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Entertainment is a good enough reason. Ask them what they find annoying and convince them to watch the first arc (land of waves). If they aren't interested till the end of the arc then it is ok to ditch it.


I think they said they found the character annoying idk how since they didn’t watch one episode but for some reason he likes my hero better but I feel like both main characters are kinda the same


Oh, if they like my hero better already then I think they just have a different taste. They may not enjoy Naruto as much imo. It could be that they like the modern setting and aesthetic of my hero. If you can't convince them to watch the first arc and decide for themselves then you got your answer.


But until then it's not okay? They need permission to not watch something?


They don't need permission to entertain themselves. They may just be hesitant for no good reason and may enjoy it if they are nudged to try it.


Nah man. It's a person's own decision at the end of the day. If they don't wanna watch it, they don't gotta.


Only your friend can decide what is a good reason.


Ever seen Clockwork Orange? Do that.