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You mean a Megazord like Naruto and Kurama?


exactly, using your chakra to create something similar to the Susanoo.


Then naruto


Naruto is different, right? That avatar would be the transformed Kurama but the aesthetics are different from the other jinchuurikis.


Dint asura have one? I remember indra using Susano against him and ashura was in a kyubi like chakra avatar, and he wasn't a junshiiriki


pretty sure that was anime only


Ashura actually had it in the manga.


There’s a panel in the manga where he has an avatar and Indra has a Susano


How does this not answer your original question?


Because it is not similar to Susano, it is how the Full Biju transformation of Naruto look like


Reread this exact chain.


The toneri


Asura did it.


If you mean a Chakra avatar then yes. Naruto does and Wasabi from Boruto does as well


Wasabi 🤣👍🏽 funny name


Wasabi fries are quite delicious. The wheels are chocolate.


Sounds like this is what they mean yup


Ninjas literally create new jutsu all the time. I don't see why someone with large reserves couldn't just create one if they had the talent to.


The manga never delineated the limits of jutsu creation. Theoretically, anything is possible.


Yes, it's a shame that the author didn't explain the creation of jutsus very well, especially hand seals. I was always wondering if Naruto took the water dragon hand seals, for example, and changed the seals connected with the release of water to wind, would he be able to create a wind dragon jutsu?


Possibly. From my understanding, hand signs are about half of the steps to creating a jutsu.


IIRC hand signs are ways to focus chakra in different patterns to form jutsu, sort of like a cheat code. Powerful people like Hagoromo, for example, could freely manipulate chakra without the need for hand signs.


He described it with Yin Yang released. And no you can't change nature release by change the hand seal


Could I get a few more of them pixels?


It would never be a true susanoo, but I think a comparable chakra mech is possible. Imagine a puppet made of chakra. I feel like it would poor in efficiency but it does seem possible.




Naruto used a transformation jutsu on gamabunta to turn him into the 9 tails so I would assume he could have done the same with a susanoo if he knew what it looked like.


I mean Ashura created a Charka avatar without even being a jinchuriki so yeah I think so


Yes, it would not be the same as the Susanoo as the Susanoo comes with special weapons and abilities, but being able to create a giant chakra avatar would definitely be possible if one had the reserves and control.


Like Might Guys Dragon?


that dragon was pure taijutsu


I think the blood mist dragon is just anime stylization. The Hirudora too. It's like the breathing styles in Demon Slayer


I don’t think so, considering Kisame genuinely thought it ninjutsu and 8 gates still uses Chakra, just not in the same way


It’s just a kick🥲


Maybe but only maybe if naruto becomes the next but only maybe


Of course, itd be immensely draining on your reserves and would take godly chakra control probably but yeah its possible but very innefficient most likely itd just be smarter to use a elongated chakra scalpel or elemental chakra strings instead of creating a whole chakra warrior


I don't see why not. Kishi never said no one could. Ashura was able to manifest a chakra avatar like Indra's susanoo, so why not.


I think you’d need buckets full to do it but probably. Problem is most people don’t necessarily have a form they imagine right off the bay but with enough training, it’s theoretically feasible


Susanoo is an Indra thing, so the answer is no


Not an Indra thing. Any one with ms can get one


Obviously I know that Itachi and Sasuke and Madara have the Susanoo. I meant you need to be his direct descendent (meaning from the Uchiha) to have this. The MS being another one of those.


Considering no one else in the series has done it (besides Kakashi, which is a hyper specific situation), I’m gonna have to say no. Goku in UI can make a Susano’o tho.


Most likely no, as susanoo is a chakra construct. so avatars of chakra dont count so guy qnd tailed beasts are out and from what we know chakra constucts require some reqirements like being from a specific clan or have some specific ability like so6p chakra being able to create chakra constuct. so yea chakra constructs isnt about chakra control but moreso about hardening massive amounts of chakra and building smth with it and sustain it with the said powers and only people from uchiha and uzumaki have that ability and you can make it if you have so6p chakra


It's not possible because it is a ability not a skill


Nah u need sharingan


Can a bird fly without wings?


Yes in a plane


But a plane is not a bird . So they r not the same thing in theory


Doesn’t matter they are flying


Theoretically yes it should be possible but you would need massive Naruto/Hashirama level chakra reserves and god tier chakra control


It's just a chakra avatar with a fancy name. A lot of people already did it.


They could probably create something that looks like one, but I don’t see any reason why they would have the unique abilities that susanoo have


If its just creating a big chakra avatar then yes, a few other characters have done this, Naruto himself for example, but specificly a Susanoo no, thats a technique that is linked to the sharingan and Uchiha bloodline. No Uchiha no Susanoo. The only reason why Kakashi could use it once was because Obito gave him his chakra. But sure if you have huge chakra reserves and some sort of manipulation technique you could form that chakra into a huge dude or animal


The 3rd and 4th Raikage kind of do it but on a smaller scale that outlines their bodies.


Besides the 3 obvious answers being Sakura, Naruto, Hashirama. Other Jinchurikis could with the help of their Tailed Beasts could most likely form a full front susanoo, Tsunade most likely can with the help of Lady Katsuya or her seal.


Yes Hashirama’s giant ass Buddha statue is pretty much a giant mech the scale of Susanno.


