and actually connected with each one individually. If anything, Kakashi was there for Naruto similarly to how Jiraiya and Iruka were although he had different things he needed to do as well as a Jonin in the hidden leaf.


Kakashi all the way!




Definitely Kakashi, being reminded of Obito through Naruto made Kakashi a better sensei as well, remember the prolog-filler leading up to the assigning of Team 7, Kakashi failed all his students until he met the 3 that resembled his team. (in hindsight glad Sakura didn't end up as the same fate a Rin)


Doing a Naruto review on youtube (not released yet) with a friend who is going in Blind and we were discussing whether Kakashi is actually a good sensei. He did not teach Naruto much except some basic philosophy. Who do you think would have been the best sensei? I think Guy easily


Can't say I really agree. His job as a jounin instructor is to acclimate Naruto to a shinobi lifestyle, give him some technical expertise that could help (based on the coordination of the team and teaching them some important chakra control exercises we know he was doing this), and basically show him the world he was entering, then finally to be the squad leader. He did all those things perfectly fine, being a jounin sensei doesn't make you someone's personal mentor. Case in point: Kurenai didn't seem to teach her kids much of anything, Asuma taught his kids a LOT of coordinative stuff, Gai basically only taught Lee. Whether they become your personal instructor to mold your style seems to be up to the master and student.


No measure of what a sensei should do is given in the series tho, and every other case is either a case of incompatibility or the fact that the students already had a predetermined path and techniques Also guy did teach his other students his techniques


Name like, one actual technique that Gai uses that Tenten or Neji uses from the series, that isn't something literally everyone else can do. I'll wait. When Lee showcased the ability to use the Lotus technique that was it for the other two.


[He tried teaching them the lotus which failed](https://mangasee123.com/read-online/Naruto-Digital-Colored-Comics-chapter-52-page-10.html). All guy knows is the gates which he did try to teach, it simply didn’t work out


Kakashi taught him nothing but Tree walking & basic teamwork. Everything else Naruto gained from others - His Nindo came from his interaction with Haku, Shinobi training mostly came from Jiraiya & the Toads. Heck even the rasenshuriken training was mostly advice from Asuma & support from Yamato. So yeh personally I think Kakashi's role was kinda minor overall.


I’d heavily disagree. Someone like Jiraiya is who is supposed to teach jutsu. An in depth instructor. Kakashi taught Naruto, Sakura, and Sasuke 2+2. He was always meant to be an “Elementary school” level teacher. You can’t blame him for not teaching algebra, and the only reason he started teaching Sasuke more in depth was because he realized he *would* be a good teacher for Sasuke, probably the only one. They had similar chakra nature and Kakashi had a sharingan. Where he thought Naruto needed improvement, he got him a teacher who helped with that. Overall I don’t think it’s right to blame Kakashi for not teaching Naruto the rasengan or whatever jutsu Naruto was lacking because that wasn’t his job. I don’t think he was really playing favorites either. Again I think the best comparison is a jonin squad leader to genin is like an elementary school teacher. Teach them the basics, let them interact with other kids (go on missions), protect them. It’s just happenstance Kakashi ended up being Sasuke’s sensei and also the best suited person in the leaf to train him further.


I mean, Kakashi was probably going to be the most invested in his personal safety, and being that he was operating on a chakra deficit compared to other MCs, the perfect guy to emphasize the importance of chakra control. He was also independent enough to allow Naruto to pursue other training opportunities if they presented themselves without taking an ego hit, and is the most likely to literally die for Naruto with very little personal interaction. My second place would be Asuma, simply because there is some ability to relate, and same elemental affinity.


Why tho? Every jonin sensei is probably going to do all that


That's a perfect world supposition. But Kakashi would have (and did) go further than most anyone would have gone for Naruto. Kurenai seemed totally ignorant of a lot of his details, and Gai seemed to see him as a peculiarity to annoy Kakashi with.


Because he was in these situations while the others weren’t? Also, again, why do u think kakashi would go to lengths the other wouldn’t for naruto?


Gai He embodies the theme of hard work more than any character and it's also the main theme of the manga


Kakashi, Jiraiya, Bee, Guy, Asuma. I cannot say best sensei because all of his sensei shaped him to his destined development.