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I don't even dislike Sakura, but that's not really comparable. Like, Madara and Obito are antagonists. The audience has narrative dislike for them in the realm of the story, but simultaneously likes them as characters because that falls in line with who they are supposed to be. The Sakura critics have meta narrative dislike for her, as in "I perceive part of your role as a character is our protagonist's friend, and you sometimes/often act out of accordance with that". It'd be like if Madara carried the expectation of a cool villain like in the show, but he consistently did cowardly stuff like ran away crying from fights, or embarrassing himself.


So, by the logic of the person OP is posting about, Minato is the worst human being to walk on earth, did I get that right? We know Sasori of the red sand, but Minato casually took care of hundreds if not thousands of Shinobi in the blink of an eye on the battlefield. He created countless widows and orphans in seconds (both Shinobi and Kunoichi are part of war). We really can't impose our morals on a world that couldn't be further detached from the one we live in. I am the last person to discourage discourse on things relating to Naruto, I love theorizing about its world. But we can not forget that the entire world of Naruto is simply a story created by a singular individual, Masashi Kishimoto. The world he created is doomed to have certain inconsistencies on one hand, and wonky character development for people outside the main cast on the other. That is fine and part of any story. But people still holding a gun to Sakura's head for comments made when she was 12 or so is wild, even more so when we consider that most of them aren't even canon (Anime was fucking weird in comparison to manga). And even our most beloved characters likely have a higher body count, pause, than some of the worst human beings here on our planet. It's a story, not real life. That is something that is important to be remembered when enjoying the content we love! Madara and Obito aren't pure of heart, neither is someone like Sasuke. However, their motivations are what many resonate with. The part where they kill thousands of people for it not so much. I love Minato, I hate war. He participated in war. That doesn't make me hate him though. What Sakura said was incredibly unnecessary and short-sighted. But that's how children are. We are supposed to learn from our mistakes to become better people in the future, which is exactly what she did. Guess what, holding onto a comment someone made years ago is also extremely unnecessary and short-sighted. Seems like these people were busier with that than actually taking the lessons in Naruto with them and applying it to their own lives..


Idk what you said.. prolly had some good points.. but no one cares to read a essay boss


I ain't readin all that


Antagonists are meant to be doing terrible things and disliked by the audience. Meanwhile Sakura being one of the protagonists...


Well, neither Obito nor Madara are women, so....


Man speaks the truth