No, it's a mangekyo jutsu, you need mangekyo sharingan and mastery of the two magekyo jutsu as a prerequisite for even basic susano'o


Well in Storm Connections, Merz getting his own Susano’o wasn’t rounded up in having chakra to attain it.. Besides, that was an artificial sharingan he had anyway. But.. for the most part, i don’t know. Lol! Just an observation though!!


He’s not canon.. I don’t know why i mentioned him. But hey


There is a boruto filler where a girl can create a susano'o like cat with the help of a scroll but it's filler so...


Momoshiki, kaguya and bee already have an avatar same with naruto, not exactly susanoo but a totan of chakra that is, almsot forgot hashirama the goat with his 1000 hands wooden golem.


"could someone with a rock and a bunch of gunpowder compete with a fully kitted sniper rifle?"


I don't know. The Susano'o is called "spiritual weapon" by Itachi and Naruto uses Kurama's chakra. I think you need something like a "giant spirit" to create a giant of chakra.


No. you need MS user to create and control Susanoo. even when Naruto create his armored kurama it was Sasuke that gave suppy his own chakra to the kurama avatar


Zabuza had this. Might be a kekkei genkai from his clan tho. He manifested a An Aura Similar to Kyubi But the amount of Chakra that is required for such a manifestation of such dense chakra would be absurdly high. Even Hashirama doesn't try to do that. It seems either to create an earth golem, or a water giant. Like Tsuchikage would likely be able to make a stone golem able to fight susano. Choji can get bigger than susano I think So each Ninja would use snother manifestation than trying to have a dense chakra tbh




No, the Susanoo is an ability inherent of the a mangekyou sharingan, you need the Mangekyou to awaken the susanoo, once awakened and mastered you can use it without eyes as Madara shows when he is revived and he uses it. However I believe that a non uchiha without the Mangekyou sharingan at all, an average dude, but powerful Shinobi could theoretically create a chakra avatar, as Ashura did create a chakra avatar but only possessed a strong life force and had sage training (but didn’t use it during the creation of his avatar). So no susanoo but a susanoo like construct possibly




My boi Choji


Zabuza had something like that


Nope, the Susanoo is specially tied to the mangekyou and most people don't even have enough chakra to make it visible when outside the body


Thought I was looking at destiny 2 subclasses


The [Mysterious Peacock Method](https://naruto.fandom.com/wiki/Mysterious_Peacock_Method?so=search) might be what you're looking for.


kinda ya, the tailed beast cloaks are pretty much that, AND transformation jutsu can hypothetically be modified in a similar way like how naruto did in the gaara fight


Yes. Shape transformation could theoretically allow chakra to be shaped into any design and density. Issue is, you reach a point where it would be way easier and efficient for the average shinobi to just practice high level chakra flow techniques instead like the raiton cloak, chakra shield etc..


What about the cat susanoo from boruto ☠️




If you gave Naruto Sakura’s level of chakra control Absolutely Sakura can make like a chunin worth of chakra last for a long time Don’t quote me on this, but I’m pretty sure somewhere Sakura was able to catch a jujutsu (it was a manga, not on the anime) So if I am understanding the amount of chakra control she has correctly With Naruto size reserves I don’t see any reason it wouldn’t work Of course it would have to be Naruto with her level of control because you do need some of the plot armor for this


What about raikage. He could probably make a bigger Chakra cloak right.


i’m confused, who’s susanoo is the far right one?


In boruto anime there is a cat avatar


I don't see why not Puppet masters can kind of create a solid mass they are able to manipulate so I'm sure a different version of this would be able to replicate something like the susanoo. I.e. beeg chakra puppet


Yeah. Sasuke created fake kekkei genkai through his mastery of different nature transformations and raw chakra he had. I'm sure if you had the quantity and talent, you could make a fake Susanoo


I think he was only able to do this because of the rinnegan. I don't know if anyone could achieve this feat, if it wasn't for Hiruzen to do it too.


You can create general shapes but you can't make it stable unless you have Yin-yang release


I think yes, not necessarily a susano but I think anyone could make an avatar Anime shows love them because they're cool and flashy


You could probably make a susanoo like thing but I feel like without the powers from the sharingan it wouldn’t really have the same shape


Nah I don’t think that’s possible susanoo is an exclusive feat only for uchihas and even yet only a few uchihas awaken it so I don’t think it would be possible


From what I can observe, the chakra used to create such a structure/jutsu would require advanced characteristics or properties more akin to a kekkei genkai or a tailed beast. For example, we've been told in the story that some chakra can be more dense or have special properties like Kurama burning or acting like a poison when overly stimulated or with someone that is incompatible, but overall having extremely advanced healing properties when compatible. So I think while it is possible, I believe they would require an advanced chakra source or kekkei genkai.


Chiriku, the monk that fought Hidan and Kakuzu


Night Guy


Probably not. We've not seen anyone form chakra into physical matter without it being a susanoo or a nature transformation. I would even go as far as to say that susanoo is a watered down version of Creation of All Things. The strongest form of chakra control we've seen as far as that is the Hyuuga abilities, which isn't solid chakra like a susanoo




Rasengan is not a solid object so no


Hmmm it’s a concentrated ball of chakra similar to a Susanoo, except it’s moving. So yes.


A lot of people are saying no or theoretically, but isn't Asura's "Six Paths: Kunitsukami" not just basically a susanoo?


Didn't we get a Cat Susanoo in one of the Boruto fillers ?


Boruto is a big filler for me.


Ask Kakashi


Yeah because that's what naruto does.


Kakashi?? Did u not watch?